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December 03, 1925 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-12-03

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, a

Afr Transportation Has Possibilities
For Future, Worley Says In

London To Capetown, Is Flier's Hope

That the future success of commer-
cial aviation is probable from. present
indications, and that the industry
will undoubtedly develop in the city
of Detroit, were opinions expressed by
Prof. John S. Worley of civil engin-
eering department in an interview
yesterday on the probable growth of
/transportation in this country.
"As to air transportation," he said,
"it has all the earmarks of great
possibilities. Whether the means to
be used will be lighter-than-air craft,
heavier-than-air, or an entirely new
type of ship, it is difficult to say at
this time."
! The probable growth of the industry
in a city famed for its automobiles
was attributed to the facilities which
Detroit offers for the manufacture of
aircraft. "In addition to the manu-
facturing plants, which include the
large groups of mechanical engineers,
the community has large amounts of
,o ailable wealth and many men who
'ave shown courage in building up
the motor car industry," he said.
In remarking upon the future of
te motor bus, Professor Worley!
stated that this means of transpqrta-
tion will not develop extensively for
passengers or freight on long hauls,
but that the practice of running bus-
es from outlying communities to the
centers. of large cities will probably
'be successful.
In regard to the railroads, he said
they would not extend their opera-
tions into new territory, but' rather
would develop their present systems
more extensively. In spite of the bus
operations, "which are really only
*supplementary, the railroads will con-
tinue to be the backbone of our trans-
portation system," he said.
Hoover Names
Michigan Man
T0 mines Post
Scott Turner, mining engineer, who
was recently chosen director of mines
by Herbert Hoover, secretary of com-
merce, is a Michigan graduate, having
received the degrees of Bachelor of
Arts and Bachelor of Science in 1902.
Following graduation from the Uni-
versity, Turner studied at the Michi-
gan College of Mines at Houghton, re-
\?ceiving the degree of Mining Engineer
in 1904.
He immediately entered active work
in the mining district of western
United States, serving as field super-
intendent of the Ugnited States geo-.
logical survey, millman, executive,
and assayer for private interests from
1902-05. Traveling southward to the
Province of Veragua, Panama, he
spent one year as general superin-
tendent ,for the Pontiac-Panama Min-
ing company.- Retiring momentarily
w from field activities, he acted as as-
sisting editor of the Mining and Sci-
entific Press, of San Francisco.
Alaska was the scene of Mr. Turn-
er's next activity, where he acted as
operating engineer with gold-mining
interests in Nome, Dawson, and Fair-
banks. Field work in the tin mines
about Cornwall, England, occupied
hin for several months, after which
he journeyed northward to Spitzenber-
gen where he became general manager
of the Arctic Coal company, an Amer-
ican firm, with operations in Norway
and Spitzenbergen. During his con-
nection with the latter firm, he open-
ed and operated coal mines for five
years on the island of Spitzenbergeh,
825 miles north of the Arctic circle.
Recently the engineer offered an
extensive'collection of minerals to the
department of Mineralogy of the Uni-

ment, the myths that were spun
caused throughout the North a wave
of sentiment that threatened to kill
Florida as a resort state.
Gambling Passes
Th results of the awakening are
apare t in Florida at the present
tinie. The moment of insane gamb-
ling has passed and has been super-
ceded by staunch investment and sub-
stantial business. The days of sales
on "binders" or optional deposits with
a given time limit, have gone forever.
Realtors make it clear to prospec-
tive buyers that a binder entitles
them to no equity in property, with
(Continued on Page Seven)
Eves. - 50ec to $2.50
Wed. Mat. S5cto$1.50
Sat. Mat. 50c to $1.50
Las *TwoWek-o'MisSigj
"T H E11R. LL A"
World's Best LaupkIng Show
With Mr. Mulligan andMr. Garrily I

The New Model
Vest ]Pocket
An Ideal Xmas Gift


ZY7rABLLrtXD 190,

719 North University Ave.

Phone 4514

i ,

He is


Bonse~ertayuu~Nigh1ts 75C to $1-50
PlayhouseMats. soc and 75c
Woodward at Eliot Tel. Glendale 9792
In a New American Comedy
Laa a t 1tat Sshe lby
Schubert Lafaete t:NYie to$
Bargain .Mat.,
rirsday, bestseats, . Sat. Mat., 5oC to $2.50
Tel. Caillac. 8705
1ith WEEK
The Musical Triumph o1 a Generation
Company of 150


Cobham, British aviator, is about to try a flight from L-ndon t o Capetovin,
Haviland plane. The photo shows him making a demonstratio n flight with


flying aI

Tells Of Florida 's Frenzied Land Boom;
Speculation bbs As Sate Nears ormal
(By Special Correspondence) through this publicity. The fact of! golden eggs would be automatically
"I put down a 100 dolla~r 'binder' its having ingrained within it a small, slain by the collapse of the situation
and sold in three days for 5000, half substance of truth brought realtors and by the consequent refusal of
d and business men to the sudden reali- bona itde investors to place their
cash." zation that unless the wildcat specu- money on a proposition encumbered
"I met the first payment of $10,000 lation were curbed the goose of the; by such a shady reputation. In detri-
on a $30,000 deal and sold in two
months for $100,000." ' _______
"I bought that lot for $2,500 and I
just refused an offer of $10,000. Ii
can sell it before my first payment
falls due for $15,000."
Not. a chapter from "Frenzied Fin-
ance," this, but a few typical com-
ments encountered constantly in Flor- T he L S
ida last winter. Such report of trans-
actions seeped northward as the sea-
son advanced until the inhabitants 1
of the Lake states and Middle West
in general came to the conclusion that
Florida had uncovered a pot of gold
wlich in its enormity and ease of ac- ,V Thi 1s te as cance
cens relegated to oblivion the fabled
Fountain of Youth in the quest for avail yourself of this 3on-
which Ponce De Leon spent his won- eful opportunity. We are
ing years. I'i
Country's Biggest Boom giving an extra pair of trou-
It was a boom, the greatest real r '
estate boom in the history of the sers wth every suit ordered
country. Fortunes changed hands al- from he Vngi-A .elc
most overnight, and buyers acquired; <L'gL s-~cicf
property "on a shoe-string"'as real Corporation. A Guararieed
estate parlance has it, and unloaded!1 R r rw
a few hours, days, or monthsnlate Iine f imported and domes-
for unbelievable profits on cash in- tic woolens.
vestmenfts of ridiculous sums. This
was pure speculation of -a genuine :
stamp. All through- the winter of
1924-25 it continued unabated until at
the close of the season Florida was
reputed to be a paradise for gamblers
and a bete noir for conservative in-
vestors. As a consequence, the repu-'
tation of the state was darkened. Custom Tailor o
Stories were told that, in substance,
gave the impression that living in w 1mported Woolens."
Florida meant an enormous outlay of.-
money for ordinary necessities and 619 WILIAM
commodities, and constant encounters
with real estate salesmen who surged l
through the streets, accosting every
passer-by and pressing him to buy
Florida has both gained and lost,





Christmas always brings the worries connected
with the selection of gifts for your friends and rela-

tives. we have solved the problem!

Our special

It is first noticed of any
article of your clothing. For
this reason it is always expe-
dient to keep the hat looking
the best possible. Having
your hat cleaned and blocked
vgill accomplish this. We do
the best in work at the low-
est in price.
625 East Liberty

line of Christmas novelties will satisfy your every
wish. And in addition the low prices will appeal
to your pocket book.

"The State St. Jewelers"
302 South State






. .,

., cr 46 - =

y. Will Too
The roand You



li i


(Continued from Page One)
be changed to include within its mem-
bership a total number of alumni and
faculty to be equal to the number of
student members of the board. (That
is, four alumni, three faculty men,
seven students, the vice-president,
recording secretary and president.)
"(2) The present continuity of the
board of. directors shall be broken by
permitting no alumni or faculty mem-
ber of the board of directors to hold
office for more than three consecu-
tive years. (The present term of of-
fice is indefinite.)
"(3) Certain powers shall be dele-
gated to this board of directors. This
board shall have the power to con-
fltrol financial matters relating to-main-
tenance and repairs; power to ap-
point, discharge, and direct a general
manager, and to fix his compensation;
power to determine the policy to be
followed in the collection of all mem-
bership fees or subscriptions.
"(4) The board of directors shall]
have no power to vote financial re-
muneration to the board of directors
or any member of this board. No
member of the board of directors shallI

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