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December 18, 1925 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-12-18

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Speakers Will Visit Sororities And
Dormitories Wednesday After E


As a fore runner to the finance cam
paigri which is to be conducted by th4
Y. W. C. A. during the first week after
Christmas vacation, speakers are be
ing sent to the sororities and dormi.
tories on Wednesday of that week, a
the lunch hour, to give short talk.
- about the purpose of the campaign
The houses will be called up the
first part of the week and appoint
ments made. Each speaker expectf
to cover several places during the
hour and the speeches will necessaril3
be very brief, but they will acquaint
the women with the work that the
Y. W. C. A. Is doing and will be th4
final announcement of the campaign
When it is understood exactly wha
the organization is accomplishing, i
is thought that the women will bE
very glad for the chance to contribute
A method for reaching the leagu4
houses on the campus has also been
devised by the committee. As they
.a do not eat at their houses it would
be impossible to send representatives
of the Y. W. C. A. to them, and they
are there for asking these houses to
's send an authorized representative to
Newberry hall at 4 o'clock on Tues-
day afternoon Jan. 5. The campaign
will be explained to them and they
can take the report back to tleir
The quota which the organization
wishes to. raise among the students
this year is $2,000. The campaign
will be conducted from Jan. 6 to Jan.
9 by the organization of teams which
will visit every house on the campus.
They are asked to give any amount
of money. A contest is to be carried
on between the different teams and a
prize will be awarded every day to
.the team bringing in the largest
Samount of money. Social times will
be enjoyed by the workers at the lu-
cheons which will be given in New-
berry hall each day of the campaign
and at the banquet in the Congrega-
tional church on Tuesday night.
Merel Parkes, '26, is chairman of
-,lhe speakers who will visit the houses
on Wednesday noon. The other* area
Elizabeth Van Valkenberg, '26, Ger-
aldine Knight, '26, Marguerite Dutton,
'26, Genevieve Goodman, '26, Margaret
Henckel, '26, Miriem Olden, '27, Ger-
aldine Masters, '26, Lucille Canby, '26,
Alice Goudy, '27, and Doris Slingluff,

College Grind IsFrgstudents
LeftAs Sudens FISKMEN ELECT [j[jU Foreign Sudnt
Left As Students [[ To Be Entertained
Greet Holidays, WHO [H
GlMany private homes throughout1
Scrub-pails have their 'counterpart athe state will entertain foreign stu-
Mary Iou Loomis and Hilda Evans sUy
in modern college life and the disciple were leted freshman representativ dents from the University of Michi-
of Nurmi who flees from domestic!of te ' gan during the Christmas holidays.I
duties does it with no more vigor oWomens league board of di The arrangements for the visits have
than every work worn student who rs at a meeting of all freshmen been made by the American Associa-
packs er suit-case and boards a omen held yesterday afternoon in +'tion of University Women under the
Barbour gymnasium.y direction of Mrs. E. R. Vander Slice
train for home today. The women on These two students received the of Lansing.I
the campus have ceased to debate on Ihighest number of votes from a listE Among those who will visit homes
the question, of staying over a day of nominees which included: Carolyn in Lansing are Priscilla Choy, former-
Kelly, Elizabeth Macelroy, Marie ly of the University of Hawaii, Sih-Eu-I
Hartwick, Hilda Evans, and Mary Lou Yang, from the Shanghai College of
.. LoGmis. They will meet with the Commerce, and Tsun-Yao-Wang of
regular board at the beginning of Peking. Ruth Chan and Shui Ching
inext semester. Yang will be entertained in Grand,
-The election of the freshman repre- Rapids. E. K. Janki will spend her
eiitatives completes the membership vacation at the Tau Beta communityI
df the . board which consists of 20 house in Detroit. Florence Chong willf
women. Two juniors, two seniors, go to her home in Canada.-
twol'sophomores and two freshmen, Ao Dju will visit in Ft. Wayne,
the chairmen of eight standing com- Indiana; Cho Ren in St. Louis, Mo.;
mittees, and the president and vice- and Grace Song in Howell, Michigan.
~ president of the League make up, the' Hide Shohara will remain in Ann Ar-
or so to finish that 6,000 work thesis. membership of this executive body. bor for rest and study as will Yae
Book-reports and overdue mathema- Tanaka, and Susan Chen.
tics assignments are deserted. Drudg- Miss Ruth Figge's individual gym- In preparing for the visits of the
ery under a student lamp is forgotten nastics class will not meet at 3 o'clock foreign students the world fellowship
and without a single backward glance this afternoon. committee of the Y. W. C. A. under-
the women students grasp their bag-

Hundreds of dolls have been given
by the Y. W. C. A. for the 300 children
in the wards of the University hospi-
tal. Sunday services of various kinds
are being held at the hospital this
Christmas trees, red and green
crepe paper, notions of all kinds, toys
or anything to make Christmas hap-
pier for these children will be accept-
able to the hospital authorities. If
any contributions of this kind are to
be made, call the University hospital
social service department, and a truck
will be sent for the articles. Gifts of
money are to be sent to Mrs. Frederick
Novy, 721 Forest avenue.
took the work of seeing personally
every Oriental woman to make clear
to her the purpose of the trips.

e ,
. 1

p0 p-U p O pY
* y

e gage and join the parade to the sta-
n tion. The ticket for home assumes
Y much more importance than coming
d blue-books, the only remaining prob-
lem being to work up speed to
leave studying far behind.
Women Learn To
Manage Household'
An ideal apartment for six women
and a chaperone is maintained by the
home economics department of Ohio
State university. The management of
the household follows the shift plan,
six women from the senior class liv-
ing in the apartment for six weeks.
Each woman has a different duty
to perform for each of the six weeks
of her residence in the apartment,
one of which is that of being hostess.
At the beginning of the week, she is
given 3 for each woman which
gmount is to cover the expenses forl
the entire week. Another woman is
the cook for the week, and another
her assistant, and the other women
are housekeepers and chamber maids. 1
The kitchen of the apartment main-
tained by the holim economics de-,
partnkfnt is fully eiuipel, with the
electrical Kitchen-Aid as its most I
modern addition. The machine is used
to mash potatoes, beat eggs, whip
cream, chop ice, and freeze ice cream. -


Quilted Satin Slippers
Black, Old Rose
Lavender, Blue
$1 00 Pair

Felt Slippers
Various Colors
A very appropriate gift.



Silk Chiffon................................$1.98
Semi-Silk Chiffon, pointed heel...................$1.79
a - )







i . ,
A .
1 .

Second Tryouts
After Holidays
All notices to appear for second
tryouts for the Junior Girls' play will
be out by today. The extra tryouts
Wednesday afternoon concluded the
first group, and the second group will
take plade Jan. 6 and 7.
The women who have been notified
to return will be asked to remember
the number they had during the first
tryouts so that their card can be
consulted. Also the central commit-
tee advises a more thorough prepa-
ration on the part of those trying out.
The lyrics for the play have been
written during the past week and the
music will be composed by the com-
mittee of 12 during the Christmas
vacation and possibly during the week
following the Holidays.
Announcement has been made of
the marriage of Elizabeth Frazer, '28,
to Edward X. Tuttle, '28A, which will
take place Dec. 31 in Battle Creek,
Mich. Miss Frazer is a member of
Collegiate Sorosis.
Announcement has been made of
the engagement of Dorothy Snow, '26,
to Richard Stabler. Miss Snow is a
member of Alpha Phi sorority.
Kappa Delta announces the pledg-
iig of Dorothy Aldrich, '27, and Ruth
Driver, '27.
Let The Daily sell it for you thru
tne Classified columus.-Adv.
I I i

VOL. 1. No. 40. Published Every Friday by Ann Arbor Floral Co.
speedy service. Our store will
be open every evning until 10
o'clock, and Christmas Day
until noon.
Why Pay More?
For Christmas Time Cut Flower Prices for Xmas.
Let us this year have more than All our plants and cut flowers Carnations.-41n colors, doz. . . $1.00
"peace and goodwill." Let us are grown right here in our own osesdoz............$1.00 to $7.09
Narcissus-yellow, doz......$2.00
have the joy and sunshine greenhouses. For this reason Narcissus-wiite, doz.......$1.()
that only flowers can bring, you can be assured of having Snapdragons, doz... $1.50 to$2.00
For our homes, for the sick a larger and finer assortment of Calendila, doz.............$1.()o
. Poinsettiis, doz.... $=4.00, $6.00, $9.00
and lonely-for friends far anything in the line of flowers
and near. Our service assures or plants, to pick from here. Blooming Plants
the very best that can be had cyclamen, each .............
in flowers for 'Christmas and We have at your disposal.........$1.50, $:.00, $3.0, $3.0)
any other day. SiX eated cars, assuring you cherryPlants, e h.....1.00,.
proipt and safe deivery. We Palms, each ................$1.t4)
Largest assortment in the city have more than tripled our Ferns "..............$1.00 to $4.00
of wreaths and -center pieces sales force and can give you insettis in Ps -th Ferns,
for the home or for the ceme-
teries.' .
Also a full line of bird cages,
supplies and live birds-par-
rots, canaries and love birds.
We Are The Telegraph Florists of Ann Arbor
Store: 122 East Liberty Street Greenhouses: 1021 ?iJaiden Lane

u~-w-v4,'. w.4}-.-,. ".

The Ann Arbor Floral News



Special Home Made
Christmas Candies
Attractive Boxes
1 lb. Box ..........69c
1% lb. Box .......$1.25





6U . V.J'-[

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