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December 02, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-12-02

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Published ever morning except Monday
during th-e niversity year by the Board in
Cotntrol of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
iThe Associated Press is exclusivelyen
~~en- d to the use for republication of all news
d~ipatchets credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Vntered at the postoffiice at Ann Arbor,
V ichiigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage: granted by Third Assistant Post-
n~aster General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
ea: d Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; business, 21214.
.Telephone 4625
k"Oirman, 'Editorial Board... .Norman R. Thal
LuEYEitor........Robert S. Mansfield E
Editor ...........Manning Houseworth I
s f;' iii or,........... Helen S. Ramsay-
I;3t ':itoi ...............Joseph Kruger
<"-i~ 4p5 ditor....:..... William Walthour'
4w anD rama ...Robert :B Henderson
Nignt Editors
Hi~1I. Cady Lecnard C. Hall
Wiiaid B. Crosby Thom~as V, Koykka
.:;1c(: T. DeVore W. Calvin Patterson
Assistant City Editors
SoOlian Frederick H, Shillito

highly deserving of all praise that
they may receive on their work as
members of the champion *WoI vernes,
it seems a trifle too much that th,,y
should be asked to leave the Univ4er-
sity for an extended tripl. This new
idea should be discouraged at once,
and the papers responsible for such
action made to realize that college
football players are also college stu-
dents and that the football season
occupies all the time they can afford
to spend on the sport.
There is a limit to everything ;
sometimes that limit is set by statute,
sometimes by convention, and, in ad-
dition to the numerous other ways,
sometimes by common sense. 'Such a
limit, that is, a c~mmnon sense limit,
is ordinarily apllied to business deal-
ings. If 'we regard post-war repara-
tions as business dealings, and they
surely should be that, we find a sur-
prising lack of good common sense in
one of the provisions of the repara-
tions pact between Germany and
France insisteud that Germanly, in
her invasion of France, had destroyed
30,000 colonies of bees, andl insisted
that Germany indemnify her with a
like number of colonies. Recontly the!
bees were transported from theo Lu ne-
burger heath in North GermanyI to
France, and the only thing they would
do that goodl and proper bees should
do w?, sting-they stung the French.
At least that was true figuratively, for
they refused to gather honey.
Germany has settled that part of
her reparations; Germany is out noth-
ing. France has been paid the 30,Q00
colonies of bees demanded and France;
has nothing but a lot of empty hives'
to show for it. And all because
France, wanted to impress Germany
with the fact that a Frenchmnan arous-1
ed is a dangerous person-(Germany
would have seen that anyway had the
matte~r been delayed until after M.
Caillaux's visit to America.
The German people aren't broken-
hearted because the bees have refused
to work; in fact, they probably sang'
"Deutschland uber alles" when they
heard that these little insects hadj
been loyal to the traditions of the
"Fathreland" and stung the French.
The French people tried to set their

,u e -r \lnaas00afra
firsato itn the perfpyormanc ol
twhastiht)paticia cied t besa
meiocre ly a pt abes in ftheiren-
l ightenedIItwsipokAnniArgo, ai
nin e hunredMonana, et;,for PCan
avo id the preie reith as mh en-e
no-one atint vs to be here onhegrand
frs otatitesi a porermance.o
1athi ightobeviously un~trefo te cat
many we pas, itAyd upto inthe hig-j
ight.eeyhaoenheaddeAincebo, ntie
the wantingoa oLorev itewtoand o
ning ustrewadt wetil rve tople
thei biggrieestwitndsosive hrd-to
Ther a teyn dlymtobeycemorethn.
hanfulhof poductiwo as genallye
noughwastoobeleethetewhen the cr-
taeingis 'Mstobajewosho itc s the1
frstonm that it sas ev's nper-c
formed ciso ipltlyuntruevenrbeoreast
benhitnesasbedn byhaingaily lar
amnay eesighteydTo ,toeteven ghmore
etitweekonthe choeun guetstil
nthee ey(haveeth erforma ncetiof
This nisnot antindanyvense ast
ranzorna piecehaofprogandabet
th aigst ianatherscriesagleocif
Theroca hadi y ejmre tan.
fis ie sha wit justeo emoe day

AMDSIC o ln s League and Interm
DRAA C hu rch m'wza
TIS AFTERNOON10A': .rie _3atinee !
M1usicalOle prseits the-i shlu1ic( 'Ihrio in ____________________________________________
o'clelk.= (Curtey ofGraham's)
gouriosgrand a ner i ofbak the -I
dayihen aisrecycleshanhd K~,
yTe a h Cfshook"has'gainred to
immortimwen teteia otalr; ORFA TOYIS
prouce Te Bohminstrl"tand -7X.ie s ily Ayed Pholity12 -
''TIhe Prtndentf Pisn" aopfnedhanciaaola o or t h
golire inher v gabone,1 Lthe'~
ioge Na's followmed itpera nthaie I (_r .U 1.SosatSaeS. :U-UU
proaak e 'iete. -. '
TodyBob heParkercyce oatthMi nsailletrti hecod
staTicketssatoSlate, aftBookwShop andeat
that1xe1111111 Goodycarlae isDrive Co., M in t-
"ACT11Y1MAD .I iiIIIlIIli U111 iili I
moe -nhina n4 n teA a d11a sSil a d D aiyE w .GAN I
vilas awas a.© nutc ios IurShp
"The Stuent;Price" pend te Sae a Kolar r Moe a th

.,e rtl e E. Bailey
xilini T. Barbour
.:ha !c5 Rleiner
' illam Brerr
' .: ickingha'n
:,.~ton Chainpe
ugene Hl. Gutekunut
T ,- _glss Doubleday
h;ar-y Dunnigan
JesT, Herald
Eli abeth S. Kennedy
M\larion Kubik
v. aiter H. Mack
oisR. Markus
Eli erry

Margaret Parker
Stanflord N. Phelps
Evelyn Pratt
Marie Reel
Simon Rosenbaum.
Huth Rosenthal
Wilton A. Simpson
Janet Sinclair
Courtlawvi C. Smith
Stanley Steinkei
Clarissa Tapson
Henry Tburnau
David C. Vokes
Chandler J. Whipple
Cassamn A.Wilson
Thomas C. Winter
Marguerite Zilszke

Telephione 21214
Advrtising..................... J. Finn
Advervtising..............T. .D. Olmsted, Jr.
Advertisings.......... ....Frank R. Dentz, Jr.
Advrtsig....... .........Win. L. Mullin
(irculationi............ L. Newman
Publication...............Rudolph Bosteoau
Accounts ................... Paul W. Arnold
Ingred M. Alving F. A. Nordquist
tGeorge H. Annable, Jr. Loleta G. Parker
W. Carl B~auer Julius C. Pliskow
1 ohn H. Bobrink Robert Prentiss
W. T.Cox W.. C'Pusc~h




Fr esh raisin bread made with Sun-Maid
Raisins, is our regular Wednesday fea-






Marion A. Daniel Franklin 3. Rauner ow uiso omo e e n gtR~~11~i1 Id.i11in~.IIi
raes. R. DePuy Joseph Ryan stung; can any of the rest of uis fare tc'a hin iithe fait hope thart that Tr- FJ ,
Magaet L. Funk MVargaret Smith
tanGier Mance Solomon any better?j key will still be fortheomnin, ent ae hmsSneln
E. Little Win. J. Weinman f
Irank E. MosherANifr) 'O 1SS:OR :'FM$ tI14JRE
Dr. Harley A. Haynes, d(irector of I IA SS IN OREJ~TO AL'',A1e
the new University Hospital, an-
-- p~~~~founced in yesterdlay's :Daily the es- t ";c,
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1925 tablishmilent of inspection trips
through the hospital for Students and EF W1T L l ;Sti B ,'S iielXmnr
Night Editor-WILLARD B. CROSBYDail1 rle
°___________________citizens of the 'city,. Trained guides . I:ht' 1 '1 IThe PI'rnd ess in "Tamnbourinle"
will conduct visitors throuigh all the " h ate a ant itl r n eCS c ed n the weak: suecess of
ison te redm f eanig s departments of the Hospital, explain-1 Ann Arb~or, Dvilch. Dlec. 1, 1.)25.--ccedn
has ontheir urposeoandfo retioingMis EleSop eetyeiold"'Tickled To Death," it seemed that the
inngperel. pThesScopes caseio next be modellednoraftercthey ehappy"
ipei.TeSoecaehs Guests are invited to view the extoen- Ifresihm at h Vixnexit o li~'i Opera wouldi retuirn to Amer'icaI
won ts ay t th Suremecout. live work being done in all bralnclhes
Layr aeiteetdntintn p eal service. g'nu, antd membecr in excellent et and-fschool of "No, INo, Nannette." lBnt
f'undtamen talist-modernist debate, Such a policy 'is a far cry fr((i ing of every campus honor soc- iet r(hectors often see beyond their noses,
bt in whether the liberty of the oddy witod nitrechad 1.1 the exception of i1hliucs, meim'srand failures being made to be forgot-
teacher to teach and of the child oddywhnclinif'rc adhroiior;ry cdramic clb, wich he tellanothemcr ronmantic setting was
curt refusals w ere the usual lot of an t e r s i p i e y t e T n p n d f e i s T o o w S o e c o e n T i b u i e " t e d s
to larn s imaird bythe en- interested visitor' to most of the h-Im 1)liat'r isDoth onIctse in Tabune" hedhI
nessee statute."-Chester I. Long piaso:h onty orey n had been mIacic the only femhale iflt'11- anid color of Slavonia replacing the
of Kansas, president. of the Amer- b er, has 'received permission from "pnk of China.
Ipleasantness, as manifested by the sever'al of. thle countless Deans hre So the Opera this year opens in a
iaBaasoito.Hospital staff at the present time, cen- ab~ot to become a member of the vlaesur ihrdtof n
taily will react favorably toward that! sophomnore class in order to in .vlag surewt rdrofad
A1LL-AIMERIC.ANS isiuio.Get wows t nwhr peruz ntecicsx ick i tueshut ters, and a palace with buir-
~c1tF:ail, at the conclusion of the something of the workings of such an 1hrapaac ntecru i gund izitey crarpet d on its golden staircase.
''uP s'son. sports writers and extensive organization as thene that Organization 'will put on shortly. 'ther are villains, cruel and given to
etes interested in collegiate football University Hospital will find amp~le IToei ag f h !.inaiz og lc uenwonae h
ngge in the ridiculous practice of opruiytganschnfmtionug the great ha ndicap they suffere'd1 plot go round and aL Prinecess who has
'bo>ing all-American football teams.DrHynsito)0cgata because the streets were not, wide her Captain of the. Gxuar. l here is!
-'.e;ardess f th fac tha tech.av i nough to permit the import ationi of! hunmhon, too, in a(diplomat and theI
Iegrle of ef ht tesoheynhae ;in elephant, invited IMliss Snorp to cm V,,( ;[Ai riche from Idaho, and there
:iaction, and -relying, entirely on l oin. The oh epltiant which it. was is a< chtorus, trained to do its ro~utine If
prssreports that record the gain DITORAL C MM NT originally planedt to import fromz even in their dreams.
frmthe spectators viewpoint. and j_____________________Iam num and(, Bailey, another sinaller --l. B. 11.
no.t from that of the players and I circns enterpmrise, in the East, wxas to *
., c°uces themselves, they arbitrarily THlE (CO11 G SESSION jWo the heavy hauling which the ten-! JOSEF IPWM ANN 4tt
det eleven men as the best football (The Kas City Times)totrcs(011ntudrak.TsejAeveIyI daKan
lirs in America. The country has been without a j in. charge are overjoyed at the accepit- , A. modest, unpreaumniutg lit tleeman,
It is true that certain men stand Congress for nine months now, andi#aamte of Mtiss; Snore. a lar-ge head, ant zecalnug person-
out during the season as being pro- naturally is in a pretty bail xay. Not "I have never been in a. circus bie- ality ..- the. ianioitelle lfofn-ann. I -
emiinently successful at the art of hit- in such a bad way as Congress though, fore",' said L+ ie, at, a. late hour this All too seldom are wve grantedt then -
ting the line, hurling forward passes' for wvhile the country can get alon, morning, '"bec ausec I always wanted to pi vilege (if listening to one of the .
wtith accuracy, or holding the line at a pinch without a ConIgress, there be a bareback ride nd I could never wvorld's greate'st pianrists. Mur. C'-
i~tteice fteopsto.is no way in the world Congress coil tend a horse tha:t could rstand the briloxvitsch gave his ThanksgivngC
They know they are good, and receive: get along without a country. That's, tai.Iredi oc ht-wl, Il 'adec ocr ob een
new m spaper publicity during Iben 'the c'ountry elect. Congress, omit tihe gory details."-.Iiteanlsotmel-
~ eason to last an ordinary man; and if Congress didn't meet once in <a M.iss Snore was all enthusiasm tatSm'ox
for some time, without being kept ini while to explain to the country whatwe neveeIyarpotrfom Oann X i.B~hxciso mmr
the headlines4 until Christmas on the issues are on which it wvants to 1,the his eartmnent. Site said that shle Ito "[emgS pa. axokwicf
v -iosalAeianslcin, elected, the county wouldn't know bchievc'd without fear tol cont radid'tion dee'; not do the'mast em c mate
And although it is possible to pick how to go about it to get a Congress. it voutldlbe the best . cir'cus that the! p;,"'red on to Itayill'5 symplhon y imuC
otstandling stars, it is most certainly It might even forget to elect one. ;Sophmoree women ever put omn. i her: picimu a ut phr asing, char ming
otpossible to determine which ofl The conming session is more thranj Miss Snorp weighs3 357 pounds, day I n!odlies. done o 'Papa Haydn's happy
Isois the most efficient at his posi-. ordinarily important-to C'ongress-- and night. llhuiattuut'Ps. And tPlen we heft the
tihn. Hoxv can one compare the work because. at time next election it ill * *r xvrid dof t ito cighteent.1i century and
of three quarterbacks, playing for; have to stand ,alone.. The year 1~90 In order to <avoirt a'by confusion onl ;fc und lora"::Ies i time imcst of Oumr
<,le, Michigan, and California, re- is an "off:" year politically, amid thereE the parts of oil). rcat'rs on thle (,hiel- pes ,t i umode'mtmsmtm. "The iJaunt-
spectively? They never play each Iwl h opresidlential canrdidlate t)o l ftm oiatw iht oe ' 'a e' mx ybl0 o-
other; they rarey ee<lytesm ulCngestruhb h ot by make it clear that this de-partn sne;ia'sgnu thrilled Iswit~lts
teams. Comparison is out of the tails, It will have to sitand orfall on itis n onet o vhaftsoever with I i , '15r kghost;a its horritd windes, its
qusto-adp'ersonal opinion is isO rcr facc pi'''erm . Iaolls-IRoy.ce M)tor Car Co. d~ oeoig- nlisftlsi
,;u1 a {: it 1!!,e* * * h t i=
t i lv thle only guide by which Th is should ten( osbdei-iltl isaty cdl cet ih Tat'1lCrtx in i u
1-Mericans are chosen, i nd. nIMIke tit mek a ndce wm:!e m
Fyn owever useless all-American teams!I When it has a popular 11Pcreslemzt to ja ,t~rtiuii +, theFercompay, vhmic'hmi } ',? tionof II o l'unm's pianlis-
mhay hlave been, they have not become save it f'rom the wrath. to comieCoi- also muorn ufac(turz.c'a-is for the elite, tic art 1t, rrhme auience, with onie ac-
aculyharmful until recently. Great! gross can be very independent and * * * cord, thutnde'redr its applaause at the
ntew, papers, especially New York cocky. It is then it. talks abotut its Plae ontmncptm 01th edo'te itmometofue-I
dlailies, have instigated the practice 1 privileges and powe,-crs as a. co-ordi- capus. (signed) Shoe Shiners' stein's c oncrto in ID mino~r. A daz-
of holding all-American banquets, to pate branch of the (lovenumzleuit; it is Union, No. 223. "n'fetesof ten fingers, a. ma-
v lih their selection from time foot-~ then it stands tip to time Pres.idenzt- Sir 'tohy Tifflum, c at seporiu-rpea~oncuh
ballT gridiron are invited as guests ofI and hiaughtily refuses to be told whlat. 81:d1'Ilc!(! tha ienc'e. 'We were only;
honor. Two Michigan men will attendj to do; it is then it neglects its xvork, deal about doinig it. Which is, in thie d'amotdin One manner, xve want- I
fi,_hh abanuet hisweekendi n T declines to take un Adi-niistratoi c (ongureoaul view' mvway, i et nil ly ;ed .more.

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