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December 16, 1925 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-12-16

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WY}L.rl.f lN fl mAV f'7'lY1iCE M i .1o 1!'12 TI-f M C TZ M D T .

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. s lay Of 60 Dolls And 36) Siap
Books To Be Feature Of Affair
Iven Today
Dolls and scrap looks from the Y.
Wf.W C. A. wokshpp, will be displayed
at the Christmas frolic in Newberry
hail this afternoon. Among other
',"features of the party will be the pre-
sentation of a radio skit written by
Pauline Bridgeman, '27, the theme of
which is the choice a society woman
makes between the fascinations of
city life and the Y. W. C. A. It will
be presented by Matilda Sommerfield,
'28, and Marian Broehm, '29.
Special invitations have been sent
to members of the several Y. W. C.
A. groups on the campus such as the
social workers at the hospital, the
women in the club leadership course,
the leadership commission group and
all who have assisted in the workshop.
The party is for all women on the
campus however and the committee
n ihopes to see many there.
In speaking of the Christmas work-
shop Miss Ruth Deemer, general sec-
retary of the University Y. W. C. A.
said that the work was splendid and
would be interesting for everyone.
"The cooperation of a great many
.}University women was obtained in this
work," stated Miss Deemer, "and the
true Christmas spirit was expressed
by their interest in others to the ex-
tent that they wished the hospital chil-
dren to have a happy Christmas.",
The workshop is a part of the social
service work carried on by the Uni-
versity Y. W. C. A. Anna Arnold, '27,
is chairman of the social service com-
mittee and Anna Louise Buck, '26, has
charge of the workshop. Sixty dolls
and 30 scrap books were completed'
by the committee. They will be given
to the hospital before Christmas and
distributed to the children on Christ-
mas day.'
Statistics Show -
Numbers Of Sel1
Supporting Women
Out of a total of 2,051 undergraduate
wonen registered at the University
7s in pa self-supportirn. A ot
on third of this Plumber are engaged
in office work of some kind with' the
remaining fraction doing everything
from library work and tutoring to
housework and sewing. The statis-
tics compiled on this subject show
that out of 22.23 per cent who par-
tially aid in their support 120 women,,
or 5.85 per cent of the total enroll-
ment f nd&rgraduate women are
.entire self pporting.
These figures prove that education
has come to mean so much to women
that they are willing to sacrifice much
of the comforts and pleasures of col-
lege life in order to complete their
courses of study,
BALTIMORE.-Girls are nearly 100
percent wrong and men only 45 per-
cent in estimating how long it will
take them to dress or do, anything
else. Tests have been conducted at
seven colleges by Johns Hopkins psy-

Author Of Play "BECKYRHAVE i
Margaret Lord 'Nmied Anthor Of Book,
a11Whic Cohmbines Local Color
And Idioms

"Becky Behave" is the name of the
play which will be presented as the,
annual production of the junior class.
The book was written by Margaret
Lord, of Owosso, and was selected
from a number handed in to Irene
Field, chairman of the play.
The play this year is essentially
local in character. Both scenes arel
staged in Ann Arbor and will becauseI

Margaret Lord
Margaret Lord, who has been chosen
as the author of the 22 :Junior Girls'
play. The title of this year's pro-.
duction is "Becky Behave."
From now on the Women's league
orchestra will play for any organiza-
tion for a small sum, according to
M argaret Purdy, '27Ed., new manager
of the orchestra. Anyone wishing to
engage the orchestra may do so by
calling Miss Purdy at 7717.
Since its organization early in the
fall, the orchestra has played for sev-
eral league functions where it has
proved very popular, and in addition
has given one radio concert. From
reports received by members of the
orchestra, it has been learned that the
concert was heard by people all over
the state of Michigan and even as far,
south as Missouri.
At the present time, the orchestra
has seven members. Gwendolyn Wil-
son, S. of M. besides being director
also plays the piano. Angeline Wil-
son, '27Ed, cornet; Marie De Bold,
'28, and Audrey Wells, '28, saxophones;
Mary Alice Case, '28, violin; Eugenia
Van, Kammen, .'2F,. banjo; Margaret
Purdy, '27Ed, drums. Miss Purdy
urges all women who can play jazz
instruments to let her know. Banjos
and wind instruments are especially
The Board of dir/ c-ors of the Wo-
men's league decided to pay the or-
chestra as a professional group. By
reducing the rates to the league in
preference of engagements the or-
chestra retains the, name of Women's
league orchestra although it will play
for various functons. Up to now they
have donated services free of charge.
NEW YORK.-A four colored cat
whose parents were worshipped by
the king of Siam is the attraction
of a cat show. His body is fawn,
eyes blue, toes pink, head, tail and
legs chocolate.
The changing tempo of the Charles-
ton is too difficult for dancers of
Paris, and =hew French can master it.

Extend Tryouts'
For Junior Play
Due to the fact that there was a
last minute rush there will be Junior
Girls' play tryouts from 4 to 6 o'clock3
today at harbour gymnasium. More!
than 45 women were turned away yes-I
terday afternoon which accounts for
the change in plans. To (late 230 wo-
men have tried out and 45 more haveI
cards which entitle them to try out.
This total of 275 is still less than the
total of tryouts for last year's play
when 295 junior women tried out.

1 i Women's league stickers have been
of the wealth of local color which they Wr men's ll g sickg nha n bin ne
contain undoubtedly gain the appre- mailed to all Michigan alumni in Dc-
ciation of the college audiences. troit, Ann Arbor and all the smaller
towns in the vicinity. Those receiv-
This year the stress will be upon ing stickers are asked to pass on those
the choruses. Amy Loomis, '22, direc- which they will not use themselves,
tor of the play, hopes to make them to others who may be shopping in De-
more distinctive, and unified. The cast troit during the holidays.
proper, of the play is smaller than.I Detroit students in the University
that of' last year, though the choruses are working on the drive to distribute
will give the same amount of oppor- the stickers personally. There are
tunity. I26 group leaders who are assigned
Miss Loomis has expressed her sat- districts in the city and who have un-
isfaction at the early start the play der them all Michigan students in that
this year has received. Up to this i district. With the help of these wom-
time everything has continued suc- en and by appealing to the alumni, the
cessfully and the play as a production Women's league should realize a
is more advanced than last year. large profit from this venture. To
Work has been started by the music I further the interest of the group lead-
committee of which Catherine Buehrer, ers and their helpers, a prize of $20
'27, is chairman. A meeting was held toward their life membership pledgez
of all women who are interested in will be given to the woman who hasI
this line of work recently and the I the most stickers turned in at Himel-
turnout was very encouraging. hoch's store.
The sets for this years play will Anyone not receiving the stamps
all be original, but the final designs through some error on the part of
have not been chosen. These sets the committee may obtain them at
wil becontrutedby he amearchi- the Michigan booth in the store any-
will be constructed by the same time during the week from Dec. 26 to
tect who made the sets for Masques ; Jan 1
play recently. Elizabeth Blackwood, '26. chair-
According to Miss Field those who man of the drive, will meet all Detroit
will receive notices to report for the 1 women as well as all those interested
second tryouts Jan. 6 should make from Dearborn. Wayne, Wyandotte,
their exhibitions of a more finished Birmingham, Mt. Clemens and other
character, than those they used at places near Detroit, at 4 o'clock to-
their first appearance, because these day in the parlors of Barbour gymnas-
tryouts will be the determining factor, ium. All group leaders are asked to
Last year's play was written by a get in touch with their helpers before
committee of three. The book this the meeting. Stickers will be distri-
year is considered very good, combin- buted at this time and further in-'
ing as it does humor, local color and! structions given.
college idioms.
I ROME.-Italy's theater and motion
NEW PORK.-The healthiest of picture activities henceforth will be
,00girEstudet Y -t Colbiass Fascist, under an agreement of stage
1,000 giri students at Columbia-Miss and film interests to combine into one
Elizabeth Metzger of New York, uses organization.
no cosmetics and does not smoke, but
she wears high heels. j PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW.
W Pack L'Luches

j i.
i s

Y. W. Secretary
States Purpose
Of Organization
"Creation of high ideals, develop-
ment of character and the opportun-
ity for service and training in leader-
ship is the purpose of the Y. W. C. A.,"
stated Miss Ruth Deemer, general sec-
retary of the University Y. W. C. A.
"The Y. W. C. A. in a college com-,
munity is a group of women who have,
voluntarily united in loyalty to a com-
mon purpose which is the determina-
tion to seek after and find a way of
life which is finer. It is a help in col-
lege and later to meet the problems of
life in a way satisfactory to themselv-
es. This was done through their ac-
tivities which are well known on the
"The social service work which is
carried on by the organization grows
out of this purpose" continued Miss
Deemer, "and the world fellowship
work, by recognizing the value of in-
terests, culture and tradition of other
countries, broadens the life of women
by developing interest in and contact
with women from these countries.'
"A set of standardsh helping fresh-
men adjust themselves to life in a
large state university is given by the
leadership commission and practice in
the development of qualities of real
leadership. It fits them to meet the
problems in a large university and de-
velopes friendships" said Miss Deem-
"The community service is unique"
stated Miss Deemer. "While in col-

lege students become divorced from
their home town and have no contact
with a community. They are a part
of the campus, but they are going in-
to a community after they are out of
college and they should have the con-
nection by social service work while
they are in college. The Y. W. C. A.
presents a real opportunity for serv-
ice and is worth while" stated Miss
Deemer in conclusion.
TURIN.-Queen Mother Margherita
of Italy is suffering from an attack of
grip, with fever, and Prof. Quirico,
royal physician, has arrived hurried-
ly from Rome.


Black Quill pictures will not be tak-
en this week.
Alumni association of Sigma Alphw
Iota. to hold monthly meeting at 7:30
o'clock tomorrow night at home of
Mrs. S. W. Moore, 1049 Olivia avenue,
'Barbour gymnasium
Fieshman women meet at 4 o'clock
tomorrow afternoon to elect repre-
sentatives to b'oard of directors of Wo-
men's league.
All athletic managers are expected
to attend meeting at 4 o'clock today.
Honor council meets at 4:30 o'clock


Mother and

Sister would greatly

appreciate a gift that came from
Ann Arbor, but their appreciation
would be greater if they knew it

was selected here.
offers you the bestI
parel, silk kimonos,

Our assortment
in Women's ap-
toilet requisites,

Something New
Milk Mask
Facial Culture-
Ask Us About It.

scarfs, sweaters and purses.
The Jacobson seal on a gift war-
rants its quality.

Nickels Arcade

Phone 9616

I I --' 'I

.r y a
i !

I nt

Corner Liberty
and Maynard

Enjoy Our Lunch
on the Train
Phone 9215

Open During


, -r--


11111Illillllll111U111111111111U111111111111111It1(11111111111 111111111111111111111111111111911 ,,; li
Four Simple Answers to
"What Shall I Give?"
Dainty Iace llandkerchiefs-trifles
every girl loves. Linen or geor- -
gette centers have deep edging of
filmy lace, 65c to $2.75.
(Main Floor)
Novelty turn-down cuffs make the
Christmas Kid Gloves attractive!
Shades of tan and grey, also black,=
embroidered in contrasting colors,
$3.00 to $5.00.
(Main Floor)
Daring, dazzling, original, scarfs
add the gay, sophisticated touch
to make a costume ultra-chic.-
Fancy patterns in every desired
color, $3.50.
(Main Floor)
Roomy Pouch Bags, smart En-
velopePurses,tequally fashionable

Gifts that Appeal
To The Eternal Feminine
You don't have to rack your
brain for suitable gifts to take
home for the family or a beau-
tiful one to give to the room-
mate before you leave. Hut-
zel's shops abound in real gift
inspirations of the right and
lovely thing for everyone.

Women's Fashio
chiefs, Priced
Georgette, linen,
lawn, lissue. Lac
trimmed. All col
Men's Handkerch
Pyramid, lissue,
Hand drawn colo
colored stripes. P
Boys' StripedI
12e to
Y_ Sets or Pieces
Variety of
Plain ivory ambe
grey pearl in fifty
-children's sizes
YouW ant Speed? Very N ewArri
Handles, Bri
Glorias and silk
Thuixb style, $3.5
S e d i Heeton umbrellas, $1
Gift Box es Priced
You want speed in service these days-speed with- Weber's Chocola
and creams. P
out questions-speed with shopping comfort. "They say theya
And as far as it is humanly possible, you will find PUR
Genuine Leathe
that Christmas shopping speed in Goodyear's right and Bright:
Combinations of
now.'effects in both en
shapes, and all
- Luxurious cut s
Of course, we are being taxed to capacity. With altogether ma
$3.50 to $27.50.
I. ~the largest selling force of the year busy, hard at
I -work, filling your gift wants. But capacity or not,
Fashion Right
you will find the service you are getting now is $ t
Cape gauntlettes
pleasant service and quick service. driving gloves, of
- srie palms, gloves wit.
ered turn back c
sorts of wool gl
The best service you get in the shopping day is
= earliest in the day. You will find the store busiest
Gift Sele
around noon and during the afternoon. But no 59c to $
A dozen differe
matter the time of day, be assured that this Christ- qualities in pure
hose comprising
mas service you are getting is the fastest service shade and every
ture. Smartly pa
physically possible to give you. advisedly chosen
- . ' - ;on now-n

enable landker-
19e to $1.75
crepe de chine,
e and embroidery
hiefs Boxed for
if Desired
silk or linen.
red threads. All
Priced 25c to 85c.
so 2e
Separately in
d Articles
r and ivory, and
y different things
in sets, as well
vals with Novel
ight Colors
s in short Tom
0 to $12.50. Cot-
.50 to $3.50.
f'om 50c to $3.50
tes, nuts, fruits
Delicious Aplets.
are wonderful."
ers Fashionably
tly Colored
colors, embossed
velope and pouch
approved sizes.
teel bead bags-
rvelous selection,
Selections from
0 $15.00
fur or wool lined,
taupe with brown
Lh, smart embrold-
uffs even smarter

Sheer Hosiery
Smart Handbags
Fragrant Perfumes

Dainty Lingeries
Novelty Jewelry
Chic Powder Jars

Bath Salts indndividual jars
Gay Scarfs
A Posy or Two


tloit From
4.7 Pair
ent weights and
silk and chiffon
every fmshionable
y serviceable fea-
atterned wool hose
in height of fash-

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