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December 04, 1925 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-12-04

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_________________________________________________________________________ U _________________________________________________________

"Tmbuines 201 '% sbet ion of
Union.- : (J Id~ea D atc ; To
OctoberC, I97
Bac(k in l1907, wh en CIO via higai1
Union way a now institut ion and the
Union club hiouse, located at the pres.
ent site dpof thet Union building, wtis. in

Gargoyle Editor

"Tambourine", the opera 'thatI
I will play at the Metropolitan
Opera house and other of the
world's famous theaters, has
been off ered even greater fields
(to conquer. An invitation has
Ibeen received hy E. Mortimer
jShuter, extending' to the show
jthe opportunity of being the stel-
ahr attraction of a small county
jfair in upper Michigan the mid-
die of next sunmmer.
No wild enthusiasm Was evi-
denced at the Union when the in-

We are showing Christmas Greeting Cards to be


the process of ccanstrueotion, tfies le.,W~ i~t~ytU
of 'producing ai com ic opera was first
conceived. The Union lacked funads,
mhich it was expected the opera would ' tslon of Mimes, which was organized
provide, and the oiriginators o th, that year, set a precedent when it tool:
pln w r.esr u seigIdia a short road trip, in addition to theI
enter the ne0w field. local performances at the Whitney.
i "The Michigan Union has definitely' The plans for giving the showr in De-c
decided to put on a comic opera in .I troit, which hadt died the, previousJa u r or F b a y, W l e Al.M --; e r, w e r vi d, nd D t it i -
I rit, iterry ice-resdentQt h(messed its first Michigan opera, whaicha
Union announced in The Daily of Oct. hsbe nauleeti htct
6, 1907. The plan had been under conl- Waller Everett, 126 Tena uleen ntatct alite Pae y iies .'27
sideration for more than two years, I The managing editor of Gargoyle,evrin. The humorist who, in collaborationt
and with the opening of the two newwhisteo-uor f an opera W ht wdnn o h(soeo with Everett, wrote the plot that pro-
ticlaimed to surpassal otesi the oper~a, new inafluences became ap-I
theatres in Ann Arbor, in 1<}07-the vce h agsfr"abuie"
and tht ~~~~~~~~parent. Purely local scenes and local vdsteluh o Tmorn.
Majestic, on Maynard street,anth laughs-"Tam bourine.~ ~ mrfie o"eoe"o oeg
Wheitnycdown-tow w erclesmadeor stages, and the next production ,The The war ended in time for the Union
preenigsuhaso weemd genda" the previous year. All the MdlDuhe, in194 showed the to present "Csome On Dad"'. the 1919I
available and the Union put on its first performances were again given at the effect o ompoiaMprsnainsordctoadMelhtr' is
opera. Whitney and the opera abounded in This was the first opera of the present Michigan show. Rehearsals were held!
"lMichigendla" was purely local inI local color. type; it had no allusions to local Ann I on the concrete floor of the unfinished
4amosphere, the scenecs being laid on .In 1910."Koanzalandl" was produced, IAbre et. h hneeald Uinbidn ftepeet h
thse campuas, in Sle.epy IHollow, and i n h og er oko althe opera to expand. in regards to nee- scenery was more elaborate' and the.
th yhic alatedso Michigenada, V. Moore and Fled Lawton, '11, authov( chanical.lproduction, scenery and costumes were more pretentious than
halwaybeteenof "Varsity" Michigan's famous foot-' dialog, but it rousedI much opposition anything attempted in the, past; new
Ann rbo andYpslani. Te cst:b ll song. Thpl~ow was "a mighty' on the campus, where many studients sye fdne eeitoue o
was composed of about 75 students of t jlco ebr ftesye fdne eeitoue o
An ro n pilni fi attriumph," according t h Daily, o alnd mabiso faculty objected! the first time. "Come On Dad" scored
the University-all men, a custom that that year, which adids, "An excellent to the opera b~ecomiig more profes-f a tremendlous success in~ its initial
has been adhered to ever since with interpolated nunmber, entitled 'CollegeI sional in nature and less truly rep re- showing at the Whitney, and took a
the single exception 'of the opaera pro- Days' was sung from baehind the wings sentative of the University. road trip that was a ti'iumphi.
duced duhring thle World warzlperiod. by the Glee club double qluartpit." That !However, the. cosmopolitan atm~os-' In 1920, Mr. Shuter again took
The7an etcoeedo e.9 a the firstnappearance ofa1!308. phere was continued :n the next three charge of the opera, "George Did It,"
1907tandthe Whitncey onvan.ble foratha be sngb thouans bsows, "All That Glitters" in 1915, was the second of the new advanced
Boh1 hate1wr aalal frth ichrigan men since that time. ?' Tres, Rouge" in 1916 and ' Fool's series. The theme of the, show, re-
cieJ nfvro h ontw ly "The Crimson Chest" was the title Paradise" in 19117. _None: of these turned again to the more local .atmos-
tidof theffirstf operaonbeing coa-
house, where ''Micifenda" was prc ofotite 1911 show, which carried on tile operas contained any reference to lphere prth imrlsthpeteinampus.
duced on Feb. 26-29, 13}4 traditional camp~us atmnosphere of the Ann Arbor and all were taken on the cernedprmilwthteca us
Opening night wasr a gala occasion.j first operas. However, ?Michigan tooik road during the spring vacation. However, "Top 0' the Morning," the
I Te adiece tool i th ailes~ ~ advantage of the latest innovations of In 1917, the Union was engaged in 1921 Opera~ a itntyIihi t
niew auitnceytoa ndefuseatoleavo e "hIe dramatic world as reported by The tewokofpoucn~"e'sG"setting and once more established tee
the finale. The show« was given live ea~ (the imel t or tdace pna I .1 show~ was presented under tliq from -which it has not dlepart~ed since,,
times, including a Saturday matimiecoriius) i ;h hno acalw greatest difficulties. There were notj The trip was taken, as usual, dluring
performance, and the Whitney was ei r offspring of the now famous radiumj enough -Aren, left out of the service to the spring vacation.
crowded onl every presentation. Spec- dance, brought the audience to its' put onl the show, and for the first and In 1922, the Mimes theatre, home ofI
saeris fo )eri ruh cet." only time, University women were' the 'resent opera and otjier theatri-
alumni to Ann Arbor. The expenses TheFoc'sceine. Ava shifted to 1,lgypt for$ allowi ed to take parts. c als produced by Mimes, was built.
of;,putting on the showv were reported te11 rlcin"h wknd During; the summer of 1917 the gen- Th tutr a evda h ac
at $1,979; the receipts reacied $4,015; 1Ianeses," but the local atnmosphiere, Oral chiairnian of the next opera. met' hall for the old Union, and was dis-
the net priofit realized by the Union was kept. There was a definite move- 1,IVortine r Shuter, w~ho had taken carded with the completion of thet
was 2,06. « annt t tae th opra t Deroit ;part in and directedi a number of present building. The 1922 opera,
In 1909, the ventuire was repeated, and (dtes were, booked at the, Detroit Broadway successes, and who, bieing' "Make It For Two" was rehearsed, in
this time with "Culture" and its sue- Opera house, but It the last minute; unable to join the service, was direct-I its new home, and at the conclusion of!
cess made the Union opera an estab-Deri alumni decided that the ven-' ing amateur shows for the benefit of; its Ann Arbor run, took the longest
lisliedl institutioJn. Theli show was ture would not be profitable fiiiancial- the boys in the training camps. The trip attempted by the show up to that
wtten by Donal IHamilton I fairies, ly, andI "The Awakened Raineses," Michigani opera was explained to IMr. I time, including Chicago, Cincinniati,
08, now in the le partment of journal- lake its predecessors:,, \ as seenm only ait shuter, and lhe consented to supervise I Indlianapolis and Cleveland in its
isn' of the plniversity, and the music teWhittlie%. 1the production of the next show, pro- ( itinerary.
wsby ftoy Welch, '09 --- lie ;ame men1 In 191) h new opera,"Contrarie vided the war wasbruh to acoe!"nndut"he1hanalOra
Iwho had been responsible for "Miclbi- M~ar y," lprodul(ed under the supervi- befoire that tine. produced in 1923, and featured Lional

7 - i
. l
_. -'

Y .:,

Tull hill I



Twentieth Annual Union Opera-

General Box Office Sale at
Whitney Theater
Opening Night, Monday, Dec.


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- Violets And Swee' Peas
Plants Now on Display
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SWire Orders* sent early, receive best attention and cost less.
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SNickels Arcade Phone 7014 5



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