PAGE F'OUR TH-W MTCH-MCAM fDATI N i l iL 1V!l%-l 11lk- .i -II.vI A r-S )AL.s FRIDAY, NOVF,1IBEN- 13, 1925 tJt i has possibly never heard these voullg I Ct .. ien (debate I i c es U051 0U #~, 1)1 r~ other night lhe stated in ai spQm(1i Published every morning except Monday "The United Scii is beastly riE~h M USIC} during the University year by the Board inAN"R L Control of Student Publications. and is turning tow~ard the path d cov.n 1 >h:! tl w ch Romestaggered ther doom. Tt l___________A Members of Western Conference Editorial ID RM Association. "The Lnit etiStateas z7i in i P. __________________from______________wealth.___________-effectT The Associated Press is exclusively en- on morals is inevitable 1 'I his columin is a member of the THE MATCINAIE MUSICALE titled to the use for republication of all news iAS:'SII11TLATE D PRESS. dispatches credited to it or not otherwisec it in increasing .softnless, Lu xurv. The' Matinee Musicale will present credited in this paper and the local news pub- 'avesc2s or o o . It is not a (l.,nt or a customer. the olwn rga nteMichi lishied therein, the the following piogiamt, in theiii- downw________rd_____path."____________ ..It does not give any other paper dowwad pth" 1'1gan Union ball room, Wednesday, Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, j He further dec lare l that the funlne INovember 18, at 3:30 o'clock: Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate OV t.dosfnt ubis of' postage granted by Third Assistant Post- of western civrilization is indieed I.Itti1 nt u l remlatuire - Quartet, D miinor (ohe, o master General. 1y news g i1ven Awith a release' Iohln. Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail, gloomy looking if the En"lilshs Ti:k ae 575.......... ............ :vlozarti AnAbrPesBldn Ma- ing tepeoples aoiltoin etheirtask. 'I e ( lae'i Allegro; Andante ward treet ' It 1Menuetto ; Allegretto Phones: Editorial, 49231 business, 21214.