i i
Commander Rodgers Arrives To Await
Summons By The Board
Of Inquiry
(By Associated Press)
Lakehurst, N. J., Sept. 30.-An
opinion that the primary cause of the
wrecking of the Shenandoah was the
failure of the officers in charge to
heed danger signals that were
'"shrieking out loud" was expressed
to the Naval Court of Inquiry here
today by Capt. Anton Heinan, ormr
Oerman Zepplin pilot, who instructed
the crew of American dirigible.
Asserting that the disaster was
"entirely and very easily avoidable,"
Heinan under' direct questioning by
the court placed the blame squarely
on the shoulders of Commander Zach-
ary Lansdowne, who went down to
death with his ship. Asked on what
grounds he did this the witness said,
"in my opinion the ship ran deliber-
ately into the center of the storm
for at least half an hour after danger
signals had been shrieking out loud.
With the ship having sufficient powe
for steerage way she easily could
have got out of danger. I stand ready
to prove this from the evidence pre-
sented to this court.
"Are you prepared to say that had
you been in charge of the Shenandoah
you could have escaped the storm,"
asked Rear Admiral Jones, President
of the court, "I am proud to say
that I believe I, could have," replied
Captain Heinan.
Under further questioning Captain
Heinan explained that it was his
theory that the first danger signals
were evident at the time Lieut. Com-
mander C. L. Rosendahl, senior sur-
viving officer and navigator of the
Shenandoah relieved Lieut. Comman-
der Hjincock, in the control car be-
fore conditions had become such that
It was decided to call Commander
Lansdowne. At that time, he said,
the ship was driven to the right, a
danger signal that should have been
heeded immediately.
Then he told of the theory of how
the ship should have been kept head-
ed to the wind so that she would have
avoided the vortex of the disturbance.
Captain Heinan was on the witness
stand three hours and his examina-
tion had not been concluded when
court was adjourned until tomorrow.
His criticism regarding structural
changes in the Shenandoah had
aroused survivors and officers at the
air station here and there was an at-
mosphere of some tenseness even
when he first was called to face alike
the court and the group of surviving
officers who ranged to the left of the
(By Associated Press)
(By Associated Press)
Tol io, Sept. 30.-Another se-
vere rain storm swept Japan
last evening flooding many thou-J
sands of houses in Tokio and
other cities. Several were killed
and injured by landslides.
Water entered the Imperial
Hotel, Tokio, shutting off all the
lights and water supply tem-
porarily. Following the hot
summer months, heavy rain
storms are usual events in Jap-
an. These storms cause a con-
siderable amount of damage in
the low lying districts such as
Honjo and adjacent crowded
districts of Tokio which are sit-
uated along the Sumida river
and cut by a series of canals.
Rear Admiral Christie Loses Hope
For Possible Survivors of
Submarine Wreck
(By Associated Press)
U. S. S. Submarine Base, New Lon-
don, Conn., Sept. 30.-Rear Admiral
H. H. Christie, in charge of rescue
work has lost hope that any of the
men in the wrecked submarine S-51
are alive in their tomb at the bottom
of the Atlantic, but late today he sent
divers down to the vessel to work
on the line that furnished air to the
compartment where there is a possi-
bility that men are living.
They found conditions unchanged,
he reported in a wireless message
from the U. S. S. Camden, mother
ship of the rescue fleet.
"Rescue operations not suspended
except' as necessitated by weather,"
his message said. "Divers were able
to go down late this afternoon to
work on the salvaged air lines, and
found conditions unchanged."
In an earlier message received at
I the submarine base Rear Admiral
Christie said "reluctantly and sor-
rowfully concede no probability of
anyone being alive of S-51."
Prior to this he had recommended
to Secretary Wilbur in Washington
that rescue work be suspended and
that salvage operations be begun. The
Navy department, however, ordered
that the task of trying to save lives
continue until it was definitely estab-
lished that no one was alive.
While there are few, if any, officers
at the submarine base who actually
believe that any of their comrades
have survived a five day horror at
the bottom of the sa, all of then ,s-
sert that it is possible if they were
)ble to lock themselves in water
tight compartments when the sub-
marine was rammed by the "City of
Rome" last Friday night. Divers have
been unable to penetrate the wreck-
age far enough to deter: ine whether
the doors leading to these compart-
Speaker to be Introduced by Vrofessor
Gram; Program Begins at
Eight O'clock
Engineers of all classes and depart-
ments will gather tonight in the main
assembly hall of the Union for the
annual fall smoker, an event which is
rapidly becoming one of . the tradi-
tions of that school. It is expected
that the majority of all students en-'
rolled in the engineering college will
be present at 8 o'clock, when the pro.
gram is scheduled to start.
M. J. Riggs, general manager of the
American Bridge corporation of Tol-
edo, Ohio, will give the main talk
of the evening. Mr. Riggs, a graduate
of Ames college, is now president of
the Toledo Chamber of Commerce. ie
has been in the engineering field for
more than 30 years. It is announced.
however, that his discussion will be
along non-technical lines.
Mr. Riggs was an eye-witness of
the Quebec distaster a few years ago,
when the central span of a giant
bridge across the St. Lawrence river
crashed during construction, and it
is of experiences similar to that that
he will talk tonight.
Profs. Lewis M. Gram, Robert H.
Sherlock and Mr. Glenn L. Alt of the
engineering college were co-workers
with Mr. Riggs before taking up their
positions here. Professor Gram will
introduce Mr. Riggs tonight.
Negotiations are under way to have
the current vaudeville company at the
Majestic theater present a short act
at the close of the speeches.
It is expected that Dean Mortimer
E. Cooley will arrive in Ann Arbor in
time to be present tonight.
Refreshments are to be served at
the close of the program. A charge of
35 cents will be made to each person
Arrangements for the smoker have
been made by the Engineering coun-
cil of which Frank A. Reid, Jr., '26E,
is president. This organization suc-
ceeds the former Engineering society
and has assumed all its duties, includ-
ing the charge of all social affairs for
the engineering college.
Tickets for the smoker will be on
sale today at the Engineering building,
and also can be purchased at the door-
tonight. Students other than engin-
eers oho are interested are invited to
France Offers to PayA More Than Five
Billion in a Period of Sixty-
Two Years
(By Associated Press)
Washington, Sept. 30. - President
Coolidge must decide the fate of the
French debt negotiations.
The French have offered what they
consider to be their final proposal,
and the American commissioners, un-
able to agree among themselves will
lay the problem before the President
Meanwhile, Finance Minister Caillaux
with the air of a man who has finish-
ed an arduous task sat back calmly'
awaiting a decision which has been
promised his at 11 o'clock tomorrow.
Tonight he entertained at the French
embassy the American commissioners
with whom he has been engaged in the
nmomentuous battle of figures.
France's offer calls for a payment
of $40,000,000 annually for five years,
$60,000,000 during the next seven years
and an annual payment of $100,000,000
in the next fifty years. This would
aggregate a total payment of $5,620,-
000,000 in principal and interest on
the recorded debt of $4,210,000,000,
Calculations show therefore that the
interest rate although not specifically
mentioned anywhere would average
about 2 1-2 per cent over the life of
the proposed agreement. The offer,.
described as the best the French rele-
gation felt their government could
support was worked out in conferencesI
of sub-committees of the two com-
missions. The French gave it almost
unanimous support; members of the
American sub-committee agreed only
to report it back to their commission
which in turn was compelled to take
it to the President.
Union To Postl
Sport Results
During Season
Museum Accepts
Old Roman Bowl
Found.In Europe,
Professor John A. Van den Broek,(
of the Engineering college has Inre-
sented a valuable Roman bowl to the
University Museum. The bowl was
unearthed twenty years ago from a
sand bar along the coast of Holland.
A number of works of Roman art
were found at that time, most "of
which was sent to a museum in Ley-1
den, although this particular bowl
came into the possession of Professor
Van den Broek's father.
Before the discovery of these Ro-
man aiticles twenty years ago, there
had been no sign of Roman occupancy
in Holland, but it is now believed that
they came up the Rhine to this point
on the coast of Holland, from which
they embarked for England.
The bowl is unquestinably of Ro-
man origin, although it shows signs
of having been made in the lowlands,
pirobably while the Romans were
staying there. Although the bowl
dates back to the first or second cent-
ury, it is in perfect condition, due to
its having bee buried in the soft sand.
(Alit [S 1100111 TES NOW;
Two freshman girls at Betsy
iBarbour dlormitory, assigned to
the same room, discovered to-
day t hat their grandmothers
were roommates at the Michi-
gan Seminary at Kalamazoo in
The girls are Margaret Back,
'29, of Bale Creek, and Janet
Upjohn, '29, of Pasadena, Cali-
fornia. The grandmothers were
Millie Kirby and Adella Beach,
acid it was from Adella Beach,
now 1\lrs. A. M. Phillipis of Bat-
tle Creek, that the roommates
learned of
Meeting Cancelled Tomorrow
Night, Tentatively Planned
For Navy Game
" I 1 I
Class elections in all classes of all
schools and colleges of the University
were reorganized and definite dates
were set at the meeting of the Stu-
dent council last night at the Union.
All elections will be held on Wednes-
days and Thursdays, the seniors next
week, the juniors the following we
and the sophomores on the third con
secutive week.
Two days apiece have been alloted
for each election in order to avoid the
President Will Talk to
Who Are To Gather At
Friday Night
Washington, Sept. 30.-Condensing ments are open or closed. They have
1ll his, previous charges into one 1 found only two bodies.
verbal bombshell, Colonel Williaml -
Mitchell concluded his testimony be- First Tour Plane
fore the President's air board today,
by charging the Navy with "amateur Land In Missour
bungling" of its last three major
aeronautical projects. St Joseph, Mo., Sept. 30.- The Fok I
In rapid succession the former as-, ler plane, first of the 17 entered to
sistant army air chief told the board lie Ford reliability air tour, landed
that incompetency and mismanage- at Ros frans field here at 10:30
ment by the Navy sent the dirigible o'clock this morning, exactly on sched-
Shenandoah to its doom on a "propa- ule. The plane encountered no diffi-1
ganda mission" to the mid-west. th 1 ltib c in coming from Omaha.
tropical type planes were given Navy
flyers with the McMillan Arctic (x- ,
pedition and that the Hawaiian flight Na"y plane, TN-9 No. 1 to reach Hon-
was attempted with a gas supply oiulu was to be expected and it was
known to be inadequate. 'nown test> that more than one
His appearance preceded several Char e of gasoline was ned
other witnesses who added vivid chap-- Commander John Rodgers who was
ters to the running story of the :etiv- in charge of the seaplanes on the trip
ities of American air forces, arrived in Washington today to await
Lieut. Colonel John A. Paegelow,. the summonrs of the board. Colonel
commandant of the Army halloon iitc hell declared the Shenandoah di-?
school at Scott field, Illinois, testfied(j aster, the unsuccessful Hawaiian
that a local thunder storm anl rt a flight and the performance of the
line squall brought disaster to the Navy planes in the far North were
Shenandoah. ilstifiable grievances and pointed tot
Major Clark Brant, air ofier at- them as making it impossible for1
tached to the general board -,rmittld those interested in aircraft develop- k
under questioning that the general ment to longer refrain from urging'
board was preparing in iiuswer toi creation of a de;,artment of national
Colonel Mitchell's charg s and that defense in which land, water and air
since his last outbur, it ha "en activities would be administered by
much attention" to Arcrat irob em. parate heas.
He also said the valrer ofairraft i . He tstified that sending the Shen-
the Hawaiian maneuvers had b ,andoah to the i.d-west when not
minimized in the press .' cuipped wlith parachutes, was "likel
Questioned by Rear dni lnialetc'. sending a vessel to sea without lifea
er, retired, board member rardi boats." He also charged the mid-con-1
weather conditions In th, region of tinental trip was in "direct violation1
the Aleutian .slands. b which ro e of law" declaring Naval air actiyities
Cgonel Mitchell said eerday an ar were orded to be confined to the
attack on th United Stes would sea. ?lner questioning he denied he
Washington, Sept. 30.-Colonel
*itchell revived previous charg-
es that junior officers were
"afraid to tell the truth" when
said the War Department had a
stenographer in the committee
room checking up on the testi-
mony. This did not interfere
with the testimony, he said, but
it tended to "retard the flow of
tetimony of junior officers."
Discussing the relative air
power of nations, the colonel as-
serted that "France is aspiring
to control the air life of Europe
like England controls the sea"
and that "every nation is coming
forward with better planes than
As a means of keeping its members
in direct touch with the progress of
all important football games this fall,
the Union will post the scores of
every significant game in the coun-
try, by quarters, starting next Satur-
day, it was announced yesterday. The
approaching World's Series, which
opens Oct. 7 this year, will be broad-
casted by radio in the Union tap
room, play by play.
A large blackboard is to be erected
in the tap room at once, for the foot-
ball scores, and a special telegraph
wire installed that football contests
in the East and West may be followed.
a few moments after the close of
each quarter. This method will be
I used during the football season in-
stead of reporting the games by radio,
as was done last year, because of its
I more permanent nature it was said.
When Michigan plays away from
I home, however, the 'radio reports will
be available, as well as the black-
l board scoring method, that the team
I may be followed in every play.
f The radio equinment for the Worldt
1 Series, which will include a loud
I speaker, will be furnished the Union
I by a local merchant for temporary
use. Theodore Maynard, '27, of the
I house committee, is in charge of the
l football and baseball reports.
---- confusion that accompanies one gen-
At their banquet Friday night, the eral election day. Half the schools
C1 H [DDmembers of the class of '29 will be and colleges in each class will orga-
addressed by Pres. Clarence Cook nize on Wednesday, the other half on
Little who heads the list of speakers Thursday. The exact division and the
B CH0S N F D Yon the program. This will President place of meeting will be announced in
Little's first opportunity to address advance of each set of elections.
the class of 29 as a body. Election ietods
Twenty Men To Take Second Trial The committee has arranged a pro- The entire routine of election will
I)rll at the Union Thi gram which includes speeches by be carriP'd out at one time, Including
Afternoon President Little, Harry Kipke, George nome aious andies iluding
_Davis, 26, managing editor of ThetnmaiosCndaeswlbeo-
'Daiy; Rensis Likert, president of the {mated orally from the floor and will
INNOVATIONS PLANNED gal;Rn1b ~r sdnt be voted on by means of regulation
~~~~~ ~~~~S. . A., Albert Adams, president of bevtdoIyIan frglto
the Union and possibly Bob Brown, ballots. The two candidates receiv-
Selection of the five cheerleaders ing the highest vote will then be vot-
who, with George W. Ross, Jr., '25, ta:cen taW.Pttesn o tee- ed upon on a regulation ballot of a
Varsity cheerleaderg will comprise th' edifferent color. The Council will have
squad that will lead the cheering at address the class, A musical program a list of the names of all members of
all games this year will be made to- has been arranged also the class voting and a careful check
morrow night. The announcement Tickets for tIe banquet are going will be made during the election.
was made by Ross yesterday follow- very rapidly, and may be obtained at Special arrangements have been
ing a tryout for junior and .sophomore faiiy of the State street bookstores or made for the freshman class, which is
candidate cheerleaders at the Union. at Lane hall not included in the regular schedule.
An additional candidate may be add- All freshman elections will be held on
ed to the squad next week depending Wednesday, Nov. 4. Treasurer's re-
upon the showing made at the Michi- T IM E T ceipts, issued by the University, will
gan State game Saturday, however. H Nh4T be required for admission to the meet-
Some twenty men were 1)nl. through lg, in order to .make c-rtain that
various drills during the tryout yes- tl jPftLI 1 { only freshmen are allowed to vote.
terday. Each candidate was given UUI LILIIUL iU UlU LU This election, although later than in
an opportunity to lead several yells. the past, will still give the freshman
Another drill will be held at the (iy Associated Press) president time in which to appoint
Union at 5 o'clock this afternoon,. committees and lieutenants for the
The elaborate uniforms of last year Berlin, Sept. 30.-Official quarters IFall games.
were today apparently reconciled to Ganmes Held Earlier
will be replaced by a uniform cam- te i outcome of the government's The games will be held this year on
bination ofwhite crew-neck sweaters, slirmish with Aristide Briand, the the morning of the Ohio State foot-
white finannels, and sport shoes, to be ecfoenqusinmiitrofwrgltthmrigofheOoSaefo-
worn by all members of the squad, Irench foreign minister, of the re- ball game, Nov. 14. This will be the
Ross stated. Several innovations are vial of the questions of war guilt first time that the tradition of having
now being worked out for the big evacuation of Cologne and entry into the underclass games the morning of
bames this fall League of Nations, and were n- the final football game has been vio-
so fa a si r theated twrecclosed' lated. The change was made neces-
BrApr TIrST Ttlwektesary by the fact that the Conference
AKU Eort cming conference over a se- cross-country meet will be held in
ACIE TLIiladttAnn Arbor the morning of the final
While admitting that the French gmta ihMneoa n h
Iand British rejoinders to Germanys~ game, that with Minnesota, and the
OF EG YPTIANS " "acceptance of the invitation to at- two eents hae so conicted in th
tacoference lftaon bt with past thatthe date of the games was
tend the conference left no doubt with (.hanged by the Council on the rquest
Prof. Arthur E. Boak has resumed respect to the clarification of their of the coaches conducting the dross-
his classes in ancient history, having views, it was nevertheless stated at country
returned this summer from an archae- tha foreign office yesterday that if The first pep meeting will be held
ological expedition to Karanis, in the the Allies had been less conciliatory ath H f1 auditorium the night of Oct. 30,
Fayoum region of Egypt. The work, the German government would have preceding the Navy game, it was ten-
which was maintained by the Univer- declined to participate in the confer- tatively decided last night. The meet-
sity, had as its purpose investigation ence. ivg digeasthnight. The meet-
of the life of the town from its set- The German delegation, headed by irow night has been called off by the
tlement by the Greeks to its decline Gustav Stresemann, the foreign min- Council committee.
in the sixth century A. D. Professor ilter, and Chancellor Hans Luther, Ross Explains Methods
Boak was accompanied by Mr. O. W. will leave for Locarno Saturday. Dr. T ess E n Methods
Qualley, also of the University, and Luther, although head of the govern- I the squad of cheerleaders was ex-
two men from University College, ment, will not proceed to the confer- plained in a report sbmitted to the
London. ence t6 the rank of premier, but as a Clanein a reort s s, to the
Several questions confronted the colleague of Dr. Stresemann. Varsity cheerleader. The squad will
expedition, chief of which was theVastcheldr.Tequdwl
eason f the abandonment of the ( consist of two seniors, either captains
canal systemnby the Egyptians. Upon. e TDfITD of major sports or other men of rec-
ineystation, ith asfoundtat te ognized athletic ability, who will aid
investigation, it was found that there the head cheerleader. In addition,
were three successive cities on the HTilflV Q there will be three juniors and six
site, the first dating from the third isophomoeshwho ji ors a nd
century B. C., the second from te ythTO UVHOWsh eill beon willbe appointed-
second century A. D., and the most -dig by the Council committee on cheer-
recent from about 300 A. D. Washington, Sept. 30.-The proba- leading, following the tryouts which
Interesting objects illustrative of I bility of the Shipping Board terminat- are beingheld at the Union this week.
the agricultural and industrial meth- ing the services of Leigh C. Palmer At the end of the 1925 season, three
ods of the time, and of the home life I as president of the Fleet Corporation of the
of the people, were brought back by generally was regarded as deferred s fill the junior position next year. This
the expedition. for an indefinite period with the sta nwill place the cheerleading
1_White House announcement today squad on a permanent basis, similar
that President Coolidge had appointedto that used in selecting managers for
H. G. Dalton, of Cleveland to study the Carsits
C90INETTO theentire shipping row and report to The Council will l hold its next regu-
lar meeting at 7 o'clock next Wednes- night in its offices at the Union,
the step was said pnShipping but more definite announcements con-
Board circles to have put an entirely cerning the senior election, will be
new aspect on a situation which had given out before that time.
Members of the S. C. A. cabinet will brought to a breaking point relations_ _ _
meet for the first time this fall at between the board and Mr. Palmer .s
Lane Hall Tavern tonight at 5:30 and a letter to Mr. Coolidge upon ma- Paris, Sept. 30,-The French cabi-
P. M. Dinner will he served after jority vote of the board that the board net yesterdayeded tonprolon the
which the initial cabinet meeting will intended to reshape the official per- issue of the new gold conversion loan
be held with Rensis Likert, '26, presi- isonnel and policies of the Fleet Cor- until Oct. 2.
_ _
Scores Yale's Proposed
20 StorySkyscraper - College
Possible elimination of "college at-'
mosphere" and of the many intangible
things usually associated with a col-
lege campus, are danger which ac-
compamny the construction of "cathe-
drals of learning" such as the Uni-
versity of Pittsburgh now has under;
way, and recently has been proposed
for Yale university, is the opinion ofI
Secretary Shirley W. Smith.
The "skyscraper college" proposed'
by Dean Frederick S. Jones of Yale
the old college quadrangle and the
'tradition' building, the fence and
flowers remaining untouched," Dean!
Jones said. "This would relieve the
congestion which forces us to houseI
part of the class in separate houses
for lack of dormitories, and would
lead to even more convenience than
we now have."
"A second difficulty," Secretary
Smith said in commenting on Yale's
proposal, "would arise out of the fact
that under the usual system all class-
college as a possible solution for es dismiss at the same time. Carry- dent of the S. C. A., as chairman.
problems of future expansion at that ing at a time, hundreds, and possihbly The personnel of the cabinet is now
university, would rise 20 stories in thousands of students from one floor !definite with the exception of one of-
height. In the structure would be to another would seriously tax almost fice which will be filled in the very
provided rapid elevator service, class any elevator system which might be near future.r
rooms, living quarters, swimming! luilt. Although various members of the
I -I
The prediction was made freely to-
night that no move now would be
made by the board toward accepting
Mr. Palmer's resignation at least im-
mediately and that the report to be
1u'" eterMan