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December 15, 1925 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-12-15

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Indorses World Court At Conference
in Princeton, New Jersey
Last Week



~ .

Representing the student body of
more than 245 colleges of the United
States the national students confer-
ence on the World Court held last
Friday and Saturday in Princeton,
New Jersey, endorsed the Harding
Hughes Coolidge plan which recom-
mends the immediate entrance of the
United States into the court, accord-
ing to Elizabeth Parrot, '26, who was
present as the official delegate of the
Women's league of Michigan.
The greatest value of the conference
Miss Parrot believed was not the de-
cision concerning the World Court
plan but the leading up to the forma-
tion of a permanent organization of
student representatives for the dis-
cussion of international problems.
Several of the speakers emphasized
the need of student opinion in na-
tional affairs and pointed to the
examples of China, Germany, and Rus-
sia as countries actually run by stu-
dent action.
A national student federation of the
United States was formed and officers
elected at the Princeton conference.
Colleges represented in these lections
were: president, Princeton; vice-pres-
ident, Florida; secretary, Ohio State;
and treasurer, John Elliott, '26, of
Michigan. This organization was
formed temporarily whose purpose
is to consider the formation of a more
permanent one later.
"In talking with women representa-
tives of other colleges present at the
conference," commented Miss Parrot,
"I found that they believed their re-
stective campuses to be completely or-
ganized and that if such an organiza-
tion as the national student federa-
tion should be permanently formed a
reorganization of the present activi-
ties would be necessary in order to
allow an active participation of the
Miss Parrot gave! an informal re-
port of her trip before the members
of the board of directors of the Wo-
men's league yesterday. She will talk
- to the members of Athena and Portia
Literary societies tonight concerning
the results of the conference.

Freshman Women
To Hold Election
Freshman representatives to th;,
board of directors of the Women's
league will be elected at- a nceitnf
of 'all, freshien women at 4 o'clock
Thursday afternoon in the parlors of
l3arbour gymnasium.
Due to a University ruling that ,
freshmen are not allowed to take partk
in campus activities until the second
semester the members who are electedi
at this meeting will not assume office
until the second semester. They are
being elected now in accordance with
the constitution of the league which
states that freshmen members of the
board shall be elected between
Thanksgiving and Christmas. -
In announcing the meeting, Normat
Bicknell, '26, president of the league
said, "The girl who is selected as rep-
resentative should be interested ini
league work and aware of the possi-
bilities that this position offers.
Christmas decorations and a Christ-
mas tree loaded with presents will
form the settin'g for the annual formal
dinner to be given by Helen Newberry
residence Thursday night. Between'
courses, a cast of dormitory women
will present "St. George and the Dra-
gon," the annual'Newberry Christmas
play. Father Christmas himself will
be on hand to lead the procession of
carolers from the fourth floor to the
dining room, where the performance1
will be given.
Guests will include Mrs. Clarence
Cook Little. and children, the Board
of Govern-ors of the dormitory, the
deans of women, social directors and,
Dean John R. Effinger of the literary1
college and Mrs. Effinger.
At 6 o'clock on Friday morning, fol-
lowing the dormitory tradition, q
group of picked singers will marchr
through the corridors, singing Christ-
mas carols.
At Martha Cook building, the an-
nual Christmas breakfast will be
served Friday morning. Early in the
morning, the women of the fourth
floor, carrying lighted tapers and led
by Miss Elva Forncrook, social di-
rector, and the Board of Governors,
will march through the corridors.
singing Christmas carols and gather-
ing the women from the other floors
as they go. The procession will end
when the long corridor on the main
floor is reached. Here, tables, setI
with Christmas decorations and light-
ed by candles, will run the length of
the hall where the annual breakfast
is held.

RESULT OF Y1.WORK One of the oldest and most inter-
esting f campus traditions is the cus-,
hospital children will be made hap- torn of Christmas caroling !by the
py this year through the efforts of a nemnbe rzs of the Fre;hmen Girls' GleeI
gclub just before the students leave
grcat number of'University women for their vacation. This custom will
Who have spent a portion of their time be continued between 8 and 9 o'clockI
during the last six or eight weeks tomorrow night when the Glee club'
dressing dolls and making scrap books carols before the women's dormitories.
in the Y. W. C. A, workshop. The Since the first carol was sung on'
work is on display in some of the' that first Christmas nearly 2,000 years
store windows. ago, no Yuletide has been complete
One of the most attractive displays without a merry band of carolers
is in Lyndon's studio on North Uni- singing the old favorites. In Europe,
versity avenue. Scrap books of brightj the custom finds great popularity, and
shades of red, blue and lavendar in a few years ago it was introduced
which are pasted attractice pictures with great success into the American'
form a background for the display. cities.
The dolls are arranged so that they
form a triangle signifying the Y. W...
C. A., and are neatly dressed in white Postions During
voile or bright gingham and percale Vacation Offered
The work in the workshop has been University Women
more extensive this year than it was
last from the fact that larger dolls
have' been dressed. It has been open Students make very good salesladies,
every R'uesday, Wednesday and Thurs- according to the management of
day afternoon for the last eight weeks Mack and Company who have em-
and some of the women have taken ployed 25 college women to work in
dolls or scrap books to their houses I their department store during the
to work on. fChristmas holidays. They are es-
In connection with the Y. W. C. A. i pecially successful in the tgy, cos-
finance campaign, which is to be con- netic, and gift department accord-
ducted during the first week after ing to the employment manager.
Christmas vacation, some "messenger Nearly every college student who
boys" were sent to the league houses, has applied for a vacation job at this
dormitories and sororities last night store has been placed. Besides regu-
in the form of telegrams addressed lar positions there are a number of
to "Miss Live Y're". They were used part time positions still open. A few
as favors at dinner in the sororities are employed to relieve the regular
and dormitories and were posted in salesladies during the lunch hour.
the league houses. The campaign The University has no regular em-
will be launched on Tuesday morning ployment bureau for vacation work
and be continued on Wednesday and for women except for office work. Miss
Thursday and Friday. A banquet is Vida Van Vlerah who is in charge of
to be given on the first night and; this type of employment stated that
lunches will be served to the mem_ it is very rarely that any extra office
bers of the teams conducting the help is needed during the holidays.
campaign on the following days. Ac-
tivities will be centered at the Y. W.J solicits will be kept track of every


Women To Renew
Annual Customs,

Literary Clubs
Present Program
Members of Portia, Athena, Adelphi,I
and Alpha Nu will hold a ChristmasI
party at 7:15 o'clock Tuesday in thei
Society rooms (fourth floor of Angell(
hall). Faculty members of the pub-
lie speaking department and their
wives will be guests.1
The program will consist of an in-,
terpretive reading and a short dra-
matic skit presented by public speak-
ing students.
TOKIO.-War office advices from
Harbin say the Russian forces on thel
Russo-Chinese frontier apparently are
being reinforced.

C I ri, #antt ( i t

from Arnold's will please everyone, no matter how particular. Visit us for
a fine selection of Christmas novelties that will give distinction as well as
pleasure to your gifts. One cannot be too careful in the selection of Christ-
mas tokens. Visit us, too, for the best in quality and price.

Orchesis meeting postponed until
7:15 o'clock Tuesday, Jan. 5.
Theta Sigma meets at 3 o'clock this
afternoon ateThe Daily office.
Meeting of the University Girls' Glee
club at 4:30 o'clock today at the
School of Music.
Kappa Phi Christmas party at 7
o'clock tonight in Wesley haill.
Barbour gymnasiun
Outdoor sports class asked to bring
skates with them.
Junior Girls' play tryouts from 3:45
to 6 o'clock today.
Detroit women meet with members



C. A. headquarters in Newberry Ball.
The amount of money that each team

day and a prize awarded to the win-

The State Street fu'elcr

1 i I


CHICAG{1.-Charles Lederer, ;car-
toonist and illustrator for a number
of Chicago publications, and a con-
spicuous figure in the newspaper life
of- Chicago for many years, died Sun-

_ .

IL ~f~kGPS~
1 .0.

r ° __._.w. _,.., ...,

Best Wishes for

a Pleasant Vacation

Are your things all laundered up for the

trip home? Send them to us.
for and deliver.

We call



204 N. MAIN.

DIAL 3916

aP w


U -a~ t


When you want a taxti or auto for
any purpose, just ring up 4244 and
your car will be there for you in a
short time. We aim to give not only
fast but good service, at reasonable'
rates. Engage us for that Christmas!
trip or visit.I

Gifts for the Smoker
Smoking Stands, 98c
Dad never fails to sink back in his easy
chair to have a smoke after dinner.
Just think how he'll enjoy having a
wrought-iron smoking stand right by
his side! A metal stand with a holder
and a glass tray is priced at 98c.IOther
smoking stands in mahogany finish
range from $3.50 to $6.00.
Oriental Masterpieces
in This Sale of
Turkish Rugs
Luxurious rugs from the Orient, in de-
lightful patterns and harmonious color-
ings, make ideal Christmas gifts for the
home. They are enduring gifts that
give , comfort and enjoyment to every
member of the family.
Mr. K. S. Jamngotch is now displaying
his famous collection of Orientals here.
The assortment of rugs includes a
variety of sizes in charming old mas-
terpieces that are selling at unusually
low prices.-

J . _ _,
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K ' 1 . Y SMY
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Lamps Light the Way
to a Merry Christmas
A collection of lamps that will prove especially welcome
when so many gifts must be chosen. Lamps of charming
simplicity that will be lovely in ,early American or modern
rooms. Lamps of more formal types, beautifully designed
and topped with exquisite shades. Lamps for bridge, floor
lamps, table lamps, vase lamps-in short, a collection that
will dazzle you with its beauty and variety and please you
with its very low prices.
Wrought-iron Bridge Lampa , $4.9 up.
Boudoir Lamps, $2.f') up.
Small Tahle Lamps, $5.7v l-p.
Junior Floor Lamps, $1(.5(} up.

Good Form at Yale
-Style at Wisconsin!
AAdifference of opinion may exist
between Yale and Wisconsin as to
the relative ability of their football
teams but not on the proper foot.
wear for wet, snowy days.
Smart and trim, Zippers take the
Phi Beta Kappa at New Haven and
premier honors at Madison, and for
that matter, at all colleges.
Co-ed and classman-freshman
sophomore, junior or senior-your
wardrobe should include the smart
and stylish Zipper.


Top Cab Co.'




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