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January 08, 1926 - Image 1

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VOL. XXXVI. No. 79





I -

Says Executive Sought To Cripple And
Distort Bodies Created For
Controlling Trusts
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 7.-President
Coolidge was attacked in the House
today by Representative Connally,
Democrat, Texas, who contended he
had encouraged the development of
The exeuctive, he charged, had
sought to "cripple" the tariff commit-
tee and to destort the Federal trade
commission, a body created by Con-
gress to control trusts.
"I do not challenge the sincerity of
the President", he asserted. "It does
seem, however, that the President has
been so environed during his life that
he sincerely believes that the way to
create happiness and prosperity is to
give the wealth of the country to a
few great interests and out of their
charity let some trickle downward to
the bottom and, as it goes, touch and
bless all it passes. He believes that."
Referring to the President's speech
before the New York State Chamber of
commerce in New York city last No-
vember, Mr. Connally said that Mr.
Coolidge had disclosed the opinion that
big business may have fault in the
future, but nothing is wrong with it
now. .!
Describing this as a "marvelous sit-
uation the representative said he
"wondered" if the President had in
mind a number of big "trusts" tha'
exist at present. He then enumerate
a number of large bu mess enter
prises, including the Al minum com-
pany of American, the Standard Oil
company of New York, the Pacific Oil
company of California, the General
Electric company, and the Continental
Baking Co.
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Jan. 7.-The New York
Federal Reserve bank, after retaining
three and one-half per cent rediscount
rate for almost a year in the face of
recent advances elsewhere, today fol-
lowed the lead of other reserve insti-
tutions in establishing a four per cent
rate. The new change will go into
effect tomorrow.
While the action of the bank came
at a time when Wall street was flood-
ed with returning funds from the
year's end disturbance of dividends
and interest, it nevertheless had been
forshadowed by a steady increase in
borrowing at this center with a grad-
ual tightening of credit conditions
throughout the country. The change
brings the New York rate into closer 1
alignment with open market rates for
call 'and time funds, which recently
have ranged between four and six per
Prepare Bills
To Solve Rail
(By Associatc Pd1ss)
,WASHINGTON, Jan. 7.-Legislation
for the settlement of railroad labor
disputes began to take shape for sub-
mission to Congress today, after Pres-
ident Coolidge had been apprised of

areements reached between the em-
ployers and employes on the sub-
Alfred P. Phom, counsel for the as-
sociation of railway executives, who
conferred with the President yester-
day, joined with Donald R. Richberg,
attorney for the labor organizations,
in making public a statement declar-
ing that railroad employers and em-1
ployees had reached an agreement on
legislation to .create a board of miti-
gation for railroad labor disputes with
provision for arbitration when media-
tion is itnsuccessful, and also to au-
thorize the President to institute in-
vestigation by a special board, in case
of threatened disturbance. The state-
Ment made no reference to abolition
of the railroad labor board, although
this was understood to be implied in
the proposal.


Forestry Graduates Lacking
In Fundamental Science-Dana.
"Men coming to the United forest sciences and then been through a
service from forestry schools lack l course in the general management of
training in the fundamental sciences forests, or from those who have at-
which are essential to research in tended a regular forestry school, and
forest problems," stated Samuel T. then taken graduate wok in the sci-
Dana, director of the Northeastern ences.
forest experiment station of the For- "Now," he stated, "the Forest serv- E
est service., who spoke yesterday on ice trains its own men, as they have
the importance of research in dealing not adequate knowledge when they
with the future supply of wood and its enter the work. Besides the men who
products. "The ordinary forestry actually manage the forest experi-
course gives students a general train- ments, there are attached to our ex-
ing in the application of supposedly periment station a pathologist, who'
already known facts," he said, "but spends his entire time studying dis-S
we need men who have studied sci- eases of trees, an entymologist, who
ences intensively." investigates the influence of insects
In the future, Mr. Dana continued, on the timber, and we hope to have
those who are to be engaged in re- physiologists and soil experts. TheI
search, which he characterized as the men trained in forestry schools haveo
greatest opportunity and the most es- made forestry an art, but without
sential element of forestry, will be1 scientific knowledge. Our hope is tou
taken from men who have either done make it a fine art, based on a knowl-c
their college work in fundamental edge of fundamental sciences."A


"The Eikxer Of Love" Will Be Given
In Hill Auditorium By New
York Company

Dr. Charles

Gilkey Will Give Main
At University Service
1ill Auditorium


Dur. Charles W. Gilkey, minister of1 The William Wade Hinshawvopera
the Hyde Park Baptist church of Chi-I a N.k
cago, will give the main address atcompany of New York will make its
the fourth of the University services fourth annual appearance in Ann Ar-
Sunday night at Hill auditorium. Dr. bor when it gives "The Elixir of
Gilkey has recently returned from an Love" at 8 o'clock next Monday in
extended tour of the countries of the Hill auditorium. Mr. Hinshaw's con-
Orient and Europe, and will embody
his impressions in his talk on "Jesus cert companies have made it possible
Christ in the Orient." for many communities to hear in Eng-1
As one of the 25 leading preachers! lish some of the most famous operas
of America, he was chosen to deliver adaptable to the concert stage. As
a series of lectures to the student before, special staging will be con-
population of India in six of the larg- structed for the performance.
est student centers,-Bombay, Luck- "The Elixir of Love" is a two-act
now, Lahore, Calcutta,4Rangoon, and 1 comic opera by Donizetti. The scene
Madras. More than 40,000 students is laid in the province of Baschi, and.
heard Dr. Gilkey speak on those six I the story concerns a man in love, who
occasions. (Irinks ,wine for. the first time-axpd
Sunday night's service will be In thinks that it is the elixir of love.
ternational Night, and several of the The plot proceeds from here.
leading foreign students on the cam- The opera will be suuplemented by
pus will take part in the program. a string orchestra under the leader-
Three students from India have been ship of Willard Sekberg. The Italian1
chosen, one to preside, one to read libretto for the piece is taken from,
several passages from the Scriptures the French comedy, "Le Philtre",
and another to sing a solo. originally set to music by Auber.
In his address, Dr. Gilkey will at- Hazel Huntington will appear in
tempt to answer the question in the the role of Adina the wealthy young
minds of many of th'e Oriental stu -1heroine, object of two men's affection,1
dents-"What Value has Jesus to an with Eleanor LaMance as Gianefta,
Oriental?"-Through his many con- her housekeeper and companion.
tacts with students in India and by Nemorino, the peasant lover, who
reason of his direct and very authen-I drinks the wine, will be done by
tic information, Dr. Gilkey will be 'Thomas McGranahan, and Belcore,
able to offer valuable assistance to the swaggering sergeant who is Ne-
students interested in the progress Morino's rival, will be handled by Leo
and place of Christianity in the ! De Hierapolis. Francis Tyler will be
Orient. seen as Dulcamara, the quack who


fEnsian Rates Go (
DANA9 iiuWS NEEDI'E UpAfter Fb
E Students who have subscribed but
1926 Michiganensian must pay $4 at
FI[the Michigansaoffice in the Press
building on o or before Feb. 1 in order
to secure the yearbook at the present b
rate. Those who have not yet sub- t
EXPERIMENT STATION DIRECTOR scribed may do so at the rate of $4.50 c
EXPLAINS IMPORTANCE OF if payment is made this month. S
-.- -..t
Speaker Stresses Research As Factor UE REnil,
Which Is Essential To Combat rnWTgr
Impending Danger
"Superficial research will not solve I InternatIonal Educational Authority
n,"Appears here Under Auspices Of r
our problem by any means," said Sam- School Of Religion ,G
uel T. Dana, director of the North- W
eastern forest experiment station of NOTED CHURCH WORKER V
Amherst,. Mass., speaking yesterday s
afternoon on "The Place of Research Hon Albert Mansbridge o London1
in the National Forest Program" England, international authority on i
After demonstrating the wide use of educational methods, will speak on
forest poutmkn them abso- "Education, Democracy, and English (t
l ess a products, making tem abs- Life" at 4:15. o'clock today in Naturalt
utely essential to our present civili- Science auditorium. The English t
ation, and telling of the dangers ofcholar comes to Ann Arbor under the
deforestation, he emphasized the im- sclromeMto an rbothe o
poranc ofresarh, ayig tat urauspices of the Michigan School of I
portance of research, saying that our Religion, and today's lecture is the q
present knowledge of forestry is en- R goadtdy' eurished
reeyt noede offorsixth of a series of public discussionsid
irely inadequate. o urn sca n orlpolm
Mr. Dana traced the activities of of current social and moral problems t
a person throughout the day, men- by outstanding men in the various f
tioning the great number of articles professional fields.p
made of wood, or in the making of Mr. Mansbridge has won wide
which wood was essential, that the recognition for his work in educ aa-
tional and church activities. He has
person would have to use in the course sr
of his day's activities. He stated that acted as chairman of the World asso-
the United States consumes two-fifths ciation for adult education in Eng-
of the wood used in the world, and land, the Searfarer's education serv-
that this nation also leads the world ice, and has been a member of the
in per capita consumption, with Royal commission on the Universities 1
Sweden, Austria, Japan, Switzerland, of Oxford and Cambridge. In 1903
and Germany following in order. sheftounded the Workers education
Americans use more than half of the association in England and a few D;
world's consumption of wood paperh years later founded a similar organi-
rsaid. smtdzation in Australia. He was a mem-
lie said. rofheSbrn cmmteon
As disadvantages which would be ber of the Selborne committee on
suffered from deforestation, he show- church and state 1914-16, and has held
ed that stream flow would be affected, positions on various committees of I
erosion would be increased, climate the church. During 1922 the scholar
would be made harsher, besides the was lecturer on the Lowell foundation
loss of the opportunities for recrea in Boston. t
tion and health afforded by the for- For a time he was tutor in civics at l
ests. In one case, Mr. Dana said, the the Cuddesdon Theological college in t
character of the fishin a stream was England. 1e hashwritten several J
changed because of the rise in the books based upon his studies, among
emperature occasioned by the retard-I which are "An Adventure ii Working a
ng of the stream flow. y Class Education," and "The Older
Economic disadvantages of destruc- I Universities of England'.' d
tion of the forests were shown in It is likely that Mr Mansbridge willt
deserted villages, abandoned railroads, treat the moral aspects of modern e
and bankrupt towns. One town in the educational activities, illustrating hist
lower peninsula of Michigan was cited, derivations by references to his ex-t
which decreased. from several thou- tensive experience. Following the 1'
sand population to three, after the lecture, the meeting will be opened e
lumber industry had swept over the for general discussion of the problemsa
region. Every industry and every suggested by the speaker. s
person, he continued, would be affect- The lecture will be opened to all w
ed by deforestation. interested.
M.r Dana quoted figures showing -
that the United States is now growing Hse H ears
13 cubic feet of timber per acre of H ouse I
territory. In order to maintain a 1 s!
supply equal to the present demand, P oposalsF or P
not allowing for any increase in popu-c
lation, it would be necessary, at that Rado Control
rate of growth, to employ land great- -_t(
er in area than the total extent of( s)
the United States, or nearly three WASH (By Asocated. -ess)
[AHNGTON, Jfan. 7.-hiterna-
times as much as will be available tional phases of radio regulation wereb
for use. Under these circumstances,{ considered today at the hearings by1
he said, it is inevitable that we must the House merchant marine coinmit-t
make what products we have go far- tee on the White bill for control of air
ther, and we must grow more than at communication.I
Ieors der to achiee these end Maj. J. J. Mouborgne of the Army 11
search is essential, Mr. Dana stated, signal corps, said this (uestioni was
a matter for extensive legal study as
as even the crude forestry that might i the ernmentemi n eablta
be practiced under the present knowl- Ieloe, the nment ims oerateI
edge would not solve the problem, if ethfrce hex aer tam oer ea
other. He explained that there was
both private and government inter- nothing to prevent a message being I
ests went into the matter thoroughly. ,V
The only real achievements made in othr oym one ff e Untai States.
research have been accomplished by Representative avis, Republicanj
the United States forest service, but Tennessee, expressed the opinion that
that work alone ca not settle the air was in the category of waters
matter. "More is needed," he asserted, which were international but subject
"than just first protection and just to regulation by any nation when
taxation, of which we hear so much,-
we msprce shipping approached its boundaries.

we must practice intensive forestr1 =2' " t,"F
W. C. Logue of the Independentj
on all our forest land, as intensive Wireless Telegraph company, con-
as the most scientific agriculture.d
In accomplishing the great bulk of left solely in the hands of the Depart-
the research done so far, the United ment of Commerce. The bill in addi-
States forest service has established , to providing for and defining de-
eight regional experiment stations, partmental control, would vest judi-J
under national control rather than'
uneIaioa otr rterta vial question in a commission of nine.
that of the states, and covering large
regions having the same general types
of forests, rather than working on 'Mi ners Still
the timber of single states. Mr. Dana
is director of the northeastern sta- D adl cked 1
tion, covering New England and New C/
York. He described the work done
there, chiefly studying the variations W age Conflict
in reproduction caused by different_
methods of treating the forests. As (By Associated Press)
evidence of the difficulty which one NEW YORK, Jan. 7.-Anthracite i
experiment station encounters in cov- miners and operators deadlocked in!
ering such a large field, he said that their attempt to negotiate a new wage
much of the work was left to the in- contract and end the hard coal strike!
vestigators of university forestry de- are waiting apparently for something
partments. Ito turn or for one or the other side
It was announced that the third lec- to break up their joint conference.
ture on forestry presented by the for- After holding another long session

)fficials To
Be Called In
Contempt Case
(Br Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 7.-Officials of
oth the Department of Justice and
he Federal trade commission will be
alled tomorrow as witnesses in the
enate investigation of the failure to
ring contempt proceedings against
he Aluminum company of America.
This was decided today by the Sen-
te judiciary committee, which de-
erred until tomorrow the beginning
f the inquiry sponsored by Senator
Valsh, Democrat, Montana, and in-
olving a company in which Secretary
lellon is a large stockholder.
Chairman Cummins was directed to
equest the attendance of Attorney
enieral Sargent and his assistant,
Villiam J. Donovan, and Chairman
ernon W. Vanfleet, Sec. Otis V. John-
on and Chief Examiner Millard F.-
udson ,of the Trade commission.
The full scope of the investigation
ay depend largely upon the testi-
ony of these witnesses. Aside from
he failure of the justice department
o bring contempt proceedings for
harged violations of a court decree,
he inquiry will be directed to the
uestion of the extent to which the
epartment has been handicapped by
he refusal of the Trade commission
o make available its testimony taken
rom the files of the Aluminum com-
ramatic Editor of New York World
To Give Address Here On "The
Great American Play"
Alexander Woollcott, dramatic edi-
or of the New York World, has se-
ected "The Great American Play" as
he subject for a lecture he will give
an. 22 in Hill auditorium under the
uspices of the oratorical association.
In his lecture Mr. Woollcott will
eal with both plays and players. He
will discuss popular plays of the pres-
nt season, explaining how they came
o be written and produced, how the
rarious roles were filled, and to what
lements they owed their success. In
addition, he will speak about notable
tar actors and actresses, most of
whom he numbers among his friends,
and will tell his audience how they
contrived to climb the ladder to fame.
A vivid account of what takes place
behind the footlights of the American
stage will be given by Mr. Woollcott
Hle is known to have a fund of stories
concerning plays, playwrights, theater
going, and the characteristics of ac-
tors and audiences, both in this coun
try and abroad.
Mr. Woollcott stands in the fron
rank of dramatic authorities, havin"
een for many years dramatic critic o
he New York Times, while today hr=
ills the same role for the New Yori
World and Vanity Fair. A prominen
figure in literary circles, he is th
author of several books on the drama
including "Enchanted Aisles", "Shou
and Murmurs", "Mrs: Fiske", and "Mr
Dickens goes to the Play". He is
also a frequent contributor to - th
leading magazines, his articles dealing
with popular men and women of the
stage, plays, playwrights, artists,-an

The Spotlight vaudeville progran
which was presented in Mimes theate
last night, will be repeated tonighi
The performance includes a numbe
of stars from "Tambourine," a violi
soloist, ventriloquist, a novelty instru
ment player, and a number of so]
shoe and eccentric dancers. Mr. Shu
ter has personally selected the act,
seven in number.
At the conclusion of tonight's shov
the purpose of the tournament bein
to bring out campus talent, the and
ence will vote on which act, in the
opinion, was the best, and a silve
loving cup presented to the winnin
team. The cup is now in Graham
bookstore window. I'he box office i
Mimes theater is open from 2 to
o'clock and from 7 o'clock to the en
of the show today. All seats in th
theater are reserved, the price bein
50 cents. The curtain rises prompt]

Professor Reed States Institution
Aided By Students Will Be
Greater Aid To Them
Up to a late hour last night,
returns showed that $1,203.02 had
been subscribed through members
of the soliciting teams for the
first two days of the campaign.
According to the chairman of the
campaign, this was quite an en-
couraging report since a large
number of cards had not as yet
been turned in. All contributions,
not personally solicited, should
be sent to Lane hall.
President Clarence Cook Little and
Prof. Thomas H. iReed of the politi-
cal science department were the prin-
cipal speakers at a campaign banquet
held last night in the Union for work-
ers in the S. C. A. three-day financial
The Student Christian association
does not represent an effeminate type
of organization, said President Little,
but is typical of the masculine, mus-
cular form of Christianity. It is the
best campus activity in the country
because ,no one can make a perfect
score in it.
In introducing his remarks, he said
he was very much interested in stu-
dent christian organizations, partly
because they were so much misunder-
stood at many universities. To dispel
illusions concerning the character of
the association, the President advised
the campaign workers to advance the
merits of the organization and to
buildup its prestige while they were
soliciting forit.
In regard to student aid to the S.
C. A., Professor Reed stated that "t
is entirely possible for the Student
j Christian association to be financed
without student aid. However, it has
I been discovered that.the full benefits
of any institution cannot come to a
person unless he aids the movement
Speaking of the value of the organi-
zation, he said that it is necessary to
our well-being to have a moral stand-
ard to which we can repair, which will
counteract the influences of other
standards. This is the primary rea-
son for the Student Christian assopia-
r Merrimam C. Herrich, '26, spoke
briefly on camnpaign tactics and the
relations of the workers to the drive,
t Harry Messer, '26, acted as toastmas-
ter for the occasion.
f The large silver loving cup which
19 student who obtains the largest
t amount of subscriptions in the drive
e was displayed at the banquet, as well
as the cup which Rensis Likert, '26,
s won as high man in last. year's drive.
More than 12 fraternities were cam-
s paigned last night by special speak-
e ers who visited the houses for dinner.
The committee, which is headed by
e John Hay, '27, expects to make the
d rounds of all the organized houses on
the campus by Friday night.
-Captains of the various teams will
meet at 12:15 o'clock today for lunch-
eon in Lane haall Tavern, when the
results of the drive will be reported
and discussed.

- Housing Problens And Other Matters
It Will Be Discussed Jan. 16.
Officers of the fraternity alumni
w, will meet here with President Clar-
g J ence Cook Little on Saturday, Jan. 16,
i- to discuss housing problems and other
ir matters concerning both the Univer-
r sity and the fraternities on the
g campus.
's Invitations to the conference, which
n was suggested at a recent meeting of
6 the deans and other administrative
d officers of the University, have been
he sent to officials of all the fraternity
g alumni associations. Scholarship and
ly any other particular subjects which


(By Associated Press)
PARIS, Jan. 7.-Thre River SeineI
continued to rise today, but not as1
fast as during the preceding 24 hours.
At the Austerlitz bridge, a sort ^f

sells the wine as an elixir of love to
the gullible Nemorino.
This performance is the second of
the extra concert series, but individual
tickets for it are still to be had.


strategic point, the water stood at 6.1
metres, about 20 feet, which was sti All students desiring to see "Step-
seven feet lower than the recordlping Stones" at the new Detroit Opera
s etaof 1910. house Friday, Jan. 22, for which night
heicotference was heldtthe Union has reserved a block of 200
lfirst floor seats exclusively for Uni-
departments and measures were de- versity students, are urged to place
vised to protect the residents along their orders with Homer Heath, gen-
the river banks should they be ad- eral manager of the Union, or E. Mor-I
Lili~f-- ChiULU di, UII U f tha na.

vised to evacuate their homes.
}The flood situation in the Oise
region has remained virtually un-
changed, while the Rhiems district,
appears to be now suffering worse
conditions than any of the others.
At Maastricht, in Belgium, the river
Meuse has fallen to almost its normal
level while both the Rhine and the
Wall have dropped considerably and
the danger from this source is be-
lieved to be past. But despite the ut-
most efforts of the salvaging parties,
many hundreds of people are still
awaiting rescue from the half col-
lapsed dikes and the upper storm-s of
(By Associated Press)
r* xr VnlC Tom t-,ni n nf

timer mhuter, airector of Le opera, t
before next Monday. The tickets arez
$3.85. c
Practically the entire company oft
"Tambourine" andi all members ofI
Mimes have placed orders for ticketsI
in the "Michigan section". Members
of the opera and the dramatic society
are particularly interested to see RoyI
Hoyer, who arranged all of the dances'
in "Tambourine", and Dorothy Stone,E
who wrote the prologue for the 19251
Union opera and was elected an hon- 1
orary member of Minmes last fall, the;
only woman ever to have attained
I that distinction. Hoyer and Miss
Stone snare honors with Fred Stone,;
the latters father, in the musical
comedy which opens in Detroit Jan. 18.
Daily Consumption
Of Coal Increases'
With temperatures hovering closej
Ik ! 1,,,JdI.open .nrir 111Jin trU Unld I

NEW- YORK , Jan. '7.-e ompre on UL to the zero mar Kurz ng te col
the designs for the largest metal clad wave which swept the middle west a
airship in the world, two and one half week ago, coal consumption at theI
times the size of the Shenandoah, to University power plant increased to!

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