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December 02, 1925 - Image 1

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VOL. XXXVI. No. 61





Members Of The Delegations Enter-
tain'ed At Dinner By Sir Ansten
And Lady Chamberlan
C (By Associated Press)
LONDON, Eng., Dec. 1.-Germany
really got back into the European
family today when Chancellor Luther
and the German foreign ministe, Gus-
tave Stresemann, signed the Locarno
It was a pleasant little family party
in the reception room of the British
foreign office, with only 300 persons
present. The black gowns of Lady
Chamberlain, Mrs. Stanley Baldwin,
and the other ladies who attended,
suggested the loss which Great Britain
has just suffered in the death of the
Queen Mother Alexandra and which
made it impossible to have a more
ceremonious signing.
The London crowds welcomed the
German delegates everywhere with
enthusiasm, indicating that English-
men generally share in the joy of the
leaders of the government that the
great European powers have "one
friend more".
There was no empty chair for Rus-
sia, but the absence of the Soviet gov-
ernment from such an European gath-
ering was mentioned informally by
many of the delegates, and M. Briand
expressed the hope that Russia might
soon decide to enter the League of
Nations and speed Europe in the res-
toration of normal economic and poli-
tical conditions.
The nations affixing their signatures
and their representatives were: Great
Britain, Austin Chamberlain and Stan-'
ley Baldwin; Germany, Chancellor
Luther and Gustave Stresemannn; Bel-
gium, Emile Vandervelde; France,
Aristide Briand; Italy, Vittorio Scia-
loia; Poland, Count Skreynski;
Czecho-Slovakia, Eduard Denes.
Only the nations signatory to the
Locarno pact attended the signing;
consequently the United States was
not represented. But Alanson B.
Houghton, it was thought, might have
had a seat beside Lord d'Abernon, as
these two, in the capacity of ambassa-
dors in the German capital had
greatly influenced the German govern-
ment in the negotiations which led
to a compromise on the reparations
problems and made possible the adop-
tion of the Dawes plan, which was the
first real step towards peace between
Germany and France.
The disarmament spirit was in the
air and there seemed to be a general
feeling that a disarmament confer-
ence must be held shortly to lessen
Europe's staggering military and na-
val burdens.
After the signing, the principal dole-
gates lunched informally with Sir.
Austen and Lady Chamberlain at 11
Downing street, which Mrs. Baldwin
loaned for the occasion, and Lady
Astor and a number of other promi-
nent women were invited to join this
party. Later in the afternoon the
seven delegations were received at!
Buckingham palace by King George,
which gave the last official approval
necessary for the readmission of Ger-
many, the prodigal son, back to the
family of nations.
SiryAusten and Lady Chamberlain
entertained all the members of the
delegations at dinner at Lancaster
house tonight. The American am-

bassador and many other representa-
tives of the powers not signatory to
the Locarno pacts were present. The
prime minister and Mrs. Baldwin will
entertain the delegates at dinner to-
morrow night, and most of theni will
leave London Thursday.
The number of women working for
the state in Sweden has almost
doubled since 1923. The Swedish
government's civil service list showed
17,177 women employes last year,
forming one-sixth of the government

President John G. Hibben of Prince-I opinion, but the important thing is
ton "was not fair to Senator Borah in that the students are taking an in-I
his recent letter to him", said ex-Gov- terest in international, affairs, ratherI
William E. Sweet after his address than in narrowminded consideration
in Hill auditorium last night. "Pres- of national interests. He said that the
ident Hibben", he continued, tried to: students must realize the growing im-
appeal to Senator Borahtby claiming! portance of internationalism, and that
that the Senator advocated no court,' it will be of vital interest to- them.
whereas the latter's objection was not Ex-Governor Sweet said that the
to the whole court, but to its rela- question in the Senate will not be a
tion with the League of Nations. "You political one, but that the chief point
can't appeal to Senator Borah that of contention, due to Senator Borah's
way," said the former Colorado efforts, will be over the divorce of
executive; you have to appeal to his the court from the League of Nations.
reason-his intellect." "It will be many a day," he asserted,
Such conferences of students as the "before the United States joins the
ones at Michigan and Princeton this League of Nations, but it will not be
week can be of no actual influence, many days until we enter the World
he stated, except as they affect public court."

Matinee Musicale Features Kroll,
Willeke, And Giorni In Third
Series Of Course
The Elshuco Trio v/ill appear at
3:30 o'clock today in the Union ball
room at the third number of the Mati-
nee Musicale's present course. This
trio, nationally known for their cham-
ber music performances, comprises
William Kroll, violin, William Wil-
leke, 'cello, and Aurelio Giorni, piano.
The opening" number will be
Brahm's "Trio in B Major," opus 8,
second version, for violin, 'cello, and
Richard Strauss's "F Major Sonata,"
opus 6, will be the second number,
and the last number will be a Trio in
A major, in three movements. This
composition has been heard only once
or twice previously in this country,
and it was necessary to obtain per-
mission from Washington for its per-
formance here, because it has only,
recently been copyrighted. Ildebrando
Pizzetti is, the composer.
The Elshuco Trio is giving a series
of six concerts of the chamber music
of Franz Schubert this season in New
York. Olin Downes, music critic of
the New York Times, in a review of
the first series said, "The perform-
ances throughout the evening were of
unusual merit. The quartet played
not only with much enthusiasm and
feeling, but with excellent balance
that had beauty and glow."
Guy Maier of .the University School
of Music considers this trio to be in a
class with the Flonzaley Quartette as
performers of chamber music.

Increase In Scenery Construction
Necessitated By Theaters
In Mimes Itinerary
Settings for "Tambourine", the 20th'
annual Union opera, which will open I
a week's run at the Whitney theater
Monday night, will be equal to any of
these which have marked past Mimes
productions. The scene of the play,
a village in Slavonia, an imaginary
Balkan kingdom, and the royal palace
of that country have given an un-
usual opportunity for stunning ef-'
fects, according to those in charge.
Because of the number of larger
auditoriums and theaters which will
house "Tambourine" during .ts tour,'.
it has been necessary to build all the ,
scenery on a larger scale than has
ever been attempted before. Because
of this it has been found advisable
to install an entire new lighting out-
fit, consisting of the modern X-ray
border system, which has been per-
fected only within the last year, and
is at present being installed in many'
of the new theaters throughout the
East. A special expert electrician will
accompany the opera this year, and
will arrive in Ann Arbor this week
in order to supervise the installation
of the lighting in the Whitney theater.
The scene of the first act is a vil-
lage square in Slavonia, and is
modeled after the square in the town
of Pilsen, Germany. In designing this
set every detail of this town was re-
produced with as much exactness as
was possible. The second act scenel
is the interior of the palace of the
king of Slavonia, and is considered
the most elaborate setting which has
ever been built in the Mimes theater.,
It is an absolute reproduction of thej
Grande Salle in the Chateu de Chan-
tille, France.
All the designs, in gold, are copied
from the decorations of this room, and
the furniture for it was especially
constructed for the set. The pieces
are of brocaded damask, to match the
setting which is done in old rose and
gold. One of the outstanding featuresi
of the set will be a ten-foot practical
staircase which comes down from the
wings from both sides of the stage,
to join at a large landing and end in
a broad sweep toward the stage. The
staircase will be carpeted in old rose
and the railing and panels will be of
,designed gold.a

MENT OF $7,50000 TO
State Retains All Other Castles For
Fear That Hoenzolerns f
Might Sell Tei
(By Associated Press)
BERLIN, Dec. 1.-Should William
Hohenzollern ever return to Germany
as a private citizen he probably will
find a beautiful castle with a fine car
specially set aside for him at Ham-
burg-van-der-Hoehe near Frankfort.
This is one of the provisions of the
bill. which the Prussian finance min-
ister has framed for introduction in
the diet for final settlement of the
Hohenzollern family's claims.-
This bill, which the Hohenzollerns
have already agreed to accept in1
settlement of their demands, also pro-
vides for a cash payment of 30,000,-
000 marks, about $7,150,000, and the
restoration of three palaces and other
properties of the erstwhile ruling
One clause of the bill provides that
the state places the castle and park
of Hamburg at the disposal of the
former kaiser as a residence for him-
self and wife during their lifetime.
The Hamburg castle was the resi-
dence of the Empress Victoria, daugh-
ter of Queen Victoria of England and
wife of the Emperor Frederick III,
after her husband's death. It is re-
garded as one of the most artistically
arranged castles in Germany.
Under the Prussian government's
bill the former crown prince Fred-
erick William will reclaim only his
estate at Oels, in Silesia, with the val-
uable lands attached. But for him,
his wife, children and grandchildren,
the state proposes to set aside Cecill-
enhos castle near. Potsdam. The state
would retain the title to both Ham-
burg and Cecillenhos.
In socialistic circles the suggestion
is being put forward that the whole
matter of the Hohenzollern proper-
ties be made the subject of a plebis-
cite. It is generally conceded, how-
ever, that the question is too involved
to make such a solution possible.
The position of the Prussian finance
ministry which framed the bill for the
Diet was summed up to the Associated
The state, on the other hand, de-
sired to retain historical castles such
as that of Sans Souci, which the court
undoubtedly would have 'awarded to
the Hohenzollerns. The state also
wanted the theaters for cultural rea-
sons and the art treasuries for the use
of the public, and it was feared that
if the Hohenzollerns retained the
titles to these properties they might
sell them to other countries.
Fail In A ttempt
To UnseatArnmy
Judge At Tial
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1.-Counsel
for Col. William Mitchell failed to-
day in a spectacular attempt to un-
seat another member of the Mitchell
court-martial-Maj. Gen. Wilim S.
After a consultation intsecret, the
'court overruled defense charges that
iGeneral Graves had interfered with

the cross-examination of prosecution
witnesses, and ha~j displayed bias.
The decision followed another fiery
altercation in open court, arising
from a comment made in an under-
- tone by General Graves regarding
f the method of the defense attorney,
Rep. Frank R. Reid, of Illinois, in
his questioning witnesses.
When the lawyer made his accusa-
tion the general denied he had inter-

'Ensian Announces 1
Day For Increase
Of Present Rates
December 18 is the last day for
Michiganensian subscribers to secure
the benefits of present subscription
rates. Those who have already sign-
ed for subscriptions are urged to pay
for their 'Ensians before this date at
the Michiganensian office, as all rates
will be increased 50 cents after Christ-'
mas vacation.
Cards to this effect will be sent to
all subscribers the latter part of this
week. The Michiganensian office is
open from 2 to 5 o'clock every day,
and from 9 to 12 o'clock Saturday.
Appeals For Financial Support Of
Scientific Investigation At
Engineering Convention 1
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Dec. 1.-The greatest
need of true science today is dollars,
Secretary of Commerce Hoover said
today in an address before the Amer-
ican society of engineers tat its 46th
annual convention. lie appealed for
funds for the support of the men who
are giving their lives to the advance-
ment of pure science.
"The day is gone by," Mr. Hoover
said, "when we can depend very much
upon consequential discoveries or in-
ventions being made by the genius in
the garret. A host' of (nen, great
equipment, long patience, scientific ex-
periment to build up the structure of
knowledge, not stone by stone, but
grain by grain, is today the funda-
mental source of invention and dis-
The American people annually
spend ten times more money on cos-
metics than for the aid of pure science
investigators, he declared.
Mr. Hoover drew a comparison be-
tween the advancement made in pure
science research and industrial sci-
ence. With the unparalleled indus-
trial development of the country, he
said, there has been an increase, by
hundreds of laboratoreis engaged in
the search for application of known
scientific facts and laws. But these,
he asserted, were entirely dependent
upon the raw materials which flow
from the laboratories of pure science,
in which this country is greatly de-
ficient. For industrial science an ex-
penditure of $200,000,000 is made an-
nually, while for pure science re-
search the total, amount available an-
nually does not exceed $10,000,000.
Mr. Hoover said the personnel in
our applied science investigation to-
day probably exceeds 30,000, but that
it is on the men in independent re-,
search and in our educational institu-
tions, that the great burden of scien-
tific advancement must rest. From
them, he said, must be derived the in-
spiration of the younger generation of
oncoming scientific workers.-
"What we need above all things,"
he continued, "is the better support of
these men. They should not be forced
into our industrial laboratories, nor
should they be engulfed in teachings.
They need opportunity to live and
Instead of leading all other coun-
tries in the advancement of scientific
knowledge, Mr. Hoover declared that

Daily ill. Sponsor Straw Vote To
D)etermine Caipus Opinion
Regarding Court
Four resolutions, to be sent to Wash-
ington, were passed yesterday by the
delegates to the Intercollegiate Worldt
Court conference after a series of1
discussion groups on topics dealing
with the World court and the League
of Nations. These resolutions are .
briefly: That the conference is in sym.1
pathy with the provisions of the Lo-
carno treaty; secondly, that immediate
entrance of thie United States into thec
World court on the Harding-Hughes-
Coolidge basis is necessary; thirdly,1
that entrance into the World court be
made without any specific codification
of international law; and fourthly,
that the United States should enter
the League of Nations without reser-
vations. ,
These resolutions were evolved by
the resolutions committee and passed
on by the conference practically
unanimously yesterday afternoon at1
the Union, coming as the' culminationt
of a series of four discussion groups 1
led by several members of the faculty
and Frederick M. Snyder, commission-
er of the Walter Hines Page School
of International Relations and mem-
ber of the League of Nations Non- .
Partisan league. Prof. Preston M.
Slosson, of the history department,
led the discussion at 9 o'clock fol-1
lowing his address on "Locarno
Treaties and Their Influence on Eu-
ropean Peace." Following Professor'
Slosson's discussion, Mr. Snyder ad-
dressed the delegates on various
Shases of the World court question
and at ,11 o'clock, Prof. Jesse S.
Reeves, of the politcal science de-
partment, talked on "International'
Law, and its Relation tote ..World
The afternoon group was led byj
Prof. Thomas H. Reed, of the political
science department, who Utlked on
"The League of Nations". The reso-
lutions committee then presented their
findings and called-for discussion and
a vote, resulting in the aforemen-
tioned resolutions.
A student forum on "International-
ism" will be held at 8 o'clock tonghtj
in Natural Science auditorium, under
the auspices of the Cosmopolitan club.!
At this time, three foreign students
will present the recent devolpments
in international affairs with respect
to their countries. R. F. Howrani,
grad, of Syria, will talk on the atti-
I tude of his country toward the World'
court in the light of the recent dis-
turbances there. Alfred Pu, grad, of
China, will outline the Chinese devel-
opment during the last decade regard-
ling a policy of internationalism, also
'the attitude assumed by the bulk of
Chinese students. Benjamin Cockram,
grad, of England, will present the con-
tributions which his country has made
to world peace and will outline the
problems which confront Great Britain
at present in this program of inter-
Following these three talks, Prof.
Jesse S. Reeves, of the political sci-
ence department, will demonstrate


ns'wers Arguments of Borah Against
IT. S. Entrance Into League Of
Nations Tribunal
Characterizing internationalism as
the newest and finest type of ma-
onalism and the highest form of
atriotism," Ex-Gov. William E.
weet of Colorado last night answered
ie arguments of Sen. William E
orah against the entrance of the
nited States into the World court, as
e principal event of "International
eek," sponsored by several campus
rganizations for the dissemination of
ccurate information on world prob-
Speaking before the delegates to the
tate Intercollegiate World Court
onference in Hill auditorium, the
>rmer executive pointed out that by
tating his wi lingness to enter the
ibunal if it wre separated from the
eague of Nations, and by giving that
his sole objection in his replyt
res. John Grier Hibben, of Prince-
n, Senator Borabh had given up all
is former objections, and that thus
icy were now of little importance.
1x-Governor Sweet refuted all of the
irreconcilable senator's arguments,
owever, in his address.
In regard to the-contention that the
ourt is controlled by the League of
ations, Ex-Governor Sweet stated
hat it was, in its original form, es-
entially a department of the league,
ut that under the reservations, with
rhich the Republican party expressed
:s approval of United States entrance
ito the tribunal all the phases of
ague control which would operate
gainst the United States were modi-
ed so as to give this nation an equal
tanding in the court with others. We
cannot," former Governor. Sweet
aid, discuss the league or the World
ourt without considering the reserva-
ons," and he asserted that no public
ian has ever p'rolosed our entrance
xcept under reservations.
The Hughes-Harding-Coolidge res-
rvations provide, modifying the re-
ations of the court and the 'league so
ar as they affect the United States,
h'at this country shall have an equal
oice with others in the elections of
udges, and that the statute of the
ribunal cannot be amended without
ur consent. He pointed out that
orah in his letter to President Hib-
>en made no mention of the reserva--
Before taking up Senator Borah's
tatements, Ex-Governor Swet em-
>hasized the importance of the inter-
iational bankers, and explained how
eeply they they have already involv-
Ad this nation in world affairs. Their
inancial relations have forced the
Jnited States since the war "to get
own off the pedestal of isolation,"
ie said. We may state that we want
iothing to do with the internal affairs
if other nations, he pointed out, but
when they become our debtors, we
nust necessarily be interested in their
political situation.
Ex-Governor Sweet also emphasized
hat "it would not make for the peace
Af the world or for the interests of
:he United States," if we should be
oot-loose from other nations in case
f another war. I-I stated definitely
that the fundamental quarrel over
which we were drawn into the recent
war was the question of whether or
not we could sell munitions as we
wvishedto any nation which wished to
buy then.
"Soon after the advent of the war,"
e said, "tie allies became dependent
on the United States for a sufficient
supply of munitions," and because of
he fact that our actions and saleof
munitions in tie early days of th'e,
war benefited Germany, we were
drawn into the struggle. The move-
ment to "make war for peace," and to
"make the world safe for democracy"
id not enter into the question at first.
One of the essential features -of the
court, Ex-Governor Sweet stated, in-

suring equality of .nations, is the
method of electing judges, by which
the judges are not representatives of
their .own particular nation, but are
constrained to serve in the interests
of the "international community" as a
whole. As an example of this, he
cited the case of John Bassett Moore,
who was nominated by Italy. Thus
lhe cannot owe any partisan debt to
the United States. 'The Permanent
Court of International Justice, it was
stated, is "nearer non-political than
the United States Supreme court, or
than the Supreme court of any of the
states." The weakest nation as well

Will Demonstrate Intricacies
Aid Of Charcoal Drawings


Dr. S. G. Morley, of the Carnegiey
Institution of Washington, in a lecture'
on "The Greeks of the New World",
which will be given Dec. 16 in the
Natural Science auditorium, will de-
scribe the intricacies of the writing
of the Maya Indians. His address
will be illustrated by charcoal draw-
i ings, made while he talks.
At present, according to Dr. C. E.
Guthe of the museum of anthropology,1
It is possible to interpret only the
calendrical and numerical signs, and
tie symbols for directions, some of
the gods, and most of the heavenly;
bodies. The Mayas, because of their
interest in, and knowledge of, astron-
omy, developed a calendar which was
as accurate as the one we use today.
Their weeks consisted of 13 days, and
their months, 20.
Few people realize that this one
group of American Indians furished
historians with an important link in
ste romantic story ofthe alphabet,
that human achievement which is
now accepted as a matter of course.
The Maya Indians, who developed a
high civilization in Guatemala and
Southern Mexico long before the com-
ing of the white man, used a system
of writing which illustrates th'at point
at which a sign or character came tc
represent a sound or syllable, and
ceased to be a picture of an idea.


Rumors Assert
That Pope May
Leave Vatican
(By Associated Press)
ROME, Dec. 1.-The voluntary im-
prisonment of the Popes in the Vati-
can, begun in 1870 after the overthrow
of the temporal power by the estab-
lishment of united Italy, may be end-
ed next year with a personal visit of
Pius XI to Assisi to preside at the in-
auguration of the new Franciscan
monastery on the seventh centenary
of the death of St. Francis of Assisi.
The possibility is advanced by the
Tribuna as based on authentic infor-
mation and is strengthened by the
fact that Pius XI began his pontificate
by breaking precedent and appearing
on the exterior balcony of St. Peter's;
in view of the people crowding the
square below.
Three Destroyers
Leave For Chinn

Sthe United states occupre a posLi1 }lo the League of Nations and the j
far in the rear of the majority of the World court hopes to cope with the
European nations. A list of awdrds problems presented in the previous
1 of the Nobel prizes revealed the small talks.
proportion of first minds that we sup- Asstraw vote will be taken this
week, under the auspices of The
Daily, to ascertain the sentiment of
trnu1 the camupus regarding the' question of(
bEJ1IVNl NOT[IIU.IIUW 'this country's entrance into the World
z curt. The results of this vote will
Yl UI esent to the Intercollegiate World
TINl IN H~~IH O~ISCor conference, which will be held
at Princeton Dec. 10. The combined'
Court Decides In Faor Of results of the votes on the various!
Lower Clairt Of Citizens college campuses will be presented.
to President Coolidge and Congress
( o eby a committee chosen at the confer-
«y AssociatedPressence. All students are urged to regis-
- WASHINGTON, Dec. 1.-The right i ter their sentiment on this question at
of Americans who purchased Germany the time of the voting so that .a true
y treasury notes before the United expression may be obtained -and sub-
, ,States entered the World war to re- mitted to Princeton.
- cover their investment with interest
t out of funds held by the alien pfop-,
o erty custodian, was argued today in:
the Supreme court. LII I
e The question was brought before
- the court on appeal by the govern~ - .
ment in 25 cases in which the lower
s courts decided in favor of the claims --
t I of the citizens. ;The government's (By Associated Press)
e principal contention was that it should WASHINGTON, Dec. 1.-Swift steps

Great Britain has replaced the
United States as the largest purchaser
of Canadian goods. During the year
Great Britain bought Canadian goods
worth $458,000,000, $1,000,000 more
than America's purchases.



rupted the questioning, or shown any
partiality. The president of the court
Maj. Gen. Robert L. Howze, admon-
ished counsel for both sides to desist
from "disgracful wrangling" and t
address the court and not each other
but Representative Reid refused to b
quieted. He lodged this formal pro
test against General Graves.
"I hereby challenge General Grave
to sit longer as a member of this cour
for the reason that his actions whil


Lose Lives
As Ship Wrecksl


_ r(TeatherMan DAYTONA, Fla., Dec. 1.-Six negro
I ~seamen were drowned, and three men

on this court show that he is not im-1
partial and that in justice and fair-'

have priority over citizens in satis-
faction of claims against Germany,

were taken today by Senate Republi-I
can leaders to obviate a fight over the

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