ThURsDAY O(POl3Ei 22 192
i iflhl "nflT"f lflR (1fTnkIflhT
MEETOAT It b 9 i 1 1 I N
Will Lead Teams
In Feature Game
On Illini Field
ILL11M 51
b ULIU coach ann Wil hold the third
(f a series of all-camijus swim-
Imeing mnAs at 7 o'clock tonightj
at the Union pool.
The last practice of the week will I There will be six races, all
be held this afternoon on the play- handicap afi r, hadicaps to
ing fields behind the field house. I be ?aced by Coach Mani. Mom-
berS of last year's fresmntan
te n, as wei Ias the winners of
Off Tr OI NTSt wo previous meets will be
k handicapped so as to give all
an equal chance regardless of
x I I ldcdals will b(, <v(', to the
winlers.Divers o Y last yea
ANNAPOLIS, Md., Oct. 21.-In- Varsity (wimming team and
juries to Navy players in the game freshman s 'dtuad will give a fancy
against Princeton at Baltimore Sat- (iving .exhibition after the
urday were slight and every mem-
ber of the varsity team was on the ---
field ready for work this afternoon.
Coach Owsly, however, thought it
wise to keep> those who had taken
part in the battle against the Tigers
out of the harder kind of work. r
Assemibling his regulars on the M T 'IP[ C H 111I ILMS
PITTSBURGH, Pa., Oct. 21.-
The University of Pittsburgh ath-
letic council has decided to abol-
ish baseball as an intercolleg-
iate pastime for the present. The
reason is not hard to find-Pitts-
burgh simply discovered that it
could not arrange a schedule.
It was the Panther's aim to
boost baseball next spring, and
material is available for a strong
team, but it could find nobody to
play. Every college within a
radius of 200 miles of Pittsburgh,
including Cornell, Syracuse, La-
fayette, and Lehigh, was asked
to make trips here, but the prop-
osition was turned down.
Meet Lansing Team Here on Morn ing
of Navy Game; Wolverines
Won Easy Last Year
Coach Farrell and his charges are
A miunicipail football coa, hIilireI
by the ('lpartmient of r(ecreat iou t
coach eUadlot elevens, is an innova-
tion in en sha, Wis. 1Herb Stege
former Universi y Of Michigan cai-
tai1, now assistant coach at North-
western, has been hired as city grid
I 1 1 1
; .
,; ,;
. ' '
main field, Owsly pointed out theI
lessons of Saturday's game and then
went through some formations, end-
ing with some passing and kicking.
Though the next game, on Saturday,
is with Washington college of Ches-
tertown, Md., the team which really
looms large is the University of Mich-
igun,' which will be played at Ann
Arbor on Oct. 31. Preparations of
the next two weeks will be for that
coach and is respected by the Michi-W
Coah Yost will not predict a vic-
tory for the Wolverines Saturday. In BJ1' TfIIU
answer to a question as to the out- B T O lI
come of the -Illinois game Saturday, ___
Yost said yesterday, "The outcome of NEW YORK, Oct. 21. - The NewI
any game cannot possibly be deter- Broadway Arena, Brooklyn's largest
mined by past games. Last year indoor fight club will be ready for its{
Michigan lost to Illinois by a large inaugural show tonight. This was
score. Michigan later won from Min- the definite announcement made yes-
nesota 13. to 0 and Illinois lost to terday by Matchmaker Andy Neid-
Minnesota 20 to 7," erreiter, after a conference between
In spite of the outcome of the game Promoter Feinberg and the contrac-
at Madison Saturday against George tors engaged to renovate the club.
Little's strong Badger eleven, Yost Improvements have been made, in-
refuses to state the chances of the c luding the installation of a bal-
Michigan team against Illinois. "The cony and a revision of the old seating
outcome of the Michigan-Wisconsin arrangen% ts, which will give, the
game and the Illinois-Iowa game have club a new capacity of 4,240, close to
very little, if anything, to do with the 2,000 in excess of the old.
results of the Michigan-Illinois game Neiderreiter announced that Ed-
Saturday." ouard Mascart will engage Lew Her-
In the practices this week it has ley of Harlem in the principal bout
been. the primary aim of the coaches of 12 rounds, as was originally sched-
to perfect a defense for the All-Amer- uled. In the other 12-rounder Vic
ican "Red" Grange. Grange displayed McLaughlin of Greenwich Village,
to the sport world that he is still yesterday was engaged as a substitute
dangerous by running back a kickoff for Frank Moody, English boxer orig-
for a toil hdown against Iowa Satur- 'imally signed to fight Lew Chester,
day. Determined td prevent a reoccur- as \ooidy developed an attack of grip,
rence of the sensational opening run which will prevent his boxing,
made by Grange against Michigan last- .
fall, Coach Yost spent a mjor part NEW YORK, Oct. 21.-Harry Pers-
of the practice yesterdiy iii schooling son, sik-foot slugging stone cutter
the backfield men to stop Grange on from Sweden; is the latest foreignl
the kickoff. envoy to the American congress of
The linemen were given the Illi- crash. Harry, who never has been
nois plays by Tad Wieman. Trainer knocked out, is joining the pugilistic
Charley Hoyt, clad in white trousers forces of Tex Rickard next year. "He
and a gray jersey, played the part of may be another Firpo," says Tex.
the phenomenal "Red" Grange. Hoyt
was a star track man at Grinnell, ST. PAUL, Minn., Oct. 21.-Walter
Iow ii his unidergi'aduate days. The Chifstenseui, star outfielder of the St.
liiienienh had considerable trouble in Paul American Association team, has
bireakinig through the second line and been sold to the Cincinnati Reds.
touchiigioyt before he was well First Baseman Niehaus, another play-
.uider way. er, and some cash were given by the
Gilbert showed considerable im- Reds for Christensen.
prveintent in his kicking. The soph-
oinole backfleld star increased his PITTSBURGH, Oct. 21. - Harry
hefglit- so as to give the linemen Greb, of Pittsburgh, middelweigit box-
plenty to time to get down the field ing champion, is reported eager to
to cover the Sucker flash. lock with the welter champion,
Leo Itoffian and Garber, promising Mickey Walker, once again. The bout,
sibstitute quarterbacks, gave the if any, will be staged in the new
linenien plenty of practice in open Madison Square Garden this winter.
field tackling. The two pilots were -
instructed to pivot, dodge, change; CORRECTION
pace, aid sidestep in order to make In yesterday's issue of The Daily
tackling difficult for the linemen. All iit was stated that Sigma Phi was
the instructlon pointed to the stop- defeated by Tau -Delta Phi in speed-
ping of "Red" Grange. ball. It should have been Sigma Pi.
1Thlree new basketball rivals of
Michigan will appear on the Wol-
verine schedule this year, accordingf
to Coach llather, who is preparing
for another court scasoil.
Under a Conferenc- riling which
permits but five games outside of the
12 to be played in the Big Ten, Mlather
already has arranged or all but one
of the contests. Ohio Wesleyan, Pitts-
burgh, Michigan State and Syracuse
will.furnish the tests.
The Ohio quintet will play heref
Dec. 12, and Pittsburgh will follow
exactly one week later. The annual
clash with Michigan State has been
set for .'an. 16 at the Field house here,
while the Wolverines plan to journey
to Syracuse sometime in February.
When the Panthers line up against
the Akron Indians at Navin field Sun-
(lay afternoon the Detroit profes-
sionals will be defending two records.;
They have not been defeated this sea-
son, being tied with Akron for first
place. Detroit also is the only team
that has not been scored on this year.
With a rest of two weeks both
"Butch" Marion and "I)utehl" Lauer,
who were held out of the Dayton
game, will be ready to start in thel
backfield. Russell Smith's injured
ankle has responded to treatment and
he will be back at his guard.i
Redford higli school has receniTh
$$g jCAct
- - a - ROW40
Above: Harold "Red" Grange Illi-
nois leader.
Below: Bob Brown, Michigan's Cap-
"Red" Grange and Bob Brown who
will lead their respective teams in
the game at Champaigp Vaturday.
The Michigan squad is determined to
wipe out the defeat they suffered at
the hands of the Sucker aggregation
last year.
IOWA CITY, Oct. 21.-Varsity -bas-
ketball candidates of the University of
Iowa started practice today. Hector
Janse, captain of the 1925 team, willf
coach until the football season is
closed. Basketball Coach Barry is
one of the most valuable of Iowa's
football coaches and scouts will not
be free to give his time to the cage-
men till Nov. 1.
Want a room ead Page Seven
and use the Classified columns.-Adv.
' I
Two speedball games featured yes-
terday's play in the interfraternity
contest. Beta Theta Pi won 8 to 1
over Alpha Tau Omega. The unbal-
anced score came as a surprise as
the teams were evenly matched. Beta
Theta Pi, led by Warrick, showed a
speedy offensive and an air tight de-
fense which their opponents could not
In the other game, Alpha Delta
Phi swamped Phi Sigma Kappa 16
to 0.
MILWAUKEE, Oct. 21. - Sammy
Mandell, Rockford, Ill., has been
matched with Luis Vicentini, New
York, here, Oct. 30. They will weigh
in at 133 pounds. Johnny Mendel-
sohn, of Milwaukee is scheduled to
box Al Van Ryan, of St. Paul.
NEW YORK, Oct. 21.-Johnny Dun-
dee, former world's featherweight
champion will be suspended indefi-
nitely if he fails to live up to his
contract to meet Fred Bretonnel in
Paris, the New York Boxing Com-
mission ruled.
CUMBERLAND, Md., Oct. 21.-Jim-
mie Perdue, of Huntington, W. Va.,
and Norm Genet, of Akron, O., fought
12 rounds to a draw here last might.
The men are welterweights.
EL PASO, Texas, Oct. 21.-Racing
will be resumed this winter at the
Juarez track which was closed in
1916, during the Mexican revolution.
now back at work after their efeat Red Gran e ill
at the hands of the Badger harriers a Gr n eW l
Saturday at Madison. l'he squad is Be No. 77 Again
determined to win their remaining d of ga
meets. In Michigan Tilt
The calibre of the men is excellent
this year and the cross country team 1
should do better over the regulationj "Re" Grange is of somewhat a
course when the season gets under superstition nature. At least scouts
way. Several of the men in Satur- w11 waRched the Iowa-Illinois tussle
day's run, including Briggs, who was last week, state that Grange is again
bothered by constant pains, suffered woaring No. 77 on his jersey again
reversals of form and should over-' this season.
come this under Coach Farrell's able I The Wolverines were treated to a
tutelage and their daily practice. i floc k of sevens at Illinois last year
On Oct. 31 Michigan State will send ; but have been taught to hate anything
her cross country team to Ann Ar- that even resembles such a number
bor for a dual meet over the regula- ! and according to the pep being dis-
tion five mile course. In last year's !played at Ferry field this- week,
meeting between the two schools Grange will need more than supersti-
Michigan won an easy victory and tion next Saturday.
Callahan, this year's captain, broke
the course record for the distance. IONOLIV, Oct. 21. - William
The team will run trials over the reg- Ioes, ennis champion of Hawaii, de-
ulation course next Saturday for the1 feated M. Fuwuda, member of the
firTheSaturdayafte the M. S. Ctt s oJapanee leavis cup tennis team, 6-2,
TheSatrda afertheM. . C I6-01,in an exhibition match played
meet will see the team at Urbana for-, hero today.
a triangular meet vieing for honors ___r__tday.
*vith Ohio and the .Illini. On Nov.
21, the morning of the Minnesota A
game, Michigan will entertain all the ticket supply for the Chicago-Illinois
aspirants for the Conference title. The game, to be played here Nov. 7, is
race will be run off over the Varsity i almost exhausted. The last thousand
course out Saline road. Last year went on sale today.
Ann Arbor was the scene of this event
and besides the Big Ten schools, five St rikes in China has so upset con-
non-Conference schools were entered. ditions that foreign buyers refuse to
contract for any product from the in-
Patronize Daily Advertisers. terior.
dodicated a recreation and club house
in honor of FJ1lding i. Yost, Michi-
gan athletic director. The building
will be called , the Fielding IT. Yost
house and will be a center of com-
munity activities, in addition to serv-
ing the Redford high athletic teams.
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