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December 04, 1925 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-12-04

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a, ,:

ll Illf 1 1 1' \.l' .111)S :l '2 1.7 )
v 'w wa

Caniton FI+. tWells.I, actngforeign
suetadvise^r, announI ced that this
yeatr, as in Iprev iousyear, students
at the CUni c: "vlrstywJo (conicfroirlOtL-
ci onre iw enltertained at
Christmast timec in the homtes of Am-
ericans, living in niearb.y Cities. This
hosptalty s beng rovdedthroug~h
M.rs. I,.. :1 adessiIceof Lansing,
w0h0 rpreentith Amrican Asso-
ci'_0~1021(if Uni)'versiity ,omien.
The a im fte soiai is to
giv fe thos-e stud cutIIS? who p);1lnto re-
turln to1thirown tR '')1fl7'(ri, a few
dlay"s'1real epeience of Amerlic3an
homne life, anPd to) give t.hose itkrest'
ed lin the foreign ii edencit at Amer-
1ia nvrstrsa ' iOto lbecome
acquintcl ~ th sme spe 'ts of. life,
anid part 'ieui ly of st;:udent ylife in
Other counl:'tries.
The Stude nt guest \vf ill spendi three
or fur dys w heis host and host-
ess te dte ~vllprobably be from
D ec. 24 to De.2.Iuring that time
the guest -will be f tree( to go and come
in1 the home much ,ias; though lie had
lived there as a memnber of the family.
Students whto have gone other years
have found the hosp)itality genuine
anid friendly; th;ey we.,_re shown the
pirincipal sigh)ts anol Iplaces of interest
ini the different cities; ait Kalamazoo
thec visitors were ,cocm~ncteditthrough
thIePrs idian many of those
stayin at La Sin aw a state cap-
T ,(; freig sudnt who are in-
t', es;ted should ceAr. Wells at his
ofice-(, room 224, Angell hall during
thle n2ext week.
Anti-Horse Thief
Socet'y Thrives

INTOXICATION Alexandra's Bodei
Ihunanityy may lessen the hours },L
iablits, is the theory advanced by
Geoi ge Washington university scion-
ti.sts who have been conducting ex- I2N
jperiniets oil students. The results!
-,iiowvedl they say, that sleep is a form
of natuoral intoxication, induced by
Ilie stor lag of poisons (Hirinig wake-9V
fill hours.
"1 have collected recently eight7
"heor l-s! of sleep,'Prof. Hlenry I'.
Plains of thme psychology diepartmnent, y x
xplaine11 in speaking of the .new
theory advanced, "and three of thesel
are toxic theories. So there is not h-
ing new in this latest contribution."'
Thew sl(epy individual was compared
to the drunkard by the scientists.r ,:rs
They kept several students awake for
60 'hours,_ and found their sensations
were similar to those of an intoxi-
catedirman, and that their blood
changes corresponded.k
"T1he question that immediately oc-
curred to mne." Professor Adams (Ie-
clared, "is liow to explain the s~le
of babies. When there is the least;: rt~
activity there is the greatest demand t
for sleep. rThen, too, when one get:
oldr and(, consequently more full oft
toxins, why (10es he need less sleep? *-'
It is generally assumed that the body'
wears (town when one grows older,
and it is also conceded that one needs!
less sleep." 'oCnof wge rii A (I 7
f______________Sandringham wi< -e itiva e s mice
prior to tlh e oo,,1Aof i e ;'. lyto-
[15ff CONSED~ATION J5 on the late tars-'n-
WASINGj(TON, Dec., 3.-Fish con- STARTS TODAY.

.y Lying In State

That the discovery o e orememuithe w~ork o teGerman si1PLUAYTAlPARs C111JB
of helium, the valuable non-inflan-- enitists may also play an important --
mabe gs, ayproe o geatiir-part in the manufacture of radio Six Michigan undlergraduates are
porane igasemaydoenofsgr a ln lnn. Inow playing at the Embassy Nightb
potnei ter i n~utyad Industrial research workers made;
may effect considerable eooyi h icvr hl tdigtee- club in Paris with an orchestra di-
eooy1 the Ihsoeywiesuyn h rected by James Drago. All the or-
tegovernment manufacture of; traction of thorium nitrate from mon-
diri ilits is the opinion of Dr. 1I1'J. azite sand. It is estimated that pre.-1 chestra is p~lanning to return to
(Carney, professor of analytical chein- vious to this development more than, school in the fall of 1926.
istry and expert in the study of mtona- 500 cubic meters were wasted annual- Ti rhsr lydfrcmu
rite.; ly inl the German thorium nitrate afisls er em kon a
repotedu~s~~I ~ Gm'-~''~'~~Kennedy's Collegiate Six. Last sum-
mian scientists ot a method of pro- nicr they played for King Wah Lo's
oquecng; helium from monazite seems;I i"'xmie o cafe inl Detroit.
enirl lroale''sidDr amne he musicians' union in France has
'1 hve eve atempt~h he rodn- rmy Comniissions strict rules regarding foreign orchies-
tion o gas i my experimenting with._____ta.; ntdSae bn uthv
mion zite, but if it can bie accomplish-' n secial aer t d nd these are grant-
edl as reported wvitha material say- Ifrmto habenstou by .cd for a limited time only. Kennedy's
ing over the (lid' methods, the proce(*ss the war department that an examina- ;eaiai~ a hsnatrcm
will be of great importance to- the:;tion for applicants as first lieutenants ( eir: ith 0wasthe A tercon-s
government, and may possibly make i the medical corps of the regular for Ithe po ition.
the , further use of hydrogen in ba.-'army, as. providled for in the arm y i A l Irrp s b i g c ri d a.lo s u n c s a y e u ai n , wl b ed W t i h ih a n w d n e h I t r a~o~
"From the understanding I have continental limits of the United Statea, fBar Flies' Buzz," which is similar to
been given of recent radio develop-. Jan. 11 to 15 inclusive, 1926. the Charleston. Kennedy's play nighlt-
App'lf ations and requests for in- ly for Ilarry of the New York bar,
! nually to the rean "who has made an pre ationm concerning the examimnatioll who isi introducing this (lance at the
ou tstanding (-ontribution to, the cause shouldl be addressed to 'the Adjutant' Emibassy club.
of science without profit to himself." Genieral, Washington, D. C.
Among his discoveries are an artificial LONDON.-Afn agreement has been
kidney and d, synthetic preparation of WASHINGTON. -'Jos'eph E. Sed ece nteIihbudr us
epinephrin from which the commercial has resigned as vice-president of the tion. The details were to be arn-
lroduct adrenalin is manufactured, fleet corporation. nrounced soon.

- ., l.~ m. . . , -. . , , '..,. .a


""!!.E, , .~. ,.a".s .c ',t"'i. o". ../. 'fi. ..s.!.s1.ll: dd. ' ,. s. . .A./.!./1./1 /.P.o./ld. ,f. . /d, , . .. ,/:/./ 14.4.x1-1Ir.4 s ". r ;


.. -

Alh'i le horse stealing has shown a
steady decrease with the passing of
yerthne Anti-Morse Thief associa-
tion still flourishes.
A fraternal , protective and detective
ce:-<i n i ai.o-, coniposed of men banded'-
together for the "mutual protection of,
their roperty, it has more than 50,000
mnmbrs in eight middle western,
Jutiwvhen the, first lodge bearing
the name as orgaized is not cer-
,ai;,:but he first of which there is
any recor way org anized in Clark
coutyMisour, i 1~4.A. C. Reid,
whoresdesnea heehas been pres-
,(?I t f ithe or1ganiza tion 32 years.
?Te asso citiiondoes not limit its
actvitesto capturiti horse thieves.
Daigthe last year:i , sonice of the 500
memersof the Ja(ck sonville ,,-mb-or-
den, Iad prone; ty, including chickens
and ogsstolen 1In the value of $1,-
300. Appoxlimately $700 worth. of
Lthi5 was recovered.
Magazine Seeks
Prize Articles
,pOns,,oring a contest for the pur-
o-eof , ording college students an
, n;rtimnitv to exnress themselves on.

;ezrvation is the keynote of the annual
r"eport of the Commissioner of Fish-_x
e ries v hickm was submitted to Secre- 7 cuit Ilelg ele luhm
tary Hoover today. An outstanding ith loe I. ivewith fmid o hi 11mg hoi
feature of the department's activities winokcleoe coifit'Jct. Ati. milerolis
was the Fish Conservation conferenc eI the purpose of time confer<e c (thei
last May which was attended by rep- young people of thk 1,:,, ,:: clm~trchi
resentatives of the fish commissions 1in Michigan \iii( Iis 5biiii beltl P--
of the Atlantic and Gulf states. I day, Satturday, anm! Sunday of this
Fishery resources may be drawn up- week in 1am1 all vTo deleates
on freely so long as the future supplyI are being sent fm-cmeac chuirchi, amnd
is not endangered, the .report declares.± more than 80 d< l. ites hlie csitgiilit
In order to aid in the conservation intentions of attending.
the angler is urged to refrain from Araneens o the ilal~n:; are
taking more fish than he can use; uniider the direct ion of(: Olie l i opal
the commercial fisherman to minimize Student Tlepta I iorn I ai, andl the
thle destruction of immature and un-i conference will onei I ' incid:y avnin
ciersized or unsalable fish; the manu-, with an infornml rocept ion amil danceel
fatrrt ur gis ossi arshl.ft jdy ."through careless. practices; and every- gates will be showtiHe .i iver silr
One is urged to prevent the pollution and attennd ya iem roat) I di.wiii5O/
by noxious materials of-,the waters under thle lot+der. iii} of it.v. Ioni ii
'which sustain the fisheries.

ra lying in state in tue chapel at "
swere held by the royal family
We;stinslteor Abbey. Two employes I
Yhlg t heir resp~ects at hermtimer.
d art, chaplain of the Univemrsity of
eoim ylvania, who ( will lbe the prin-,
-i pal spe-al,,r and leader at time con-
f orcmce. 9
{A bam;niiet xwiil be given in Harris
Ihill oil Sat urday night at wvhmih the .
x tii 7. Rav. Ifernman Pag.e, D.}., bishop
of, X cigi,"will bhoIpresent. Erm Siml
'"a, Coi lorate Communion will be9
I;! ahdint. Andrew's church, followed
by hma akfast anml the r etular Sunday
n erig service at 11 o'clock, which
will he in chamrto of the young 1e IW-
ph Ivo ith thme R everenid Mr. Hart asI
Alumus Rewarded
For Research Wo'rk
DrIJhnJ. Abe!, '83l, pmrofessor of
s} az'« acolo rYXat Johns ~ i opkins AMcdi-

of the



To the Women Debaters:

We wish you the best of luck
in your debate with Ohio State


Phone 6030

cm , :c ool, Ilan recemtly been awvard-
(', a prize of $2,500 by time Research
corporation of Nexw York for his work
in ..cience. The reward is given an-



PURDUE,-Presenting the alterna-
tives offered to the United States on
the World court quekstion, a debate
is being held today in the Memorial
ion building. Men. well acquainted,
with the various phases of interna- }
tional relations have been working, in
preparation for this debate, their pur-
posed beimig to present the matter to
time student body in. a concise and
logical. manner to aid in the formna-
tion of their attitude, which will be
expressed Dec. 6 at the poll of stu-
dents to be taken under the super-

All Wool i'r -fSI'ruzt, in Beaut ifuil I'mrics 'Thlat WilIl Not Fade.


The1 Fiui(Oi s

a tmin actuned by
6;o ismi le 1ailor s of ( incinati.
PIbone 9736

And ask th1mM a re -ersca tal lye of the N ASII('O. call upon 3,01
a< rtesa ae'-wid Styles.


dra-iimati' ui ec ts to readers through- Vision of the Student council.
otth'e countmy, the Theater mragazine
i,> offering,$125> inarizes for articles- VIENNA.-Dispatches from Buda-
wri itter abot the entrant's favor ite pest say 40 villages ,in the Bueker
atror actm'css orplay seen durimig district are is'olated by immense snow-
thU se ason.drifts.
The conte'st, vwhich is dlescribedI in
detaf? lli the Januatlry. issue of tha~t' LONDON.-The Italian government
magaine cloes eb. , 126.is sending a-mission here. Dec. 15.
Dr. Fra Graxves CHICKEN, DUCK and
Visits Ann ,Arbor STEAK DINNERS
Dr!rn n~om rvs rs Served every day.
idl int of th, Univ erQ'at of New York, Dancing Parties and
is vis it ingDr.% Arthu1r G. linthven,
cm stda.fMcignacaooy
I .Cae i ieyknown edoa- H TLI
cat on, and has<<writ ten books on the I [T T LOX~~~
hitr n tdIo dcto n SOUTH LYONS -
on va irious polesconfronting mod-(
ern unvrstes_

I oine of the bect dressed I -~ple you meetd are ivearimng-Nash clothes.
The di I a ~ofl Mol lwrlood Rev a led
::s :( x-efol(re on theScr-een




"6 Wall Papers
AreC he.re, and they are decidedly novel
inieffect of smartness that will surely
appeal? to the lover of the modern. You
mustU see them to be convinced. Have
you seen our pretty. new pictures 'all
frmed complete? Prices ranging from
50c to $5.00 are sure to suit your purse.
We( also have a fine line of art materials,

KUpp enheimer
cust into rare fabrics'
to Cut o4ut this coat
The neW woolens are marvels of the Wqgavers art.
You'll see the best of them in Kuppenheimer Overcoats.






\ #,~ The
One Picture
in a
Featuring - R CR ,KEN NlI I HARLAN

Wroumbos, Vicunas, Montagnacs, Chinchilias,
Whitney Weaves, Kerseys, Fancy Tweed Backs
-what wonderful vehicles they mzake for the
fine Kuppenheim er designing and ta'iloring.
We have them in double and single breasteds;
ire Tube and Guards' Coats. In Vlsters and
Dress Coats'. For Men and Young{Meno

stencils, transfers, etc.








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