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November 21, 1925 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-11-21

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1 A , N . ,1ii al2, 1925

MW ru .1, _. .. . . . ._-_-.-_.-

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* pne Football the country. The temlpe
moderatefo the period. I c
iVeather Forecast will prevail from the Gro<fK
SIndiana westward to ~~ i
Rockies over the week-e
AGO, Nov. 20.-The closing.!_______
If Western Conference football,
~yar may have the only real foot-IBMA.Tels
* i~ ater f heseaon i th fre *cyclonic storm which sw oat
_} J sBahrigh t esaon fte oeof India last week nowi'
t xr the first time in a consider a- at 700 arn h dm. ~ ~
$}period," says the weather bulletinpunstelig.
Z <weather conditions are settled in~
Q~ -estern and central portions ofd PAY YOUR ISUB1SCRI I r,

*l'~it 111 ~ Ni~2Ki~kTY4744
a8~f =E' "o - 2 =.C ''"?~cl-h-.ea"srs e . : : .ox._:-^. .CRt. ^ r % c f

A view of the great crowd which gathered to hear "I1 Benito" Mussolini, prime minister,
foreign minister and dictator of all I taly, speak at a Fascist meeting in Rome, Mussolini (arrow's k
-er growing daily, has thrust the kin g into the background, and is emerging as a mpodern Cae,




Publication in the Bulletin, is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays.).
Volume TI SAT1URDAY, NM)VEMBER 219 1025 Number, 53

F~ine Arts 101 and 115:
There will be no lecture on Monday, November 23.
Bacteriology 3a:
The first meeting of the class (bacteriological laboratory) for literary,
pharinic and graduate students will be held Monday, November 23 at 1:00
o'clock in the West Amphitheater of the Medical Building. Come prepared
with note book, laboratory coat and $5.00 Hygienic Laboratory Ticket (ob-
tainable at the Treasurer's Office). : .
Philip Hladley.
International Banquet:
All students from countries other than Canada and the United States
who have not received invitation to the third International Dinner- given
under the auspices of the Studenat Christian Association and the University
Y. W. C. A. to be held in the Michigan Union 5:30 P. M. Wednesday, Nov.
(25th, are urged to call Mr. Grafton, 4261, before Monday evening. Guest
tickets will be issued. C. A. Stevens.
Mlichigan Glee Club:
The whole Club will ring the "Yellow and blue" at the game this after-
noon. Members enter at' the Southeast corner of Ferry Field, (where the
team enters from the Field house), immediately at the end of the first half.
K~urt J. lirenilick, Alaiiager.
University of 31ihigan Bandit:
Report at Morris Ball promptly at 1:10 P. M. Roll call at 1:20 P. Md.
The band picture will be taken at 1:30 P. M., so promptness is necessary.

For notices not oth
The Daily. Items
two successive day~
be submitted to
Editor b,1> P..
(iELh ti
Paintings CxC( <
Kellar and etch:;.
are still on e i _ (
hours of 1:30 arno
Memorial hall.
Members of the l at va
entertain alumni of Hari
sity, who are attending tI
afternoon, with a dinner
in the Union. A progra
p~repared, and Alfred I-1.
of the Graduate school,.
Regular dance at 9 o'<
Union; preference to all
The -lPhilippine-Michiga
elet at 3 o'clock in Ln
The Upper Doom Bible
between 7 and 8 o'clocl
Lane lhall.

ti iii If I>qpS
Where the ig Mums Come From ~Io ade
1= ~Roses and Corsages -
urS etT oh nste Bsat!
PHONE 7014 _ysSxc ~ ~~ JLJti
c r slect array of sweesstify le most fat iious.
All ofthe f ollowig xwil please.
V ! Mashmrallows,. 50clb. Choclad..s and B ons,
' Peanutpprittler0cllb,0c lb.
s , Cosy Corner Tea Room Bonde{, 75c 1lb.\Milk Ch ocolates, 65c b.
Opp:* Nickels ArcadeI Deliglhtfu. IFoxes andbaskets for Thankgvig
0 Usua week end specil o infixd c adies 50: per box.
s1 715 N. fJnive-sit y lae
T~ 0)Ot the (xI p
r,-rin S at. D in n er - 6:00 -73 0 il --.-,-.
m" ust u n . D in n e r 1 2 :3 0 -2 :0 0 _4_en_ _ _ _...- :--_ _ _ _ _ ...__ _ _ _ _ _ _ __Su p p e r_5:0 0 -9 :0 0
H Piry G.: - -m.U ....UUU
iridA Hutty- .
,reen the
in Alumni
i, a. club will W I I0 M
vard univer-w
he game this
at 6 o'clockm h s b e
- m . ' -.q .
Lloyd, dean M 3CIG- --
clock i the'there Is somnethig ablout thisI shap that Michigan Oren likre
1 seniors.
so they wer our famous_
an club will h'2 ' '
ne hall. a+
class meets'*~,~
,k tonight in0 LUG . e'< '& -
gather for atA
,at 9 o'clock !- " :. l 5 w fv .St y
4 M.
-ta 60LifeLbrt hne1
rn' a elsA ere will be the uual dscusSsio o'Ithe
t ipi r the criticism of hadanjuells Another"t
P tar,jf- xlays and the players. There wil be
or' - ~sanction of good s ectio. Smokec froms
_________________cia rs and cigarettes will fill te room.
________________ - ~The air is tick and stuffy-coats w ilI[,)
-reoved anidthen the qualit of laundry
8is revealed. if our laundry sTvw
-Tp eI VARSITY ou may sit at eae.
;Pebu lI and Second-hand of All Makes_
Bought, Sold, Rented, Exchanged,. Cleaned, P one 21 a
)DING Repaired and Rebuilt.

The Typewriter and Stationery Store LBEi3+ ;Y AT
k Dealer: L. C. Smith & Bros. and
Corona Typewriters. x : 1 s1 3 3!13t 11i8FiEsI1!yI ts i l i OiIII12"1sr.',I tIIHII1I 11II1
ParnsT ec d


Baptist girls are to
Thanksgiving breakfast
iii the Guild house.
ootbl n h


f. . ~-~ ~ io,;\a. fcc
Burbower Pa uiu
Goodi, H. C.
yohm _ s r~ri

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W AN112A,
, , t'urstlA .
totally lost, A1w

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Leuntsr yI Tik"!
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