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December 16, 1925 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-12-16

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'emomm "Nowl - I





o T i VU O C O[feB eordDece]1-aMichigan'sthat of Michigan In thesame five T
GgRE, defensive n f~~~ootball over the yeas that Michigan was losing four I ,M 1 IZ P o T as
I ath ieoahri,;as te etet e e gmsantointwlionalo t! dysPatc eso ilIl '~hTi hrRtie t r e z~ tun
Doygle's Absence Forces SkpprTo0 made by a maor univesiy team in three and tied four. r Entrane( (Jlg ahee
Mlcnd A New Comibination11For All of the other leading teams jrinal39r11Till n qa o okaie.ieWt io:sinI>~~
Tmro' Tieby sty theatliti pSftes. . w oet~~l20~ IE~ i~~ o ~ ~ i~Wt )~~ii ~cr~'as uqaifiedly 'ittranu
rrersoitys Gmeihd moehthna20 poits ssredi Of Vacation FHitl (ACu cndemnlfed by' the Uniersty of Mlichi-
In comp arison with f the lead- against them with the excetion of ! thleice
MO 'gl tit. 't1C ~t '('adatosf L ENDAt MAYr PLAY lung schools of the United States it s; Chicago and lost five or more games. TO MEET D.Y.C. FRIDAY! ANOTHER CUT' PROBABLE 1 ofthe Board n Control of Athletics f therui(
it C a ai D i k D y e til n- show n th e re w ere less points scored ;Ohio State and Illinois lead in the upon sit ua io n ;s imriar to the G range a ahC p a n D c oy e sil u -ia a n ts' soona g i s al - n m e f l s e ha k d u g i s o a 's d il w l l s h ai y o c aI's ef es m n b s * , s s o
able, to report for practice, Coach aforecohd only school whose statistic- them in this period ini the Middle West practices for the Varsity swimming ketehalrementor, now has 23 ichandidates I
at rcordcompares favorably with with 16 andl 3 losses respectively1 squad untiltoafterwvascationaasiathe teamnd
Mauher is undecided about the lineup _ -whl ardi n h atlt1 n ildutlaervcioasheemITec
ofth/Mchga aswill ieam not practice tomorrow prior to i o the 1929 basketball squadl as a re- Prof. P. tJ Aigler. of the Law' coniina
oe th ihia akebl F e; en To Hold Stanford in the West, 12. the A. A. U., junior championship meet slt of the final cut announced yes-f school, and Chairnman f the Boa dI fraternit
vwhieh 'will meet the University of l., ,, Illinois, which is popularily regard-! whichi will be held at the Union to- terrlay. in Control in Athletics, reounrted sev-, polo coni
Pittsburgh five in the Yost field house! e cigTo r e edl as a leader in football circles, morrow night and in which all of the In order to give each player more oraml Yinstnceti in the past .whee Mich-; will be h
at 7:15 o'cloack tomorrow night, shows a surprising weakness in the members of the team are entered. individual instruction and to further igan tletes wh ,ere had been d tisci-25yr
Coach Mather is trying every avail-; More than 25 fretdnaan will take fDamneanother tea On Friday the team will meet the the team play in a small group, Coach pled, for violation of t he amateur stroke, f
able combination in a last minute f-' hart in the first freshman fening ta popularily re- (Detroit Yacht club at Detroit as the' Fishert has been forced to cut the c'ce el.y
fort to develop a formidable five to tourianent which will ho held t 2g r
face the Easterners. TIhe Wolverine o'clock this afternoon at Watrman f During the pat fie years ihigan swimming trip. Coach' Mann has beenj tie. Thle squad is now reduced far! when two memb~ers of Wolverine foot-!man can
gaoonn hruheheesragtha-rrllnwhsme ntnurnethrigenuhieteOpnonottecoc, al em naghinpstsasnpr-l-eoft
remdilnhsmni nuac ui nu i alteamegadinpssaonr- . that faced the Ohio Wesicyarn gyrnna iuma. Studenty : will be admitted ca er ihu igegggg1 pno ftecahpsv
five last Saturday night in the[ free o bclmr e endryaswtotainl defeat- the past two weeks to prepare them to give ample opportunity to develop fe~sioni play and were, consequently! Winner
opening game o e evtseason sh owed rTpho('scfrtin nthis year have shown in1r2mothe time of theino a me fo he strain of the meet and con-, a few candidates for the Varsity squad deprived. o their "d and declared places w
poe nteofnie u eQw e XCelit la pa ~;,_ i5,and ini the all fiheinlno1924.n77 etinued that practice in yesterday's net fall. There is a probability fof 1nelig~bl(efor furter ntcrclegiate. oit
fully weak on the defense. Empha- cam.u) meet winc.h will b 1 e held sone Tm ecrl~tme fieyaI~drill, making another cut, reducing,te'Icoptition and subjected to faculty pofnther
siigteymotne fasrogTheim nFb nr i wl esrpiigeoothellveseanfrom t192 Aof tr
siin te mprtnc o aston dl-tie n ebr~rycovel-r urri ing pro Entries for the meet tomorrowv night squad to 20, but te caliber of the (iscipline vt
fense as well as a good offense, Coach; if a few of tho e ~arlings (d0 not take toi and including the 192; season fol-! closed Monday with the entries of 1 meni in the workouts during the next;' 71Oiis expressed in Ann Arbor;I in conjur
Mather hopes to build uip a combinaI the laurel:' s n- ohe ulpl erl1assmen. los: practically every swimmer of note in !few weeks will determine such action, have srarnered (dowim to a single is-i races, a
tin that will make a favorable show- mt ere:t Ili en,. gis oicrasingall IPit Michigan swimming circles having In previous years most of the en sue, and to quote a member of the fac-ive e
ating in the second game of the year.!w~oe h onr at seilyhr Score d sent in his or her entry. In the 50 on tlie squad received their highlly, "Fumndamentaly, the question at mnumberc
Wihtetrespooefobl tMichigan. ..ti, h rsent time wo- yar
menh haeettakensithomora fooabfew!week s Games Games by Yr free style, for men, more than school experience in the state of Mich-' issue is wvhether or not it is the pu-;The tean
stars, Oosterbaan, Molenda, and Sam- aote- eemr hn1( esn Lost Tied Ops.50 entries have been received wand igan, but this season's aggregation is !poe o this University to prepare itsbedca
my Babcock, reporting daily Mthers civey Iagdintissor m icigan ............4 210 thre is not a race on the program in made up largely of out of stte men. I Sf~cls sfl poesina'n Eacht
squad has been reinforced consider-'th California ..........4 which preliminary heats will not be business r ives or for a livehood in pro-, members
ably.' In the event that Doyle loes;cmps Notre Damte...... 2 2231 necessary. Walter Hagen was arrested for fessioni athletics. The readiness tourname
not play, Schroeder will be shifted)~ Dartmouth...........6 2 272: Michigan entries who are expected speeding in St. Petersburg, Fla., Moin- xwith which anyone familiar with this sweaters
from guard to the tip off position. Gymi Changes5 14~ll EYl......... 207 to place well in the meet are Capt. day. instt ion can answer this question'-
g Oosterbaan has made a promising Be ei Cornell .......... .. . .6 0 235 1 Jack Gow, Samson, and Darnall in -- indieizts our stand ." NEW
showing and will undoubtedly play in ' FfeI aculty Chicago........ . . ,7 5 1 the dashes, Whiittingham and Shorr in John McEwan, Army football coach, A regulation adopted by the Board l ager of t
some portion of the game /at center. Iowa........ . .... . ..7 1 248 the breaststroke, and John Halstead has signed a contract to coach Oregon. in Control in Athletics a year ago! an leagu
Molenda is an exceptionally fast Alterationi to provide aditional rec. Princeton............9 3 244 and Clarence Batter in the backstrokei- provides for the revoking of insigniaj he had s
man for his size and may get an op-,' reational facilties for mnembers of the I Stanford............12 3 269 event. ' For every article for sale, there is l if any athlete emters professional 'manages
portunity to play at one of the tor- faculty will be radle in Waterman Illinois .............13; 1 2611f a buyer. Reach him thru Cassifieds. cometition during his college course. i league r
wardl positions. Ilarrigan and Cherry gymnasium during the Christmas hol- Harvard ............14 it 337- Let The Daily sell it for you thrt
will probably start at the forwards, days. One new sus or ilb Ohio State ..........16 5 270 tne Classified columns.-Adv. qahcor ilb
with Chambers at one of the guards built while the present handball and -"
Schommer of Chicago, prominentJ squash courts will be improved.
football and basketball official in they-- - -"-! N ° jI
Bi ehsbeen aseleted to ac'p~int II i S K ATIE

s for the interclass swimming
ent will be received at the
;ral of lee all this week. Class
managers are urged to make
itries immedliately so that a
amay be drawn uip to begin
as possible after the vaca.-.
class tournament will be a
tion of the features of the
Uy dual swimming and water
Itests. In swimming, races
held in the 25 yardl free style,
back stroke, 25 yard breast
'ancy diving and the 100 yard
'wo men from each class will
red in each event, and each
ienter only one event exclu-
le relay.
rs of first, second,; and third
ill. receive five three and one
,espectively,. and the winner
clay will receive six points.
er polo contest will be held
nction with the swimming
d the winner of this will be
n points to add to the total
of scores made in the swims.
a having the largest total will
ed winner of the meet.
team is allowed a ten man
,hip and the team winning the
e~nt will be awarded numeral
YORK.-Bucky Harris, man-
he Washington club, Anieri">-'
ie champions, announced that
igned a contract for $7,000 to
a team in the Florida winter
,epresenting Coral Gable:T


referee of the game Thursday night.I
McCulloch, of the Springfield training
school, will be the umpire.
The time of the game has been ad-
vanced to 7:15, o'clock instead of the
usual game time. f
End TO Get lCharm1
Denny Oosterbaan, selected on Col-
lier's all-American eleven, will be
awarded another gold football by the
Michigan Athletic Association. The
football will be similar to the ones
received by Michigan all-Americans in ;-
the past,: containing a spread eagle
in addition to the Michigan "M".
Oosterbaan is the 14 Wolverine to
be selected on Collier's -first team.
Helen Wills, youthful' Californian,
who has swept to tennis heights in I
the last three' years, will encounter
the French marvel, Mlle. Lenglen, in
the Mediterranean tournaments this
winter. Miss Wills' trip to Europe
will undoubtedly be a great thing forl
European tennis, according to Miss

Tickets are now available at
the main desk in the Union for
the Michigan A. A. U. junior
championship meet which will
be held at the Union pool Dec.
17. The tickets are priced atj
fifty cents and one dollar. Only
200 reserved seats will be placed
on sale.
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