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Iowa Matmen To IT
a="a",-. HR E
}Make Strong Bida
For Championship
Iowa's wrestling team, second in
the Western Conference standing for; terAnd
the past two years, will again pre- Shlf
sent a strong squad when the mat (ye
season gets under way this year.
Last year, the team won its firstj
three matches from Minnesota, Michi- SCHAEF
gan and Wisconsin in regular compe-
tition, besides annexing a match with Lumley, M
Nebraska, but lost to Illinois in thel
Meyers Will Meet
inals; Lumley Draws
in Billiard Play
Babcock Will Shift To Opposite Side
Of line To Replace "Toni" With {
liiiwtins Taking His Tackle
letler and Myers are the
At 9 o'clock last night 33 members.
of the Michigan football team, two:
coaches, two trainers, and one mana-
ger departed for Urbana to play a
game of football that should entirely
avenge the stinging defeat of last
The squad left the field house by bus
for Milan where they immediately
boarded their sleeping cars, and at "
about 9 o'clock this morning they will'
arrive in Urbana. This afternoon they
will have a light workout at the:
Illini stadium after which they will
leave the city for the Urbana golf and
country club where they will spen .....
the night and all df tomorrow more-,
The members of the squad making ........
the trip include Captain Brown, R. G. . . . . .'::r;"::..
Babcock, Sam Babcock, Baer, Dewey, ( k: :..}
Edwards, Flora, Friedman, Fuller, , .
Gilbert, Gregory, Grinnell, Grube,'
Hawkins, Herrnstein, Heston, Hoff- ..
man, Lovette, McIntyre, Miller, Mo-
lenda, Nickerson, :ade, Oosterbaan,
Palmer, Palmeroli, Parker, Puckle-
wartz, Schoenfeldt, Stamman, Thisted, y
H. Webber and W. Webber."
Yesterday afternoon's workout con-j
sisted of a long signal drill, practice !
in fundamentals, and running through
some kickoff formations. -
Due t6 a sore arm Edwards will not
be -able to play his accustomed tackle.
Babcock will shift to left tackle in
his place, Hawkins will shift to right
tackle, and Dewey will go in for :-.___.___
Hawkins at right guard. The revised
lineup for the game follows: Ooster- Tom Edwards
baan and Flora, ends, Babcock and "Tom" Edwards, veteran tackle,
Hawkins, tackles, Lovette and Dewey, will not play tomorrow due to an in-
guards, with Captain Brown at cen- 'iury to his arm which he received in
ter. In the backfield Friedman will practice.
call signals with Gilbert and Gregory I
at the halves, and Molenda at full. with Grange and Green at the halves,
A tentative Illinois lineup has and Daugherty at fullback.
been announced. It includes Captain -
Kassel and Muhl st the ends, Grable NEW YORK, Oct. 22.-There are
and Reider, tackles, Kidd and Brit- no more reserved seats available for
ton, guards, and Reitsch, center. In the Army and Navy game which will
the backfield, Gallivan is at quarter, 'be played here Nov. 23.
three remaining survivors of the all-
last meet of the season.
The Conference meet was held next campus billard tourney, which has
and the State of Iowa efmerged with I been in progress for the past week
the most prizes, Ames having a slight at the Union.
edge on the University of Iowa. For Lumley was fortunate enough to
the Hawkeyes, Captain-elect Michaels draw a bye and will meet the winner
won the undisputed title of the 135 of the Metler-Myers match in the
pound division, and Woltmer tied for finals.. The play has been of high
the light-heavyweight crown. I caliber all through the tourney and
With an abundance of material back tIhis match is expected to be closely
from last year, and Mike Howard, contested.
twice champion of Sweden, to coach As a grand final to the tournament,
the team, Iowa will be a strong con- the Union authorities have an extra
tender in 1926. Besides this, there is attraction to offer those men interest-
an abundance of new material coming, ed in billiards. On Wednesday, Oct.I
from the freshman squad. 28, both Jacob Schaefer, 1925 world's
Pfeffer, "I" man of last year has champion, and Willie Hoppe, the hold-I
not returned to the university this er of the 18.2 balkline title for 18 suc-
term, but his vacancy will be filled cessive years, will play exhibition
by Weir who won a decision over him matches at the Union.
in the university championship The winner of the campus honorsa
matches. Mains, a freshman of last will meet Schaefer in two exhibitionl
year, will also furnish much cor pe- matches on Wednesday, while the
tition in this event. (runner-up will have an opportunity to
Scheyli will be back to handle the match his skill in two games against
125-pound division unless bettered by Hoppe.
Kelley or Logan, freshman finalists of both these players are internation-
fast year. Capt. Michaels should win ally known cue masters. Schaefer of
out over Montgomery and Minkle in late has managed to put himself even
the 135-pound division, further in the limelight than his rival,
The 145-pound class will witness the Hoppe. At San Francisco, in 1921,
return of Ries, a freshman star of two Schaefer set a world's record of 51 1-7
years ago, who will have to grapple i average in a 4,000 point game against
with Mealy, McGuire, and Brown. Horemans, making high runs of 394,
Grattan, veteran, may also train down 1278, 230 and 214. A short time later
to this weight. Beers and Whitehouse in New4York Schaefer chalked up a
will fight it out in the 158-pound class, run of 480.
Hoppe, as well, has some notable
"Jake" Schaefer, present champion achievements to his credit. Only one
and "Willie" Hoppe, former title 'year since 1996 has the 18.2 balkline
holder will play an exhibition match title been in any one's hands, except-
text Wednesday afternoon and night. ink Hoppe's.
Tickets are now on sale for the match,
50 cents being the charge for the af- M Philip Northrup and Charles Munz,{
ternoon session, with 75 cents as the Nvho helped defeat Illinois 'in track
admission price in the evening. The last spring will be the official Mich-
finals of the all-campus match will be igan announcers in the press box to-
held on Tuesday. morrow.
lEight Veterans R eport 'For 9 OTAKEWL
BasketballFive At Indiana HA
BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Oct. 22.-Bas- ! are real Conference contenders: name-
ketball will begin its climb to the' ly Wisconsin, Purdue and, Illinois. "Ton" Edwards Will not lay
sports throne at Indiana Wednesday Indiana is faced with a perplexin against Illinois tomorrow. That in
problem of filling the vacancy left by aantIlni oorw htI
when the first pr'actice for the var- Harlan Logan, stellar Crimson for- itself is enough to cause Michigan
sity basketeers will be held. All men ward., fans no end of worry.
who are eligible for the hardwood' Logan's Place To Fill Edwards had an off day against
game are expected to be there, ac- With the exception of Logan, all- Indiana two weeks ago, but last
cording to Coach Evrett Dean, to Co erence forward"last year, last week against Wisconsin, his playing
start work toward perfecting the net year's squad is practically intact. on the line drew the attention of fans
team. Logan, however, formed the pivot! and. critics of both teams. Edwards
The opening drill will be helat around which the Crimson rotated and was down on every punt, nailing the
1 :30un 'clocktat themMen'srgymnasiumd
$:30 o'clock at the Men's gymnasium to fill the berth is to be one of the catcher before he had a chance to get
for men who are eligible for varsity problems for Coach Dean to fathom. started, and he also figured promi-
competition. The freshmen are not to There are six men who will be fight- nently in breaking up Wisconsin
be called until after the football sea- ing for the open forward position: plays on his side of the line. -
son is over and "Mugs" Lorber, form- Sibley, Benzel and Harrison from last The rangy tackle was counted on to
er Crimson floor guard, who is now year's squad, while Derr, Farmer and stop Grange tomorrow, and now he
training the frosh grid aspirants, can Robinson from the freshman files will has been lost to the squad. Just be-
start the yearlings off on their train- try for the open place fore the crucial game of the seasoh,
ing. At the first of the season, all -_the coaches leave had to shift their
last year's squad Will work out only tackles and guards around in an un-
three times a week until further no- NEW HAVEN, Conn., Oct. 22. - expected manner, this Will hinder
tice, while the general squad will !Capt. Johnny ;foss of the Yale team, Michigan both offensively and defens-
train every day, Coach Dean said. yet frty isim e ass ar ively in the game totorrow.
Nucleus o~ Squadyesterday in scrimmage. Illness has itterehewsoi, wad
Niucleiis onSglund 'leptJssrmsttngayoth At the rate he was going,; Edwards
T foketJoss from starting any of the Mo iecac fbigcoe
To form a ucleus for the hard- stood a fine chance of being chosen
wood outfit, Dean has Beckner, Spans- gon the All-Conference eleven, with a
ler, Kreuger, Winston, Sibley, Benzel,s chance of making the All-Amerian
Harrison and Easton from last year's CHICAGO, Oct. 22.-Operations of a sae of ain n sthe A- bsence
squad to start training. Farmer, Derr, blackmail ring, whifch has preyed a- rom the game toinorrow will serius-
Robinson and Bucher along with Cor- like on bootbieggers, gamblers, and
rell who will be eligible next semes- reputale busiess men, have been Grange is an elusive ack and the
ter, swell the ranks from the frosh disclosed in a joint investigation of Illinois a problematical team, nobody
the police and federalagnsI
outfit of last season. agents. can tell just when they might flash- a
Pre-season speculations have al- bit of their last season's brilliance,
most given Indiana the Conference Efforts of ministers of Edinburgh, and Michigan followers would feel
title for the 1925-26 season. Dr. Wal-: Scotland, to induce railroads to stop safer with Edwards in the game.
ter E. Meanwell, basketball coach at Sunday excursion, recently proved in-
Wisconsin, has predicted that the effective. IOWA CITY, Ia., Oct. 22.-Hector
Hoosiers will cop the prize. All these l M. Janse, 1925 basketball captain, has
assumptions may fall short becouse Walter Eckersall will referee the been engaged as assistant basketball
this year there are three teams that game tomorrow. coach.
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