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October 30, 1925 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-10-30

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i±f .D There are 11O arguments in favor ofs
Sthe use of intoxical tg liquor on :tueb
nPlb :hee evry morning except Monday OGcitaSionts, yett'iEle conI inutal r'eetitin
during the Uniiversity year by the Board in ( Of l as sec face > is tolerat ed. I tubli c
Control o£ aturlent Publications. _ -Opinion is a might y infiuene--when
sesb rs of Western Conference Editorial its support is withdrawn irom the
Associatjpnir. _____ "drunk" and lined up on ilie side of
?The Associated Press is exclusively en law and sobriety the effort sof ose
titled to the use for republication of all news.
dispatct:es credited to it or not otherwise who are working for 1,he best roteresits
credited in this paper and the local news pub- of itth Iniversity will fbear fruit, and
lishied thcrein.
- --- --dry football we ek-enlds will be !a-
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,oe
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate ,evnable It is an individual problein
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- and should be treated as such by each
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail, individual in Ann Arbor for the Nay
$4.00. whether ho 1) student, alnmm,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- p-me, wehrlelesueL 11i i



0'_1T11 N
This debate they held last night had! IH:iT
TONIHT:The 311chigan Theaterj
an unusually plausable subject. As League presents Richard Brinsley
a rule, our idea of nothing at all is to Sheridpui's "The Rivals" with Mrs.
sit for two hours and listen to six Fiske in the Whitney theater at 8:15
- o'clock.
pseudo-silver-tongued orators argu-
ing some point that no one can

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arouse the slightest interest in; no


nard Street-
Phones: Editorial, 4925; business, 21214
Telephone 4925
Chairman, Editorial Board...Norman R. Thal
City Editor............ Robert S. Mansfield
News E itor............Manning Houseworth
Women's Editor...........Helen S. Ramsay
Sports E:ditor............... Joseph Kruger.j
Telegraph Editor.........William Walthour 1
Music and Drama......Robert B. Henderson{
Nignt Editors7
Smith 11. Cady Lcc'ard C. Hall
Willard B. Crosby Thonas V. Koykka
Robert T. DeVore W. Calvin Patterson
Assistant City Editol
Ir-win Olian Frederick 11. Shillito
Gertrude F. Bailey Stanford N. Phelps
Charles Behymer Evelyn Pratt
Philip C. Brooks Marie Reed
L. Farnuin Simon Rosenbaum
Buckingham Puth Rosenthal
Edgar Carter Wilton A. Simpson
Eugene 11. Gutekunst Janet Sinclair
Douglas Doubleday Courtland C. Smith
Mary Dunnigan James A. Sprowi
James T. He)rald StanleySteinko
Elizabeth S. Kennedy Clarissa' Tapson
Marion Kubik Henry Thurnau
Walter H. Mack David C. Vokes
Louis R. Markus Chandler J. Whipple
Ellis Merry Cassam A. Wilson
Ielen Morrow Thomas C. Winter
Margaret Parker Marguerite Zilszke
Telephone 21214
Advertising.....................J. J. Finn
Advertising.............. T. D. Olmnsted, Jr.
Advertising.............Frank R. Dentz, Jr.
Advertising.................Wm. L. Mullin
Circulation..................H. L. Newman1
Publication...............Rudolph Bostelman
Accounts.......... ......Paul W. Arnold

or guest
1een an interest provoked by a gen
er(us sense of humour; and to se
CLEANER JOUI. NALISfM! these men argue seriously and for
mally, on such a problem.
A few years ago Willis J. Abbott, The usual subject for such an c-
editor of the Christian Science lMon- casion is the pros and cons of the
itor, started a fight for cleaner journ- Chicago drainage canal. We don'
alism that has been gradually taken know how the general public feels on
up by the editors of the more infiu- this subject, but personally we know
encial papers At first there was little of nothing which we hold to be lest
i important or interesting or more ofa
response, but there is no doubt now ;bore, except, perhaps, high and low
that journalism everywhere is con- , ,tariff.
stantly tending to discard sensation- It wouldn't be quite so bad, if in
alism and morbidness and is moving these and similar deep controversies
toward higher ideals and cleanerhr
morals. anyone ever convinced anyone else o
The anything, and if he did that something
The press associations in Great would come of it. But making the
Britain have heard the cry and are wild assumption that one team di
now taking it up. It is not necessary convince the other that they were
to go into lengthy details, suffice it to Ih nconverted them to thei
say that at the Institute of Journalists views; assuming such an impossibili
of Cambridge, at which were repre- ty then if something were done abou
sentatives not only of England, Scot- t if asa result they did or did not
land, and Ireland, but also from Brit- build the darinage canal, or revok
an beyond the seas, it was unani- the prohibition amendment, etc, etc
mously agreed to support the Judicial ithere might be some charm in goin
Procedigs ill whchhavng hisfor the last few minutes, just to sce
year passed the House of Lor-ds, IS what the result would be. But to si
now awaiting its necessary stages in for an entire evening, listening to six
the IHlouse of Commons. This meas-Imen, who take themselves pitifull
ure is aimed at preventing the publi-} seriously, argue *about something
cation of improper reports, and the iwhich is of no immediate interest t(
Institute is doing its utmost to see that them or to the audience, ,and for n
the penalty for publishing such re- other purpose than the sake of a
ports shall fall not only on the work- argument, is as bad as listening tc
ing journalist, but on the proprietor women talk about clothes.
who has encouraged and profited by These arguments are not even
his work. spiced by free play on the part of the
It is the tacit understanding that debaters' tempers. In the common or
vice is easily teachable that underlies garden verbal battles there are a
all this fight for better news sheets. least hard feelings at times. Debate:
The world is slowly awakening to the cannot even boast this attraction. I
fact that it has been in the grip of a is, positively pathetic to think o
strong influence which, while sup- these warriors of reason, fresh fromn
posedly working for the good of man- their reference books, delivering mem
kind, has really been exercising an orized orations, with all the serious
overpowering force toward a general ness of a freshman in the cheering
lowering of the morals of the day. section.
If the world's moral progress is to This sort of thing is quite laudabl
keep step with its progress along ma- in High school, where everyone take:
terial lines, a decided and world wide hmefadeeyhn letril
change of principles must be brought seriously. It is a sort of vent for thi,
about in the realm of journalistic ef- seriousness and makes the victin
fort. more human afterward.
If debates were, like clever dialogue
INTERNATIONAL GOOD HIL I not to be taken seriously and existe
gfor no other purpose than to amuse
we would attend everyone religiously
three young men from Cambridge providing that the men chosen were
university,-three men representing intelligent enough to achieve this pur

Ingred M. Alving, S. H. Pardee
George 11. Annable, Jr. Loleta G. Parker
W. Carl Bauer Julius C. Pliskow
John 1-1. Bobrink Robert Prentiss
Elden W. Butzbach Wm. C. Pusch I
W.' J. Cox Franklin J. Rauner
Marion A. Daniel Joseph Ryan
James R. DePuy Margaret Smith
Margaret L. Funk Ruth A. Sorge
Stan Gilbert Thomas Sunderland
T. Kenneth Haven Win. If. Wearne
J.E. Little Eugene Weinberg
Frank F. Mosher Win J. Weinman
F. A. Nordquist
Football week-ends, with Ann ArborI
filled to overflowing with alumni! and
visitors, as well as students and sup-
porters of the visiting team, have
been characterized by those who know
conditions as they are and who are
not afraid to face the facts as "an-
nual drunks." Even in a center of
learning, the mistaken impression still
exists that a football victory shouldI
be celebmated with an over-indulgence f
in intoxicating liquors and a defeat
forgotten by the same process.I
Liqucr is the most detrimental force
with which the University has to con-
tend in conducting football week-,
ends that will be enjoyed both by stu-
dents, homecoming alumni, and
guests. Games at Ferry field are fre-
quently marred by the disturbance,
caused when men under the influence,


- The San Carlo Grand Opera Com-
e pany is returning for its ninth annual
- Detroit season Sunday evening, No-
vember 1, in the Shubert-Detroit
- Opera house after a six weeks season
e at the Manhattan Opera house in New
t York. The best compliment on the
n solid worth of this institution is its
popularity throughout the country,
s and the fact that it has continued for
a many years the only company present-
v ing grand opera from coast to coast
at popular prices
n The repertory for the Detroit en-
gagement will be as follows:
f Sunday. November 1-"Rigoletto"
g with Lucchese, Schalker, Tafuro,
e Chiradini, de Biasi, Cervi.
d Monday, November 2-"Carmen,"
Q with DeMette, Kargau, Tafuro, Valle,
r de Biasi, Cervi.
- Tuesday, November 3-"Aida," with
t Roselle, DeMette, Salazar, Ghirardini,
t de Biasi, Cervi.
e Wednesday Matinee, November 4--
"Hansel and Gretel" (in English), with
g Schalker, DeMette, Interrante.
e Wednesday Evening, November 4-
t "Cavalleria Rusticanna," with Saroya,
x Schalker, Tomarchio, Interrante, and
y "Pagliacci," with Kargau, Salazar,
g Chirandini.
o Thursday, November 5-"Lucia,"
p with Lucchese, Morosini, Tafuro, Val-
n le, Cervi.
o Friday, November 6.-"Tosca," with
Axman, Schalker, Tafuro, Valle, de
n Biasi, Cervi.
e Saturday Matinee, November 7-
r "Lohengrin," with Saroya, Schuling
t Tomarchio, Valle, de Biasi.
s Saturday Evening, November 7-
t "Trovatore," with Roselle, DeMette,
f Salazar, Ghirordini, de Bias.
n Carlo Peroni, Conductor
- There will be divertisements by
- Pavley-Oukrainsky Ballet after "Han-
g sel and Gretel," "Rigoletto," and
"Tosca," while incidental dances will
e be performed in "Carmen," "Aida,"
s 'Lucia" and "Trovatoie.
y The engagement is under the local
s management of Isobel J. Hurst, and
a mail order applications may be sent to
Mrs. Hurst, 1050 Book Building, De-
troit. The seats for the evening per-
d formances are priced at 75 cents to
$3, for the Wednesday matinee at 50
, cents to $1.50, and for the Saturday
e matinee at 50 cents to $2.
-* * *
d There will be a meeting of the ex-
s amining committee of the Matinee
e Musicale on Saturday afternoon, No-
e vember 7, at the home of Mrs. Peter
e Field, 904 Olivia avenue. Anyone
f wishing to try out for active member-
ship at this time is asked to call Dial
- 21923. The committee is especially
- desirous of considering new members
in the School of Music.
t * * *
. . .:

Amy Loomis
Director of "The Cradle Song"
As director of Masques' most im-
portant production of the year--"The
Cradle Song," which is to be present-
ed Nov. 10 and 11 in Sarah Caswell
Angell hall-Amy Loomis will again
assume an active part in campus
During her student days in the Uni-
versity she was concerned in manyt
Comedy Club productions, was presi-
dent of Masques, and was otherwise
notable in being one of the founders
of the Players club.
Upon her graduation in 1922, she at-
tended the American Academy in New
York, and played in stock company'
performances during the summer. A
few months later she returned to New
York, where she resumed training,
especially in eurythmics and panto- Ij


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one of the great centers of 'learning i pose.
of the English speaking world. Such was the case, we understand
The decision and true thoughts when Oxford came here to cross
which were uttered from the platform words with our verbal tryos. Th
are comparatively unimportant. Both Englishman refused to consider the
will be forgotten, even by those who matter in anyway seriously and hence
took an active part in the program, furnished a'very amusing, pair o
long before that spirit of in'ternational Ihours.
good, will, which was evident through- We were unable to attend the tea-
out. From that comes the true worth pot tempest last night, but if the de
of last night's international debate, haters based their speeches on the
and events of its kind.. same tone as the alleged subject ,it
Be it ever so slight, the vision of must have been quite enjoyable.
* * s
every son and daughter of Michigan I
slouzld have been broadened by con- As poor dear Joe used to say, It's
tact with the three representatives of a great life if you don't weaken.

of liquor are removed from the stands. England. Aid, conversely, there
endless trouble has been caused when should have been, there must have This football game here Saturday
Saturday night parties, either fra- snbeem, a little sroadening of visioi sounds as if it would be a pretty
ternal cr otherwise, have been reduc- the part of the three young English- rough and tumble affair. The Navy
ed to mere drunken brawls by themen through this one additionhal con- has a wrestler, a boxer and a lacrosse
presence of liquor. Countless acci- tact with America. Such contacts player on the squad and boasts of it.
ain1a,.. ccurred when automo- Iatwt mrca uhcnat
should be strengthened, and they * * *
bibr, dri-ei by mnen who were in no I shol.id be made more numerous; thej Our idea of a real thrill would be a
condition to drive, have crashed on make for better understanding be- slow-motion picture of the Billiard
the Detroit highway or elsewhere. tweem the various nations of the Eng- tournament at the Union.
Liquor is the active and destructive lish speaking world.
foe of the football week-end and not Michigan next spring will send a This noble orgian of collegiate ex-
its cief uxiliry. pression gave a more or less subtle
its chief auxiliary, debate team to England, there to car-
Michigan is not alone in facing this ry America's message of good will compliment to President Little yes-
problem. Practically every universi- and to voice a new plea for closer terday morning. It stated that Presi-
ty in the country is trying to develop bonds of understanding and sympathy dent Coolidge proclaimed the 2nd of
a sane and practical attitude toward between those of the English speak-. November a Thanksgiving day and re-
intoxicants, with varying degress of lug race rhey will visit Cambridge quested the nation in general to re-
success. The evil is readily seen; 11and it is Michigan's hope that her' Ioice.
the remedy cannot be found until the sons will do as much toward express-
students themselves take the proper 1-0 ICE

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Utation of q u a 1 it y' ar- If you are planning anything for the near future
a telephone call will place our facilities at your
rangement, promptness command. You will be pleasantly surprised at
*rthe reasonable cost of our attractive floral dec-
We Are The TelegraPh Florists of Ann Arbor



LIU V Iing this good will as did the sons of
stand in thy matter, refrain from Cambridge last night.
drink, and lend popular support to.
the efforts of the authorities to handle
the situation. Women of the W. C. T. U. who were
Regardless of the expediency of the invited, by prohibition agents, to at-


federal prohibition amendment, re-
gardless of the individual's attitude
on the subject, the fact remains that
it is the law of the United States and!
as such deserves the support of the
citizens of this country. Where
should one expect to find loyal citizens;
if not at the home of a state universi-
ty? There is no middle ground--no
;or--r:unit y for argument. PerhaPs.

tend a partly at which a large quantity
of alcoholic beverages were poured
down a sewer, sang hymns of praise.
It was a wild party, we are informed,
with wine, women, sand song.
"Ban on Links Urged to Get Golfers
to P011:" -New York herald-Tribune
headline. Another illustration of how
low the politicians will stoop. to make

Due to the sudden death of
Dear, Joseph Zilch no interview
with hin will appear in an early
* * *
Satire is an elusive thing. Appar-
ently not all of us are able to detect
it, even when it approaches burlesque.
Our noted column on the right, for
example, upbraided the late W. S. Gil-
bert, because in a satire on his own
,and Sir Arthur Sullivan's comic op-
eras, he inserted a song without
rhyme or reason. Prehaps the article

the prohibition amendmnitnt is a. nis sure that the intelligent voters will did not consciously reprimand Mr.
take; it nevertheless is the law, and stay away. Gilbert, for it took offense to the fact
as .uih should-be obeyed.~-~that a member of the cast of one of
As hso boften been repeated, the ur Coat Lure Draws Two Women othe Comedy Club plays, "Creatures of
is y h s a social unit; is reput- Into Banditry"--Chicago Tribune impulse" by Gilbert, suddenly burst
tion i0 based on the actions of indi- headline. Illustrating what is gen- into song. We were fortunate in that
vidual Iomber. When a student of rally referred to as the animal in- we were also present at the perform-
the University errs, he (o0s not suf- stinct. ance, and we got quite a kick out of it.
11 are h drgs hi: fraternity and * * *



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