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November 10, 1925 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-11-10

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" often faced the problem in conjunction >
I~~~ with the fraternity dances, awl L
Published every morning except Mondayte'uln ia
during the University year by the Board to afte.'nocn, tevSudnt ,M/ll hs
Control of atudent Publications, attempted in various tvea-s to insure .l


Membemj jpf,) Western Conference Editorial
she Associated' Press is exclusively en-1
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwisel
credited in this .paper and the local news pub-
lished therein,
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General..
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; business, 21214.'
'telephone 4925
Chairman, Editorial Board .. . Norman R. Thal
City Editor.......Robert S. Mansfielda
s: News Editor..... .....Manning Housewortb
WAomen's Editor............JHelen S. Ramsay
Sports Editor............... Joseph Kruger
Telegraph Editor....... .. William Walthour
Music and Dratra.. Robert B. Henderson
Night Editors

dry fooall weep-enas r1 i ati~1 kYy eII
publisihed equally futile editorihls on W~ORLD)

Smtrih .h Cady
Willard B. Crosby
Robert T. DeVore
As ista
ly win Olian


Lecnard C. Hal
Y Thom~as V. Koykka
W. Calvin Patterson
:ant City Editoir
Frederick 11. Shillito

the University cno cope w, t Ai' A wites in to inquire whetheri TNWHT: masques present "The
situation. te_ ,o r isi h idwof ("rzadle Song" by Martinez Sierra in,
The prohibition law was paissed ha Acaearsecin.WecaIlerSarah Caswell Angell hall at 8:15)
an amendment to the Const Btou.i that, right away. They are doing no 'sc hn.Te ieivle na Ocok
is now on the statute booksTh oaf ntlhdinae'lok.*
UntdSatsaditsoltetn inds ~fle.I
Uorced St as any thrla be e- Anyone who saw "The Lost World" "TA1MBO)URI NE"
forced.;Tueta ay ther awis y n can'l testify to that. But we hereby, All of the six characters seated last
citzen ofth contr beiee t~ttitwarn any iperson or poi-sS who are December in the (lark ;abyss called a.
is a mistake and infringes en their givenh to nightmare or day dreams,j theater can remember the final dress
rights (does not alter the ease . I: partitularly in classes to avoid that rehearsal of "Tickled To Death"
suh ersons wish to work to have the theater this week. If you do you'll"
suchlb t cil inl brek u th letur inaround two o'clock in the morning.
eigteethWhtich yvon Iah e your usuial (lose. We Never before, and unhappily, never
is their privilege-burt while it ii a,,vn h te ngt n fe se fe i h production - the show,
law it is the 'duty of every citizien to ing it we dreamt that Rolle and (.ste a rah h aeptho
aid in its enforcement. 111 - v iragiiag a hOrribli battleastesy-racthsmepcho
The universities cannot. be blame-d AI r encthusiasm: it was a magnificent per-
whenther lcalatteptsto oluat it ,he roof of Angell' hail and that
tle wae f iurf3i, ~ tebood and gasoline were dripping frac."sIrcal ealto
lie seaviens oiuortfalthe sieoflawdw oe 1 oun n uigup on our seats and yelled; it seemed ?
lie sentimentsupport;;rtheside seen:1wunqualifiedlly the greatest opera of the
and order, disregard for the 1la1-10-r. enineteen.ne
reim.ain unpunished. Onl every hand t hO tsel i '' ien, Yet what a dismal affair the (critics
we find open miirth1 on the. ques-tioii. Wlconcive ad we t(ll prod~uced(,I dubbed it when it finally reached its
Yesterdlay's newspaper reported Ibat U in([ f to best scee whichIAve ihave ;audiences. This, of course, is only the
Clarence Darrow, one of the natlion's livncssed for a long, time is tle law of the theater -- a gamble from
foremost lawyers, "expressed his view 05Ke ill =,'"1161tte peaceftil, harm- beginning to endl, in which only fools
of prohibition with anl ironic giro." I~III ,s fwsn oes aroid* he ;BIC dare prophecy.
His view vmld have don(,0 credit to a 3 at tS of Loidowi Ii seareb of So again, Mimes are preparing an-
radical Boshvit hoamis gnr- 1'i ?1 4) f Slaylad to iiflie Ik other opera; a revuie this year that
ing ll aws bu wa a 1 ig~iOO o~n tI~d l~l.IIIt h (015*01 ii~ seemTs to us, ini all sincerity, load(edI
ing from the lips of orie wv (a rries t'a di iric 1.ta! lt dries(lisi41er1i)IC wit h every tochclstone to success.
the reputation of beinlg one of Ovlll(I'- *Y Such as bre aildnui~ ll) This yea'r, with its tremendous tour,
ica's best-informed men on legiIal 11f poker gai1U on11thi fourIth floor. I <"rVamnolrine" MUST be a success:I"
fair. a uiling ~ ily'( Inghi~ in a certain sense it is either the be-
Coach Yost was right. When A mer'- head thtroulghthI ilndOW. ginning or end( of the institution. j
ict is dIry, M1ichiigan will b~e dry. l'hen li 1e also causes amn sli fitly undler Daniel Warner --you must see his
America is, openly andl fla rantly wiel , ;l~e inf luenuce of tile itnlfertiolltllle, to legs in the Union - and Russel
the University campu~ts is bl)Cll to re*. spill a,(up of milk which said moan Gbhoring are playing the leading roles.
main a trifle damp. had bsrough lt out to feed the lonely, fIBarre Hill is in the ca,.-t again, as well
j___111______1h:gy beast. as Stanley Lewy and Belinda Tir'-'
A IINV T IL FAi aldded comedy hit (uniiitent ion- herne. Valentine Davies. one of the
si) ,v-a I u IMont aa as the minrg authors of this year's book, and a n^,w
Th'1e annual Anil Arbor (1'()lil Un+ i IL. role 10 w t'.7;L %br~ iave alxvays Aant- man, Richard1 Lutes --two lhundired
Fund drive openeod ye sterdlay with o .'('(f1to ii play. In anl earlier scene0 and forty pounds(1! - ar~e thole (OmYl-I
Foof $52.2,25, whR ii is i~on ly $i 111 a licos : nd a aliosu ur,,,or some- 0115.


Remnmral erie wMen
-----getting what you want when you want it.
When you think pens-think
YOid£er's Pen Sh heonlyple
wher youare sure to get the pen or m~art you want when you want it.
We carry the stock and have the skilled workmen to give you real

Specia1 Bargains
We are running bargain tables at both stores. Displays are changed
twice a week. Prices are so greatly reduced we cannot advertise these
bargains individually. It will pay you to watch them each week.
GIraham'"s Books
At Both Ends of the Diagonal Walk.

__ -

302 State Ste

,~crtrude V. Bailey sihanford N. Phelps
Charles Bebyiner Evelyn Pratt
Philip C. Brooks Marie Reed
I,. 1:-rnum Simon Rosenbaumu
B~uckingham Ruth Rosenthal
Edgiar Carter Wilton A. Simpson
Iugene 1-l. Gutekunst Janet Sinclair
Douglas Doubleday Courtlapd C. Smith
M]ary Dunnigati Stanley Steinko
James T. Herald Clarissa Tapson
Elizabeth S. Kennedy Henry Thurnau
Marion K~ubik David C. Vokes
Walter H. Mack Chandler J. Whipple
L.ouis R. Markus Cassam A. 'Wilson
Ellis Merry Thomas C. Winter
Helen Mori ow Marguerite Zilszke
Margaret Parker





Telephone 21211
" Advertising............... J. J. Finn
Advertising .............. P lseJr.
Advertising........rak R. Dent, Jr.
Advertising...............Wi. L. Mullin
rulation........... L. Newman
Publication.............Rudolph Bostelina,
Accounts..................Paul W. Arnold
ngred, M. Alving S. I-. Pardee
Gorge 11. Annable, Jr. Loleta G. Parker
W. Carl Bauer Julius C. Pliskow
)ohn H. Bobrink Zobert Prentiss
Elden W. Butzbach Wmn C. Pusch
Wv. J. Cox Franklin J. Rauner
Marion A. Daniel oseph Ryan
James R. DePuy Margaret Smith
Margaret L. Funk Ruth A. Sorge
Stan Gilbert Thomas Sunderlan4
* T. Kenneth H-aven Wi. I. Wearne
E. Little Eugene Weinberg
rank E. Mosher Wm. J. Weinman
F. A. Nordquist
' Night Editor-W. C. PATTERSON
"The security of the Nation has
not been so severely threatened
sinc'e Fort Sumter was fired upon.
The machinery of justice is as ob-
solete for- practical purposes s
the spining wheel. These things
which centuries ago were invented*
for the protection of the individ- i
ual against the almost omnipotent
power of, emperor or king, and
which had their utility and their
:4 necessity centuries ago today are
' used not as a protection of the
innocent but as a shield for the
s guilty."-Judge Talley to a New
l~t York grandl jury.
"The appointment of a, b, c, d, e, f,
and so on, to the do-nothing committee
' of the talk-a-lot organization was an-
nounced last night by B. A. Politician,'
Fe any class." During the past few
years, stories to this effect seem to
}jhave found1( a permanent place in the
columns of The Daily; for the present
i" year, starting today, such stories ae
t. trctly taboo.
".; Every cla,,s, every organization,
every group of meni or women that
bave found any conceivable excuse for
f" banding together immediately pro-
ceeds with the appointment of a
seemingly inexhaustable number of
colmittees for every imaginable pur-
q 1)050. Most of them ineer meet, the
majority of them are never heard of
after appointment.
1 -Undoubtedly the greater number of
' comnmittees are named to repay obi-
N.ations, political or otherwise. The l
" functions or possibe efficiency of
these bodies is seldom considered. Re-
alizing this, and understanding the l
ulselessness of Wasting space by pub-
lisling the names of members of
practically non-existent bodies, The
'd Daily hereby adopts a policy of pub-
lishting lists of inames only after the
- peVSwnmy included in those lists have
t' done something worthy of ment ion,
The Daily stanlds ever ready to recog-
niv.'iert orivus work, but such work
Can htardly be recognized before it is
Cacuh Ffildng 11, Yost of Michigan
told b'legatc; t) the convention, of the1
AniSaloon league in Chicago that

8v l v Fe),tu) V t t. xfmore titan that, raised last. year. aT his 1i')lk a 1 (, e h v o a - I',e~ e i o l0 1 h r s t
y e ai n r 's I!} ;at . ( n o Ate I c a n n to tlib et 'h ' r e s nlp onlc h r s be O rlig a n ic 1ii v o lu t i oli) h a v e a b a ttle e n is c l io r u s , o u t- p r in c in g " T [h e
yea'shud f. <iiiiotbe < lcl n-I which would tarn even AtIr. Angell dent Prince" with each of its twor
reasonable, unless it is unesoal 'lv-i t li e mvy, four members six-foot one and o'
low, for it shiolabe retitmeniherd that ' P1 e be a uty of these fightIs, is that, andi a show-girls' cliorus are tolc
the anmount raisedl in this one coin- neith1er o;'I lie contt enders ever claung- its place. All of their numlbers h
certed drive must carry o71 time work ('es his facial expression the least bit., been worked out on a spectacle sc
of elevemn benevolent andI charitab~le ne itl her o!'tlthem ever shiows the in tuine with the brilliant gypsy
organizations for a whole year. si gltces interest, or excitement in timei mosphere of its romantic setting.
Such drives should 1)0 coilsidirc e tbattlec. It is all in the (hay's' work!I The niusic is always splendid,,
aiire in the forum of blessings ratliem appiai'eiitl~y. We (lon't often rave I the costumes and settings with I~l
than as unpleasant necessities. Eleven' abOilt M~ovies at this length, but that gorgeous, luxurious. .. but only fl
organizations have 1)0en bantdedl to- really is a miovie. It ;ieenis to b~ad in the theater tdare prophecy.
gether and make only one request, for that that worldi is lost.***
help fromn each citizen dring the ***THlEORGAN RiECITAL
year, instead of each miaking on,,.or l;.A~Palmer Christian, University
more requests separat ely. If;ts ' iollo L:as caused u ts muchi weeping ganiist , will ofler the followinigI
the donor troule, Iinhe, andl money, :end ift i:'!ig of garin the past, gram tomorrow atfternfoonl inl
and looking at it in that light every lait his evil days a:re by no ineans audlitoriumnat 4:15 o'clock.
citizen can wvell afford to g_'ive. over, it. seeims. 'iheis iiiorning hie went Festival Hymn ...............11
Thie fbudget conmmittee this year ha"s andi -l ipd his; fanl1)e1t, and got all Meditation (" Thais") .-...;Mass:
asked only for funds suflicient to car- (over h1152 ced, andi then caught cold, Matini Provencal .............Bo.
ry on the work starte(d last ye ar an-d and has been col g1hing all the rest Prelude to "L'Apres-inidi d'un
in a few cases to enlarge the scope cioft of lie dlay. Faune" ................ Debi
it. The committee has uumderestiaiaat - We don'ti lnov, what we can (10 Rondo ''Soer Monique"...... Coup(
ed, rather than oveia'stiiat cuR, the ldboout it. lJus jt t won't t ake care of ,lPrelude amnd Fugue on Blach . .. ..L
needs of the organizations. imsel,, f and i e first thling you know Esquisse, No. 4........... Schun
The charitable an d benevolent so- lie's seiii~-: Liebestod ("Trlistan mi und Isolde'')

II ill

Irving ar ohsDS C
t 1ll~tIIS~Y'A'T 1.1
7(67 N. 17iiersity Ave. Phioiee21212
With the Old One
,and get a
l 1ehv n' Meti ,Ismodlernequip-
u1t f("r 111,11,7 o,4Coleg-ate Hat s .a14d
they -are -11h1l"; rnl'values ani1.210
cam ivpus--( ust tti iumacde mmml to itiany
liean 1. We n a o ma heold hats look'
like n1ew.
617 Pack-m-1 Str'et. Phone 7,115.
(Where J). U. IL Slops tat State fit)


Wedncsday night there will be the usual dance
at Granger's .Academy. These are very pleasant
social gatherings, lasting only from 8-10 and give
the students a chance for a little recreation in the
middle of the week. Drop in for a 'while and en-
joy yourself. The same high'grade music as at
other times.
- f


. _ e



cities of Ann Arbor have been c-arry-
ing on commendabile work, and sinice
charity is practically noeeso'ury in our
present society, it is, the duty of
everyone in the city to give all he can
afford to carry on this wor-k.



(The Philadelphia Public Ledger)f
In any community that. is righlty
constituted there is a geoup of per-
sons settled in life and( seasonied in
judgment whloseoinion-really counts
and whose experienice is v,)i 1(, no
matter xvit tcontemp~ oarylhe resies
eddiy amid fluctuate ; .hout theme. Young
people nmay r'il at Ihem as stI iild Iy
orthmodox, conservative andiunedlify-
iug. They rmay be darn nod and d is-
mnissed xWith Ithe sweeping- Wortd "Vic-
torian,'' a term that really (cnnotes
a great deal that:is15 worth ht-cping.
Y et they feel that even if they ire
misundersto00(1they i t. tstill vrouflly
keep t1 cwfa it 11 \vithl cortiainilct
that it tonce, eloled otiwrtbwhile oi
before themselves for th1(i 1 . of
life. Like the Old (Ins rd of ;:ii1ilry
chronicle, in tlhe woi-ds of boue
incrusted adage, tihey (canmdi" b 11Wmo
Time minds of 'the oionn oet
tion may be scorntmful il t m iamd
and feet of youth be rs c~bult
there is always the patent amFl int-
eluctable fact that the Young, Utar(]
imust take hold when the Ulf tL::} l
lets go. Presently the rec ruits5,
Whether they willingl"y vl ie~'o
nlot, mut; tep1 )inito thme lahce!; (-)1
fallen; andi as they g:o on, in it

* r-* ..........................Wagner"
1. 111 EIi' X'ION The Debussy Preltude is an espe-
rI'lloet are c(-' 'tain gf-iiu:7s lin t his I cially beatutiful work, "very .exquisite.;
,worlt lio iiVO1l(neerquite appr~leciat- I*
e d. 'I l; ,ir'i; a :said lot. We have one 33E
partii:," cne in ainint. le lias occa- There will be an important bu~siimess
syon to lecture before a large class, meeting of Mimes tonmorrow evening
thin-e tit-ls a weekl, anmdllhe gets off I at seven o'clock in time Mimes theater.
seone of tile Iest crac-ks of time year. All members are requested to be
Andth what does the class (10? (R1hetor- l pronmpt in ordlzr not to conflict with
it-al question) It sits their and~ doesn't the Opera rehearsal later in the
even crack an Archmaic smile. With evreninlg.***
Ibulging eyes, it waits after eachm wise
I one0 X\lile thet' 1)Oka lalasstor the 11H E (411E ATEST AM ERICAN PLA Y
laugh, anld never bats in eye. Time E IVE i11W1ITEN
only thing that got even .a titter out !Engene O'Neil, whose "Desire
of that, sad rioeup was mentionimng the IlUndeirtime Elms'' opens in Detriot
noanie oft I i-:: depart ment, during a re- Sunday evening, November 15, with
cent talk. the original New York cast, is. far
* -i' *far fromn beinug a realist, our onne(Ira-
Wolf- p.'lr('~~ Ih n v~v ai oet in the theater. The emo-;
iUI, V - , a-- V ecat . im ''


---- I


altI our Ima gims are low! and hearty.
rrll ' RM H FON1'Te . vs. G1. War will not be
umoved, according t) the hitest reports,
for the (1. troops am-c entrenching per-
munetly, building dug-outs and
every htlI ng.
'm, Buc!iding torc hasimoved their
storitim wall to themea-:' of 'Pa ppan3
Ii al, Oin usi igei tonaly avoidling thme ;
tO 11(1 houmb-, ofth le enemiy.}
Thereis however, a serious sidie to
timisco eili ci. The Alumnii Memornial
ha 1. hrine of many of ichigan's
nc>t satcred I iratlitiomis andtihie statuej

tienal passion of his plays leave'- his,
audiences withI a sense of poetic ox-
altation, "of life burned away to the.
clear flaine."
In Ep~hmiam Cabot's chiar'acter, as
an examp~le, there are placed suchj
lyric speeches-"Listen, Abhie," be
says to his new wife, "When I conic
here fifty odd year ago-I was just I
twenty an' the strongest an' hardest
ye ever seen. Waal --this place was
nothin' but fields o' stones, Folks
laughed when I tWk it. They couln't
know whmat I knowed. When ye kin
umake cornm sprout of o' stones, God's
livin' in ,yew! They reckoned God was

I Cjf/ largest selling
qtt.cality pencil
in the worict
degrees Superlative in quality,
3 the world-famous
gie Oet er sen
logivest werien
Buy Plainendsper doz. $1.0
a cot all dealers
American L ead Pencil Co.
dozen 220 Fifth Av., N. Y.

w Frog, Chicken and Steak. Dinners
Served at
Two b~locks from city bus line on Jackson Road,
_ from noon till midnight.
Special attention given to parties. Phone 6534.
All Wool Pre-Shirunk- in Bleauttiful Fabrics That Will Not Fade.
At Only
C M11an itfa(et tred by
Thie Fatuous Golden' Rtle 'tailors of Cincinnati.
Phone 9736
Aw aulmsk that ai'epresental he of tale ASII('(CO. all upon yoll to
sho0w saaallltes uad styles aind to take your mecasure for _a wait or
oiercoaat of which you will be proud.
1 Somae of the b est dressed pleole you meet are wearig Nash clothes.
Look for' this aadvertisemnent on Itisesdaay anti Friday of each week..
Read The Daily - "Classified" Columns


of Apollo Belvedere, is in much time easy. They laughed. They don't laugh
so zinc 1posjiti that thl- Rheinms no more. They're all under ground -
I('Ahcdet-al wvas during tihe late World fur' follerin' arter aim easy God ..
SWar. I(God hain't easy, Abbie!"
In thlit heat of battIle, the Building -
f tc:oso'e tr (it'am to rinthme rear Was made so by time use of a wigj
10)0hl.Souiethummg oughut ! Though no one once knewf
b) e done'. A Focrd peace truck or; Now 'tis certain they (10
sotb ming like that. For last evening he attemmpted a


Rebuilt and Second-hand of All Makes
lBoualit, Sold, Rented, Exchanged; Cleaned,
Repaired and. Rebuilt.


they, ttoo, will be regardetd by Ih~iri
junior~s as the Old Gunard. Thxi fai-
tquestion is whether It anIIuI ago
they will show aim equal wisd~nm:'HWill
they, too, see life steadily and -(it,
whole? Will they passiona>tely .care;
for anything inaudible, inlvisiil1c; %will
thov er ~ve dectq rmo £ved1from thi r

Thmere- was a young track maim
Who loved a dear damsel named I
Ile gave up his AM

Cries of "Take it off!" from all
Please don't make paths near tile
B3. ammd G. War.
Sir '1'ohv TJ1'iffijl



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