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December 18, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-12-18

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
tMembers of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
*itlcd to the use for republication of all news
A dispatchtes credited to it or, not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
lMichigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
traster General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.SO; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
ard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; business, 21214.

was an ultimatum, not to be question-i
ed. Considering everything, what hap-
pened Tuesday and Wednesday nights M USuIC
was not altogether unjustified, but M// N
rather the result of a misunderstand-
ing. For it was a misunderstanding, G'WAN D R A M A
having had the President's plan fully 110E1
explained to them, the representatives e
,We have just invented what we'
of the various fraternities were per- t iBAEndEkERs
fectly willing to.accept the plan, andobvous The ten best plays in New York
to co-operate with the President in ,veothvrathat(neoderlfthat
lts of pepehv se n er over the vacation (in order of inter-
..lots fppe have used and heardI
every possible way, as is indicated by i eoew oayfr est):
th e resoo they officialy d id! t before. So before we go any fur- eMswAtTharMsca
theresluionthy ofiialy ~dote th rwe wish to say that we thoughtI The liloscow Art Theatre Musical
yesterday. of al o ls ysteray aferoon! Studio . (Aristophanes' ."Lysistrata,"
..of ,all ourselves yesterday afternoon
People connected with universities t aoI first week) at Jolson's 49th Street.
are peculiarly careful to guard and "Our own theatre has never co-ordi-
After all this introgluction we .tfl
protect their constitutional rights andsusferttaythintratho m- nated its parts so beautifully."-
liberties. Any indignation or dissatis- , Times.
faction that may have been expressed dinger of a joke, which it really isn't. "Iailet" in modern dress with
with the administration's policy dur- But it is so rarely that we do think Basil Sydney and Adrienne Morrison
ing the last few days was due only of a joke that we haven't been told, at the National.
to a misunderstanding which led that we feel we ought not to waste "Young Woodley" with Glenn Hun-
many students to believe that an effort the opportunity. Any way here it is:
manystuen-s t beiev tht a efort FORD: I like buying storage bat- ter at the Belmont.
was being made to encroach upon FeRDeuh "The Vortex" by and with Noel
those rights and liberties.eCOUPE:Why? Coward at the Henry Miller.
"TeThe student body, as a body, is as FOD: BcuWh o nawy "Tse Master Builder~ by Henrik
eager for prohibition enforcement on FORD: Becase you can always Ibsen with Eva LeHallienne and Alice
the campus as is the administration, charge them. John at the Princess.
and now that the two parties have humor papers please copy. "Easy Virtue" by Noel Coward with
come to an understanding of terms, Jane Cowl at the Empire.
we can expect a better University and We hope that "Becky Behave" the "In a Garden" by Philip Barry with
a finer spirit of co-operation for the forthcoming Junior Girls' play, has Laurette Taylor at the Plymouth.
New Year. one number in it as good as the one "The Fountain" by Eugene O'Neill
from which the title was lifted "Lady at the Greenwich Village.
FARM RELIEF Be Good." *Arnis and the Man" by George
* * * Bernard Shaw with Alfred Lunt and
A few days Ago President Coolidge Not many of you will read this de- Lynn Fontanne at the Garrick.
addressed the delegates to the Amer-
ican Farm Bureau Federation cnven- partment very seriously this morn- "The Green Hat" by Michel Arlen
ion FinmCBicago Fndthetidninistra- ing, we fear, since the thought of go- with Katherine Cornell.
tion in Chicago on the admmnistra- . rhm natnnchrneavhn
h it -hn dlnxc .ithina

Books for Children

Our Juvenile Departments are filled with a fine selecton of books, games and
stationery for little brothers and sisters. We are showing many beautifully illustrated
iraham'sABook stoaW
Open ,evenings until Christmas At Both Ends of the Diagonal Walk.


Telephone 4925
Chairman, Editorial Board.. .Norman R. Tha
City Editor........,.... Robert S. Mansfield
News Editor..........ManningnHouseworth
Women's Editor...........Helen S. Ramsay
Sports Editor ............. Joseph Kruger
Telegraph Editor......... William Walthour
Music and Drama......Robert B. Henderson
Night Editors
Smith H. Cady Leonard C. Hall
Willard B. Crosby Thomas V. Koykka
Robert T. DeVore W. Calvin Patterson
Assistant City Editors
Irwin Olian Frederick H. Shilito
Gertrude E. Bailey Helen Morrow
William T. Barbour :Margaret Parker
Charles Behymer Stanford N. Phelps
William Breyer Marie Reed
Philip C. Brooks Simon Rosenbaum
L. Buckingham Ruth Rosenthal
Edgar Carter Wilton A. Simpson
Carleton Champe Janet Sinclair
J.ugene H. Gutekunst Courtland C. Smith
Douglas Doubleday Stanley Steinke
Mary Dunnigan Uarissa Tapson
"ztmes T. Herald Henry Tburnau
Miles Kimball David C. Vokes
ion Kubik Chandler J. Whipple
Walter H. Mack Cassam A. Wilson
l~~R. Markus Thomas C. Winter
_: "iis Merry Marguerite Zilszke

Iave your hat cleaned and blocked
before goinlg home.
617 Packard Street. Phone 7415.
(Where D. U. B. Stops at State St.)

During the vacation
Friday and Saturday
This Week_


Telephone 21214

'' Y, fi.-..
d ."..


a*vertising................Joseph J. Finn
ยง%Itising . ........... .T. D. Olmsted, Jr.
Aj.'ertising ...........Frank R. Dentz, Jr.
rtising ..................Wi, L. Mullin
Licxation.l..................3i. L. Newman
Pubiication............ Rudolph Bostelutan
Accounts..............- .Paul W. Arnold

Ingred M. Alving A . A. Norquist
George H. Annable. Jr. Loleta G. Parker
W. Carl Bauer Julius C Pliskow
John H. Bobrink Robert Prentiss
W. J. cox Wm. C. Pusch
Marion A. Daniel Franklin J. Rauner
A. Rolland Damm Joseph Ryan
James R, Def'uy Margaret Smith
Mary Flinterman Mance Solomon
Margaret L. Punk Thomas Sunderland
Stan Gilbert Eugene Weinberg
T. Kenneth Haven Win. J. Weinman
R. Nelson Sidney Wilson
Night Editor-ROBERT T. DE YORE
"Your materialism is superficial
your nobility of soul is' fundamen-
tal. Your greatness rests not in
your amazing natural resources,
your minerals, oil and virgin soil,
but in the energy and enterprise
of your people. The American
destiny is fraught with high
promise."-J. St. Loe Stragchey,
editor of the London Spectator, in
a radio farewell address to the
United States. after a seven weeks'
To many, it is a somewhat pertinent
fact, worthy of some consideration,
that when we return to the Univer-
ity after the holiday vacation, it will
be in the year 1926 (A.D.) To the in-
different, it means nothing; to thel
weary, "another year;" and to the
wise, "an opportunity." In spite of
he plaints and dire phophesies of
the gloomists, the nation is not going
on ,,the rocks, the "younger genera-
tion" is not speeding on to perdition,
nor is everyone making the great trek
to Florida .
Although, in retrospect, we might
look somewhat dubiously on the
achievements of the first woman gov-
ernor in Texas and the Scopes and
Mitchell trials, we can reflect with
some merited enthusiasm on some of,
the achievements of the past year:
the Locarno Pact, the arbitration of
the Tacna-Arica boundary dispute, the
..pt action of the League of Na-
in stopping the Greco-Bulgarian
outbreak, and the internationalization
of the student federations of the
For the coming year, business will
probably be on the upward trend-
toward a substantial growth and rea-
sonable prosperity. The sciences will
unoubtedly: continue to make new
and. useful discoveries to benefit hu-
r'manity. The social services will cer-
tainly care for the needy and disabled
as far as possible. It ought to be a
great year if we make the most of it.
1kappy New Year!
The entire student body has known
for a long time that the liquor situa-
tion couldn't go on as it was going

tion's policy toward farm relief. In
his address, the President strongly
condemned some of the proposed
price-fixing bills in no uncertain
terms . He advanced his own plans,
which provided for co-operative mark-
eting measures, the formation of a co-
operative marketing association, and
active aid in the department of agri-
culture for the farmers of the coun-
The administration expected an en-
dorsement of the President's policies,
but such was not forthcoming,-he
apparently failed to convince the
farmers of the value of his measures.
Consequently, the middle western
farm groups are expected to support
the. more radical bills to be proposed
in the Senate this week. Represent-
ative Dickinson, Republican, of Iowa,
;yilljntroduce a bill providing for the
use eooyprnment agencies for price-
fixing of p'rcouct If which there is a
surplus. Senator Cummins, also of
Iowa, will propose another price-fix-
ing bill, similar to that of his col-
As a resuit of the administration's
policies and their lack of support,
there is raised the possibility of a po-
litical revolt in the middle west next
year, and perhaps a presidential can-
didate in 1928. Senator Capper, Re-
publican, of Kansas, who is considered
by many as the logical leader of this
party, believes that only immediate
adjustment of freight rates, the secur-
ing of reliable marketing information,
and better credit arrangements, will
put the farmer back on his feet, se-
cured, perhaps, by more vigorous leg-
islation than that proposed by the
chief executive.
Certainly the economic status of the
farmer should be improved at once.
Price fixing would probably remedy
the situation only temporarily at best.
The President's policy seems the most
practical one: co-operative marketing
measures, and active aid in the de-
partment of agriculture. These, cou-
pled with financial relief,-reasonable
credit facilities,-would alleviate the
l unfortunate existing conditions. The
i administration's plan is safe, sane,
and practical. Why not use it?
Anonymous communications will be
disregarded. The. names of commi-
cants wil, howevera. be regarded as
confidential upon re(uest
To the Editor:
It is gratifying to see the fine atti-
tude and courage shown by President
Little during the few months he has
been at the head of the University.
In his address at the citizen's recep-
tion, he gave voice to the mutual in-
terests of citizens and of the Univer-
sity, expressing the spirit of co-opera-
tion between the University and citi-
zens necessary to accomplishing the
work the University is supposed to
do. His inaugural address was full of
sympathy for the students who find
themselves on the campus for the first
time, bewildered and discouraged by
the strange situation, the tortuous, if
not the torturing, processes of enter-
ing college, and suggeted practical
ways of helping them to find them-
selves quickly, and to get the idea
that the University wants to help
them. Now the President is taking
steps to help the student body to ridl
itself of the activities of the bootleg-
ger, emphasizing the duty to uphold
the state and nation.
President Little is taking advance

Ong nome qun e oversaows any ng
else. But perhaps you will use this
Daily to wrap up your shoes or some-
thing, and then when you get home
your famnily will see it.
Which leads us to think how futile
it is to write for a newspaper. Of
course a certain amount of people
read it, but have ever thought to how
many entirely foreign uses a news-
paper is put? Wrapping thinks, cov-
ering thinks, hiding thinks, and some
people even put large piece of it inside
their shoes to keep their feet warm.
Thus they walk on our labored writ-
ing at every step, and no one knows
that they are even doing it. Such is
life. Someone is always walking on
one's greatest efforts, and the rest of
the world doesn't even know that they
are doing it.
* s s
'Twas the night before Christmas
and all through the house
You could hear the boys snoring for
King Charles give a rouse
But in the wee hours from under
the phone
A vice shouted I'm Irish my name is
Ike Cohn.
'Twas the night before Christmas
and all through the house
By jove you have guessed it: the
trap's for a mouse -
Now don't take me wrong and don't
be misled
For Mable had only a pain in her
'Twas the night before Christmas
and all through the house
You could hear the loud stripes on
Sophie's new blouse
The point of this poem seems only
to clear
When driving a trolley you don't
have to steer.
No boys, the headline in yesterday's
paper reading "World Court Bill
comes to Senate" doesn't refer to our
noted Professor of Geology. That
gentleman is still right here in Ann
Arbor (or Greenland).
* * *
Ann Arbor, 1\lich., Dec. 18.-Miss
Effie Snorp, whom you must all know
by this time, will leave Ann Arbor at
12:35 P. M. today for her home in
Northern Michigan. The name of the
town is Flyspeck (you can find on
anyy map) and the nearest railroad
station is Milesaway.
The Michigan Central will give Miss
Snorp a private train with three and a
half engines to take her to Milesaway
Because of the narrowness of the
berths on the average sleeper, it has
been found necessary to construct a
special sleeper for Effie. This car is
designed along the general lines used
in the average bat car except that it

The six best musical comedies (in
order of interest):
"The Charlot Revue of 1926" with
Beatrice Lillie, Jack Buchanan, *and
Gertrude Lawrence at the Selwyn.
"The Cocoanuts" by George Kauff-
man with the four Marx brothers at
the Lyric.
"No, No, Nanette!" with Lcuise
Groody at the Globe.
"Princess Flavia" at the Century.
"Rose Marie" at the Imperial. I
"Earl Carroll's Vanities" at the Earl
Carroll. **"
The six best plays in Chicago over
the vacation (in order of interest) :
"What Price Glory" by Lawrence
Stallings at the Studebaker.
"Raln" with Jeanne Eagels at the
Sam 11. Harris.
"The l.Dove" by Willard Mack, di-
rected by David Belkasco, and withG
Holbrook Blinn and Judith Anderson
at the Blackstone.
"The kiss in a Taxi" with Arthur!
Byron and Janet Beecher at the Adel-
"Hagda" by Herman Sudermann
with Bertha ,kalich at the Princess.
The Americn premiere of "Resur-
rectiou" by the greatest actress on
the stage today, Miss Mary Garden,
New Year's eve at the Auditorium.
The four best musical comedies (in
order of interest):
"Kid Boots" with Eddie Cantor and
Mary Eaton at the Woods.
"Tambourine'~' by Valentine Davies
and Walker E erett at the, Auditorium
this evening at 8:15 o'clock.
"Castles in the Air" with Vivienne
Segal at the Olympic.
"Tambourine" by Valentine Davies
.and Walker Everett at the Auditorium
this evening at 8:15 o'clock.
Comedy Club is presenting Bernard
Shaw's comedy in four scenes, "Great
Catherine," Tuesday and Wednesday
evenings, January 12 and 13, in the
Mimes theatre.
On Shaw's own admission, it is his
single bravura farce, a broad unman-
nered and unmoral piece, filled with
a slapstick hardly a step above cus-
tard pies and lovely ladies. The
Catherine he treats is a maidenly
woman, a German with a fraulein ac-
cent, the dignity of a Juno and the
passion of a fishfag. A glorious crea-
ture, but a heroine no more than
Joan, the Saint, or Candida, the devil.


Under New
Our Slogan-
Quality and Service
at Lowest Prices
Served at All Hours
11:30 a.m.p2 .m.,& 5:30-S p.m.
Varsity Inn
512 East William

- -__-
- ___

Every Saturday Night
Through Vacation
Our crowning success
If you are in town don't fail
to enjoy this dance. Everyone

.- . .,
v '


f [







I-p HINK of good will not only as a Christmas suggestion.
Make it a part of your year 'round creed. Practice it daily.
Cultvate the habit continually. You will be the greatest beneficiary.
But Christmas time, when this spirit of good will is most in
the air, and most in the minds of men, is a good time to consider
it carefully. Carefully lest when the spell of the holiday spirit is
spent, we again neglect good will. For the heritage of good will
to the individual is contentment and happiness, to industry it is
growth and a good name, to society it is peace and prosperity.
Without this saving quality towards his fellows, no individual
may consider himself successful. He has neglected his greatest
opportunities. He has sold his birthright for a mess of pottage in
living for himself alone. He finds himself cold to those finer
sentiments of mankind which are a true measure of greatness.
Nor can an institution long exist without good will. It is the
firm foundation upon which every great industry is founded. It is
the power behind governments that makes them strong, just as it is
the quality within the hearts of men that makes them great-that
makes friends for them.
From Bethlehem comes our greatest lesson in good will.
Christ taught us. But we soon forget. It is his birth we celebrate
with perhaps too little thought to its real significance.


44. }

is enclosed.
Miss aSnorp's parents will be there
to meet her and there will be much
gayness in the railroad station at
1Milesaway tomorrow, unless the earth
gives 'way under the strain. Geologists
claim that if the three Snorps stand
in one ;ection of the earth long
enough there is bound to be an earth- /
quake in China. Members of the Lo-
cal geology department are installing _ _ _ _ _
a Radio somewhere to warn China.



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