a a a. s.,.., 11Aa va Xa. \.11 }; a~ra fs aw
r.-_-._.-.mow-___.... 'YY!r y!'. y;-. _ i. .?, '. . .y. ..
LOST-Will the gentleman who found
the luncheon cloth at the Michigan
Union on Nov. 9, please call 21678
or write Box 28 Daily. Cloth is
personally valued as a gift. tf.
LOST-Small black pocketbook, con-
taining several articles. Please re-
turn to 3458. 53- 4-55.
LOST-Square silk paisley scarf, blue
with white border, valuable as gift.
Reward. Call J. Hollander, 22244.
53-54-55 1
LOST-Parker black duo-fold pen, in
Farmer's & Mechanics Bank. Initial
E. J. M. on stem. Call E. J. Messard
6664. 52-53-54.
LOST-Bracelet, diamond, and saphire
link. Reward. Call 8977. Lylas
J1ayes. 52-53-54.
LOST--White gold wrist watch, set
with sapphires. Substantial reward.
Virginia Harris, Betsy Barbour
House. 21716.
LOST--A sapphire ring, white gold
setting. Day of Ohio State game.
Reward. Call Nolan, 5870.
LOST-A green gold pencil with ini-
tials G. L. H. Was lost Friday in
vicinity of .Angell Hall. Kindly call
i............L. .Z._;.Gopher left end. Gilbert added two
T I - GInflm e throu gh entr. W )o r, muade
-1 F I E I STOR Y OFGAME , .tyard. Glinert punted t,, Alm(Ini ;t,
COLUMNwho returned the ball five ais to
CLOSES (Continued from Page Six) his own 15 yard line. Murrell fun'bled
;tTISING AT 3 P.M. THIRD QU:AHTER and recovered on his own five yard
Murrell and Almquist were again in laer was knocked out on the la
Othe backfield, and Meili at tackle for pla. Gase.nsubstitutd or h m.
i OIEMneoa play. Gabel substituted for him.
We pay best prices for men's used GiAscher, punting from behind his own
1 epybs rcsfrmnsue Gilbert kicked off to Murrell, who! oal line, kicked poorly to his own 16
clothing. Dial 8040. returned the ball to his own 25 yard g
Students' Tailoring line, being stopped by Lovette. Murrell yard line. Webber failed to gain.
Cor. N. Univ. and Thayer failed to gain, Lovette again stopping Friedman gained a yard. Webber
t., th., sat. tf. him. made eight yards from a fake place
t sa tfakick formation. Webber made a first
WE take pride in the quality of our Joesting made a yard. Ascher punt- down as the quarter ended. Score:
work. You should take pride in our ed to Gilbert, who returned the ball Michigan 21, Minnesota 0.
products. We cater to the student,11 yards to the Minnesota 49 yard FOURTH QUARTER
trade as well as the town residents.. line. Molenda broke through the left
You are requested to visit our shopi side of the line for 25 yards. Molenda Michigan has the ball on Minnesota's
at your earliest convenience. made a yard. Gregory added four' six yard line with tour (owns to go.,
ARNOLD inore yards through the line. Edwards failed to gain on a "tackle-
State St. Jewelers-302 State St. tf. On a'fake place kick formation, Mo- around" play. Drill was hurt on thej
lenda crashed- his way for five yards play, and was replaced by Maeder.
FOUNTAIN PEN REPAIRING and a first down, bringing the ball Babcock went in for Edwards.
We skillfully repair your pen the to Minnesota's 14 yard line. On an Webber failed to gain. Stamman
same day you bring it. Why send "end-around" play Flora gained two went in for Webber. Stamman
it away and wait. yards. Molenda added two yards. Mo- made a yard. Oosterbaan dropped
Rider's Pen Shop lenda made two more. Mulvey sub- Friedman's pass over the goal line,
302 State Street stituted for Cooper at center. giving the ball to Minnesota on her
t., th., sun. tf. Friedman, on a fake place kick for. own 20 yard line.
'iation, passed the ball to Oosterbaan, Almquist failed to gain, trying Oos-
TYPEWRITERS t terbaan's end. Murrell's pass to Tut-
Rebuilt and second hand of'all makes ... i .a prety sitoesring tle was incomplete. Lovette tackled
as lie feji over the goal ie for 3Lich3-tewainopt.Lvtttcke
bought, sold, rented, exchanged, gan' third touchdown. Friedman Murrell for no gain. Murrell punted
cleaned, repaired and rebuilt. Larg- kicked the goal. Scare: 3fichiigan !U, to Friedman, who was tackled as he
est stock and best service depart- Minnesota 0. caught the ball on Minnesota's 45.
ment in Ann Arbor. Gilbert kicked off to Almquist who yard line.
O. D. MORRILL, returned the ball to his own 26 yard Friedman's pass to Gregory was in-
17 Nickels Arcade, line. Baer and Lovette broke through; complete. Herrnstein substituted for
The Typewriter & Stationery Store and tackled Almquist for a one yard Gregory. Gilbert made a pretty catch
Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona loss. Joesting made two yards. of Friedman's pass bringing the ball
tf' Flora tackled Murrell for no gain. to Minnesota's 23 yard line.
CHIRISTMAS ('ARIDS Ascher punted to Friedman who re manGilbertwkickedas theturt ot pa tn
manllkicked:the ballooutloybounds.,I
Personal cards should be ordered now. turned the ball five yards to his own Peplaw substituted for Ascher. Sta-
Good work requires time. Printing140 yard line. Time out for Minnesota. e a ted frdsthrh tan-
and engraving a specialty. Largest Friedman's pass to Gregory was in man.mademthreeiyad through cen-
and finest selection obtainable. complete. Molenda failed to gain, and buck.
O. D. MORRILL, was hurt on the play, but stayed in
17 Nickels Arcade, the game. Gilbert punted to Minne- Herplacei m formationrunning
The Typewriter & Stationery Store sota's 30 yard line. Flora threw Mur- around right end. The ball is Minne-
tf, rell for a seven yard loss. I sota's on her own 14 yard line.
On a cr ss cross play Murrell made J
WANTED) a yard. A mquist failed to gain. Web- Joesting made a yard. O'Brien sub-
e ubstiut foriotenda. Ase stituted for Almquist. O'Brien's pass
-s do A to Tuttle was incomplete. Murrell
WANTED-Girls for relief selling dur-. punted to Friedman who was tackled punted out of bounds on his own 48
ing noon hours daily. Apply imme- on his own 44 yard line as he caughti yard line.
ithe ball.
sdiately at office. Mack & Co. t ,..Oos~er.-aanImadea
tf jOostrban mae apretty catch of
St ammau- made two yards. Fuller' * * * *M 5 * 5 U * * g5
teadIe 2me yards.--
r"iaidmaa I osed u ii iber la oi'Qia
e gD line to 4terhad for Mi h.('l[-
hN itl!inl'~'i. Frieduniji C-
Fuller substituted for Miller. Ful-. 330 M A Y N A R D ST R EE T
ier hic ked off over the goal line. ItlOpp; Nickels Arcade p
is Minnesota's hall on her own 20
yard line. Peplaw made nine yards m
on a right end run. Joesting made'ThanksgivingI12:30-2:00
tI re e yardls andl a first (tOwn. Mur- Tln~iigDne 23-
rell went around end on a fake play
for 28 vards. bringing the ball to u
Michigan's 42 yaid line., On a triple
pass, Murrell fumbled andi recover- Sat. Dinner - 6:00-7:30
ed. Stamman intercepted O'Trien's Sun. Dinner 12:30-2:00
lass and was tackled onhis own 40
yardl line as the game ende (wSupper 5:00-9:00
inal Score: :i icisan Wi, Minne.__
' . ENEo
C r tm as etCards
Sample books of Personal Cards now ready and
- 1-
your service.
Leave your order early.
'. .
89 77.
Can make $25.00 per week in spare
time. See Mr. Shnierling, Monday
9 to 5. Room 302 Michigan Union.'
All the better makes including the
famous Rider "Masterpen. Why
not get our skilled service with
the pen you buy at the same cost.
RIder's Pen Shop
302 State Street
t., th., sun. tf.
Baron Munch ysen tells of impossi-
bilities but 0ting, the International
Wizardt, does them. Stage experi-
ence. For parties clubs and smok-
ers, Call Elting at 4719. 53-54-55.
NOTICE-Buy the latest fiction at
Biddle's Book Store. 11 Nickels Ar-
cade. w., f., sun. tf.
Students Tailoring Phone 8040
Cor. N. University and Thayer
Work Called For And Delivered
We ;pr ofit by your satisfaction. The
ink we recommend is first a record
ink. It is the best flowing ink and
will' not clog the delicate mechan-
ism wf your pen. Ask At
Rider's Pen Shop
302 State Street
t., th., sun. tf.
Promptly and neatly done by compe-
tent operators at moderate rates.
College work a specialty for seven-
teem years.
17 Nickels Arcade,
The Typewriter & Stationery Store
ELSON9 BEAUTY SHOP. Lanoil, ,per-
manent waving, and marcell waving
our specialty. 319 S. Main. Room
202. Dial 4404. tf.
Picture Framnes
To Order
We have a complete assort-
ment of all new moldings inj
'attractive new designs.
EXPERIENCED two payment men to
open office covering entire district.
Full co-operation and protection.
Send $1.00 for supplies and com-;
plete information. Clyde A. Ram-I
sey, 25-27 Opera Place, Cincinnati,'
Ohio. tf.
WANTED-Two upper class or grad-
uate girls to eat with small group at
816 E. Washington St. 52-53-54
MAGAZINE men, crew managers, dis-
trict managers, organizers experi-
enced on two pay plan, also special
offers. Write or wire today for real
proposition. State fully experience.
Clyde A. Ramsey, 25-27 Opera Place,
Cincinnati, Ohio. tf.
ATTRACTIVE suite for students,
business people, or young couple.
Also room mate- wanted. Steam
heat. Plenty of hot water. Quiet
house. Phone 8544. 422 E Wash-
ington. 51-52-53-54-55-56'
Gregory made six yards, trying the Friedman's 30 yard pass placing the
FOR RENTi ball on Minnesota's 15 yard line.
Stamman carried the ball out of
FOR RENT-Large front room, single a bounds.
or double, close to campus, 427 Gilbert failed to gain. Stamman
Thompson. *53-54-55. failed to gain. A wide lateral pass
went over Herrnstein's head, and Min-
TWO attractive, single, front rooms. nesota picked up the ball and brought
Clean. quiet home. Rent reasonable.!it to Michigan's 42 yard line. The
Phone 5346. 923 Greenwood. tf closest Minnesota has gotten to Mich-
FOR SALE igan's goal line.
A Minnesota pass Was blocked, Lov-
FOR SALE-Two tickets. Detroit ette threw Peplaw for a 12 yard loss
Symphony, Monday. Phone 21445. when he attempted a pass. MurrellI
53-54. kicked out of bounds on Michigan's
eight yard line. Gilbert punted to
FOR SALE-1919 Ford Roadster in Peplaw who was tackled on the 50
Igood 01410 tin. at1Thompson, 5551 yard. line.
So. Division, Dial 8072, or Univer- y A Minnesota pass was incomplete.j
sity 204. tf. Gilbert interceited a Minnesota lpa'v
FORD Roadster, 1921. Starter, gen- and rain 65 yards for a toucldown.
erator, side curtains, demountable Friedman kicked the goal. Score:
rims with good tires. Call J. D. Michigan 28, Minnesota 0.
Lindsay, 6943, 1014 Cornwell Pl. Grube substituted for' Flora. Gil-
Saturday morning. tf. bert ;kicked off to Peplaw who was
tackled by Brown on his own 18 yard
NEAR Medical ancl Dental Bldg., new line. Miller substituted for Gilbert.
six room house with garage. Good Stamman intercepted a pass and
income for small family. Selling on l ran 20 yards to Minnesota's 10 yard
account illness. Call 7431. 541 line. Herrnstein lost two yards.
Corner Wsint n and DIvisiOn
Sevc adStifcin Wl eYus
: Jt
Corner of Washington and Division
Phone 21720
Women send their fin-
You Have Probably Often Felt
the Need of a Little Spare Capital
Swan for
They know how care-
every article is
With a
Lit t le
It shouldn't be necessary to enumerate the things a little
capital will do for one. They should be so evident that anyone
would realize them. Yet it seems many forget until the actual
need arises, when they find themselves lacking it.
It will permit you to marry the woman of your choice. It
will give you standing in the community in which you live. It
will permit you to visit the thousand and one interesting places
of the earth. It wll provide you with a home. It will set you
up in a business of your own. It will take care of you in sickness
and adversity. It will give you peace of mind. Lastly, it will
provide for you in old age and assure your children of an herit-
Any one of, these should be reason enough to spur one into
the desire to accumulate a little money. Together they ought
to cure the most malignant case of laziness and indifference that
ever existed.
Our place is to help you save if you are interested in doing
so. If you are in earnest, we will gladly give you all the aid
we can. You'll find your savings accumulate with amazing
rapidity, once started. At interest, they double and treble,
almost before you are aware of it.
handled, how satisfac-
tory the work will be,
how reason able the
Swing Frames, each.. $1.50
Torchiers, electric, pair
Take our tip.
Begin today to lay a little away for the
11 1 WhhitP Ixran