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December 09, 1925 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-12-09

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A411IL ......... ...... ..........f tl

Princess Cantacuzene Contrasts Life
.Of usslau StudentsWith That
t Of lAlcigan Students
w .


Since the. war the number of women
students in iRussia ha~s decreased un-
til -at present there are, practically
none enrolled in the Russian univer-
sities, explained Princess Cantacuz-
ene, contrasting conditions there with
those on the Michigan campus.
"Student life in Russia is much less
luxurious than here," she stated.
"Students in Russia find the situa-
tion very difficult as there is not
enough food to feed them. Receiving
a higher education on a starved men-
tality many find it a weight to carry
and are literally crushed by it. Before
- the war there were great numbers of
women students. Many of these upon
receiving their degrees entered the
medical profession or mathematics
where they were highly esteemed.
The position of women in Russian
business life was a high one for the
Russians have very scientific minds
and were quick to develop them.
"In the last seven years the country,
has been thrown in'to a chaotic state,"
continued Princess Cantacuzene," and
afl 6,the question isno° longer what kind
of work the women shall take up but
what work they can do that will en-
.able them. to get food. They are no
longer able to follow a profession
which they have chosen for the inter-
est they have in it but they are glad
to secure any work which will allow
them an existence."
She explained that since the revolu-
tion of 1917 there are only one-half
as many children attending schools as
there were under the old regime. In
order to fulfill their promise to edu-
cate all people the executives of the
new government took the children of
f the upper class and the bourgeois
from the schools to make room for
those of the lower classes.
S"Sincethat time there has been a
_ great' falling off-In attendance _a~f
the equipment has deteriorated a great
deal," she said, Three years ago,,
?many of, the professors were banish-
ed, with the result that the teaching
force is very inadequate.".
Speaking of the theaters in Russia,
-rincess Cantacuzene remarked that
they were thrown open to the prolet-
ariat at the beginning of the new re-
gime in order to amuse them. This
condition continued until the goyern-
ment could no longer afford to sup-
port them. At present many of the
actors have become refugees. A
number of artists, such as Chalapin,
have left Russia to make tours of
more prosperous countries.
"There are few young women in R
Russia who are happy now," she said
in conclusion. "With the existing
chaotic condition their spirits havef
been crushed.".
Mrs. H. Benton White, of West Rox-1
bury, Mass., has a unique pet. She
found a half frozen butterfly, put it.
In a warm place and fed it, It will
now light on her finger and flutter
freely about the house.

Physical Culture
Lauded By Little
President Clarence Cook Little re-
ceigly spoke beforo the women mem-
bers of the prdfessional school of
physical education at their assembly
in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. In his
address President Little emphasized
the necessity of a symmetrical de-
veopnenta of enta1 and hysical
qualities, and stated his belief that
mehta' and ihi'cal abilitie are in-
separable and dependent upon one
another. According to President Lit-
tle directors of physical education are
in an excellent position to influence
people to bring out the best there is
in them, through the emphasizing of
the two qualities. He explained the
existence of a plateau of development,
beyond which many people do not pro-
gress, and said that physical education
directors had the opportunity of help-
ing them pass beyond this plateau.
President Little explained his at-
titude regarding the possibilities of
carrying over certain qualties from
the athletic field, especially leader-
The assembly was one of the weekly
assemblies held, by the women of the
school of physical education. Each
class has charge of one program, and
the faculty also participates. The
school has adopted an alma mater
song, and each class is separately or-
ganized. Special ring are worn by
students of the school, silver rings
with a silver figure of the winged
victory mounted on a black back-
ground. Upon recommendation of the
faculty, senior students .may wear
gold rings of the same design. A
special seating arrangement is used
at the assemblies, the senior students
and faculty members being seated in
front, behind them the junior and
sophomore women, and then mem-
bers of the freshman class. The alma
mater song is sung at the beginning
of all assemblies, and the "Yellow and
Blue" at the close.
. All entry blanks for the intramuralt
swimming meet to be given at 7 o'clock
tonight atthe Y. M. C. A. should be
turned in at the physical education
offices today. Women may enter only
three 'of the four events, which are
relay, dash, diving, and follow the
leader, and no woman may enter both
the dash and relay. Four entrants are
necessary for each relay team.
Miss Annis Hall, of the physical
education department, has been in
1charge of the meet, andwill act as
referee. Dr. Margaret Bell, of the de-
ratmen wjl4 be startEr, and Miss
P u ineI odispn, Miss B. Louise Pat-
terson, and Miss Laurie Campbell, also
of the department, will be judges.
Florence Wofte, '27Ed, with assistants
will act as scorekeeper. Mary Ails-
house, '27Ed, will be clerk of the
Eunice Child, '28, will head the fol-
low the leader event, which has been
planned to include all sorts of water
Owing to the large number of en-
trants, no spectators can be accom-
modated at the meet, but the results
of the meet will appear in tomorrow's

Changes have been made in the
time of the Junior Girls' play tryouts
today and tomorrow. The tryouts
will be held from 83:45 to 6 o'clock
both days in Sarah Caswell Angell
hall instead of from 3 to 6 o'clock
as announced previously. This change
has been necessitated because of a
gymnnasiui 'class that is accustomed
'to meet in the hall.
The committee chairmen who will
judge the contestants are requestedI
to appear by 3 o'clock. Irene Field,[
chairman of the play, wishes to call
the attention of the junior women to
the fact that dues of $1 must be paid
before they are allowed the privileg'e1
to trying out. A table will be placed
at the entrance of Sarah Caswell
Angell hall for this purpose.
Sandwiches will be sold from 3 to
5 o'clock on the first floor of Barbour
gymnasium by the W. A. A. tea room
for all women rehearsing for thel
Junior Girls' play, according to Mar-
garet Purdy, '27, manager of the tea
room. However, if tea is desired by
those rehearsing, they may get it
downstairs in the tea room. In order
to carry out this plan, Miss Purdy
will require the 'assistance of more
women than she has helping her, atl
present, and she asks that any who
are interested in doing so, call her at
Sociology Club
To Give Program
Miss Suzanne Copeland, head of the
application bureau of the Community'
union in Detroit, will speak to the
members of the Sociology club at 8
o'clock tonight on the subject "Op-
portunity in Social Work." The meet-
ing is to be held at the Kappa Alpha
Theta house, 1414 Washtenaw.
All persons who are interested inl
sociology or social service work are'
asked to attend the meeting.

Christmas Seals I \\

Christmas seals are being sold to
the league houses, sororities and dor-
mitories on the campus by means of a
campaign directed by the community
service committee of the Y. W. C. A.,

Women's league stickers are being
distributed among all the Detroit wo-
men in the University, which they in
turn, are expected to pass on to
friendsg in the city. The object of


for the benefit of the Ann Arbor As-me which lies with the fact that the Him-
sociation of the Chamber of Commerce.-,elhoch' company of Detroit has offered
This is a part of the nation wide cam-' to give to the undergraduate cam-
paign to aid the Red Cross. Char- paign fund ten per cent of all pur-
lene Shiland, '27:, is chairman of the chases which are marked with the
committee. Women's league stamp. The stamp
Each woman on the committee is must be pasted on the sales slip and
assigned a certain number of houses the discount applies on both cash and
to visit and to explain the project. charge account purchases made be-
Each house will report their result tween the dates of Christmas and'
to a member of the committee and New Years.;
they will report to Miss Shiland. It Twenty-five committee chairmen1
is hoped that $75 worth of seals can have been selected to take charge of
be disposed of before Christmas vaca- the distribution in Ann Arbor and in,
tion, thus increasing over last year's Detroit.
sales by $25. The sticker does not mean that the
Besides the campaign which is be- price of the article has been raised, it1
ing carried on among the houses, the simply means that all packages bear-
seals will be sold at the University ing the sign will have a ten per cent
Y. W. C. A. The latter part of this reduction in favor of the builiding
week and the first of next they will fund. Similar plans have been tried
be on sale at the candy booth in Uni- in the east under like conditions and
versity hall. The S. C. A. is carrying have resulted in a gain for the col-
on a similar campaign among the fra- lege of as much as $5,000. 'With the
tenitie s. co-operation of all Detroit women and
The seals come in sheets of 100 and alumni, the women at Michigan should
will sel orome ent sh.s oe nayd Ibe able to clear that amount for their
will sell for ene cent each. They may uidn
be bought in any numbers from one building.
brush up and according to actual
count, there is a proportion of 32 to
Humanity Studied 18 until closing hour.
Upon two memorable occasions
At Candy Boothll President Clarence Cook Little has'
I been known to buy lime drops, and
Everybody buys life savers! Women Dean Alfred Lloyd of the Graduate
like peanuts but men chew gum. Close school always like chocolate covered
observation on the part of the per- peppermints!
sons in charge of the candy booth in
University hall revealed the above Men and Women
fact, with a medley of other strange
material. Women fuss and fuss over
tt. 14A rL,. ..fi ~T °H I1N K I

cieties at 8 o'clock, Thursday night,
in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. This
debate is one of five being held in com-
petition for a silver loving. cup, given
by the alumnae members or Athena.1
These debates are held to stimulate
interest in debating, and to. give stu-

Subject Chosen .
For Dual Debate
"Resolved: That, the University of
Michigan should have a new stadium,"
is the topic for a debate to be held'ble-
tween Athena and Portia Literary so-


Newberry Hail
Finance committee of the Y. W. C.
A. will meet at 3 o'clock today.
CLeadership commission of the Y. W.
C A. will meet at 3 o'clock tomorrow,
Barbour Gymnasium
Business committee of the Junior
Girls' play report to Helen Reece be-
tween.-l and 3 o'clock today.
No meeting of the athletic managers
will be held today.


dents an opportunity to appear before Miscellaneous
the public. I Junior Girls' play tryouts from 3:45
The affirmative team, representing to 6 o'clock today in Sarah Caswell
Athena is composed of Geraldine Mas- Angell hall.
ters, '26, Margarette Nichols, '27Ed, Black Quill will meet at 7:15 o'-
and Dorothy Cline, '26, and the nega- clock tonight in room 204, Angell hall.
tive team representing Portia, is com- Theta Sigma, 8 o'clock, tomorrow
posed of Grace McDonald, '27, Gen- night, Theta "Phi Alpha house.
evieve Goodman, '26, and Marian, Y. W. C. A. cabinet, 4 o'clock, today,
Good, '26. 211 South Ingalls street.
The judges will be members of Del- W. A. A. executive board meeting, 6
ta Sigma Rho. o'clock tomorrow night, Lantern shop,
Exports of grain and grain products PEKIN.-The army of Marshal
from the United States have in- 'Chang Tso-Lin, Manchurian leader,
creased two and one-fourth times was in retreat today after a defeat
since pre-war days. by the forces of Gen. Kun Sung-Lien.


$kL 4a&LHF

the kind of bar to buy, while men
grab one and deposit the nickel.
When it comes to bulk, the time of
day seems to regulate th-e volume of
business. During the morning and
well into the afternoon, men consti-
tute the main clientele of the booth
but after that hour women seem to

Little investment-big returns,
Daily Classifieas.-Adv.



A FIRST -CLASS Frank C, Clark
European TOUR
$550 to $1250
Sails June 30th from New York
Deposit TEN Dollars NOW
and make sure of your reservations
Also Private Girls' Tour.
Around the World, sails Jan. 20
Mediterranean and European, Jan. 30
XR,1. 11. E. CAKE
1145 Washtenaw Ave. Phone 3597
Ann Arbor, Mich.

Why let broken furniture
lay around? Let us repair
it for you.
Quality and Workmanship
218 East Huron Phone 3432



Something New
Milk Mask
Facial Culture-
Ask Us About It.


, .

Nickels Arcade

Phone 9616



III I 4f


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Fanta Claus
Is a Cubist
We never suspected him of being
so awfully modern, but he's really

D 1t
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E all feel in Good- ested in so much "as how
year's that it isn't large the service we can
V so much the size of give you in helping you sel
the gift that counts, as the ect that gift.
appropriateness of the gift,
and the thought behind that We are doing our utmost to
gift, make Goodyears a pleas-
And so throughout Good- ant place to Christmas-shop,
year's you will find every- a place where your kind of
body ready to help you in gifts are made 'available for
your Christmas shopping. you with service that is
It is not how large a gift pleasant and understanding-
you buy that we are inter- ly right.
jZ l. oot'ear&Coww



very clever at it.

For he's taken

bits of colored paints and thrown
them together in approved cubistic
fashion to make lovely hand-paint-
ed scarfs that will please fashion-
able' young ladies on Christmas.'


Evening Frocks That Lead
In the Grand March
of Fashion
Gowns gleaming with jewels, delicate chiffons that sparkle
piquantly with crystal or colored beads, gorgeous velvets on
moulded lines-these are the type of Frocks that declare their
smartness in the ballrooms of the elite!
Direct from New York, such frocks have just come for
your most formal social functions this week-the Prom, the
Opera, the Lawyers' Ball. Picture a white romaine exquisitely
bejewelled with silver and crystal beads, with gracefully
moulded bodice and scalloped edging that falls charmingly at
the sides. This is only one of the group of stunning evening






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