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November 11, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-11-11

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WFIDNvsDAY, NOVFATTII- 'Il tl, 1925)

i M111 Y11 f lYIIFIIwISX1 l1 . a .

_:.:.. .-b

~I~hnau~3ujtxNOI{TRIESTEIIN'S S11111A 111' A
~, Northwest erm univ-ersit, 1-!ring
completed the plans for at.new Innili(
Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in; dollar stadium, is face-d by ;t2t
Control of Student Publications. ( dilemma---the IproposfAl sti scl~ er.' '
Members of Western Conference Editorial!mr hn8 ethihadi ''e
Association, fore fatid~i(en under l. a tz:tenz' ; cal-
- - - ing ordinance. Once 110fl pi i

The Associated Press is exclusively en-1
titled to the use for republication of all news;
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein,
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Offices : Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones:; Editorial, 4925 ; business, 2x214.
Telephone 492 5
Chairman, Editorial Board .. .Norman R. Thal
City Editor............ Robert S. Mansfield,
News Editor............ Manning Hiousewortb
Women's Editor............ Helen S. Ramsay
Sports Editor.. ............Joseph Kruger
Telegraph Editor.......... William Walthour
Muskc and Drama.Robert B. Henderson
Night Editors
Smith H. Cady Lecuard C. Hall
Willard B. Crosby' Thom~as V. Koykka
Robert T. DeVore W. Calbin Patterson
Assistant City Editoz e
Irwin Oliani Frederick. H. Shillito



Gertrude E. Bailey Stan ford N. Phelps
Charles Behymer Evelyn Pratt
Philip C. Brooks Marie. Reed
I~.Itarnum . Simon Rosenbaunm
Buckinghami Ruth Rosenthal
Edgar Carter Wilton A. Simpson
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Jamies T. Herald C'larissa Tapson
Elizabeth S. Kennedy Henry Thurnau
Marion Kubik D)avid C. Vokes
Walter H. Mack Chandler J. Whipple
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Ellis Merry Thomas C. Winter
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Telephone 21214


Advertising.............. J. Finn)
Advrtii'"...........T. D. Olmsted, Jr.l
Advertising .............Frank R. Dentz, Jr.
Advertising..................Wi. L. Mlli
Circulation ...................1. L. Newman
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IngredY M. Alving S. I. Pardee
George H. Annable, Jr. Loleta G. Parker
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Elden W. Butzbah Win. C. Push
W. J. Cox Franklin J. Rauner
Marion A. Daniel Joseph Ryan
lames R. DePuy Margaret Smith
Margaret L. unk Ruth A. Sorge
Stan Gilbert, Thomas Sunderland
T. Kenneth Haven Wil. H. Weane
1. E. Little Eugene Weinberg
]''rank E. Mosher Wi. J. Weinman
F. A. Norduist ___________
Night Editorx-W ILLARD B. CROSBY
The clamgour of this day seven years I
ago that dinned in the ears of the
world and made them ring,--ars
which but a moment before had list-
ened with wavering emotions to the1
newsboys crying, of the latest "big l
push," ears of at joyous, carefree
world inadescribably glad for the
chance to clear its blood blotched sur-f
face was :justified-the exhausting1
nauseating buden of war was lifted.
Thce great horde of the world's peo-
ples revelled in the ecstay of unpre-
cedented relief, unmindful of the.
never to be mended tragedy about
them, or of the magnitude of the serv-1
ice performed in the trenches. But
apart from that vast mob of revelers,
a smaller body sat in deep dejection.
A throng of aching longing hearts
made miserable by that same tragedy,1
the fear of which the others had so
joyously received riddance.
'With the passing of the years and
the advent of sobriety, selfish joy has{
given way, it is hoped, to sympathy
and admiration. Sympathy for the
families of those who made the su-
preme sacrifice, admiration for the
valorous deeds that have peserved
us. The residue of the cataclysm
that rocked the whole world are n
longer divided, the bond of sympathy
has made them one, evermindful of
the awfulness of war, and desirous
of paying an everlasting and entirely
fiting tribute 1o its dead.
Of this much we are certain, but.
vhet her or not the greatest human
weak ness----sel interest-will make
strict adherence to the only advisable
plan impossible is quite another mat-1
ter. Two minutes of silence at 111
o'clock today as advocated by the
League of Remembrance is the only
proper Armistice day celebration; a!
ri-;ht tribute to lives courageously
given, it should prevent a lapse of
mnemory on the part of the people of
this country.
A bit of a reminder--silent heads
bowe, a prayer running through the
(usty brows-of' horrible Mars andI
the inuiolated victims he scatters
over lis immense altar. The first
hurst of emgotion over the passing of
the late large-scale killing is to be
replaced by a new Armistice dlay,
and propriety, if not good taste, de-
mands the co-peration of every citi-
A a nr rrnni innn +nn..-,-n..a-,

advancement by the university ae
being held up by real estate ownoi'.f
in Evanston, who object to the heigh-
of the building, claiming, it is rmor -t
ed, that 'it wil knock the air off the
Evan stonians should realize tat.
the increasing greatness cOirum u-
versity brings more students, more
money, and more publicity to their
city. There is not the slightst dloohl
that a new stadium for the lPurple!5
Wildcats is an absolute necs-itr T'
Northwestern-Tuane game \\was phty -
ed on Stagg field, through the
courtesy of the university of Chicago.
and the Northwestern-Mficigan ame1
was played on the mncply-ow~ed
Grant Park; stadium, 'which was not
intended for football and is not suitedl
for use as a footal stadium. North-
western has a team wit hout a field. 1
While it is true tha t the owners oft1
adjoining real est ate. are -wit''iOn hheir
rights in objecting to the eretin ofc
the new structure, they shold ape-!t
elate what it mneans to Nothwetrnan
andI therefore to Evanston .A mod-
ern stadium instead of the dilaidated
wooden structuire ta~tnow oectupios5
the ground would attzi-ct thousands
of spectators to Evanston yarly.
From a purely commercial s andpoint,I
as well as from the sense of loyalty
to the university in its effort. to pro-
gress, the objectors should give
Northwestern a special permit to dis-
regard the zoing ordinance and hurl-
ry their stadium to completion before
September, 1926.
"Tot, 3, Youngest i foot ch Viclnim
Lands in Hospital"--Tribune head-'
line. This youngster is ot t fe, o
to speak.
QUA ('hS
TI a American college n iow.'co-
fronting a crisis that is the restlt of
its own success, according to Profes--
sor Richardson of Dartmouth in hiis
speech before the Assoiat io o0
American Universities in coufrence
at Yale. The American peole, keep-
ing in mind the successes of college,
men in every professional branch andk
academic endeavor, are 1rega ding
with greater respect and with neini-
terest the value of a higher edce-I
tion, and are trnitg to the univers-
ties with an enthusiasm wich is very
embarrass ig.
"The peopIIe of his country, per-
haps without discriminating (thouh
as to what they wan, or why they
want it, senm bent upjo (-Jt elding,
not only to the embryo professional
man and scholar, but to every youth~
who may manifest, however langudly.
the desire, the privilege of carrying
his educational developmaen t as far aa
he may choose,' st ated lProlesor
The laity revealed in c~t ance e-
quirements and the act, that public'
opinion deems tat a state tnilversiy
afford education for all are the ult i-
mate causes hat. explain wchy orit
seats of higher learning are thronged I
to capacity; why professional fild
are' flooded with charlatans, quacks,
and shysters.
(The Cornell Daily Sun
A peculiar criticism. wb ih old
graduates are wont to makle is that
since their days their Alma Ma L';nj
have become woefully (effemina e.]
They lament the passing ot the ol
time class rshes, the compa rat ie
serenity after football games, -and the
growing dearth of class spirit. M1'en
were men years ago, it sems, but,
have now become so effeminate tt

they even shave every day. QOu-
thority says: "WI t A' 11Al eia
j lniversities need rightflt ow, is los
jut elle('t andi itore w bysblu, ind share
when they sing in t lie htin li roomz' cnt
produce those ruiniing prohiundo
notes from the wa ist l' . ! ot her
gradluate, a I larvard ni in , ('com ig
back to a pqa ne oI VI a a
Imary, XVotlc(l dw hot ter 1,the '(co-01k; .
was tflie) Willi inis of his day wiit s

It has beeni called to our att ction
1 1 .is coun 11oft en bcozo es coin--(
ftusedl with ilurneighbor, pr icularly
winu \\e Iimppl 'to10 ae too much itto
say; al11110111.vi'hltI tn-renlt o vei-lAV'S
with the realm of i lat next-I dor.
In:l vciow of I tis inact, an(I out 01' jus--i
tii:Jq'tk5 the ra'en erf,1'this depart ient
we fteel thlit it would beon(ily fair to
sLate tthat Some tmaterial ofourOns ap-l
1>ea veda-en lih oft tilli 01thle atja cient
(:lkilhlii yst erdlay. TPhis was not.
nme thttt to 1)e at iri,al inanly way, and
was mewrly a mistk.
Something should lbe said, we feel,
by way of (nourapt(anent for ''am-
bourine,''tie twentieth annual pre-j
sent ation w~ch Wlimes will offer as
the1 Opera (diferent. F1ronm all reorts
antI thee frames now exhibited in te
Union it loops as if it were going to
he quite a show.
As tiee publicity thus far has been
quite normal ini most ways, we canot
think of anything particularly worthyofometexpthebvusun
onl the title.
We I-ave sinice 1learnled that such
rhiymles as Lexington and Indian, are
ju~tc f te lhaht est teutancy itlmoenf
verse. If this is the case, we are
pr'oud to fcel that we have been out-
stripiing the modernist in laziness
and general lack of ingenuity, for se-
cra.l years flow.
We now come l'ot, and with just
pridte sta~te thlat in onet of our little
limericks which appeared in this (c0-
unin, we rhymed green with seem.
k\'Lb oalle- a ccusi- e LI:; Sof rot being
u:> to (late?
There is a [ hery a fot tlhatwhen
visit 11a -ic( Ivlwr1o1, it 1is wrong,
yla, cr iinlto mentin tli eillness in
leis tl<rshOO.''leTis strikes us as ~e--
ing unw lttially criuel to both parties
ll'i-st of all t le ai'n ge patient. is
w illing, yen. ager to tell you all
a bout leis illness, and the visit or is
oft en juust dying to fellow ahll about it-
't'his naturally opens1 a broad ave-
P ne of convrersat ion, yet they hae
1)11~c tla ";strieet. (loseti''sign on it.
Instead when yon visit somneone with
whlomi you lhav e always conversedl
meat frely you aire expected to t~lk
of the e Ath cior01'e1lifie of hl)ol('01
or "''The Sons of thle Shwik"V or what-
ever the oat ient. ha p11011- to b7,. or
not to be read ing-. lPerh aps it. is t rie
hait slo iiitt yOO lt letiion the 51')jCt
1N dlominlatinig 1)ot1 your iliiiids, tie
pa' icnP woul t'fiutt.away ins~antly,
or ina!sonic equally st renous manner
siow hls react ion,,1but, we are iclietd
t doublt.
W e t'imore than inclinedil inefat,
fori we d id try it, and the patient
Je-kell right upl, andi told us all about
it an ld we wre quite inte (rested~i. Bothi
of tus caI 011sof 01the('inicIirvew alive,
to. 11 voe \'cai avt' cc('ai 101 t hbe
confinied to 1) '-d for a short. torI lon
hime, Wesht Iihave !a. ign 1)rint1ed
mrla ing ''I len so Talk of Not Ii jugbut
Our 11111 ss.''
We0,wr et .r -J it'don sir pglan it]eda nil
auisest,to lid tietomnleint upon
('01eg h'life. ,u hItwas t a h' fromt ani
ttt'tit.ltuwhinch Jss' Lynh WXilliaimu'-
wI rote for-,: ribnjr's ioceiitly, m ;d
uikiliV. aos i't'rinted ithe a tel
('hncs. Just,-i.s Mr, williamxs sid
if only we could (,1tjsist with the
class we wouldl have-,some tmt o Io

l-'i !in hIill auadit orium aat - :1'
~I1N1x1 ': Hiaasqies presentl "Te I
Ci adl'!p Son!"" Ily lI3 's i(z ;ierra fl 11
Saalk ali a Caai (dl Ange~ll bll 11at 8:1
'1'IIE ('IIAI41- SON"
A~~b eielyNormnar ilnell.
Admiirable -ght~h is undloublt edlly the-
wortd liost a pplicable totilast lnigh t's
prodtuct ion of ''The ('radle 'Song."
Bleginnring with the pilay itself, in-
eludingr the cast and tile settinlg 011
feels that thought fuil selection has I
been rased in this, produaction. TheI1
soetting is in a coailvent, at beauitiftl
setting ;-in -wh.ich white-robed nuns
seem aut lou e ar d it tral. 'Miss Amy
ar-isau artist. of detail, has maan-
ag('tina this play to make her four
norices speak ill chor1us convincingly
when the script demands it. -There.,
is no feeling "one, two, three--go!."
when they are required to speak to-
gether. Rather- are they spontaneous.
Lillian. Bronson aiid Phyllis Lough-
ton were niotable in tile first wac.
f\h'ss1 ougl'toll for her naitur alness,

... .

... , ..

-- -"1

With the Old One
and get a
Wie 1mll the motst m~odernllequip.
mnt for mtaking collegilate Hats and
they are thle BES~T vilues on the
('amlpus-Cus-tolil iliade 11141 to fit anay
head. We atlso rmiuo old hiats look
like ln(ow.I
61l7 l'ackarcl Street. Phone 7415.
(Where 1). U. L~ Slops at State St.)I

Why not stop in at Granger's .Academy

C-jahm~, ooks
At ]Both Ends of the Diagonal Walk.

some time between 8 and 10 P. MA.? You will
fiind a friendly crowd and the same lively music
which characterizes all the dances held at Gran-
ff-t ... ___....__ ...- .._.... .am.,. --M: ,,,-;,"-,mo-
- - .-14 ''''-




M. iE
PAT - r

Minerva Miller
Sister J~annua in ''Time Cradle Solg''
mis MISS ic 001 for Iier poise. AntI not,
Ito) lie (1 '.c :'j d i.s Ma rgi, t.EltM gem.
v-hose 1ttort rait iiof Ithe I'itlre-s show-
ed a. (10111ii cl symipathy and under-4
> t nitlhi <<.:> gr-at ifying a; it was
WHi t thetiitIi7z of thle se'onidlat
came a:) 'e1lung of a dtled art in te
it )'!:f''tlo£n. 'JTitilmdti he'ii a.pi'-
SIogu tlo t i e a et. Whicho, while well
deli veretd, was soin et iung of a b nre,
but. the stage, its o-ctnpa-nts, and111its
indo'tin 1mb nirl'cd nio~re of the true
professional stag eIthan flldi the first.
Then, camen the truly exceptional act-
in,,,of* "d" arguerif e (oo~lmfuil, who, NwithJ
i'din erva. I:diller, easily led the entire
lust. ii inftenrttat ion ; dominiatinlg the
a('ction, linows, 'Ind 1stage.
Tb or-' Were ulnfortunate0 happenings
---there ;lwaiys will b~e in student pro-,
duc l ions as ihero are in professional
presenlt tions. It must, hlowever, be
:pai hI II:at filie lateness of time opening
-ui'i ain a nd thelie unet'essari ly long
tWait bet wt'cn tli e acets',were both
pieces of had jutd ment, as these de-
lays r-esiulted in a late final cut rain-
so lt'' indee~d, that such women stu-
dents who Wore in the audience were
compelled d'it heott break University
ridts to see thle end or leave in tile
id ddh? of tIt thecolldact. it a hiy
~rmncilibv aim or'ganizationl ent irely
t-tomposed of womten, thtis seemTs
tim out glitloss.

70I. University Ave. Phone 21212
Frequent service



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Novelty printing; has become the most 'r
effective attraction in all publications.
We are prepared and equipped to
.serve you in any such capacity-just
drop in or phone us. We print
"Our Patrons are our best boosters"


Speci argalS
We are running bargain tables at both stores. Displays are changed
twice a week. Prices are so greatly reduced we cannot advertise these-
bargyains individually. It will pay you to watch them each week.

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the Craft tZc sop
Yours for better impressions"f
711 . 1. i, 2n tliiiir Dial 5102





I'l 1 1 111 1 i 1 [1 111 11 1111-1 1 11 111 E


ro'oilly deviot e to our educatIion.- It I
seemls wr'ong' for1' 1us1to have to hoave . 1I( 'TIUAN ARTIfST!
th is olice 5;t-l'en toItte ntdclsss. Wornmani Pr-ten, a graduate of the
1t" is rather f- orte111)111 tli f.l-, i. IWil- hintivem'sil y itn19)22, aot one time a n11011- -
liatma-; holdsthsliis viewtIe wilhlec- ti' 1'r1or Puppe~lteters and the 1 thet-I
tain ie)( ableht to hmave a felleir ;pprecin - cu-ic fa(-Lltly, andtt now professor of
tloin of IIn-#li ins for Avhicli tils In- I'E{nglish at thto Nor-th Carolina College
stituttioll stands. forw om,-zxen, hats just printedl privately
** * a volume of verse under the title of
(' OT ITl A(',Nl7 j"Walls." Certain of the poems were
There seemis to be0 nothing quite as - wi-it ten whlile he was a member - of

We have an1 exceptionally
large assoyrntm~ of personal
Xrnas ca tds for yjC; r in-
2 Nicksels Arcade
The Shop for Unique Gifts

a -iot~allt, as a mantit I twho, apen~us to
wear- au.blue uitoIform withIlbrass but-
ton s a tendg('t pai a good sinlury for
tramin~ tg;the sith-walk'a. -
The ofhebet' -eniing, a perfectly
Ieef' Icr-onIwd ws 'watit inug to Enter -
the Arc-adeo theater was surpisedl to,
ii avetwo 411clh - -or- gentlemniil-
{ (o!;y -urash into its in itist anldt opo'ui
t !hlo -le Ichx'wouldI litvo) be'eltll mad
kn Illenty of tinle for t he, exit ing; herd.
i odl p Cenledth lis mintlhwa v the two

had beconme W illilaul hanl 141atry bl l t il li ns ofthe liw p o -cl t w l
fcren1ce to) the eiine clem'et. t -u lyi-i-wityv 'hio at a ualtal k up anti
Truly sointthijg inmust h' 1w1cw1 0-"i"do i it'spaxce for ten ttitiut 0)5 keep-
college muon are1)becom1in~g all tort - ugh h i ioagitl intri'uders.
feminate. F'rotnm the iabov rt't-'tt5- It'theois tiny sihretdof le it)gIiniity?
one might almoost bliiev'e ft' il,< n,,., - I :1Iw loeft in this Ct01tlliIuniity, it

the Whimsies group-at its best-and
take their name from "Brick WAall,"
the conmposition -'that created such a
local temipest several years ago. j
The entire htok shiows tile most
sni-prising tf1s-dies of talent, andi en-
tirely aside, of course, from either
muisic or drama, may the column
V'(11nmiiIelld yon to its bookstores.
P'arts of the collection lean heavily
on1 moionls and11their- magic, but over
?,uit tve !herr leu-calit.cars a pie-e (of uim-
affected simplicity anti beauty. "Thle
]Ytotlhei' Speaks,'' a sonnett in Auei--
can, is this talent in its most lutcidl
lit oultl
"An oftlenrl'f t'r 00om1 - fromt Jim.l-
t odoay.
I'lie icom'lite sto seltdom no1w I'd wvon-
leretd why
It wvas. [But. now I see. I wish h'
lie mutst ,a' known-before he went.
I knew he likedlther, but-well-
somehow I-


Eat 4eood "i el
Many of us eat too much.
Don't nibble between meals
and spoil your real appetite.
Don't humor that false hunger
you think you feel !
Take a bite of WRIGLEY'S-let
its friendly, satisfying flavor allay
the false craving, settle your stomach
and get you ready, for a good mel.
it pleasantly aid digestion and




items a bout sI udenf s lpu\l-(etizig ther
noses and1 smoking sc-enittedui cigt n?°+
H-owever, we soichow tlievt' ti htin
the dissatisfiedl sleoakrn quoutedl above
are slightly t'xaggert ling orl' tlse do
not appreciate thle new muscline' ip-
terests of the underpgraduiates, tliey
with their keen insight nloting only-~

5 ~~pi si p u k-l v in tlt o hanmds of
lint-ti'lw, it'' to s sizes inc'-ea se ahouut
50) pt(r c'n i. onm) warimig a.muni form anth
1?eiitg ;given -tuittloity which they ar'e
hif romilbeoing able to he Nwouthy.
'1', e en101wouldl nodoutt( be exce-t-
lent ill handling hiekpot-ket 5 antI petty
Etlierco 5, Weeo ltey handed tover'ttlj

"1 .






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