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November 13, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-11-13

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i l iL 1V!l%-l 11lk-

.i -II.vI A r-S )AL.s

FRIDAY, NOVF,1IBEN- 13, 1925

tJt i has possibly never heard these voullg I
Ct .. ien (debate I i c es U051 0U #~, 1)1 r~
other night lhe stated in ai spQm(1i
Published every morning except Monday "The United Scii is beastly riE~h M USIC}
during the University year by the Board inAN"R L
Control of Student Publications. and is turning tow~ard the path d cov.n 1 >h:! tl
w ch Romestaggered ther doom. Tt l___________A
Members of Western Conference Editorial ID RM
Association. "The Lnit etiStateas z7i in i P.
The Associated Press is exclusively en- on morals is inevitable 1 'I his columin is a member of the THE MATCINAIE MUSICALE
titled to the use for republication of all news iAS:'SII11TLATE D PRESS.
dispatches credited to it or not otherwisec it in increasing .softnless, Lu xurv. The' Matinee Musicale will present
credited in this paper and the local news pub- 'avesc2s or o o . It is not a (l.,nt or a customer. the olwn rga nteMichi
lishied therein, the the following piogiamt, in theiii-
downw________rd_____path."____________ ..It does not give any other paper
dowwad pth" 1'1gan Union ball room, Wednesday,
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, j He further dec lare l that the funlne INovember 18, at 3:30 o'clock:
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate OV t.dosfnt ubis
of' postage granted by Third Assistant Post- of western civrilization is indieed I.Itti1 nt u l remlatuire - Quartet, D miinor (ohe, o
master General. 1y news g i1ven Awith a release' Iohln.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail, gloomy looking if the En"lilshs Ti:k ae 575.......... ............ :vlozarti
AnAbrPesBldn Ma- ing tepeoples aoiltoin etheirtask. 'I e ( lae'i Allegro; Andante
ward treet ' It 1Menuetto ; Allegretto
Phones: Editorial, 49231 business, 21214. <NgI ice and the A. 1. (does not pay}
ism and to bie the wolId into jj:II k Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lockwood,
molly with Jesus Christ. lie beg ii o essrie violins
EDITRIA STFF hem ithther temenousresurcs1t respects "kills" as quickly
EDTOIA TAFPhe it tei reenoul C. rcoMiss Pauline Kaiser, viola
Telephone 4925 n oeri l part,: of the earth to MisrOa rtrdvoicl.
"bring pressure on the world "not for ; .Ii shrt it does all things a I e essbOa Lrthr Sciliehmo.
gt(ed little column should' DTo.ssaC.......chmn
MANAGING EDITOR exploitation hut for redemption ; not i Botschaft........ ..Brahms
GEORGE W. DAVIS! to westernize but to Christianize." I edism il.......Bans
CaraEioilBad.N RhlIAnd that is not all. Glenntl ~il"fords (lance at Union," says a O, Liebliche Wangen......Brahms
City. Editor........... Robert S. Mansfield president of the Universcity of Wisc ol al-edln.Poalyt~sim Mrs. George A. H-astreiter
News Editor ........... Manning Housewortl 1r"T rz"C ode
Women's Editor ........... Helen S. Ramsay sin, iLu his three closing articles in thie * " tdde Concerto, D minor.............. Lalo
Sports Editor........Joseph Kruger Century magazine, said pracicially the** Prelude; Allegro Maestoso
'telegraph Editor.. ...... William Walthour
Music and Drama. .Robert B. Henderson; same tiling in a little softer tone,.~ li Incidentally WINi was at the dance. Intermezzo
Night Editors called for a g;reat revival in inteli- Ile said it, was fine b~ut the girls were Introduction; Allegro Vivace,
Sinith IT. Cady' Leonard C. Hall 1 lectualism and offered a plan of pro- rotten. "Not hing but a lot of second 1 Ora Larthard, violineello
Willard B. Crosby Thon~as V. Koykka
Robert T. DeVore . W. Calvin Patterson I eCdure. hanyd liuine ,os," was the wayr lie pIt Frederick Lewis, piano.
assistant City Editors When the bigger minds of the Fag°-i.**
U'-win i Oian Frederick it. Shillito lisl-speakxing world ma~ke stateen ts h usc by the Ford orchestra, O F, 'II1S1 FTE A
Gertrude E. ~~~~~~~FIAssistants lk hr LISTl FT0?TEYA
Bailey argare Parke this, might there not:lies1 n was swvzell, though, hie said. Thr At its meeting *Wednesday evening
Wilixin 'P. Barbour i- .anford N. Phelps truth inl the resoluition ('arrind bly the wcas one car playing a French horn, in the 'Michigan Union, Mimes arran -
Nvihu rle yier Mavey Ratt, Englishmn,-\We IPity Our r ;and- ofii tuba a b;attery, (with an extra ccl its activities for the remainder of
Philip, C. Brnoks Simnon Rosenibaum children." manl pling the piston rings), and the year following the tour of "'am-
l,. Buckingrliarn Ruth Rosenthal _________________
I'dgar Carter; Wiltonl A. Simpson _______________ tW)i'oadSt t'rs singing high and low bourine." Immediately at the close
Carleton Ciainl Janet Sinclair
Eugene It. Guteicunst Courtlarnl C. Smith ON TlE OUTh hIll'l' !gear. Some of them were pretty fiatofte Crsms vcinan l-
Doiiglas Doubleday Stanley Steinko ! ra ' 'haemse tires, 1 houtgh, lie thought, particularly camnpus vaudeville toulrnlament will be
Mary_ Dunn igan Clarissa T4apsouGrat otunes hvbeen aasedIhn1,'n- ~ '1Tgj~ i,.~'I~ rmI-----,


FRI~~l WD~AY,- N® OVEMBER 13, i9Y~l..


_ '

Special Ofer
Ive wiull al11ow you $1.9) for your old fomlitain pen 0on the purchase
of a new pen of aniy of t10i followsing makes:PR E H A ° E
Graha-&m's B"ook Stores
At Both Ends of the Diagonal Walk.



Irving Warnialts,.D-S C
707 NV. University Ave. Phone 21212
Save a D)ollar or More at the
617 P~ackard StrecL Phone 7115.
(Where 1). IT. IL. Stops at State fit.)

There will be a large number of outside people

in town over this week end.

i" ' rte' 1
\ 1
. ... t a ...

Wec are expecting a


capacity crowd and advise our patrons to secure
their tickets early.
Tickets at Slater's ,Book Shop,. and at
Goodyear Drug Co.,' Main St.


ames T4.eldi
Elizabeth S. Kennedy
Marion Kubik
Walter 11. Mack
Lonis R. Markus
Ellis Merry
Helen Morrow

her [CLL *lnUrn'at
D)avid C. Vokes
Chandler J. Whipple
Cassam A. Wilson
Thomas C. Winter
Marguerite Zilszke

Telephone 21214
Advertising................ 3J. J. Finn
Advertising;.. ...e-T. ]D. Olmsted, Jr.
Advertising .............rank R. Dentz, Jr.
}advertising ........ ........Win. L. Mullin
Circulation.......... ...I1I. L. Newman
Publication............... Rudolph Bostehinaii
Accounts..................Paul W. Arnold
Irtrred M. Alving F. A. Nordquist
George id. Annable, Jr. Loleta G. Parker
WV. Carl BatiEr Julius C. Pliskow
}0h n H. B3obrink lobert Prentiss
W.3. Cox Wmn. C. Pusch
Marion A. Daniel Franklin J. Rauner
]anmcs R. DePuy Joseph Ryan
argaret L. Funk Margaret Smith
Stan Gilbert, Mance Solomon
T. Kenneth Haven Thomas Sunderland
3. E. Little Wmn. J. Weinmnan
Prank E. Mosher

in the ltst de~cadle by leaders in' the
motion picture industry; the names 01'
te"id;gugnms," the act ors aind pro-
ducers, are nearly as well known to
the general public as the name of the
nation's President or fihe authlor o1
the eighteenth amiendmrent, and far
better known than that of the pitcher
on the World's series championship
team or the high mno:ul of the Un1ited
Mine workers or the prime minister or
SGreat Britain.
But forgotten, completely Iorgmt t Cii,
is the name of thbe 1real invenMto r Of
the motion picture project or. "Ulli-
wept, unhionored, a id unisung," Jean
LeRoy, who in 18,14 made the first
known moving picture (dcmonstrat ion,
is at the p~resent time a nia chinist.
dependent upon the fruit of lii; daily
labors for his exist ence. lie did not
bother- to patent his machine.
This, week's copy- of "Time" de-
scribes the laying of the ('ormiersI Oma'
of a new cinema-film ('xcLange inllan-
hattan. The ceremony marked a f1ar-
ther stride in the achievement., of \Vil-
h lam Fox, (aia f)mnagutlte. mriin. Lo-
Roy, inl tb e outskIrt ; of the crowdl,
watched the vain-glorietis exh ibit ton.
CO I),
(The' New York 'i
Mr. John L. Lewis, Presidecnt (otit te
United Mine Workers, con t i iieo, to
charge the anthraeiteo peraztors withIi
making unconscionable h:.'Oit5- on
their ;stocks of coal in hanid. V, itis his
customary light touch on finance, be
estimates that they aldready sta~nd to
make some $15,000,000 out of the1


. 3

Was all he would say about themr.
lHe seems to have fallen for one o;'
I hose new shiny coupes, though,.lHe
saidl she was a slick dancer, andl full
of pep. Lofts of power on hills, eta.
Ile saidI she had a peach of a build
andI swell lines.. The only thing he
Isas against her is that he thinks she
henmnas her htub caps, and paints and

Now,poar01'-lollo is terribly
cali f.

moon -I

Oh, please don't make paths on the
campu s
Reads the sign yet the grass seems
to vamp us
Still no breaks have we made
IWe are always a fraid
Thlit somic B. and G. tyro will lamp
Wonder why the American-homes of
lie ceond quarter *of the twentieth
c, ii t Y, tion't hava,n c tabora .e s vs-
Io emf sr;;i-celia i's as, per "'he I lii -
tom of thle Opera.'' 1 uidlet ally, we'd
like to e 'a i;Agr: iii of the vai'ious
ccli ar ;below the Maris; Opera house.
We hero'by oiler many large rew, r(Is
for :1 iyne whlo suplie is thmis dlepart:.-
meatt withi a floor plan of each of the
foor.- below tlie level of the ground,
:-howing jtust how the various char-
acters got where they did when they
didt, citlher oil foot, horselam(k or boat,
awhich were, as we recall it the va ri-
MIs JW 1ans cf t ram portat ion which
thease cellars afforded.
{'3Ihe staff correspondent of this de-

vela hi iursatand Firiday evenings,I
JIanuary 7 and 8, in the Mimes theater. I
The acts, however, are to b~e selected
during the week of December 14, ini-
mediately preceding the tour of the
Opera by a committee formed of Mr.
Shuter, Charles Heinz and George
Duiring the second week of the ne-w
semester a seventeenth century f'arce,
I 'Bcggarnman," t ranslat edl ly Prof. 0.
,J. Campbell of the English depart-
ment from the lDanish .iof lI oveber ;'s
"Jeppe (of the Hills," will be hresernt-
ed in the Mimes theater Tuesday
Wednesday, a nd Thursday evenings,
February 1 6, 17 and 18. The pilay is
the broadest Find of slapstick coin-
edy, andl takes the character of Chris-,
topher Sly from Sha1hespe)re's "Tami- I
ing of the :'hrew" to build an entire.
series of complications about him.,
The production will be tIhe first p~r-
formnance in America.
On Tuiesday and *Wencsdayeen
evn in g.,, Mairch '3 and 1 0, Eugene O'N"eill's
remarkable cycle of sea-pieces, "S. S.
Glenicahimn.'' will be prioducedl. The
pilays are unusually suited to an, all-
men cast, and stand as signal exam-
p~les of vividh melodrama in thle Amer-
ican theater.
Because of the outstanding success
of W. S. Gilbert's "Engage(I,' in which
thfe two performances at the becgini-
ning of the year could not accomnmo-
(late the audiences, this play will lie
rep~eated Thursday evening, April 8,,
the (lay before the opi ning of Spring'
The season will be closed on Tumes-
day and Wednesday, May 11 aind 12,
with a pi'oduction of an intimate type
of revue, modeled after "The Grand
Street Follies," which has made such
a sensation the last two years in New
York and introducling local satire of
the Opera, the Junior Girls' Play, and,
other campus activities. The book is
being written by Valentine Davies,
and the music by Milton Peterson.
Mr. Shuter will take personal
charge of all these p~erformances. One
of t~he main objects of these p~rodtuc-
tions is to uitilize available talent, and
registration of all men interested in
trying out for any of the casts will


;11 1l111111M 111111111111111 1111111tl61111111!(Il111,
Frog, Chicken and Steak Dinners
Served at
--Two 'blocks from city bus line on Jackson Road,.,
- from noon till midnight.
Special attention given to parties. Phone 6534.

A ma,-n is judged by the company he
keeps, and a university is often
juilg_,ed by the publications, itsupD-.
ports. The Michiganensian of last
yeair may be considered paramount
iPi the field of college' annuals,; the
Mtichigan Law Review withstands all
criticism. The Daily is classed with
the best of undergraduate newspa-
pers,-in only one field of publica-
tosis Michigan weak, her maga-
Last year there were two official
and one semi-official magazines on
the campus. The semi-official publi-
cation continues to struggle along, de-
serving b~etter suplport than it re-
ceives; one of the official periodicals
was forced by the whirlwind of com-
petition to abandon the magazine
field. But in marked contrast to these
other two stands the third monthly-,
Tile past two years seem to have
been lparticularly lean ones for col-,
legec magazines, especially those on
this campus, yet Gargoyle has madte
m geater stridles forward during these
yers than Ltas any other campus pub-
hication., with the possible exception
of the 'Enisian. The November issue
of Gargoyle was undoubtedly a better
anid finer publication than any thatI
has appeared on the campus during
the present collegiate generation.
Mazrked improvement p~ermeated its
ever'y department.
Sutch progress reflects credit not
only upon the editors, but also upon
ch University, for, peculiarly enough,
humor magazines are often by. far the
best known of undergraduate publi-I
cations, especially to the non-col-
legiate world. From the standpoint
of advertising the University, there
can be little doubt but that Gargoyle
can and does play a leading part. And
there is, of course, a direct ratio be-
tween the value of that or any other
advertising and the merits of the adver-
tising medium. And the new Gargoyle
is bothi extremely readable and repre-
sentative of a better and cleaner type
of college humor.
Gargoyle has "stepped out," it has
taken its place among the best. By
ti s improvement, the University has'
gained. Surely the support of the
student body is little enough to ask,
in return.

Special Today
On Ou-r Menu
Halibut Steak
A dish that will more than
satisfy your palate.

ZZ 7 Z Z 7-17M

etter" Men
ey-'re your pride. You
niire them for their
gver-sayjie" stamina.
with Smith Snmart Shocs.
ey're college favorites '~":
ause they, too, stand"
"gaff"-and stay
irt doing it.




strike. 'Well, even supposing his fig- Pa. rt r('it hNas received aii invitation
ores are cormrect, which the hard coal t)o ml5 )c('1 he fort ress anmd the armmry
cwnc-rs flatly deny, what else couldi of I lie Pmildimig forces, anti expects to
he have expected? Garow i men a~rI aAG'cep13 this i iat iomi as soon as the
51spposedl by law to intend the me- j "wir-hike at moslihere ('hears away suf-
qmuences of their actions. Whem i MIr. ficient ly to make such aii undertaking
Lewis broke off mnegoiatioins, refused Saf e.
all offers of arbitr'at ion and ordhered(l It is phanmed to publish herein a
a strike iii the anthracite region hie full account. of thme equipramt t, at least
was making inevit able at scarcity ofiisofar as it dloes not divulge imimort-
hard coal. If scarcity prices hiave, ant military secrets. As to the priesenit

"They Stay Smart With Long Service"
Dietzel's Shoe Store
"Where Styles Originate"
117 East Washington St.


since been askted ann obtai7nedl, thlis sit nation, them'e is little to state save take Jplace WVednesday antI Thur'sdayj Wila
result flows dlirec'tly f'oni t'aIUSes i that Ithere have been no new develop- aft ernoomi, Novenimer 18 and 19, in the v at111at
which lie sat in motion.lHe fi;; uo ti-0 nemts, ('onf'erences betweemn the gen- Mimes theater from four to five-thirty 1Yli'br- thie Best Foodi
concernied about thbe Iiigh i'r cost e'(115of bothi sides and the staff of ! o'clock.i
bituminous. coal and o1' cop e.I rejIhAP and G.. News are taking plaLe i * *7 T * I7OA,"ag Is Served"
agaihingshe is a st omishied a ia iliad'(i nt ever'yiiin e. Things are in % a SIN 1 ANc-
b~eatuse effect ha s followed ca s .W C I' iset Iled state, indeed. Of I Mr. Mcl ntyrme has just anmnounced~
Possibly if his heart (nm i cont'lmlhr ol~ "n fgtn to- the enugagement of Georg 1erum'ai'd
bleed over the inisfortnec,,,mmd anda anyway bec ause (if the 'weather Sliaw's ''Saint Joan" with Julia'
pression of c'oalless comsumt'sp (-)mlitionis. T'he waring factions are Arthur in the heading role for M~on-
may yet think it his, duty to mesumi ; I'iotso) intense as other similar organ- I day, November 23, in the 'Whitney
parleys with the an im;cite operi's ivx .atIiomms wNxhich Holds such contests in theater. The present company in- E
and try to b~ring ahout an end of ti; i-wit'ht' and f'eet of iud. eludes the original Theater Guild pro-I
strike. *y*. duction, and is now on its second;
At 'Washin'gton im - bem's of "' j IIIM3 A I season on the road. F I
gress, drifting in for- Ilie atpproachinmg I Fh'oni a 1)rIroil. miei~spaper we have As Tleywood Broun has pointed omit,
seso~ r akn loiItercd it' 1Wfolio Nwing, sent us by a friend : the play is almost indubitably the, 101-i105
legislation to cure time c-al tmoblei ' finest in the English language in ou'r
Some of them grave, say tht hycay, amid the perfornmance, like the
crpare now willing to ena i.thme ('a jet s mipt, gr'tiws mlight ily ini memory. It
recommenclaztioiis of the Fact-F+inding.,i contains, especially in the Tlent
Commssio apointd b theI iScene, ami example of sheer devastat-
do iLent. They were laid before 1fifet, i nelc uhapras
Congress, but it turnedthtiecmonp' stage has never seen. It is the sit-1
cold shoulder' o1 neglect upon them, . rreme achievement of the world's ,7st d ill soundc ;
There was no str'ike at the tI mine,:o; Igreates t contemporary genius. "Saint1 1
why pas's laws to (eal wit hi0110wlii('l * * * Joan," by every standar'd, is Shaw's to consistent y
migh neer ine Soe o th Vay .III I-Et' l ;Vll001 GAGGAI i-iost trenchant and human master-
men who then refused to place in the C'ali you ihiniine: 'piece.* * * It L1 of U most'J°
President's handIs an instrumnt to! "llumr'ay" ost without cigars amid TIIlE GREATEST AMERICAN PLAY
(eal 'with)flue c'oal strike ar'e now r'- iiorail hessons. IETRWRITTEN ISudivsmn ahr1
pr'oaching Mr. Coolidge for "doimng ''Joe'' ZilhhWithout publicity. I Walter Prichard Eaton writes the 'on neten ahrt
nothing." Xwhat, lie ('oul(1 It excepit to "Tough" Henderson 'without his followving in the New York Suin of '-1 the great fortunes, Unless
attemp~t conc'iliation amid work for a ha ir and his bre'aks5. Eugene O'Neill's play "Desire Under
pieaceful satl ement of the c'oal si rib' "Walker" Everett without his ap- the Elms," which will be produced atI performed by interest he is
does not appear, Ie nmay yet, iIf I he pemidix. time Shubert-Detroit Opera House, nmnrn friLrl-nnp YVi ;'

- ~



~s, and savings in-
securities and added
lave been the founda-
it fortunes.
ban speculation has built most of
one is familiar with the miracles
likely to think it a slow way of




449,147,91 T i/1't'[7 !1TTl !Y ' l d 'iTTI fY.tr r'r r a r r"

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