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November 21, 1925 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-11-21

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1ele ates Of Atbletic Conference Of .
,Aericau College Women
Are Guests
Announcement was made of the all-
star hockey team last night by Miss
Laurie Campbell, of the physical edu-
cation department, at the annual
hockey banquet held at 6 o'clock at
Barbour gymnasium. The following
wom n received a place on the team:
Helen Searight, '28, C.F., Gertrude Gu-
lick, '27Ed, R. I. Anna Zauer, '29, L. I.,
Myik Finsterwald, '27Ed, R. W.,
Etruria Doster, '27Ed, L. W., Lydia
Kahi , '27, R. H., Louise Cooley, '29,
C. H, Irene Field, '27Ed, L. H., Mary
,Allslhouse, '27Ed, R. F., Susie Haskins,
'26, L. F., and Gladys Appelt, '28, G.
Women who received honorable men-
tion were: Eunice Child, '28, Kather-
ine Wilcox, '26, Virginia Platt, '29,
Lucille Walsh, '27, and Frances Mil-
ler, '29.
Six hundred forty-three women at-
tended the banquet, including Univer-
sity women, members of the physical
education faculty, board members of
W. A. A. and delegates to the A. C.
A. C. W. At the speakers' table were
seated the faculty guests, the A. C. A.
C. W. delegates, board members of
W. A. A., and the "M" women. The
winning teams of the intramural and
interclass hockey tournaments sat to-
gether, and all class hockey teams
sat together wearing their hockey
coats:in the class colors.
Elizabeth Tompkins,, '26, hockey
manager, welcomed the A. C. A. C. W.
guests, and introduced the speakers of.
the evening, Myra Finsterwald, '27Ed,
president of W. A. A., Dr. Margaret
Bell, of the physical education de-
partment, and Miss Laurie Campbell,
of the physical education department.
Dr. Bell presented hockey awards to
the winners of the interclass and in-
tramural tournaments, the junior
class Iteam, and Betsy Barbour team.
Betsy Barbour received for the sec-
ond time the intramural dup, which
if won by them a third time, will be
theirs to keep.

Y. W. Work Shop
Continue Effort
On Hospital Toys
Activities in the Christmas work-
shop of the University Y. W. C. A.j
have continued from 3 to 5 o'clock
every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thurs-
day afternoons in Newberry hall since
its opening, and the women who are
helping have completed 20 scrap books
and have dressed 15 dolls.
There have been four or five wo-
men there every day, sewing and past-
ing magazine clippings into the big
cambric scrap books for the childrenE
at the University hospital. This ac-
tivity is a part of the social service
work of the Y. W. C. A., and those
women who are doing direct work
teaching the hospital children say that,
the dolls and books are greatly ap-
Groups of women who come to New-
berry hall for committee meetingsj
have been sewing during their dis-
cussions, and some have taken dollsI
home to work on.

All University women are invited
to the open meeting of the A. C. A. C.
W. which will be held at 9 o'clock
this morning at Sarah Caswell Ang-
ell hall. Dr. Margaret Bell will speak
on the National Amateur Athletic fed-
eration, and Irene Field, '27Ed, will
talk on the A. C. A. C. W. Discussion
groups will be held by Myra Finster-
wald, '27Ed, president of W. A. A.,
and by Louise Roberts, '26Ed.
Delegates to the conference will
meet members of the W. A. A. board
at Barbour gymnasium before the
football gaines this afternoon, and
will be taken to the game. A dinner
will be given for the delegates, mem-
bers of the physical education facul-
ty, and the W. A. A. board at 6:15 o'-
clock tonight at the Haunted tavern.
Ater dinner the guests will return
to Barbour gymnasium, where there
will be a basketball game and danc-

Saleswomen Will I Dr. Bell Suggests ]TTICES
Wear Smocks At Cold Precautions ;All women who would like to sell
hrist as Bazaar -- at the Women's league and Inter-
Christmas nBeamiatinaarth h S1.1 c e iRxIIaen 'hchurch bazaar on Dec. 4 and 5,pas
Frecords at the Health serviefv.24call Katharine Peirce, '26, at 8817 be-
Corresponding to the color scheme , three weeks, Dr. Margaret 136elre y I ot lirhour gyM- fore noon on Monday, Nov. 23.
used in the decorations for the Wo- ports that nine-tenths of the women n in as h t ln en in the past.
7man's league and Interchurch bazaar who have sought medical attention in- - ---- Members of the board of represent-
this year, the women selling articles jthat time have been suffering from yellow nI blue playing cards atives of the Womens league will
will wear bright colored artists' acute colrs due only to exuosure.Wil Oil ie 8l OdOy t 1) ii meet at 9 o'clock this morning at
smocks in the same shades that are Dr. Bell states that if reasonable pre- tnods of the io u:, I ( ie and Barbour gymnasium.
. used in decorating. The booths are cautions against the cold weathera-A
all to be on the main floor of the were taken, the number of (iol( d- --
gymnasium and the selling is to be l would decrease 50 per cent.
regulated by a series of shifts so that "If the women would only realize
one woman will not be selling for too that by taking off their outer wraps
long a period, according to Katharine in warm rooms, and by wearing ox-
Peirce, '26, chairman of the commit- fords and woolen hose they could
'tee on the selling of articles. prevent their colds, there would not
Changes have been made in a few be nearly so many calls at the I HealthD
of the committees for the bazaar. I service," says Dr. Bell. "I know it
Margaret Barnum, '26, has been chos- is hard to lay aside your wraps in the will be inexpressibly more delight-
en chairman of the decorations com- classroom, but if this one precaution
mittee in place of Janet Vanden were taken, it would have very altru- fUl to the misses wearig a new
Burg, '26, and Phebe Morse, '27, has i'tic results.
been chosen as publicity chairman in rock, whether it be a chic black
i place of Margaret Parker, '27. PAY YOUI SUBS IPTION NOWh a t d frck
satin for church, a tailored rock
for afternoon or a filmy chiffon
CHMPIONS or dinner and evening.
of the East and West

Frog, Chicken and Steak Dinners
Served at
r :
Two blocks from city bus line on Jackson Road,
from noon till midnight.
Special attention given to parties. Phone 6534.
F l IillllllH ll 111111111m111111111111111111;IIII I IIII[IIIII mI~


A Service That Attracts
and Pleases


Professional Men and Women
of the New Hospital
Another word added to the flood of con-
gratulations pouring in upon you at this
Acquisition of this great new plant multiplies your
responsibilities and gives promise of multiplied ef-
fectiveness and greater triumphs for you, in the
humane cause to which you have unselfishly dedi-
cated your lives.
In the trivial services which we can render-sup-
plying uniforms for the profession, furnishings for
some of the rooms, and fitting scientific corsets to
patients-we pledge ourselves to performance on a
basis of service like yours.
Win. Goodyear & Company

' 1

Are Campus Famed-the Best!
Across from literary Building.
We Deliver Anywhere in the City.
- -
For Winter Glows with Color
The exquisite new gowns for ~
formal wear are more brilliant

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Worried Over


Your Gift Problems?
Frances is so smart and up to the minute, it's always
such a problem what to give her, you say. Ndt at
all! The suggestions given below are for just such
persons and will delightfully solve your gift prob-

than in many a season.
" Chiffons of mistily


color, crepes in pastel and
bright tones, georgettes and
exquisitely shaded velvets fash-
ion the evening gowns.
New arrivals aid you in select-
ing the best for the Pan-Hel-
lenic Ball.
$29.75 and $39.75

lems. Any one of them
young girl happy.

would make any smart


Smart Black Pajamas.........,...$7.00
Spo is Sarf................$2.50 Up
-o y Gloves..............$2.50.Up
(',biiolmIise Hose..................$1.50
Laani iPerfumes...............$8.00 Up
Flapper Mufflers..............$4.50 Up
WrH l jug PLortfolio .............. *,..35
ilk Step-in Set....................$6.95
La Cross Manicure Set..........$3.00 Up
S1:cer Chiffon Rose.............$1.85 Up
Brassiere Step-in Garment..........$4.0
~ 4*4~4


124 South Main St.

Telephone 4171

r i E w

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