Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays)..
Volume VI SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1925 Number 51
Action of University Discipline Committee:
Mr. Warren C. Horton, 1926 Law, having been found guilty of public
intoxication on the night of November 14, 1925, in and about the Michigan
Union, has been dismissed from the University for a period of seven days
and ordered to remain during such period at his home and his parents
notified of the action. In addition, he has been placed upon probation for
the remainder of the academic year.
Wy1. A. Frayer, Chairman.
Xembers of the Administrative Board, College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts:
There will be a meeting of the Administrative Board on Tuesday, No-
vember 24, at 4:10, in Dean Effinger's office.
W. It. Humphreys.
Committee on Publications:
The first meeting of the Committee on Publications will be held in the
Registrar's Office, Monday, November 23rd, at 4 P. M.
Ira M. Smith, Registrar.
Committee on Study of Engineering Education:
The Committee on the Study of Engineering Education recently ap-
pointed by Dean Cooley will meet Tuesday afternoon at 4:15 in Room 1044
East Engineering Building.
J. Raleigh Nelson, Chairman.
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture:
Members of the Faculty of the Colleges of Engineering and Architecture
are urged to sees that all reports on the work of foreign students reach
Room 28, East Hall by Monday morning.
J. Raleigh Nelson.
Foreign. Students, Colleges of Engineering and Architecture:
Foreign students who entered the Colleges of Engineering and Archi-
tecture this semester should confer during this week with the Committee
on English for Foreign Students regarding the reports on their work.
The: Committee will be in session in Room 28, Monday 9-12, A. M., 2-4
P. M. Tuesday 8-10 A. M., 2-4 P. M. Wednesday, 8-10 A. M., 2-4 P. M.
Thursday 2-4 P. M. Friday 2-4 P. M.
4":1J. Raleigh Nelson, Chairman.
FreshienJn W(nen:
Tle third required Hygiene lecture will be on Monday, November 23, at
4:15 in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. Bring blue books.
Margaret Bell.
Bureau of Appointments-February Candidates:
All candidates enrolled with the Bureau of Appointments who desire to
secure positions for the second semester are asked to call at the office this
week for a personal interview. Office hours for this purpose are from 10:30'
to 12:00 and 3:00 to 4:00 daily with the exception of Saturday.
Margaret Cameron, Secretary.
Senior Eugineers:
There will be an assembly Tuesday morning, November 24, at 10 o'clock
in Room 48. Reports will be given by the class officers and the chairmen
of the various committees.
Alfred 0. Lee, Class Mentor.
Choral Union Concert:
The Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Victor Koar, conducting, Ossip
Gabrilowitsch piano soloist, will give the following program in Hill Audi-
torium Monday evening, November 23, at 8:00 o'clock, in the Choral Union
Concert Series:
Overture to the Opera "Euryanthe" (Weber); Fifth Piano Concerto,
in E flat, Op. 73 (Emperor) (Beethoven); Mr. Gabrilowitsch. "Kikimora,"
A Legend (Liadov); Two movements from ,"Nocturnes"-(a) Nuages (b)
Fetes (Debussy); "Italian Caprice," Op. 45 (Tschaikovsky).
Charles A. Sink, Secretary.
Choral Union Ushers:
All Choral Union Ushers and Extras are requested to be at their assign-
ments by 7:30. P. M. Monday, November 23rd, for the Detroit Symphony
Concert' ia. W. A. Davenport,
Ass't. Supt. Buildings & Grounds.
Players Club Tryouts:
.1l people interested in trying out for Players Club report at Newberry
Hall, Tuesday, Nov. 24, at 4:00 o'clock. Tryouts should have a selection to
read. New members will be selected by the Executive Board of the club.
All people in any way interested in the staging of plays should report at this
time. " Forrest Heath, Vice-Pres.
Physics Colloquium:
The Physics Colloquium will meet at 4:15 P. M. Tuesday, November 24,
in Room 1041, New Physics Building. Dr. N. H. Williams will speak on
"Measu'rements of the Electronic Charge in Photoelectric Cells." All inter-
ested are cordially invited to attend. W. F. Colby.
Men's Educational Club:
A. A. Metcalf of Ypsilanti . State Normal will speak on "Vocational
Guidance" at a meeting to be held in Room 206 of the Michigan Union this
Monday. The meeting will be called at 6:45 sharp, so that it may be over
before the Choral Union concert.
,. Lbf. 'i 4 ~j j Ralph Van Itoesen, President.
International Banquet:
All students from countries other than Canada and the United States
who have not received invitation to the third International Dinner given
under the auspices of the Student Christian Association and the University
Y. W. C. A. to be held in the Michigan Union 5:30 P. M. Wednesday, Nov.
25th, are urged to call Mr. Grafton, 4261, before Monday evening. Guest
tickets will be issued. C. A. Stevens.
There will be a meeting of the Craftsmen Club Sunday, Nov. 22, at 2
P. M. at the Masonic Temple. All members of the team are urgently re-
quested to be present. All Master Masons welcome.
E. McLay Crosby, Pres.
Read The Daily "Classified" Columns
Expert On Bombs Scot
"The C
said S. M
'ment yes
minion p
the disso
a govern
. In::as;sss 1 Ifrom on
235. H
ent co-ol
about 50.
solved th
T no c t it r one reas
o heliamentava
-y mthe electi
tives hav
* *11o in a
-- 2.....-- -five. Th
The national capital isn't worried grsie
fover the statment of . Edward Cas- Mr. Se
sidy, made in Mitchell court martial son for t
proceedings, that 20 planes, each car- liberal g
rying one ton of bombenzyleyanie' during a
could denude Washington of resi- caused b
lems, an
parts of
a politic
Scott sai
MINNESOTA 35oheacone
he conti
dence in
(Continued from Page One) resign ar
Michigan kept the ball in Minne- To this
sota territory in the next quarter,
Friedman missing an attempted place
kick from the 27 yard line on one oc-
casion. After this kick, and the Goph-
ers had punted out of danger, the
Wolverines inaugurated anothersdrive
that finally resulted in the second
touchdown. Tom Edwards made 10
yards on a tackle around play, and
then Oosterbaan made a pretty catch
off Friedman's pass, bringing the ball
to the Minnesota 22. yard line. Gil-
bert then made his run and Molenda
took the ball over.
Michigan's third score came earlyin
the second half when a 25 yard run i
by Molenda had brought the ball
within scoring distance. On a fake
place kick formation, Friedman tossed
the ball to Oosterbaan who made a
pretty shoestring catch of the ball as
he fell over the goal line.
Gilbert's long sprint gave Michiganh
her fourth touchdown and the fifth
came after Gilbert's catch of a pass
from Friedman in the final minute of
play had brought the ball to the Min-I
man to Oosterbaan, accounted forthe
final score. Friedman kicked all fivei
goals after touchdown.
For notices not otherwise mentioned in
The Daily. Items wxill bec published on
two successve days only. Copy must
be submitted to the Local Events
Editor by 4 P. M.
?x' III~lililfl II I filill III ill 111111 ill IlIlI IIaItif fllli1|I l lilt
plains Premier King "s
ition In Canadian Politics Thorough Pasteurization
lections have been1 plies that° if he has not a majority in ! of every product of T he
actory to nobody," the new parliament, neither has any-
the history depart- else, and that he is entitl ed to lA nn A rbor D airy Com -
retain office until lie is deposed by an a.L J a."
regard to the do- adverse vote in the House of Com-
ituation. "Before mons." a y rece
enier King headed Reorganization Probable
ported by a liberal Mr. Scott added that Mr. King to yi reduces the
Commons varying would reorganize his cabinet and call i
in a chamber of parliament as soon as possible, ex-
ious positionwas, pecting to be retained in office by the risks of contagion
sned by the consist- combined support of the liberals and
fabout 65 progres- progressives, who together hold a ma-nas l t
ervative opposition{ jority of two. The parliament, lhe absolute uJ77
Meighan numbered stated, probably cannot meet until -
umber Mr. King dis- January, and will remain in session "
rent, proposing as for the 50 days necessary to draw
ecurity of his par- the $4,000 session indemnity. "By the
n. That position, year's respite Mr. King will haveV
urther imperiled by gained the right to fill several lucra-a 4
28. The conserva- tive appointments now vacant, and,
d the largest party, perhaps, may have secured control of
245, a minority of the administrative machinery for the 2
hold 100, the pro- next election," Mr. Scott said.
seats." i He added that there would prob-
es Reasons ably follow a year of compromise lib-
as the chief rca- eral-progressive administration, then
on the fact that the, another general election, which might _-
t happened to come be marked by the disappearance of r H E H 0 M E F P U R E M I L K
general discontent the liberal party and the return of a
uestions, the prime safe conservative majority.
on imperial prob- .i11U fff tlf ff f't ffff ff faffffffi1f f ffffffff ff ffaff tf
roubles in various TOULON, France.-The naval ar-
ion. senal was on fire today. High wind
a third party into caused fear that the flames might
built for two, Mr. reach powder and explosives maga-
located the political zines.
conservative press,"'I
sists that as the BUENOS AIRES.--Argentine today
n its lack of confi- is in a position similar to that of the
. . . he ought to United States less than 50 years ago, l Be sure and get your Photographer's Receipt
ay for Mr. Meighan. according to John W. Weeks, former from the 'ENSIAN Office before
g complacently re- American secretary of war.
.The Surety of Greatest
Without quality-any price you pay is
too high a price-off color, imperfect
stones have no ready cash value.
Is our idea of Diamond value-these
prices prove cash buys for less.
$50.00 to $500.00.
-Instead of "good intentions" buy
her that iaond this Christmas!
Schianderer & Seyfried
304 S. Main Strectd
You won't need any Cash.
You can use our payuent plan!-
Then arrange with us for a date for your Photograph
We Will Take Care of You. ' p
E. Liberty St.
Portt it
.i -
VZO.100.00 GOV. zacp
The Philippine-Michigan
meet at 3 o'clock in Lane
club will
Baptist girls are to gather for a
Thanksgiving breakfast at 9 o'clock
in the Guild house.
"Football and the Christian Life"
will be the subject of Dr. Merle H.
Anderson's talk, intended especially
for athletes, at 10:45 o'clock in the
Presbyterian church.
Supper will be served for students
at 6 o'clock in Harris hall. Prof. H. I
F. Goodrich of the Law school will
"The Latest Dope on Evolution" will
be the subject of Prof. A. Franklin
S hull of the zoology department in an
address at 5:30 o'clock at the First!
Congregational church.
Charlotte Fraser, field secretary of
Americanization of the W. C. T. U.,
will speak on "Christian Citizenship,
on the Job" at the -7:30 o'clock ser-
vice at the First Methodist church.
Open discussion on "Are Denomina-
tions Necessary" will be held at 6:30
o'clock in th'e Unitarian church.
WASHINGTON.-A committee rep-!
resenting the state, commerce and
postoffice departments has been ap-
pointed to consider establishment of
an air mail service between the Unit-
ed States and the Panama canal.
Cut Taxi Bills
Five Ride for the Price of One
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