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November 10, 1925 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-11-10

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Betsy Barbour, Alphit hil To Meet Ini
Game For Championship Of
Hockey Tourney

Chinese Modes Of
Life Illustrated
At Newberry Hall
Dr. Clara Sargent Shepard, a grad-
uatc of the University and at pres-
ent a medical missionary in China
has sent to the University Y. W. C.1
A. an interesting collection of dolls
and carved figures illustrating the
1 mnrirr f l*anner o fdrill d itli'a'1t.UL1I!

modtern manner ox (ress an iCUStOmis
prevalent today in China. This col-
letsy Barbour defeated Martha lection will be on display this week
Cook with the close score of 1 to 0 at Newberry hall as part of the pro-
in the semi-finals of the intramural' gram that is being cartried out by the
hkey tournaeentteramafter- Y. W. C. A. in recognition of the an-
hockey tournament yesterday after- ! nual week of World Fellowship and
noon at Palmer field, and. Alpha Phi Prayer.
won from Kappa Delta with a score The dolls which were manufactured
of 2 to 1, The games were both- tied in China are dressed to represent the
until the fourth quarter. ' different classes of people. One typi-
n game beten BetsyBar-fying the pourer farmer class wears
the a large straw That and a rain cape
bour and Martha Cook there was no manufactured from the cocoa palm
score made in the first quarter, the fiber. Another, a Chinese bride, of
play being mostly toward Martha the conservative type, is dressed in
Cook's goal. In the second quarter Mary red and wears a head dress heavily
Allshouse, '27Ed., center half for poorer clas of mourners, a surn an.
Martha Cook, was taken out of the daughter are dressed in a heavy stiff;
game because or an injured knee, Flor- i cloth similar to burlap. The more
ence Cummings, '27Ed,, substituting. remote relatives of the deceased
No score was"made in the second or! clothe themselves in white in honor
third quarter. Katherine Wilcox, '26,1 of the dead. A middle class laborerj
made a goal for Betsy Barbour in is represented as wearing a short
the last quarter. The lineup of the jacket and trousers of coarse cloth
Betsy Barbour-Martha Cook game and wearing a close fitting little hat.
was: The carved figures show many le-E
tails of Chinese custom. One figure
Betsy Barbour Iartia tCook shows the method of polishing rice,
K. Wilcox ......C.F.... ....A. Vliet another the old world manner ofj
L. Hazard.....R.I......D. Holdrup grinding it to make rice flour. Meth-{
J. Campbell . . .. L.I....... M. Bowen, ods of transportation are illustratedl

H--s-s-Ds--_v- --~$The meeting of the bazaar commit-1 time by leaving the house name wit
iHo~ 'lb uses IDisplay tee will not be held until 4:30 o'clock the woman in charge.
t1 h tClint UW I 1 9 HBazaar Samples this afternoon in Barbour gymnasium.
rN O TICES .TheY.WC.AC mas workshop
fl miples of the ar ieleus wh~-ih eahPosters for the Women's league ba- is open from 2 to 5 o'clock every Tues-
flotaI, 0azaar must be in Barbour gymnasium day, Wednesday and Thursday. All wo-
ho >gon ma. rte o------ - - by Wednesday, Nov. 18 at the latest. men interested are invited to come
--- mn's eague and Inter hurch bazaar If the contestants wish any more in-land dress dolls for the hospital.
Comncil Votes To Give Percentage Of this year are to be brought to Bar the Y. W. C. A. will meet at 4 0'- formation, call Laura Craft, 3718.
S(lass I)ues Towards bour gymnasium on Thurday of next clck Tuesday at Newberry ball "Divided Christendom and the On'
Women's Acticitie wolk by the presidents of the houses There will be a rehearsal for all Christ" will be the topic discussed at
There will be initiation of newppint"d ythemses women in the tumbling act of the 4 o'clock today by the world fellow-
TorHd r that each house ynow and members into Theta Sigma at 8 o'clock Sophomore Circus at 5 o'clock today ship committee. Marjorie Mthews,
uderstand the kind of articles it day night in the library of in Barbour gymnasium, grad., will lead the discussion.
undrstnd he indof rtilesit s Martha Cook building.
Thora Hoyt, '2, was appointed to expected to contribute.;Thfrsteibuilding.
take the office of class treasurer, re- Every effort is being made this year Old and new members of Athena
ytto make the bazaar excell in work- Interclass hockey games, for the are requested to meet at 4:45 o'clock ership course will be held at 7:15
cently created by the Women's league. manship and ontributions by con- week are: today in the Athena room. The old o'clock tonight in the Upper room at
Accordingctotonrmatiin ntheU'2e, thim No
According to Normra(icknell, '26, this ducting contests and taking every Nov. 10, 4 o'clock-Freshman first members are asked to bring their din- Lane hall. Miss Ethel McCormick
office is the result of the acceptance precaution trat the houses under-squad vs. sophomore first squad; sen- ner fees. will talk on "Adolescent Psychology"
by the Student council of a recom- stand what they are to do. They are for first squad vs. junior first squad.. and Mrs. Louis Bredvold will lead the
mendation made by the board of di- also trying to create a more personal 5 o'clock-Freshman second squad All houses interested in carrying a!group in games, demonstrating the
rectors of the Women's league that j in1erest in the work. vs. junior second squad. line of candy from the candy booth correct procedure.
a part of the money paid for class The articles from the houses will Nov. 12, 4 o'clock-Freshman first in University hall, please notify Flor-
oues be refunded for use in connec- be inspected between 3 and 6 o'clock squad vs. senior first sqad; sopho- ence Wertel, 7717, at once. Candy For every article for sale, there is
tion with women'stclass functions. on Thursday. imwre first squad vs. junior first squad. may be obtained at the booth at any a buyer. Reach him thru Classifieds.
"Heretofore all the money that has ________5 o'lock-Freshmian second squad
been collected for class dues has been DETROIT-The peace of Europe vs. sophomore second squad.
entirely under the supervision of the will never be settled by the men now
men," stated Miss Bicknell. "It has in power, Albert A. Purcell, president Houses are urged' to sign up for
usually been used for dances where of the international federation of the intramural swimming meet on the Students!
women were invited but did not at- labor unions and a member of the bulletin board in Barbour gymnasium.
tend of their own accord. Last year British parliament, told an audience -
it was decided to try and find some of 1,500 men and women at the labor Swimming classes are now open at
way in which a share of the money forum Sunday. the Y. M. C. A. to all women who have11 4FAain
might be refunded for the use of the purchased swimming tickets. The
worneon.". Evelyn Pratt.'2S, has been chosen swimming hours are from 9:30 to


In accepting the recommendation I chairman of the Sophomore Circus,'
of the Women's league the Student replacing Mary White, '28, who has re-
council voted to refund 25 cents of signed her position because of illness.
each freshman woman's dues, 50
cents from each sophomore's 75 cents Patronize lDaily Advertisers.---Adv.
from each junior's, and none from the -
seniors. This money is to be used
for such women's class functions as
the freshman spread, the sophomore
circus, and Junior girls' play. One Natural Int
treasurer was appointed in order to
make it easy for thetreasurers of at
vaious functions to work with the
account. Th le money will be banked

10:30 o'clock Tuesday and Friday
mornings and from 7 to 8 o'clock
Wednesday and Saturday nights. No
heavy woolen suits may be worn in
the pool.

C i

Orchestra We..Evnin, -1
Unexcelled Fountain Service
Our Special Noon Lunch
Home Cooking, 40c
Appetizing Salads and Sandwiches

M. Finsterwald . R.W......M. Branch
A. Fowler......L.W........ G. King,
K. Baillie ......R.H...... D. Seeber
I. a Wootons.... . .... M. A lshouse'
H. Edwards,, . .....H M. Shinkman
L. Kahn. ..R.F......E. Haskins
E. Graham.....L.F......... F. Huff
I. Swartout .... G.......P. Reichert
Both Kappa Delta and Alpha Phi'
scoredl one point in the first quarter
of the Alpha Phi-Kappa Delta game.
Belle Van de Water, '29; scored the
point for Kappa Delta, and Helen 1
Rutherford, '28P, for Alpha Phi. Noj
score was made in the second or
third quarter, but in the fourth quar- I
ter Miss Rutherford scored another
point for Alpha Phi, bringing the final
"core of the game to 2 to 1 in favor
of Alpha Phi. The lineup for the,
game was: -

by two different types of the jinrick-
shaw and a sedan chair. Also a small3
boat used for pleasure or for the
transportation of light loads' is on
These articles of interest will be on
display'together with the fags of wll
nations, which have beeni borrowed
for the occasion from the Cosmopoli-
tan club. Anyonetinterested is in-
vited to examine these articles for
himself in the corridor of Newberry

erest Holds

un1der a separate fund frln the Wo-
1es league and will be conducted
entirely apart from it.
Read the Classified Page-it pays.

Sell Tickets For
Overflow Dance $
Tickets will go on sale Tuesday atT
State street bookstores for the 0. S.' F equent Service
U. dance Nov. 14, at Barbour gym-
nasium. According to a letter re-
ceived from the piresidHent of the WoG-__


Imitation might be the sincerest form
of flattery, but .all of us like to
hear and dance to
Opening of our first matinee dance has
been changed to Sunday, November 15,
with an att action to be announced in a
later edition of this paper.
Join the Four O 'clock Club"

323 South Main


and Luncheonette


Alpha Phi

Kappa Delta


F. Dunnewind .C.F'......E. Ogborn men's league at Columbus, Ohio State
P.. ?Bridgman'....R.I. B. Van de Water is boosting the dance. There has been
H. Rutherford .L.I...... M. McNally j quite extensive advertising at 0. S.
H. Hawkins .... R.W......N. Clarke I U. and a large crowd of students is
J. Kyer........L.W......D. Waldo' expected for the game and dance.
J. Trembly ....R.H.......M. Cole Complete plans for decoration and
M. Hawkins .... C.H... E. Townsend refreshments have been made here,,
M. Plant.......L.H...... D. Ogborn idecorations to he in the Univer'sity's,
M: Loomis.....R. F....... J. White colors and attractive refreshments to
F. Holmes.....L.LF.......J. Aukey l be self-serve. There have been 300.
H. Dively.....G........ E. Russell, tickets printed and a capacity house
The final game of the intramural is expected.
series, between Betsy Barbour and, -- --
Alpha Phi, will be played off this For every article for sale, there is
week, at Palmer field. a buyer. Reach him thru Classifieds.

Entire head No
Two-Hour Oither
Process Charge
Get Your Holiday Wave

That girl with
the neck cloth


/ na s .
' /j '

We are giving
you the personal
ait~n) of (r.i
ca, hoi has
hIa Iad years of
trained by
(. Nestle C,

of New York.
As many large, loose waves a:s
required. No kinks or fuzz. Tests
and advice free. Cet your ap-
io)Oliment before htecemaber 1. New
Elson Beauty Shoppe
t1arheese m11(1g. )an St.
Phone '4 10O1,




,, ,.
, , "-
r j '

Smart and Practical
For College Wear
Raccoon and Opossum! Chosen by college girls
for their sporty air and general servicableness, these
furs will give more wear for each dollar invcsted
than any other coat of cloth or fur. Considering
their smartness and durability these fine pelts are
very moderately priced. Easy terms of payment

F, __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _
The number that means money
to you when calling a *cab !
11I NoChage orExtra Passengers
Can ide For The Price OfI

It was not a scarf. It was just a piece of
cloth folded and so placed that it prevented
her fur collar from touching neck or chin.
She was a walking :proof of the necessity
for having furs and winter clothing Mir-
acleaned as soon as soot and grime begin
to show their presence.
Miracleaning is an ODORLESS pro-
cess. Furs and clothing can be worn as
soon as delivered.

14} tI
i I


may be arranged.
OPOSS' I--$17,

Phone 421;3
, a4Ot Exclusiv'e Users in Ann Arbor of

I t, - VCCO O'N - - - $ 2 75

(Second Floor)


El I I


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