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December 11, 1925 - Image 1

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iCt igan




VOL. XXXVI. No. 69





Choice Of Two Teams Made From
Class Of 19 Picked At Trials
Held Last Spring
Selection of the six men who will
represent the University on the Var-
sity debate teams in the Central
league debates this winter was an-
nounced last night following tryouts
held yesterday afternoon.
The affirmative team is composed of
John H. Elliott, '26, E. R. Gomberg,
'27, and John O. Yeasting, '27. The
negative team includes: Harry L.-
Gervais, '27, Thomas V. Koykka, '27,
and Philip N. Krasne, '27. Alternates
are E. J. Harris, spec., for the affirm-
ative, and Robert S. Miller, '27, for
the negative.
Announcement was also made yes-
terday of a change in the schedule of
debates. This change will bring the
negative team of Northwestern uni-
versity to Ann Arbor, while the Michi-
gan negative team will meet Ohio
State university at Columbus. Both
debates will be held Friday night,
Jan. 15. Debates this winter will
mark Ohio's first appearance in the
Central league, that school having re-
placed the University of Chicago,
which dropped out of the league last
Choice of the men for the two teams
was made from a group of 18, whol
were selected for the class in inter-
collegiate debating at the tryouts held
last spring. In the tryouts yesterday,
candidates delivered five-minutecon-
structive speeches, followed by rebut-
tal speeches of three minutes.
Acting as judges were G. E. Dens-
more, coach of debating, Prof. Thomas
C. Trueblood, head of the public
speaking department, Prof. Louis M.
Eich Ralph J. Harlan, Carl C. Brandt,
Lionel G. Crocker, and Earl E.
Fleischman, all of the public speaking
The question for debate is, "Re-
solved: that the federal government
should subsidize our commercial air
Petitioners Ask
Congress To Avoid
Inheritance Tax
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10.-President
Coolidge and Congress were petition-
ed today to abandon immediately any
form of federal inheritance tax and
to "find a way to return to the 48
states dominion over their own af-
The petition, drawn by unofficial
representatives of the legislatures of
ten states declared that freedom of
action of state government is "being
gradually but vitally limited through
certain legislative policies of Con-
gress". It was addressed, in addition
to the president and Congress, to the
people of the states, who were urged
to join in the appeal.
Darrow To Debate
Against Entrance
Into World Court
PRINCETON, Dec. 10.-Clarence
Darrow, Chicago lawyer, is to take
the negative side in a debate tomor-
row night on the question of entrance

of the United States into the World
Court, it was announced today by
Lewis Fox, chairman of the commit-
tee on arrangements at Princeton uni-
versity. His opponent will be Sena-
tor Lenroot, ofWisconsin.
The debate is being held on the
opening night of the World Court stu-
dents conference at Princeton. Mr.
Darrow takes the place of Senator
Brookhart who reported today that he
would be unable to appear because of
an appointment with the secretary of
state at Washington.
PARIS.-A Havas dispatch from Lis-
bon says that President Teixeira Gom-
es of Portugal, is to resign today, and
that parliament will elect his succes-
sor tomorrow.

Packed House Witnesses Fourth
Presentation Of "Tambourine"

Packing the main floor and balcony!
of the Whitney theater last night, theI
largest audience of the week witness-
Ied the fourth performance of "Tam-
bourine." The opera will play in Ann
Arbor again tonight and tomorrow
afternoon, and will close its Ann Ar-
bor run with the extra presentationI
tomorrow night. Next Friday noon
the company of more than 100wsttu-
dents will entrain for Chicago, whereII
the initial road performance will be
given that night, to be followed by 14
presentations in 12 other cities
throughout the Middle West and East.
In accordance with the usual cus-
tom tonight will be "formal night" at
T !
A review of last night's operaf
performance will be found in the
Music and Drama column on
page four.
the Whitney, although the wearing of
formal attire bythe audience is not
required. Jesse Lynch Williams,
holder of the fellowship in creative
arts, will see the Mimes production
this evening, and President Clarence
Cook Little and his family will be in
the audience at the matinee tomorrow.
Early reports from theaters along
the itinerary indicate a record sale of
tickets this year. More than 1,200

seats have been sold by mail orders
alone for the Auditorium in Chicago,
Dec. 18, and some 1,000tickets have
been disposed of through the mails
for theLansing performancein the
Strand theater the following evening.
In fact, the mail order sales for the
first few cities where the opera plays
is higher than it has ever been at this
time. With the opening of box office
sales in these cities within a few
days, the management expects that
"Tambourine" will play to packed
Pastel portraits of members of the
cast were shipped yesterday to all of
the larger cities where the opera ap-
pears. These will be displayed in the
show windows of the principal stores
in each town. Similar colored por-
traits were used for display purposes
in "Cotton Stockings." Large frames
of photographs of the cast in costume
have already been sent to most of the
outside cities for use in the theater
lobbies. Posters, such as appeared
in shop windows in this city, have
been well circulated for display in all
of the cities on the route.
Among the comments upon this
year's opera was that made yesterday
by Thomas Waring, of Warings' Penn-
sylvanians, who has witnessed many
college productions in the East. War-
ing attended opening performance
Monday night and said later "it is the
best men's show I have ever seen."





Success As Interpreter Of Diverse
Songs Is Attributed To Wide
Range Of Occupations
Louis Graveure, the distinguishedS
Belgian baritone, will be heard for
the first time in Ann Arbor at 8
o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium, as
the third number of the Choralunion
concert series, presented by -the Uni-
versity School of Music. The program
will include a varied selection of
French, German, Italian, and Irish
folk songs, as well as a number of
opera arias.
Though born in Belgium, Mr. Gra-
veure received his education in Eng-
land. He did not study music origin-
'ally, but was trained to become a
sculptor and architect. His later ex-
periences in addition to these, embod-
led those of a sailor, explorer, fisher-
man, and gold seeker. It is'to this
wide range of occupations and varied
modes of life that his striking suc-
cess as an interpreter of a great diver-y
sity of songs may be attributed.
Mr. Graveure's initial appearance
was made in 1915, and since that time
his home has been in -New York.
Eleanor Painter, his wife, is known to
the public as the star of numerous
operettas. As a vocal artist, he is
known for a repertoire of unusual
range. Of Mr. Graveure's work Rich-
ard Aldrich, music critic of the New
York Times, writes the following,
"There is need of more of the kind
of singing he does, and Mr. Graveure
has steadily gained in artistic power
since he first made himself known
Detroit Engineer
Speaks At Union,
Problems confronting large elec-
trical companies were discussed be-
fore the American Institute of Elec-
trical Engineers at Union Wednesday
night by Mr. Alex Dow, president of
the Detroit Edison company. In addi-
tion to this talk, humorous readings
and impersonations were given.

Couzens' Committee Criticizes Bureau
Of Internal Revenue In Report
Of Senate Inquiry
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10.- Sharp
criticism of the methods of the in-1
ternal revenue bureau in handling the
tax ases of the Gulf oil corporation,
the Standard Oil company of Cali- }
fornia and the Sinclair Consolidated
Oil corporation was made in testi-
mony before a Senate investigation
made public today with its presenta-
tion to the Senate.
Counsel and engineers employed by
the committee charged that:
The government lost at total of $4,-
590,385 in taxes from the Gulf oil cor-
poration from 1915 to 1919 at the time
Secretary Mellon had a large interest
in it.
Internal Revenue Commissioner
Blair and the solicitor of the bureau
had been defied by division chiefs in
y the efforts to settle the Standard of
I California case involving $3,378,000 in
taxes directly and $25,000,000 indi-
The Sinclair oil corporation had
been able to obtain delay after de-
lay in the settlement of its tax cases'
with the result that as yet it was not
closed for the year 1916.
TWrning's To 'N'
Have Been Mailed
To date, warning notices have been
mailed to students whose last names
begin with the letters from "A" to "N"
from the office of Assistant Dean Wil-
bur R. Humphreys of the literary col-
lege. It is estimated that more than
1,500 notices will be in the mails be-
fore Saturday this week.'
Any errors that may occur will be
reported to the secretary.
PONTIAC.-Pontiac will have a
traveling library next year. A truck
will be used for the purpose. Library'
facilities will be extended to all sec-
tions of the city.

Music To Be Furnished By Keystone'si
Serenaders And Part Of Union
Opera Orchestra
Innovations in the decoration of the9
Union ballroom will form the setting
for the 1928 Sophomore Prom, which1
takes place there tonight, dancingi
lasting from 9 o'clock until 2 o'clock.
Amber shades will be the dominant
color both in the ballroom and the,
anterooms. -
The 'grand march at 10:30 o'clock
will be led by Frederick T. Beaman,
'28E, general chairman of the prome-
nade committee, and Miss Eleanor
Taylor Holt of Beaver, Pennsylvania.
Tall standards with parchmentl
shades, furnished by the architectural
school, have been placed at the base
of each column in the ballroom. Con-!
cealed behind each shade in addition
to the amber bulbs is a spotlight,
which will play upon the natural color
shades of the ceiling. The orchestra
floodlights at the south end of the
room will be subdued, giving the or-
chestra sufficient light and yet keep-
ing in harmony with the rest of the
color scheme. In this way, decora-
tions for the affair will be obtained
by means of indirect lighting- this
will be the first time that such an
arrangement has been used in the
Union ballroom. Ferns and plants will
be placed between the pedestals, and
a colored lantern will play upon the
dancers from the balcony.
s .-
Patrons of to-night's perform-
ance of "Tambourine" at the
Whitney theater can obtain tick-j
ts for the Spohomore Prom
fterthe show for $3 upon pre-
| >ntaton of the theater ticket
I ub either from 2 o'clock until
E o'clock this afternoon at the
s e desk in the lobby of the
ion or at the door to-night./
Th se original schemesor
Itions have been worked out in detail
by the architectural college. Paul P.
Opperman is chairman of the commit-
tee, assisted by Carl R. Liebert, Roy
M. Lyndon, Russel L. Schwing, and
Louise E. Piggott.
M usic for the dance will be fur-!
nished by Keystone's Serenader's, an
11-piece organization which has been
playing in prominent restaurants in
Detroit. Keystone's has also recorded
for the Aeolian and the Brunswick
phonograph companies for several
At 11:30 o'clock Charles Wolcott
and a seven-piece Union opera orches-
tra will begin playing at the north
end of the room between numbers of
Keystone's organization, thereby fur-
nishing continuous music until the
close of the party.
Favors for the affair can be ob-
tained from 2 o'clock until 5 o'clock
today at the Union upon presentation
of the stub attached to the Prom
House Ousts Two
From Committee
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10.-House

Thirty Miners
Entombed; Many
Comrades Dead
(fBy Associated Press)
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Dec. 10.-
Somewhere in the Overton Mine num-
ber two of the Alabama Fuel and Iron
company, 30 or more miners were en-
tombed tonight. Fifteen of their com-
rades have been found dead and more4
than a score rescued, injured. An
unexplained gas explosion this morn-
ing trapped the men in the mines, the
main slope of which is 2,800 feet un-
der ground.
Rescue workers fearing the death
toll would exceed 50, tonight were
proceeding cautiously into the mine
in search of the missing men.
Charles De Barteleden, president of
the company, hastened to the work-
ings upon learning of-the disaster and
took personal charge of a tram car-
load of men who entered the mine,
in an effort to remove the survivors
and recover the dead.
Officials of the mine were at a loss
to explain the explosion. They said
that although the mine was known to
be gaseous, every safety appliance
available had been installed.
Cecil Reviews
Obstacles To
(By Associated Press)
GENEVA, Dec. 10.-Viscount Cecil,
of Chelwood, Great Britain's repre-
sentative on the League of Nations -
disarmament council, gave an inter-I
view to the Associated Press tonight,!
summarizing in striking fashion the
pit is to be encountered on the road
o . solution of the disarmament
prob m and of the forces which justi-'
fy a ope that, after all, this great is-1
sue ill be grappled with success-
T estimate the prospects of dis-
arm ment, Lord Cecil said, would be
a r sh attempt at prophecy, but he!
exp essed the belief that some obser-
vat ns might be made concerning the
for es which seem likely to retard or
ac lerate the movement.
' ndoubtedly the chief obstacle 'to
rmament," he said, "is the want
of security, due to historical suspicion
and jealousy of nations and the con-
sequent chauvinistic forms of nation-
alism it has brought among some of
the most important of European na-
tions of this attitude of suspicion. A
cursory re ding of the press of some
of the nations involved would indicate
that this amelioration does not extend!
to all sections of the populations. Still
a great step forward has been made.
Will initiate
First Lawyers
Ball Tonight
. .I
Tonight will witness the inception
of the Lawyer's ball, winter formal
which, it is planned, will be given
each year by the Lawyers' club for all
members of the Law school. It is the
purpose of the governing student
council of the club to give this dance
1 the same relation to the Law school
that the Architects ball holds to the
architectural college.
Guests of honor tonight will be
President Clarence Cook Little and
Mrs. Little. The patrons and patron-
esses are to be the professors of the
Law school and their wives. Miss I.
V. Bozorth, business director of the

Prof. J. R. Hayden Praises Osmena As
Outstanding Native Of His t
Sen. Sergio Osmena, of the Philip-t
pine islands, will speak upon "Prob-
lems of Democratic Government" at
4:15 o'clock Monday in Natural Sci-
ence auditorium. A delegate for theT
Philippine government to the Inter-1
parliamentary union, which met inl
Weshington recently, he has made the
trip from Washington particularly fort
the purpose of giving this University
"Senator Osmena is easily the out-
standing Filipino of his generation,"
said Prof. Joseph R. Hayden, of the
political science department, yester-;
day. "He has a record as a construc-
tive statesman which few men in the
public life of any country can sur-
During the Philippine insurrection,f
he edited one of the two most im-.
portant newspapers dedicated to the
Filipino cause. At this time he was
20 years of age. When further re-
sistance to American arms becamej
useless, he accepted American, rule in
his country and co-operated to make
it a success.
"As 'governor of one of the most Im-
portant provinces inthe islands, he
did more to stamp out banditry and
guerilla resistance to American au-
thority than either the Philippine con-
stabularyeor the United States army,"
said Professor Hayden.
Later he was the first president of
the Conference of provincial gover-
nors and in 1907 he became the first
speaker of the Philippine assembly.
At present he is a member of the
Philippine Senate.
Although he has co-operated with
American officials ever since the days
of the insurrection, Senator Osmena
has always been an ardent advocate '
of immediate independence for the
Philippines. It is expected in his
address Monday that he will describe
the development of democratic gov-
ernment in the islands, which he be-
lieves makes Philippine independence
(By Associated Press)
EAST LANSING, Dec. 10.-Lands
not under cultivation now will some
day be considered the most valuable
in Jackson county, Dr. M. M. McCool,
of Michigan State college said today
in discussing the work of the soils
department of the college in the clas-
sification and mapping of soils in that
Theydepartment is surveying many
of the southern counties of Michigan.
The Jackson county survey groups
the lands into types and gives their
lime requirements and relative fer-
tility. The completed map will show
the amount of land in swamp, timber,
waste land, idle land, and land that
has been abandoned.
(By Associated Press)
DUBLIN, Dec. 10.-After a four-
day debate, the Dail Eireann has ap-

All irregularities in senior
pictures will be straightened out
at the Michiganenslan business
office in the Press building, be-
tween 2 and 5 o'clock Monday
and Tuesday, Dec. 13 and 14. Due
to misunderstanding, many sen-
iors have not bought their senior
picture receipts from the 'Ensian.
This must be done in these two
All pictures must be taken,
and all proofs returned to the
photographers before Christmas.
The pictures are to be taken on
presentation of the receipts at
the following photographers, all
located in Ann Arbor: Dey,
MWaedel, Rentschler, and Sped-

Court Refuses Prepared Statement Of
Former Air Chief After ills
Trlp Across Continent
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10.-More

army air service troubles were bared
today before the Mitchell court mar-
tial and much blame for them was
laid at the doors of the war depart-
ment and upon the administration's
economy program.
At the same time, the court toolt
steps to speed the trial to a conclu-
sion. It placed a ban on the presen-
tation of cumulative evidence and re-
fused to hear the prosecution's pre--
pared examination of Maj. Gen.
Charles P. Menoher, former army air
service chief, who had been brought
across the continent from San Fran-
cisco to tell about organization of the
service. At the court's direction, Col,
Sherman Moreland, trial judge advo-
cate, cut short his questioning of
General Menoher and was given per-
mission to return to his post a few
minutes after he had taken the stand.
Before he was excused, however, Rep.
Frank R. Reed of Illinois, chief of the
defense counsel turned the tables on
the prosecution and made the general
a witness for the defense.
Recalling the testimony given yes--
terday by Howard C. Rach, of Los
Angeles, California, that bad weather
seriously interfered with bombing
raids during the St. Mihel drive In the
World war and caused the smashing
of five or more airplanes, Mr. Reed
asked General Menoher who com-
manded a brigade of infantry nearby'
what the weather conditions had been
at that time. The general replied that
they had been "very wet" and the de-
fense counsel asked' if he had cited
another squadron, stationed near the
group in which Mr. Rach was serv-
ing, for "excellent work," receiving an
affirmative answer. Then General
Menoher was excused.
Grange Forced
From Gridtron
With Injuries
(By Associated Press)
PITTSBURGH, Dec. 10. -- Harold
Grange, the redheaded star of the
gridiron, met with injuries here this
afternoon during the Chicago Bears-
Pittsburgh all-stars battle at Forbes
field. In addition to the loss of their
drawing card, the visitors were over-
whelmed by a team of formler colleg.
players, 24-0.
Grange, taken out at the end of the
first period, was found to be suffering
from a torn ligament and a broken
blood vessel in his right arm. A
X-ray will be taken tonight to de-
termine the extent of his injuries.
After a thorough examination, Dr.
Berg announced that a muscle in
Grange's right arm was torn loose,
and that the broken blood vessel was
causing hemorrhages in the upper
arm. He said Grange would be out
of the game at least two weeks and
possibly a month.
Halas, the team manager, indicated
that another physician might be call-
ed in during the night for another
examination of Grange's arm.
Grange himself made light of the
hurt. He said it was nothing more
than an old bruise suffered in a pre-
vious game that had been struck again
in play during today's game. The
pain, Grange said,forced him to leave
the game.
Grange emphasized that he had no
intention of quitting professional
football and said he hoped again to
take the football field either at the
Detroit game or at Chicago, where the
Bears are scheduled to play Sunday.
Halas said the injury would have no
effect on Grange's contract.
Because of Grange's injury the
other players on the team decided to
remain over night here for their first
night's rest in more than a week. The
Bears have played seven games in the
last nine days and have been travel-
ing most of the time when they were
off the playing field.
Plan Celebration

Little Talks In Grand Rapids
On Violations Of Prohibiton

Republicans today rejected two mem- r club, will also be present. Invita-
bers of the Republican insurgent tions were extended to the justices of
group from chairmanships of com- the Supreme court of Michigan, but
mittees. because the court is in session now,j
In completing its organization, the they will be unable to attend.
majority party removed Rep. Florian) The music will be supplied by Jean
Lampert from the head of its patents ! Goldkette's radio broadcasting orches-
committee, and deprived Rep. John tra, the "Breeze Blowers", an eight-
M. Nelson of his place as chairman piece organization. ;The musicians'
of the elections committee. Both j pit will be in the alcove of the bay
are Wisconsin Republicans. 'window and will be decorated by two
The committee on committees today pine trees laden with all the lights
disposed only of the chairmanships of and tinsel associated with a pre-yule-
the regular standing committees. Lam- tide party. The sole light which will
pert and Nelson were the only mem- be thrown upon the floor will be from
bers of the insurgent group which: side lamps tinted maize and blue.

Deploring the non-enforcement of
the prohibition amendment, President
Clarence Cook Little, in a speech yes-
terday before the Luncheon Service
club of Grand Rapids, stated thatI
"youth without any invitation will
watch the standard set by our nation-I
al government in handling its prob-
lems and will model itself uncon-
sciously along the lines which it finds

up youth in an atmosphere more ,
nearly freed from hypocrisy.";
"The problem is one for the nation
as a whole to solve," he asserted.
"The first step in its solution is an
investigation and report as to the re-
sources in personnel, equipment, and
money necessary to patrol and to de-
lend our international boundaries and
both coast lines against invasion by {
contrabrand goods. We cannot possi-
bly enforce the law by violent local
efforts-now here--now there," he
"Legislation unenforced and of a I
scoin of' wh1ich we have not even in-

held chairmanships in the last ses-
Senate leaders today laid plans to
clear the road for early consideration
of the tax reduction bill as indications;
increased in the House that it would
be disposed of there by the end of
next week.-

The decorations which will be placed3
about the lounge room are to be com-
prised of palms, primarily.
For feature acts and novelties, the
dance comm tee is completing nego-
tiations for a quartette of dancers of
the Charleston. Several popular solos
on the xylophone will be played by

"If, therefore, there is a markedly
low standard of achievement in any
national activity it becomes a matter
!i/ ofran on n o h2,' eutbi"ion.'

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