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December 02, 1925 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-12-02

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V A P F h ° sa r r 1 w :'l. y .lr



Lngenious Production Combines Clown
Antics, Ring Stunt And
Animal Acts

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Four performances of the Sopho-
more circus will be given Friday and
Saturday at Sarah Caswell Angell
hall: The Friday afternoon showing
will begin at 3 o'clock, lasting one
hour. The evening performance will
be at 8 o'clock. Saturday's shows
are scheduled for 11 o'clock in the
morning and 2:30 o'clock in the after-
noon. Tickets are 50 cents for'
adults and 25 cents for children. They1
are on sale at all organized houses
and Graham's bookstores.
More than 150 women of the class
will participate. The properties com-
mittee is converting the hall into a
realistic tent with one large ring and
a canvas covering, gay with colored
pennants. Bleachers will be placed
in a semi-circle around the center
stage. Amy Loomis, '23, is super-
vising the training of the ten acts,
with the assistance of student direc-
tors. Clowns, ballet dancing, bare-
back riding, tumblers, and trained
animals are featured in the show and
the general committee has tried to
include every detail of a regular cir-
Brilliant coloring, is to be the key-
note of the costumes and an especially
attractive group is the tumbling act
with their white suits painted with
bizarre designs in gay colors.
Arlene Unsworth is directing a
band which is to be a take-off of the
Michigan band, and which promises
to be one of the hits of the show.
Smart yellow and blue uniforms will
be worn by these women.
Mr. Myron B. Chapin of the college
of architecture judged the posters for
the Sophomore circus last Monday
afternoon. He awarded prizes to the
following sophomore women: first
prize, Dorothy Swartout; second prize,
Alice Anderson; third prize, Hazel
Posters winning first and third
places will be displayed in the main
library; the one taking second prize
will be placed in the window of

Y. W.C.A. To Help
Educate Women On
World Court Work'
In connection with the general
emphasis that is being placed on the
World court this week, the University
Y. W. C. A. is helping to educate the
women on campus and familiarize
them with that subject.
A committee has been formed which
tkas bees meeting. at Newberry hal
to discuss and study the available
World court material. This they will!
compile into condensed form to take
to other groups and committees thatl
meet at Newberry hall each lay by l
giving talks-and discussingdthe matter
with them.
Two members of this committee,I
Betsy Beard, '26, and Arline Ewing,
'26, are also members of the general
campus committee which is wo'king
in connection with the World court
conference which is being held at
the Union, and under whose influence
the straw vote will te held Thurs-
day and Friday.v
Will Interview
t UDuse -residents

Bazaar plans are being brought to
a conclusion in preparation for the#
two big days on Friday and Saturday
of this week when Barbour gymna-
sium will be the scene of a variety'
of dainty and useful Christmas gifts
displayed for the benefit of those in-
terested in buying. The articles areI
all marked and ready to be taken to
the gymnasium for sale.
The tea room, which is to be con-
ducted by Collegiate Sorosis this year,
will be open both days o[ the bazaar

Women Will Hold7
Meet At Y.M..A.
Entry blanks for the intramural
swiminming meet to be held Wednes-
day, Dec. 9, at the Y. M. C. A. were
distributed to the managers of the
athletic zones at a recent managers' Choice of Adivimws Instead Of Pre-
meeting. Every woman who wishes scribed uii vs Furters
to enter the meet is urged to pro- Interest
cure her entry blank from her house --
or zone manager. While points in the+NEW SECTIONS ADDED
meet will b)e made individuall y, they
will not be counted for each individual
woman, but will go to her house or "Women like to decide for them-
zone. Entry blanks are expected to selves fhat sort of athletics they par-
be returned to Barbour gymnasium ticipate in," said Br. Margaret Bell, of
today. nthe physical education department, in
Women entering the diving contest ,-
in the meet will be required to make reference to the department's policy
three optional dives. No specific dives of giving a choice of activities in the
will be required. Among the other elective and required courses. "They
events will be a 20 yard relay, a 20 do not want their sport chosen for
yard dash, a life-saving exhibition, thei but want to do what interests
and stunts. Women wishing to prac-
tice for the meet are requested to them. During the past few years we
see Miss Annis Iill. of the physical have offered a large variety of sports

aging," says Miss McCormick, "it Start Activities
shows that the women are realizing
how beneficial sports are. It is to By Senior M ixer
be hoped that with swimming, clog-
ging, natural dancing, basketball, and,,,
gymnastics the large enrollment will Social activities of the senior class
continue to grow during the indoor of the School of Education will begin
season." with a mixer to be given from 3 to
The total number of women taking 5 o'clock Saturday in the gymnasium
part in interclass hockey this season of the University high school. A pro-
was 153, showing an increase of 42 ga conistigo sunts, ancing
over last year's enrollment, partlygra consisting of stunts, dancing
due to the organization of a graduate and refreshments has been arranged
hockeyateam for the first time at!or by a committee of h Marion
Michigan. Inramural hockey showed !Branch, '26Ed, is chairman.
a similar increase, with an enrollment
of 50 more women than last year. the physical education department
Enrollment in the tennis tournament this year, and had an enrollment of
this year showed an increase of 29 18 and 28 respectively. Owing to the
with a total enrollment of 96. Arch: i inclement weather the tennis and golf
ery showed a small increase. Riflery tournaments could not be completed,
showed an enrollment of 34, melting Ibut interclass and intramural hockey
the organization of the rifle club. tournaments were played off, in spite
Thirty-seven more women signed up of muddy and snow-covered fields at
for riding this year than last, and an the close of the season.
advanced and beginning riding club
were organized. Canoeing and golf Let The Daily sell it for you thru
were added to the activities 'offered by the Classified columns.-Adv.

and the guests may be served to lun-
cheon, tea or dinner. A campaign
is being made among the sororities
to get them to give un one meal at
their house to eat at the tea room,
the samesas in previous years.
Features for this year's bazaar
promise to be amusing and of great
interest. Marguerite Ainsworth, '26.
will bring Mr. Johnathan Spry back
to life for the amusement of the
guests, and Alberta Olsen, '26, will
.nrr in, th -l- ith' n in . trin k rino


education departmnent.
Aesent Plan To
Aid League Fund



- - - 0111 jL -Ir v1suvlrprlse em Li iunqu.u-e es
of one kind and another. Elizabeth Mr. B. 1-. Gitchell, general man-
Norma Iicknell, '26, presidehnt of Strauss, '26, will be there as the hus- ager of Ilimelhoch's, Detroit, will
the Women's league, will confer with band of a mysterious lady whose num- I speak at 4 o'clock this afternoon, at
representatives from the following erous pockets will be filled with gifts Barbour gymasium, concerning their
league houses at 3:30 o'clock tomor- for curious visitors. new plan to aid the campaign for the
row afternoon in the Women's league Pi Beta Phi sorority was presented I Women's league building. Stickers
office of Barbour gymnasium: Staple- with a box of candied Californian will be distributed among the Detroit
ton, Payne, Adams, Cozad, Augspur- fruit on Monday as a prize for their; 'women present and will be obtainable
ger Phelps, and Swauger houses. excellent contribution to the bazaar. on the ground floor of the store,
At 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon which, when put on packages bought
Miss Bicknell will meet presidents or Chi Omega announces the formal there will entitle the league to 10 per
delegates of Sager, Truettner, Free- pledging of Mary Lois Gudakunst, '27, cent of the sale.I
man, Wh'itcomb, Ireman, Shauman, Pauline Kaiser, 'Spec, and Ellen Se-' This is being done as a part of the
and Stowe houses. burn, '29. undergraduate student campaign,
..ibeaded by Elizabeth Blackwood, 126,
For every article for sale, there is A quarter of a million roses were and is similar to a plan which sue-
a buyer. Reach him thru Classifieds. shown at London's autumn rose show. I ceeded last year.

and activities instead of the usual ttll I t1111111111111t[IIIIU1111t1 l 1 1Illilllllll1111111111111111111111111111111111N
prescribed course in gymnastics, and
a large increase in enrollment has N
resulted. In other universities and Ie Artistic, Natural Permanent W aves
colleges where the system of optional
activities has been triel the result
has been as satisfactory." W hole Head, $15.00, to Dec. 15
Enrollment in women's elective ath-
letics has shown so far this year an
increase of 196 over last year's enroll-~Eugene Steam Method
ment, according to Miss Ethel Mc-Ee
Cormick, of the physical education For appointment--phone 7171 w
department. According to Miss Mc-:=
Cormick more upperclass women have '-
manifested an interest in athletics a:-=
than last year. The number of jun- Lueck Beauty Shoppe
for women who came out for hockeyeay
this year was double that of last year,
and junior and senior enrollment in 330 Maynard St.
hockey was approximately equal to
freshman and sophomore enrollment. Opposite Nickels Arcade
"This increase in enrollment among l
the upperclass women is very encour- 3 t gli l llllllll1illltlil1Illl l l

Graham's book store. on State


Barbour Gymnasium
Important meeting of the board of
representatives of the Women's. league
will be held at 4:30' o'clock today.
House presidents please attend.
Meeting of committee chairmen of
the Junior Girls' play at 4 o'clock
All gymnasium classes meet in cos-
tume today.
There will be no meeting of the ath-
letic managers today.
There will be a meeting of the in-
tramural board at 4 o'clok today.
A complete rehearsal for 'e Soph-
omore circus will be held at 3:30
o'clock today.
The Honor council will not meet
today due to the board of represen-
tatives meeting. There will be an
election of officers, Dec. 16.
Members of the beginners basket-
ball classes scheduled for 4 and 5
o'clock today are requested to come
in gymnasium clothes.
'Mummers dramatic society will meet
at 3:15 o'clock tomorrow at the Theta
Phi Alpha house.
Members of the University Girls'
Glee clubare holding a get-acquaint-
ed party at 8 o'clock tonight in the
Nickels arcade.

OU have hardly a gift- in their numbers to include
want that can't be filled
here at Goodyear's! gifts for everybody.
Whether it is a gift costing
We have been thinking of
these gift-wants of yours for hundreds of dollars or one
months and months. Our costing 25 cents, you may be
sure to find Goodyear's ready
buyers- expert judges of
merchandise-have gone to with what you want, at the
ry. price you want to pay.
the far and near market
places of the world to get
And of course all these many
Christmas gifts for you.
gifts in Goodyear's are of-
And the hundreds and thou- fered with a Christmas ser-
sands of gifts ready in Good- vice that is unfailingly pleas-
years' now are large enough ant and understanding.
En2 so oo0a ra&eonwa41
'K124 South Main St. Telephone 4171

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Collegiate Apparel
Gzeatly Reduced
N OW, at the height of the season, when the
school wardrobe is decidedly the worse
for wear, comes this opportune sale or
smart appare . uoyant, carerree, youthful rasii-
ions. Included are handsome fur-trimmed coats,
novel topcoats. Frocks of silk, velvet, wool,
balbriggan or twill, in one or two-piece models.
At considerable reductions.



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Something New
Milk Mask
Facial Culture-
Ask Us About It.

Ready-to-Wear-Second Floo


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Nickels Arcade

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