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January 13, 1926 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-01-13

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ai e £u4Ipn Bai
Published every morning except Monday
during the UniversitP year by the Board in
Coiitrol of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The' Associated Press is exclusively en-
a itkd to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished there4
V-1 eret at the postofiice at 'AnnArbor,
Michigan a sseond class matter. Special rate
vfpo$tage granted by Third Assistant Post
" tY~istcft ~eY3t. "..A,.
Sdbsariptkn E by a*ie- $341-: by mail,
Off ces: Ann Arbor Press BuildIng, May-
xard Street.
PhoInesi Editorlal,49ga5; business, 21214.
'Telephone 4925




Chairman, Editorial Board- Norman R. fhal
City Editor..........Robert S. Mansfield
News Editor..........Manning ouseworth
W Vomen's Editor........... Helen S. Ramsay
Sports Editor........... .sep..Kruger
Muicand Drama.R...obert B Henderson
Night Editors
SmitH. Cady Lecuard C. Hall
Willard P. Crosby Thomas V. Koykki
Liuat T. DeVore W. Calvin Patterson
A CityEditors
Irwin FOlan> ta Crederick H. Shillito
Gertrude It. Bailey Hlelen Morrow
WilliamrT. Barbour Margaret Parker
Charles Behymer Stanford N. Phelpi
111ilam Breyer Marie Reed
Pi C. Brooks Simon Rosenbaum
L. Buckingham Ruth Rosenthal
honCarmpe Sinclair
Fugene H. Gutekunst CourtlaxA C. Smith
D)ouglas Doubleday Stanley Steinkei
Mary Dunnigan Clarissa Tapson
is Kimball navid C.Vokes
,arion Kubik Chandler J. Whipple
Waiter H. Mack Cassam A. Wilson
Louis R. Markus Thomas C. Winter
Ellis Merry Marguerite Zilszke

Telephone 21214

. . ; .

Anonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
cants wil, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request.
To the Editor:
The subject is up again for discus-
sion! Like certain political issues in
national affairs, this is a campus
weed which springs up, is cut, and
grows again. The last cut was two
years ago, when many logical and il-
logical arguments were advianced on
both sides. The women claimed that
because the Council was called a Stu-
dent council, and supposed to repre-
sent them as a part of such a body,
they should not be denied the right of
expressing their opinion by the use of
the ballot. The opposition met this
argument with three major points:
(1) The functions of the Student
council in no way affect the women of
the University. (2) The women would
not know the qualifications of the
men running for office. (3) The
women might be influenced by the un-
important but personal qualificiations
of the men.
(1) That the Council does not or
could not effect the. women is not
true. According to its constitution,
the objects for which it is founded
are: (a) To interpret and maintain
Michigan's traditions and customs.
(b) To exercise general supervision
over student activities, organizations,
traditions, customs, conduct. (c) To
do the aforesaid all for the good of
Surely Michigan women have shown
interest in maintaining land support-
ing Michigan traditions. The Council
schedules pep-meetings on all occa-
sions, and such meetings often conflict
with all-campus functions of the
women scheduled previously. If the
Council is to have general supervision
over such affairs of which women are
a part, it is also for the "good of
Michigan" to give the women a vote.
It is true that the women are not
interested in the disciplinary func-
tions of the Council, for the judiciary
council of the League has charge of
such, but this is only a part of the
Council's work.
(2) Would the women voters know
the qualifications of the men? It is
probably true that all women voting
Would not know the qualifications of
the men, and it is equally true that all
,nen. voting would not know them.
TYocal and national elections show
that women do as intelligent voting as
men: In any election about one-third
of the eligible voters participate. This
is especially true on the Michigan
campus. The men who vote are in-
terested either because they are back-
ing their "machine," or because they
are primarily interested in the
campus rand its politics. All of this
cannot be said of the women for there
are a few well-oiled political ma-
chines. The women interested in vot-
ing are those intimately connected
with campus problems and organiza-
tions. These are the women who
could judge by a man's record (which
they would know), whether he is
qualified. The non-interested woman
would not vote anyway, and those vot-
ing would be capable of judging a
man by his past record and vote for
him accordingly. Is there anything to
fear when intelligent and interested
voters indicate their decisions? The
only thing possible is that it would
destroy the machine which did not put
up the best candidates.
(3) The last argument implies that
a councilman would secure a woman's
vote because she' knew him to be a
good dancer, dater, well-dressed, and
collegiate. In the first place, this

kind of a woman (like her opposite inl
men) is not interested in voting for
anything. She probably cares little,
if at all, whether women can or can-
not vote for councilmen. Politics of

Recital in Hill auditorium at 4:15
TONIGHT: Comedy Club presents
Bernard Shaw's "Great Catherine" in
the Mimes theatre at 8:30 o'clock.
* * *
A review, by Robert Mansfield.
First of all, it was cold in the thea-
tre. And then someone left the stage
door open and a chilly blast swept the
audience-but not so the play. Nor
need I discuss the play itself, for
Shaw is Shaw-an' tha' Shawl there
ish to it, as Patiomkin might say.
The acting of the two leading char-
acters-Amy Loomis and Robert Hen-
derson-lacked nothing of the profes-
sional., Their stage presence was
superb, and the interpretation mostj
polished. Miss Loomis made a per-
fect Catherine as she paced the stage#
in bare feet or coyly accepted some
wholly unsubtle compliment. The
murmured German phrases or vehe-
ment expletives rolled or crackled
from her tongue with truly natural
flavor. Patiomkin was drunk. Also
he was a diplomat, and a player on a
stage within a stage. Be it said that
he was so convincingly drunk that

I 1


A review, bytRobert Hamilton.
It is not often that musicians whol
have appeared in public for forty
years play with the vitality and the
consuming enthusilasm exhibited by
Ignace Jan Paderewski who returned
to Detroit in triumph Monday night,
offering an all-Chopin program.
Everything combined to make it a
typical "Paderewski evening": a vast
throng which filled every inch of
space in the dimly lighted and insuf-
ferably hot hall, Mr. Paderewski's late
arrival and biate departure, his prodi-
gality in the matter of encores, a tre-
mendous ovation, and some incom-
parably beautiful playing.
It would be idle to deny that Mr.
Paderewski's- performance revealed
many faults. The F minor Fantasie
with which he elected to introduce,
himself, was full of technical blund-
ers, unmusical hammering at the in-
strument and, in general, conveyed an
impression of perturbation and weari-
ness. The four preludes which fol-
lowed were only slightly better, dis-
figured by many false notes and occa-
sionally blurred, foggy effects. Only
in the. sublime B flat minor sonata
did Mr. Paderewski first strike the
mood of lofty inspiration and pianis-1
tic brilliance with which the concert i
ended, and not until then did he make
it wholly clear why he is still ranked,
foremost among living masters of the
He rose nobly to the demands ofI
this powerful work, his utterance
mianifestly the expression of an ex-
alted mood. Technically the perform-
ance was of a high order, while his
tone was of haunting loveliness. But
the climax of the recital came during
the last half hour with interpretations
of the C sharp minor scherzo, the F
sharp minor mazurka and three
waltzes. On these, he lavished all his
fabulous riches in poetic feeling,
tonal enchantment and heroic power
so that the memory of them still
evokes a thrill. At its worst, Mr.
Paderewski's playing is never dull,
cheap or unintelligent; at its best, it
attains an amplitude and an Olympian
splendor unmatched since the prime
of Anton Rubinstein.

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Advertising................Joseph J. Finn
Advertising..... .......T. D. Olmsted, Jr.
Advertising..............Frank R. Dents, Jr.
Advertising............-----W-.- L.Mullin
Circulation.......... .". "" .3. L. Newman
Publication...........Rudolph Bosteanr
Accounts..............Paul W. Arnold
Ingred M. Alving F. A. Norquist
George H. Annable, Jr. Loleta G. Parker
W. Carl Bauer Julius C. Pliskow
Whn 1. Bobrink Robert Prentiss
. 1. Cox Wm. C. Pusch
Marion A. Daniel Franklin J. Raune
A. Rolland Damm Joseph Ryan
tames R. Depuy Margaret Smith
Mary Flinterman Mance Solomon
Margaret L. Funk Thomas Sunderland
Stan Gilbert , Egn eneg
T. Kenneth Haven Wi. J.Weinma
R. Nelson Sidney Wilson j
Night Editor-SMITH IH. CADY, JR.
SStanding in line in the snow, when
the thermometer is hovering near
zero, is none too pleasant, and when
unnecessary, is extremely disagree-
able. Under the present ruling of the
Athletic association, which closes the
YeAt field house to the public until 7!
o'clock on the nights of MichiganI
basketball games, thousands of Michi-
gan students who desire to see their
team in, action, and who are willing;
to wait in order to obtain good seats,
are forced to stand in what is opti-
mistically called a line, formed out-
side the doors of the field house.
What the objections are to opening
the doors at an earlier hour and per-
nitting students to wait for the open-
ing whistle while setated within the
heated interior, is not known to The
Daily. The policy of the association,
"first come, first served," at basket-
ball games, would be improved by an
earlier opening hour, as many of
those who have ibeld- their- places in
line the longest are shoved aside
Awhen the doors are open or passed in
the mad rush for seats that results.
:Michigan students are willing to
-ait to see, the Wolverine five play its
home games, 'but they dislike wiaiting
in ill-formed lines down the sidewalk
of State street in zero weather. The
Yost field house should be opened to
the public at, 6:30 o'clock or even
earlier on nights when the basketball
team plays at home.

Any Line, Any Steamer, Any Where
Make Reservations NOW
A Small depositguarantees space in any class
Phoae6412. Author- E. G. KUEBLER
ized Local Agent . rG . AUEBLR
ALL U1NES 601 E. Huron St. /AsArbor, eich

Amy Loomds
Catherine in "Great Catherine"
one glanced with suspicion upon the
bottles in the first scene. His comedy
was uproariously funny even while
his acting struck home most forcibly
in its excellence. No one could
imagine a more splendid boor. Belinda
Treherne is dead-long live Patiom-
While it must be said that the
wholly professional work of Miss
Loomis and Mr. Henderson was not
paralleled by the rest of the cast, that
statement is in no way derogatory to
their work. Comedy club is to be con-
gratulated on the manner in which its
members presented their parts. Phil-!
lis Loughton, filling the part of Clairej
in place of Mary Lou Miller, made a
1 charming flouted fiance. Valentine
Davies as Edstaston responded nobly
to the tickling toe of the Empress-
all the parts were conducted in a
manner fitting the play and the time.
One feels grateful for the time and
1 energy spent in perfecting the details
of direction, costuming and stage
management. The atmosphere was
that which history tells us existed
in Ctherine's court-royal pomposity
struggling to maintain existence un-'
der the less pompous frown of the
ruler. The spirit in which Shaw un-
doubtedly wrote the play seemed in-
stilled in every character-and most
particularly in the Empress.
And having mentioned her again, I
must return to Miss Loomis and her
unaffected sense of humor. She en-
tirely forgot that there was an audi-
ence beyond the footlights and seemed
to enjoy herself hugely throughout'
the performance. The little aside
laughs at the maudlin Patiomkin were
quite spontaneous (as well they might
have been), and her peculiar delight in
the novel torture devised for Edsta-1
ston held no artificial tone.
It is farce, pure and simple-writ-
ten as a farce and played as one. Of
burlesque there is a plenty, but if af
recent account of court life under
Catherine by Avrahm Yarmohinsky isj
to be credited, much of what appearsI
to be burlesque is cold reality.
Having so thoroughly enjoyed the'
performance, I cannot refrain from
passing on the curtain announcement
that "Great Catherine" will be pre-
sented for a third time at 8:30 o'clock
Friday night. If this be advertising,
make the most of it.
* s *
Palmer Christian, University or-
ganist, will present the following Or-!
gan Recital this afternoon in Hill
auditorium iat four-fifteen o'clock:
Allegro maestoso, (Sonata in
G) ....................... Elgar
Evening Snow at Fuji Kawa..Marsh
A Young Girl in the Wind....Marsh
Marche Slave........Tschaikowsky;
Lento from "Orpheus".......Gluck
Prelude and Fugue in E minor.. Bach

The University Symphony orches-
tra, under the direction of Samuel P.
Lockwood and Joseph E. Maddy, and
with Marion Struble-Freeman; vio-
linist, as soloist, will offer the fol-
lowing program Sunday afternoon in
Hill auditorium at 4:15 o'clock:
Overture, "Midsummer Night's
Dream," Op. 21.... Mendelssohn
Concerto, D major, Op. 61..Beethoven
Allegro, ma non troppo
Mrs. Freeman
Symphony, D major, Op. 4.. Svendsen
Molto allegro
Allegretto scherzando
Finale (Maestoso-Allegro assai con
s 0 *
The Michigan Daily-"To be brut-
ally frank, 'Tambourine' is the least I
interesting Opera I have ever seen.
New York Sun-" 'Tambourine' last
night presented a wealth of scenic
imagination, much good music, an un-
conscionable amount of bounding j
good humor and yet one more of those
funny, funny girl choruses."
The New York Post-" 'Tambou-
rine' moved through its prologue and!
two acts with a smoothness usually
seen only on the professional stage. It
Iwas an instantaneous hit with the
large audience of alumni."
The Buffalo News-"Those who
came to patronize mostly went away
to praise; it caught the audience for!
two acts of a varied and rainbow col-
ored production, and if ther'e was any
early skepticism of success, it was
dissipated long before the play was
under way."
The Cleveland Plain Dealer-
"'Tambourine' tickled a crowd that
packed the auditorium last night."
The Michigan Daily-"Someday in
the future when you gather your
grandchildren about you and the great
log burning in the fire place, you will
tell them of the best opera you ever
saw, and perhaps you may remember
to describe to them the almost super-
human finesse of direction."
The Philadelphia Public .Ledger-
"'Tambourine' found an enthusiastic I
audience at the Academy of Music,
and the students offered one of the
best college productions shown here!
in a long time."
IThe Philadelphia Record-" 'Tam-
bour ine' is one of the best college
shows that has ever been presented in
Ihiladelphia. It has marvelous
chorus work, catchy music played by
its own orchestra, an interesting love

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here a pleasure


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a serious nature are

not in her line.

In the second place, the same argu-
ment could be turned on the men.
Class elections have been questioned.
It is conceded that the class vice-
presidents fand secretaries are usually
selected for their charm and personal
appearance. Neither of these officers
may function much, but there has also

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been much discussion in the same
DEBATING . direction with regard to the Council.
Michigan's debating teams will meet The Council's three points do not
teams representing Ohio State and seem to meet the major arguments
Northwestern at Columbus. and Ann adequately. The men must advance
Arbor, respectively, Friday night, some other views, for after all women
There will be no bands, no cheer lead- are no longer regarded as incapable
ers, probably not even enthusiastic of . . .
of participation in politics. They are
cheering sections Debating has lost steadily moving onward, and no one
its fascination; it is not as pictures- can blame the Michigan woman for
que, as thrilling, as other types of in- desiring to be a participant in this
tercoll£giate 'contests. Yet debating interesting gamne. The campus women
requires as mugh, training, and far; are voicing justifiable rights when
more mential alertness. . they claim that, as members of the
PRrhaps student -interest in suchi student body, they have a right to vote
activities mnay~ b taken as true ndi-! for councilmen. If it is to be a men's
cation of intellectual interest. Per- council, then it is different, then it
haps that very ,iterest marks the dis- does not deserve the name "Student
tinction, in 14e ,juind of the general co'uncil" and should accordingly
public, betwe n tli standards of the change it. A man does not parade in
colleges of the East and of the West. feminine attire unless he is in the
Can we justify our positions as uni- Opera. The Student council cannot
versity stulents and not display an masquerade as a representative body.
interest in keen intellectual contests? A well crvstlized nuhliinminion

101-105 S. MAIN ST.--ANN ARBOR, MICH.--330 S. STATE



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