- - : :
AT. IND)IANA - --- --- 1,
Adoption of Chuld Labor Amendment
To Constitution Is Question
For Discussion
F _
Engaging in its first contest of the
year, the women's Varsity debating
team will meet a representative dele-
gation from Ohio State university at
8 o'clock tonight in University Hall.
The question for discussion, in which
Michigan will take the affirmative, is}
"Resolved: That the proposed child 1
labor amendment to the national con-
stitution should be adopted by the'
United States."
Michigan will be represented to-
'night by Norma Greene, '28, Josephine]
Garst, '26, and Margaret Henckel, '26.
Miss Greene, the only sophomore on
the team, is also a member of Athena
Literary society. Miss Garst, who is
also a member of that organization,
was a Varsity debater representing
Augustana college, Rock Island, Ill.,
forbtwo years before she came to Ann
Miss Henckel has had experience in
debating through her participation in
the Portia-Athena annual debate last i
year, although she had had no pre- -
vious debating experience in college,
due to the fact that debating was not
open to women in the school from[
which Miss Henckel transferred.
Ohio State will be represented by
Dorothy Siedenburg, Frances Jones,
and Ruth Lloyd, who will take the C
negative side of the question.
The constructive speeches will be.
12 minutes in length, with a 5 min-
ute rebuttal for each speaker. The.
judge for the debate is Prof. Delbert
G. Lean of Wooster college, Wooster,
0. Miss Elva Forncrook is the chair-
man of the debate, with Geraldine
Masters, 26, and Lucille Canby, '26 ,
acting as timekeepers.
After the debate, Martha Cook dor-.
mitory is planning a reception in
honor of th'e debate :s from both Ohio
State and Michigan. Dean Jean Ham-
ilton and the faculty of the public)
speaking department are to be guests.
at the reception.1
At the same time, a negative team
composed of Marguerite Dutton, '26, 1
Geraldine Knight, '26, and Elizabeth
Van Valkenburgh, '26, will debate the
question with Indiana university at
Bloomington, Ind. The women left
yesterday, and were accompanied by
Prof. Louis M. Eich of the public
speaking department, who with, Mr.
Gail Densmore, also, of the public
speaking dpartment, coached both
Left to right-Norma
Henckel, '26.
Greene, '28, Josephine Garst, '26, and Margaret
Howze Warns Opposing Counsels That
Tribunal Disfavors Continual
Disorders And Wrangling
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 3.-Opposing
counsel in the court martial trial of
Col. William Mitchell failed today to
keep the peace as ordered yesterday,
by the court president, Maj.-Gen. Rob-
ert L. Howze, and they were warnedi
again that the tribunal "viewed with
disfavor" the continued bickering and
General Howze called the attention
of counsel anew to army laws gov-
erning court procedure, and solemnly
requested "counsel for both sides" to
take notice. The warning was given
during the cross-examination of
Lieut.-Com. Charles E. Rosendahl,
senior surveying officer of the ShEn-
andoah disaster, by Rep. Frank It.
Reid of Illinois, chief defense coun-
Major Allen Cullion, assistant trial
judge advocate, had objected a few
seconds before to Mr. Reid's manner
of examining the witnesses. The de-1
fense attorney referred to what he
called his opponent's lack of compre-
hension, and added:
"Things get to your ears but they
never reach your brains."
In the confusion that followed Gen-
eral Howze ordered a three-minute re-
cess, and when the court reconvened
delivered his admonition.
Commander Rosendahl testified that'
Lieut.-Com. Zachary Lansdowne did.;
not protest against taking the Shen-
andoah on her fatal flight into the
Middle West. The reduction effected
in the automatic gas valves had noth-
ing to do with the wrecking of the
ship, he testified, and the gas escapes
functioned satisfactorily during its
last battle with the elements. These
statements were supported by Lieut.
Rowland G. Mayer, construction offi-
cer of the Shenandoah.:
Persistent efforts of the defense to
show failure of the big dirigible's gas
valves, as charged by Colonel Mitchell
in his published state:.ent, brought
no concessions frofn the two navy of-I
ficers, and when the court adjourned
tonight, Mr. Reid, was still grilling
Lieutenant Mayer. He will conclude
the cross-examination tomorrow.
COLOGNE.-Eight hundred German
girls are leaving the fatherland with
British troons.
! Princess Cauacizene Will Relate
H1er Exleriences In Principal
Courts Of Europe
Princess Cantacuzene, famed as a
lecturer and a writer, will speak at 8
o'clock Tuesday i Ilill auditorium
as the fifth number of the season
course of the Oratorical association.
Her subject will be: "My Life Here,
and There."
In her lecture, the princess will dis-
cuss the notable incidents of her life-
time, and in addition to giving im-
Spressions of society in New York and
Washington in the eighties and nine-
ties, will relate her experiences in
European courts.
After her marriage in 1899 to Prince
Michael Cantacuzene, head of the
famous Russian family, she was a fre-
quent visitor at the court of the Czar
where she met many notable men and
women who figured conspicuously in
the tragedies following the Bolshevik
revolution. During her recent visit to
Europe she had an opportunity to ob-
serve the striking changes that have
taken place in social life since the
close of the World war, especially in
Since the revolution in Russia, the
Princess and her family have made
their home in Washington where she
has taken an active part in various
charitable movements, notably the
Central Committee for Russian relief.
This organization has done much to
alleviate the suffering of the thou-
sands of refugees driven from Russia
by Bolshevik persecution.
Among the interesting reminiscences
of Princess Cantacuzene are memories
of her grandfather, ex-President U. S.
Grant, with whom she spent much
time in her childhood days, watching
and listening to the great people who
visited him.
KiZng's Physician
Attends Kipling
LON[DON. Eng., Dec. 3.-Lord Daw-
son, physician in ordinary to the king,
spent most of the day at Kipling's
bedside. Ile started for London by
automobile tonight, but encountered
fog and was obliged to return to Bur-
The fact that he left the patient is
taken to indicate that Kipling's con-
dition developed no grave symptoms
Cites NecessityFor Dramatizing And
Magnifying News To Draw
Public Interest
Discussing the relation of the mod-
ern newspaper to its readers, adver-
tisers, and employes, Walter Lipp-
mann of the New York World, lec-
tured under the auspices of the Mich-
igan School of Religion, yesterday, in
Natural Science auditorium.
Mr. Lippmann revealed the relation
of the reader to newspaper as one
wherein the reader expects to receive
the journal for next to nothing, but
refuses to enter into contractural re-
lationship with the publisher. The
editor has no assurance that he will
hold his audience over a given period,
so the newspapers live by making up!
the discrepancyrthrough advertising,
endeavoring to collect a crowd and
display their clients wares.
He indicated that difficulty between
the newspaper and the merchant does
not arise through melodramatic or-~
ders to suppress specific news items.,
The influence is subtler, he continued,
arising through a similarity of view-
point, since the proprietors of papers
are usually large employers of labor
with an attitude toward labor prob-
lems like that of other employers.
Publishers of metropolitan dailes are'
men of affairs in their community, and
usually share the views of their fel-
low business men. Competition and
the differing policies of the competing
papers are the safety valves of the
metropolitan press Mr. Lippmann said.
Reader Averages 15 Minutes Daily
Investigation has indicated that the
average reader of newspapers de-
votes 15 minutes daily to the perusal
of the sheet. The speaker, in discuss-_
ing the public reception of news treat-
ing the logical interests of the people,
said the general reader is seldom in-
terested. He said that the newspapers
must lie about events to draw public
interest, magnifying possible advan-~
tages, and dramatizing.
The only ways in which editors can
emphasize such interests as the!
progress of the World court and move-
ments in international politics, and
still retain their circulation, is to have
a regular service which holds the
reader, such as sport departments,
financial reports, and advertising; or
to make an effort to give the news-
paper a personality in the community,
demanding public support. There is,
however, a definite indication that edi-
tors are stubbornly resisting any
move to submerge public affairs in
the news. There is also evidence of
an increasing respect for privacy of
the individual. Mr. Lippmann ex-~
pressed the hope that in the future
reporting of so called "sensational"
news will be so conducted as to give!
advantageous social instruction. Since
the predominance of readers are in-
terested in such news, the remedy lies
not in suppression of crime reports,
but in enlightened reporting.
Truth Telling A Problem
The telling of the truth in stories
relating to public officials is a prob-j
lem demanding attention, the speaker
said, since reporters are necessarily
in close contact with officials and do
not always wish to report facts dis-
agreeable to them.
Treating the relation of the editor'
to the news writer, Mr. Lippmann said
that on reputable papers he never
knew of a writer being forced to write
that which he did not wish.
Mr. Lippmann's lecture was the
fourth of the series arranged in con-
nection with Prof. Kirsopp Lake's
seminar in the moral issues of mod-
ern life.
Yesterday's balloting on the four conference by delegates from this
proposals of America's entrance into campus, and it is hoped that enough
the World court resulted in a large votes will be cast to make it a truly
majority for entrance under the Hard- representative opinion.
ing-Hughes-Coolidge plan. Of the 476f
votes cast at the booth in front of theI
Library yesterday afternoon, 234!1 STUDENT BALLOT I
favored the entrance of the United ON WORLD COURT
States under the Harding-Hughes- I- -
Coolidge reservations, 135 students' (Check that one of the follow-
favored entrance under the Harmony ( ing proposals which you favor,
Peace plan, 56 were against this and turn in the checked ballot
country's participation in any way, at The Daily office:)
and Senator Borah's terms received I.... 1. For U. S. participation
49 votes. in the World court under the
Students who were unable to regis- "Harding -- Hughes -- Coolidge
ter their vote at the booth yesterday I I Terms.
are requested to do so today or clip .... 2. For U. S. participation
the attached ballot and send it to The under the "Harmony Plan" of
Daily office. The balloting booth will I thirty peace leaders.
be open from 12:30 to 4 o'clock this I I .... 3. For U. S. participation
afternoon, and as many students as JEunder the "Borah 'Terms."
possible are urged to register their " .... 4. Against U. S. participa- E
vote there. The results of this bal- tion in the World court.
loting will be taken to the Princeton
70t Selected From More Than 2000 Cecilia Hansen, Who Appears Here
Applications On Basis Of For First Time, Has Brilliant
Class And School International Career
Selected from more than 2000 ap 1 Cecilia Hansen, the distinguished
plications, 700 acceptances for tickets Russian-Danish violinist, will be
for the J-Hop to be held Feb. 5 wereh .i etf h is-n
mailed Wednesday. Applications from heard i recital for the first time in
students whose University standing as Ann Arbor at 8 o'clock Monday Dec. 7,
a member of the class of '27 was in Hill auditorium, as the second num-
satisfactory and who have paid their ber in the Extra Concert series of-
class dues were given first preference.f
Acceptance cards were apportioned fered by the University School of
among the various schools and col- Music. She will be assisted in this
leges of the University according to program, by Boris Zakharoff, pianist.
the proportional enrollment of the Miss Hansen is the latest of the line
schools. of Leopold Auer pupils to become pop-
Tickets priced at $7 will be given ular in America, having studied un-
upon presentation of the acceptance
card. der that eminent teacher at the Petro-
The drawing for booths has also grad conservatory, where she was
taken place, and acceptances were awarded first prize in 1914, being at!
issued the first part of this week. A the time a classmate of Heifetz and!
complete list of organizations repre- Seidel. During the war her existence
sented in the private booths will be was a tumultuous one, but she finally
published in an early issue of The made her way to Finland, where she
Daily. Each booth is allowed one met with success as a concert artist.
chaperone ticket. She later gave numerous recitals in
Service for the affair, including door Germany, Austria, Czecho-Slovakia,
attendants, ticket-takers, checkers, and Scandinavia, and a year go be-
and booth attendants, will be in the came known to American audiences,
hands of one organization, it was de- From that time her success was cer-
cided at a recent committee meeting, tain.
The financial budget proposed by Les- Miss Hansen has been heard at var-
ter F. Johnson, '27L, treasurer of the ious times with all the more import-
affair, has been accepted. ant American orchestras. After her
Orchestras for the leading junior first Chicago appearance, Gunn, the
social event are still under consider- well known Chicago critic, called her
ation. Bids have been received from the sensation of the year. Critics and
leading orchestras in the east and public alike have also agreed that her'
south, orchestras now recording forl personality is thoroughly in keeping
phonograph corporations, and Cana- with her artistry.
dian. musical organizations. Among the numbers included on the
Results of the decoration contest,! program which Miss Hansen will pre-1
which closed last Tuesday, will be sent Monday night, are: "Rondino"
announced early next week. Beethoven, "Melodic" Gluck, Praelud-
Eids are being considered by the !4um and Allegro" Pugnani, all three
committee for moving pictures to be arranged by Kreisler; Tschaikovsky's'
made of the prominent junior social Concerto in D major, and a Nocturne
affair I by Lili Boulanger.
Grid Mentors Relegate Other Michigan
Tackle To Second Eleven Due
To Few Games Played
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Dec. 3.-The 1925 all-
Conference football team, as selected
by seven of the Big Ten coaches for
The Associated Press tonight placed
four Michigan men on the first team,
with six out of seven coaches placing
Friedman at quarterback and Ooster-
baan at left-end. The two Bennies
formed a forward passing combination
responsible for a large part of Mich-
gan's heavy scoring. These two were
first and third of the leading Big Ten
scorers this year, but not once inside
the twenty yard line did Friedman call
his own signal for a scoring play.
The coaches were unanimous in
their choice of Brown of Michigan
and Lowery of Northwestern as the
outstanding centers of the "Big Ten,"
in 1925, but the majority gave Brown
first place.
Injuries Held Out Edwards
Edwards of Michigan wais the' most
frequently mentioned tackle, but in-
juries which kept him out of many
gaines this year, caused his selection
for the second team in the opinion of
most of the coaches, Henderson, Chi-
cago, being the first place tackle of
five of the seven coaches.
Kassel, Illinois, and Romey, Iowa,
were favored by most of the coaches
for end opposite Oosterbaan, with
Kassel getting the most first team
With Friedman and Grange over-
whelmingly' endorsed for the back-
field, the coaches differed greatly on
the other two positions; Lewis of
Northwestern; Fry of Iowa; McCarty
of Chicago, and Joesting of Minne-
sota, being variously placed at half-
back and fullback, on both first and
second teams. Lewis received the
most first team votes for fullback;
three coaches favoring him, while a
fourth placed him at halfback. Mc-
Carty received three votes for half-
back and one for fullback, in +addi-
tion to two second team votes as full-
Hess On Every List
Hess of Ohio, was on every list as a
guard, either on the first or second
The selection of the seven coaches
for the all-Conference team, and the
number of votes each player received,
were as follows:
First Team
Votes Player PoS.
6.....Oosterbaan, Michigan......LE
5.....Henderson, Chicago.......LT'
4.....Hess, Ohio.............LG
5....Brown, Michigan.........C
4.... Shively, Illinois.... ....RG
4.. .Hawkins, Michigan......RT
3... .Kassel, Illinois ........RE
6.. ..Friedman, Michigan......Q
7. ... Grange, Illinois...........I
4.... McCarthy, Chicago........R5
4....Lewis, Northwestern.....
Second Team
4.... Cunninghan, Ohio.......LE
6... . Edwards, Michigan........LT
4.... Stitek, Wisconsin........IG
6....Lowery, Northwestern......C
4.... Griffin, Iowa... .......RG
3.....Nichols, Ohio..............RT
4....Romey, Iowa............RE
4.... Wilcox, Purdue... . .....
5.... Doyle Harmon, Wisconsin..RH
.4....Joesting, Minnesota......LH
4.....Fry, Iowa................FB .
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 3.-Vice-
President Dawes arrived here today
from Chicago'- prepared to carry for-
ward his fight for an amendment, of
the Senate rules to prevent filibusters.
Mr. Dawes declined to make any
statement regarding his plans, and
busied himself during the day renew-
ing acquaintances at the Capitol and
at the Treasury. Tonight, he and Mrs.
Dawes were guests at the cabinet
dinner given by the President and
Mrs. Coolidge at the White House.
Among the early callers at the Vice-
president's offices, was Senator Under-
wood, Democrat, Alabama, who has
introduced a resolution which would
enable a majority of the Senate to
put an end to Senate debate at any
time. Senator Cummings, of Iowa,
fnrm- - n- cirnn+a - n_ vnrvr- - n +11
Editor Of The Nation And Author Of
Several Books Secured
Oswald Garrison Villard, editor and
owner of The Nation, has been se-
cured by the Round Table club to give
an address here Monday. The topic
for his talk will be announced at a
later time.
Mr. Villard, the grandson of Wil-
liam Lloyd Garrison, prominent abo-
litionist of Civil war days, is nation-
ally famed as the author of a num-
her of books, best known of which are
"John Brown-A Biography 50 Years
After," which he wrote in 1910, "Ger-
many Embattled," written in 1915, and
"Newspapers and Newspaper Men", in
1 49.3
i L 1 .
Collection Of 225 Rare Bibles
On Displar At Baker University,
(By Assoc!ated Press)
BALDWIN, Kan., Dec. 3.-Some of
the rarest Bibles in existence are con-
tained in a collection to be placed on
display here by Baker university.
The collection was willed to the in-
stitution by the late Bishop William
A. Quayle, of the Methodist Episcopal,
church, a graduate and at one time
president of Baker.
More than 224 rare editions, ranging
in size from a very minute copy to the
Synagogue Roll or Tora,7which is
made from the skins of 37 animals
and is a hundred feet in length, are in
the group.
The oldest2Bible is a Latin manu-
script of 1225. In the Bishop's cata-
British Bring To Close Wartime
Story Of German "Corpse Factory"
-L Q '
After graduating from Harvard uni- (By Associated Press) Austen Chamberlain, the British for-
versity in 1893, Mr. Villard assisted in LONDON, Dec. 3.-The well adver- sign secretary, in branding as false
the United States history department tised wartime story of a German e warym snornin a false
there for two years. In 1896, he "corpse factory" at the front is at] the war time story of a German!
started his journalistic career as re- least officially dead as far as the "corpse factory" is characterized by'
porter 'for the Philadelphia Press. In British government is concerned. Sir the German press as a creditable and
the next year he started working on Austen Chamberlain, the foreign sec statesmanlike act. The Deutsche Ali-
the New York Evening Post as an retary, has stated in the House of teneine Zeitung says today: "He has
editorial Y riter. Later, he became Commons that Chancellor Luther had done western civilization a great ser-
managing editor and owner of this authorized him to say on the authority vice by refuting at least one of the:
paper. In 1918 he sold the Evening of the German government that there slanders against the Germans, because
Post and purchased The Nation. never had been any foundation for a civilization which leaves war lies
Mr. Villard is also actively inter- the story. unchallenged in an atmosphere of
ested in educational and humane in- Sir Austen said he had accepted hatred, and does not produce courage!
stitutions. Politically he is an inde- that denial on behalf of the British in its leaders to refute them is
pendent. government. Chancellor Luther and doomed."
Foreign Minister Stresemann were in- The Tagetlishe Rundschau, Foreign
terested visitors in the distinguished Ter Stresean'scpaperoseys:
~ 0 e~t er~j 'strangers gallery of the H-ouse when. M inister Stresemann's paper, says:
-a r a therannouncement was made.h "We applaud Chamberlain, particular-
The "corpse factory" story was e-I ly because he is helping the spirit of
Te c e at yth r ysu r I-a Locarno to victory over the spirit of
vived recently as the result of
Another is the Coberge, of which I
the Bishop said: "It is the noblest
Bible I have ever set my eyes on and
much superior in beauty and sumptu-
ousness in execution to the Gutenberg
One of the finest sets is a nine-vol-
ume Bible, with a curious old com-
mentary, folio size, bound in original
vellum and dated 1669. It was once
owned by the Carmelite Friars and
still contains their bookplate.
A Bible bearing the date of 1656
once belonged to Robert Browning,
and carries the writer's autograph. In
this group also is Southy's Bible andi
the family Bible of Robert Louisl
Looking over the collection the lin-'
guist can run the full gamut, for the
Brbles are printed inrHebrew, Latin,
IGerman, English, Persian, Chinese,
Italian, Dutch, Welsh, Manx, Turkish,
and a rare Arabic.
Chauncey Olcott, noted Irish tenor
and actor, who was taken critically
I ill while playing in a performance of
the "Rivals" several weeks ago at
I the Whitney theater, has recuperated,
R ni is o n-n-n-~ ar o lo- f,_ i In.i
rogue, ie reterrea to it as a p ece o
illumination and chirography," and
Gov. Pinchot Asks added that he did not recallhaving
seen its superior in the British mu-
.Businessmen To seum. This rare volume is bound in
. French repousse silver, some hun-
Confer With HiM dreds of years old. It is illuminated
in gold, cardinal and blue and is made.
(By Associated Press) on abortive parchment.
CORRY, Pa., Dec. 3.-Civic organi- I Another manuscript is of the same
zations and businessmen of the an- century, and also is a rare speciment
thracite field, who have made efforts on uterine parchment. The psalms
to terminate the tieup in the mining have special loriations.
!Tire entire Pentateuch is contained,
industry tonight, were invited by Gov- ; in the Synagogue Roll, which is un-
ernor Pinchot to meet with him next;
Tuesday at Harrisburgh to confer withi dated and without vowel points.
The oldest printed Bible in the col-
him on the situation. .'I lection, the Eggesteyn, came from the
The governor, on tour of the stateI
nT the governor, ony t ~r the st Ipress in 1469, just 13 years after the
!snt the invitations hy telegranh un- " .,,..II- _ __4_V