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October 27, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-10-27

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VOL. XXXVI. No. 31







Intefraternity Council Heads
To Attend National Conference
Jackison Stith, '26, and John P. m iissi-on of guests only, oil the pre-ORP99 C9ST F I R S
Rowe, '26, president and secretary ofl serntatifon of written invitations, was
theInerfatrniy oucil wre let-heasrtily endorsed by the council.
theIneriaerit ctici, er e Ic Dean Birsloy estimated that more PR G 9 U
ed yesterday by that body to repro- than 25 parties will be given by fra- f"I H
sent Michigan at the national confer- eniissihe efrlo ftrth ~~~
once of the Interfraternity councils' Navy game. LTTL E, IIAVNES, SHA.WHA,.'.REETES
of the United States, which is held ,a AND YOST' WILL SP'E.AKI
each winer at Ne YorkPlho question of deferred rushing, AD
eachwign tr a ewprk.n t[ar i wBhYastaenupb te ouc --
MciatokapoietprinIwihwstknubytecuclthe activities of the conference .last! last year, has been referred to the BAIND W ILL PLAY
year, Champe Clark, 25, -president of, Judi iary committee and is being con-
the Interfraternity council here la,;t sidered by the five undergraduate
year, being chosen chairman of the memben~rs of that committee. A re-I Serl(!s of 1Monthly Progran Initiated
undergraduate division of the national port, whch is expected to endorse Tonight V'il'a Fe Traitsiitted
gathering, at which schools ranging second semiester pledging, will be sub- TIhrongh iWJU
from Leland Stanford to th'ose of the lmitted to the council in the near fu-
far East were represented. jture. . The first program of the University
The conference this year will bej A change in the constitution of thej broadcasting series will be sent out
the 17th annual convention of the In- council, reducing the number of fra- , rom the old Adelphi room in Uni-
terfraternity councils of America and ternities necessary to constitute a versity hall between 0 and 10 o'cloc'
the fourth time that undergraduates umorumi from t wo-t hirds to a majority, tonight.
have taken part in the discussions. of thi^entire number of fraternities Prsdn lrn Co il s
The secretary and president were belcnging to the council, was ap-sheudt ivth frtadrs,
chosen unanimously to represent -the proved, but will not go into effectune hun umn hedo"R.
University. until it ha,. been passed for the sec-mak" itlkwlb flwdbv
Dean Joseph A. Bursley, clean of, and time next week, in accordance a discussion of the new University
students, spoke to the fraternity dele- with the rules laid down for passinghspalndtssrietth at.
gates who were present regarding the amendinerts to the constitution. An~ by Dr. Harley A. Haynes, director of
conduct of fraternity dances this, other addiition to the by-laws will also the hospital. Wilfred B. Shaw, '04,
week-end and also during the remain- be considered at the next meeting,I general secretary of the alumni ,as_
do of fti football sason_ Thi adl- noxf Monda afternoon at the U~nion "_

.. j
r i

American PilotI
Breaks RecordI
(By XAssociated Press)I
BIA,;lt9( RX, Mr., Oet. 2f;.--]lieut.
James 11. Doolittle, 17. S. army racing
pilot kept the Jacques Schneider tro-
phy in America today in the world'sj
premier sera-plane clay sic.
1)islaying marvelous skill in the f
turns of the 50 kilometre triangular
course and rang doevI the str"1ight- l
away like a h;1,cl b]iral of prey, Lieu-
tenant Doolittle flung his somber lit-
tle ship through the seven laps for j
a new Schneider time of 232.573 miles,
!per hour for th.; 350 kilometres, and j
set up a cl aimn for the new m-orid's
record for 100 kilomzetres, 200 kilo- I
jmetres, and m aximium speed. The lat- i
ter z eeord will be presented to the
federation Aerontutique internzationz-
ale for recd--nition,
The army pilot's re-checked rec-
ords, which will be presented for
world's hot crs, were announced offi-
cIdally tonight as 234.772 miles, per
'hour for 100 kilomectrcis, 2;34.352 miles
per hour for 200 kilometres and
2 ;::.036 miles per hour for his maxi-
; um speed. The latter was made on
his last, and fastest lap.



- I


Plans of Action
Reocog nition

Poring War Bring
As Authorative
on Aviation

Col. Laurence La Tourette Driggs, I
internationally known as an aviation 1
expert, will give the second lecture of 1
h . Oratorical association season i
course at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill 1
auditorium. His subject will be- "The
Aviator'sRebellion.". -.
He will present his subject with j
photos, moving pictures, ,and general i
descriuptions, tracing the develop-
ment ofvitonTinpae as witell as
modern commnericial aviation will be

LEININGRAD, Russia, Oct. 26.
-Handshaking, like kissing, will
soon be passe in Soviet Russia
if a nation-wide movement which
has the support of Commissioner
of Health N. A. Semashko is suc-
Circulars have been posted il~-
lustrating the evils of h'andshak-
ing from a hygienic point of
view; and trade unions and
workingmen's clubs have listen-
ed to resolutions seeking to
abolish the practice.
The Commissioner of Health
says that handshaking is the
most potent means of spreading



halls tht ,th .iplnei y nsil
hod ha h arlnei n ntu Alumni of the Universityror of lM ichi - Z NSN
meat a£ pace rather than of war,oI ga." Next on the irga wiRbeaoosevelt, Gav
Cosdee consideration of the formation of last-_
Drig s icretwt h knowing,!ing peace through the ocarno settle- D a Onored Int
A eia rt rle tu e.Hela n((( 1tca ce c atentIC l u b s P r o g r a m
Flying club, which consists of Ameri- IDvtnisprga tohebe-c
can aviators who flew over the line - --- of Coach Fielding H. Yost, director of; Alexander, Watsgow, :rud Silzran Will Deongispgrmoth br-
of battle during the World war. lie Mrs. Fiskeh(, eads Cast Which Comes Finance 'Minister Compels Adsersi intercollegiate athletis. He will tell Represent .Michigan in Debate vance of navy day and Roosevelt's v
organized the two greatest aviationl To Whitney Friday With Conedy TIo Consider Project For , of "Ticket Distribution, the Ian With Cambridge birthday, the Army and Navy club C
contests ever held in this country, the By Sheridan Recsloraion and Physicl Eucaion.wll All inerattheclcktoigt
Nor-Sa r-Tior s, ndnthLNitt-, will e fotdmto a tor- lSELL TICKETS THURSDAY il room 316 of the Union. Col. Law-h
sine 90Solne s rigrgs has spo- OLCOTT ALSO IN CAST REF'USES RESIGNATION minute treatment of their subets. rence Driggs, founder and president
ci~alized in aviation,.Ile gained va-- To add variety to the program, ar- Senator James Couzns, who has of the American Flying club, and le-
uable experience as a war officer. Ini The Michigan Theater league will , (' oitdPes rangements have been made to haveI shown exceptional interest in debate turer on the program of the Oratorical
1914, 1916, and 1918 he visited the bat- 'open its annual .series Friday night RIOL .-. aluxwh musical slections by the Varsty1 activities on the campus, will preside association tonight, has been invited 9
tle front in France as the guest of the at the Whitney with Richard Shteri- on Saturday was generally considered1 band and local soloists given between at the Cambridge-Michigan interna- to address the club on some phase t
Adlie sowcsmnedyerthRivans . ,, i. Politically a rman of the past, sowed th seeches. The band will play and tonal debate Thursday Bight in Hill of the aviation subject. I
of the Armistice, he officially inspect- da' oey h ias.Ti today that lie was still a factor of sing popular Michigan songs, such as auditorium, oficers of the Oratorical Commander Faust, retired United T
+dCra vainfed production, under the mnagemenrt of "The Victors," "I WN~irt to Co Bak t; association announced yesterday. then- eae aa fier ilgv i-
ColnelDrigs rauatd fom heHug Fod ad Gore C Tyeristhe present by obliging the cabinet Michigan" "Varsity," "The Yellowi ator Couzens is the donor o the Cn- torical outline of the navy from the
University of Michigan in 1899. Hel the same one that made an extensive against its will to take io considera- and the Blue" and others. tral Debating league testimonial and atofi rign15rersa.tote
was born in Saginaw. After his grad- tour of the country last year. tion his financial project before adopt-j Mrs. Marion Stubel-Freeman of the miedals- present, covering points of interest I
nation, he went to New York state The cast is headed byMrs. F iskie, ing the socialist policies approved by i drool of Music will give two violn Te subject of the debat will be: il its development and giving a res-
,He n endgaged racicinf the, paracyticen of slaw, who hasal plyayedi many -"ndat "ryoles ad "a -dusorid:Tha ih the radicatslm parhtyondct fiht aNyicdy.
wsletd atrey general, and hrsa cre h ls fwih. --riecia" by Wieniawshi. she will he Grandhildren. Issues rdba nosrvnefRosetsbrh-
h~steIeulcnnmnefrCn efrstahescarerathelas ofryhich Asked by Pre-mier Parleve, the lman accompanied by Mrs. Mabel Roos- will be decided when the nglish team dayPo.Hbb ftegeology de-I
gress from the eleventh district of 1tJhnEvn1 cmwy May ho brought himt back to public life, Rhead,also of the School fMsc. and the local team meet ,for discus- partment, has chosen to speak on
Now York in 1908. 111 1913 he was ap- May Quite Contrary" She handles to hand in his resignation, M. Caillaux Tovclsls-"olg as'adso'"Te Life and Achievements of Theo-
pointed market commissioner of New therol>e of Mrs Malaprop, stoutly refused. He declared that if "When Night Falls Dear"-will be Raymond L Alexander, 27L, Lyman lore Roosevelt and the Relation of his
York. sung by Otto Koch, '27.j J. Glasgow, '2, and Elmor Salzman, Policies to Present Day Problems." t
Chauncey Olcott, known as a sing-! the cabnet resigned and was recon- Thbracsigo -mnlyr-"7,wl rrentMhgninh
Maybosadmn rils e r of Irish ballads as well as in Ia- struct~ d without him' on a platform1 grans was mal( possible through thei debate. Tho, Cambridge team will be . . v
ha wrte sor opular an1d setifin°personator of Irish characters, ap- involvin;. a capital levy, he wouldgn ;it f . .Jwt .Citmiszen Mcae ame, ef-Q s U
incrlasudre:cisrnorlgdr.Adair, w1917;pahamnt.through the 5,000 watt station of the IFrey Lloyd, and Patrick Devlin.
woik inlude AioldAdai, 117, Thomas A. Wisc, who has had The measures whch the finance Jewett Radio and Phonograph com-Tbxnfe wl eoe o ic- T x R d c i n
FHeroes of Aviation, 1918;Fgtn the some experience in Old Engli h Comn- ministc r forced upon consideration of Tayx onie JR n onty ssae o hedbt fo :0
yccn} 919; Callen Bool o1 via edy roles, plays Sir Anthony Abso-!the cabinet are based upon the organ-I with the Detroit Free Press station. until 5:30 o'clock Thursday afternoonOn C ifee
tion, 1924; Arnold Adair with the t; anJme T. o rsi b::tnofnamtztinc misnI WCX, that the series will be sent. The debate will start at : 15 o'clock.
Enls 91Acres. Lowus Rabb fills a role once1 which would have charge of the is- Kraus Heads (ommnittee The Oratorical board decided to open
Conducts Experiments done by Julia Marlowe, that of Lydia sue of paper money, short terms bonds' h Imit i cag f nvr tebxofi b teatroon so that (yAscae rs)
It was his work and observation o lanusadMr iarolapasbm eade sbl igt h sity broadcasting includes Dean E1-congestion at the time for the open- WASHINGTON, Oct. 26.--Taxpayers t
tal field of; battle in Francea Lc. m ctoy and Bel-cmuato ward H. Kraus of the Simmer seso, ng of the debate will be avoided. i
gium that won distinction for Col~ nCika atanA lue fa ikn fn ogurne ter~chairman, Prof. W. D. Henderson. di- Fllowrig thedebat Thursday bmae h os asadmas
onl rigs an epeiens hihJean Ford as Juia, Fred Eric asi tirement of any new issues of bank Irector of the extension division, Wil- i ight rIim nglishmen wil be enter committee today with arguments for i
he onuctd urng heyers e e-Faulkland, Gerald Rogers as Fag, note, and the payment of the interior ' fred B. Shaw, '04, general secretary of ltined at an informal luncheon in the repeal of a majority of the special t
voted his time and energy to the sub-Gor 'adasDvan ehtan xrirdb. h mrtzin the alumni assoion, Albert Lock- u'nion by the Oratorical association; taxes now in effect. I
jest of aviation, were placede at tshTema, ! woocdm ,ofn tsshe School of musicty andof he Shoo ofMu ann d nd mmesmberhsloaofhathref Thocalitechapter ofsart
disposal of h oenet i lncmlt the governmpreent. His planirclaionan Coach Fielding HI. Yost, director of theI Delta Sigma Rho. Members of other wr etwe nabl eiigte
Ifato ui gt e w r w nrcg Good orchestra seats are still to be the floating debt ever reaching th e athletic association. chapters of Delta Sigma Rho who are iwrknet aweson askil e vtisipgt te
ninion from superior officers and be-I had by calling for them it the W hit- present limit. 'Waldo M. Abbot of the rhetoric d-! at present ol the campus are'ivited eIeso uooie uooie
fore the Armistice was signed, he was I haeo ysuigamuy Th iac iitrsrslt t partment has been appointed director to attend (he luncheon. Reservations trucks, tires and accessories, jewelry,
consderd as on of he ost e-arder and a stamped self-addressed titudc upset all the calculations of the of University broadcasting. Most of may be inaod with Burton B. Sibley, fire arm n cesrecmrs
pedal adtrsedaiain xersenvelope. premier and the majority of the cabi- the actual work of arranging fo r and '27,, president of the fraterity'n ess n toktgte ih
available. - ewo adverse to hearing his new producing the programs is in his - soeo h saptxs.Rcme-
Since the war, Colonel Driggs has (Ca 2 o i nbells rtio wrehads dations for repeal of only a few of the
devoted most of his attention to air HE O NC Ifocd t ie ya nd otne her Durngth cureof theproras taxes, which aggregate more than
craft designed especially for comlmer- 1 ' ] Iutl h rpse e-ths iteigi reivtd ocl $250,000,000 annually, was made in the
vial aviation. Colonel Driggs is' con- sR a enpse pn-tebodatn om Uvriy10 ~t~ a$30,00,000 reduction program sug-
sidered one of the best authorities in TO-~ ~~-°-- to report on the clarity of reception - Bested to the committee by Secretary
the field.l Request Landlords . Service TonWZht Mellon.
Dr alM ~---ncno f h is ~ o Education School
p TD. alMe ucno ite T itR o a o oiia cne department will ad , t de tAse bl i Vocational guidance wille the un- Congress Has No
dres a ommuitybanqet his ven Foobal Vistor derlying theme of Mayor Robert J.
' ing in Benton Harbor, Michigan, on' To n ear Whitney Campbe1s talk on "What Are WC Right To Reduce
FIRST P OT2 th sbec "hodoe ooseveC" Mere F ooin o-eowork t ae H""" a"dit"ri""s War Debt-Borah
" Ot.2713 heanivesa.1orI aving aecommnodations for thi; Navy Dan Allan S. Whitney of the School
-- 'Roosevelt's birth and every year on 'itre file their addresses with the' of Education will address education l s will be the opening talk of a-~
Cem-n CuboydsClubu do-ldesstatcampus dra- i this d-aten thme peoplee of Bsenton atthei Iist ssebly t 4 sersiesch whhich tnhecouneocAaHNGToalt.co.-uthsea
matic . xiety will Present its lirst pro- ,for gather in a curcor ? okingwt in the next day or two it is feared o'clock today in the tniversity high1 commttee fth udtCristin pecife authorization from the Amr-
g rram of h threa 8:0yednrdayath 8a k w i10 W edneshdasytu the park wr rhiscbhal mni ancontainHs su jehiwsl st"Ttut n- asso aciatiosnt co duplansth to p oconCdgr ss afor r ghthe
in Sa ra'i C asw ell A ngell b all. T he ~ and celebrate h is birth w ith a ban-1 bi e n l f i nd f s u e t , w ll d n i s a d r c nt c a g s i h e nefi of s tde ts h o l are as ye , "a n p la " e C o ress snowa r ightb t o h
program will consist of three ono-act quet, music and a pubic address. fr e xcccd the number available . Al- ig ire en ts for teaching". und ycide a mt pbeirlsif e swork.t x ay r ft ntd S at s h i -
pysaldrtebymmrsoth ~---though the list has now increased to I ceoigti oiDa ht followed within a few weeks by le- man Borah, of the Senate foreign re-
Club. LON'DON, Oct. 26.-WMilliam Ma ' 0 omsatl t 200 will be needed ney will explain the new require-. .- .
Tli plays a re "The Camberly Tri-' Boni, speaking at Central IHal, West for ti eep ed ients for crtification which were tues given by men of emnence in latins committee dcae e-
ankle" by A. A. Milne, which is be-;minrster, said his engi rCp o hswe-n. bihdInti er' none nearly every field of industry. The ter sent today to C're is pres-
ing direacted by Margaret Effinger, '26,! Pound, by using a 15-mnetrr wave mpto h col fEuain rogram hs not been completed but dent of tle Ilinois manufacturers
and includes Neal Nyland, '26. James length an] one-fifth of a kilowatt at!I Clayton Deakr., county drain com- These regulations have been formu- will be annonced in the near future association.
1:1.i '27, and Margaret Geddes, '26, the transmitting cod, had found it misicner, Will address the regular1 lated in order Co give prospectiv,
in Cie cast; F;. S. GilberC's "Creature easy to communicate from Chelms-i meetin; or the Chamb1er of Comrmereteach-rs a broader cultural training;[n ve s t H eads Id L A ddress
of Im~pulse" under the direction of ford, Eng., with Argentina in daylight af, a luncheon today at the Chame w Uwnivsesrthmsnihtyrc-
Vlenitine D avies,'7, and with6,hy-hours. of Comeurce inn ctie of their profession after gradua Press"lub A t A nnual Mt eeting
Mary Lou Miller, '26; and "Spring" byl . George Hacker, '26Ed., will be
Collin Campbell Clements, which' is ,untors In Business School chairman for the occasion. I
alsobeig diectd b DavesandGathering together the newspaper- dent A. L. Miller, editor of the En-
v adrce yDvee ndNam e Class Heads To morrow High colors are losing their pop me:discussaions a ocf thee ge aftternonewklTe
'28, and Miss Amy Loomis, '22, direc-1 larity according to Bradstreet's. l journalistic problems, the Uiniversity followed by the annual University din-
for of the Masques and Junior Girls Prec s club will convene for its sev-
layi. Junior, in the School of Business clas, of the school will be allowed to Guth annual meeting, Thursday, Fri-ner, at which Dr. Little will speak.
Altre]lay s are comedies "Thel . -2 -t t 0 elect I member of the J-IIop com-rny n aura tteUin Dr. Fisbein is scheduled to ad-
,an an-1 i atonw m , -. mitce on a par with the older col-i (Thief GT 83% | armmnathe naolko wllhedress the state journalists at the din-

Council Takes Most Stringent Actin
Since Organization Of Body
To Maintain Peace
(By Associated Press)
SOFIA, Bulgaria, Oct. 2.-n
the elate fixed for a conference
under the auspices of the League
of Nations at Pars to settle the
Greeco-Bulgaran dispute without
further bloodshed, Sofia heard
official reports of an all.alg t
bombardment by {Areek artillery
Sof the town of Petrich, on the
Macedonian frontier and neah-
borig villages.
PARIS, Oct. 26.-In the same room
where WoorwWlon ntecs
ing dayso h ec o cneene,
cli of teleague tonightdlvere
what is virtually an ultimatum to
Greece ad Bulgaria th at theyhmus
order all their troops to retire be-
hind their respective frontiers.
S"All Ministry Ready"
It is the first time 'since the birth
of th'e league that the council has
gone so far. Its action constitutes
the supreme test of the leagues
power to break up war. It was car-
ried out in a tense atmosphere in the
crowded Clock hall of the foreign of-
fice, and was accompanied by an ad-
monition from Austen Chamberlain,
British foreign secretary, that it
would be an intolerable thing-an af-
front to civilization--if, with all the
ministry of the leaguer at their dis-
posal and the council ever ready with
its good offices, frontier incidents like
those of Greece and Bilgaria should
lead to warlike operations instead of
being submitted for peaceful adjust-
ment to the council, which would al-
ways safeguard the honor and inter-
ests of the nations involved.
The resolution, subsequently adopt-
ed unanimously was~really a rebuke
to both Greece and Bulgaria for their
failure to obey President Briand's in-
junction to cease all hostilities and
withdraw behind their frontiers. It
was framed by Mr. Chamberlain after
the Greek representative M. Cara-
tanos, h'ad told the council that the
Greek troops would evacuate Bulgar-
ian soil as soon as all the Bulgaran
got out of Greece, and after Bulgtr-
ian insistence that the Bulgarians are
not on Greek soil at all..
It declared the council was not sat-
isfled that military operations had
ceased and that the troops had been
withdrawn. After setting a 24 hour
limit for the issuance of instructions
for their withdrawal, the council fixed
60 hours for assurance of the fulfill-
ment of 'the orders.
Warn 'Troops Of Firing
All thre troops must be warned that
resumption of firing' will be visited
with severe punishment, and both
governments at Athens and Sofia must
give all information to the military
officials of Great Britain, France and
Italy, who wil immediately repair to
the war zone and report to the coun-
cil whether the council's edict has
been carried out.
"And-let it be carefully understood,
said M. Briand, "that this time limit
runs from now. It will not suffice to
retire to the special rntiers; there
must be no shooting from the %fron-
M. Morloff, representing Bulgaria,
said quietly, "My government author-
izes me to conform unconditionally
to any invitation addressed to it." M.
Caratanos, then like M. Morloff, seem-
ed to shrin': under the council's im-
pliedr condemnation.
"I have no objections," he said, al-

-ot 4naumibly, "ut I must transinii
the details to Athens. I think that
'r myovernment wi"lcomply"
Nary Celebrates
' Cntry And ai
Of H istory Today
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26.-Tlie navy
will be "°at home" to the public


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