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October 22, 1925 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-10-22

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22, 1925



~~nwnfl. srafla tfl~ __________________


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I nthusiasm Shown in Interelass

Michigan Students Describe
Experiences At Yellow Stone

Intramural Board
SSen ds Letters To
Arouse Interest


Gxaines Warrants Organizatlon of
Second Teams
- f
Tuesday evening, seventy-five wo-
men met in Barbour gymnasium for
an hour and a half discussing inter-
class hockey with Miss Campbell who
has this activity in charge. Miss
Campbell told them the rules and
technique to be used in playing good
hockey. According to Miss McCor-
mick, physical education director, the,
fact that so many women turned out!
for the meeting, shows that the in-
terest in varsity hockey is keen this
The first game in the interclass!
hockey tournament will be played thel
morning of the Navy game, Oct. 31. AI
large attendance "is expected at the,
tournament, and also some stuntsJ
have been planned. to come in be-
tween the halves. In addition the W.1
A. A. expects to sell sandwiches.
The last practice game of the sea- J

Thrust upon theg e-erosity of tour- pack rat" or bus boy was a dental~
ists thre, M ,ijn studmiits were student from Ann Arbor. Through a series of weekly news I.Motion pictures and photographs
tTdni t h yIt e nesletters, the fntrr)mural board is at- for the Rotogravure section of thel
stivned atwCanyn ttn Yeowshtoey to h from theamp the xpnss tempting to create greater enthusiasm Detroit News were taken in the re-'
lived at Canyon 'Caz, Yellowstone to and from the camp, the wom n and interst in interouse competi- tr ired and elective physical educa-
Park, burned to the grun rid. lisi_ deperded on tips which they re.cived. tion. . Lydia Kahn, '27, putlblicity man- tion aetivities Tuesday, at Palmer
dernts of the hut were Paalin" lridl - "We found that wvomcn tourists were ager of the nowly formed board, is field. Representatives from that
man, '27, of Ca)etowrn, Southi Africa; istin ;r; only one out o every nundlred the author of these Iltters. They are paper, which sponsored the motion
Jane White, '27, ot Lapcer, liigan ; ever~ tipped us."' conmUmnted Ms to be sent to the managers of alin- pictures of the Lantern Night activi-
ail Marie Van Ozenhrumggei, '26, of Br:dgmn. "The men were very li)- tramural teams as a way of reporting ties last spring, remained in Ann Ar-:
London. Englan, who wvee worhing eral in their tips."' As a part of the games, scores, and plans for tourna- bor from 8 o'clock to 6 o'clock, thus'
as waitresses, or "'heaver' as they pricgreams the s n- .getting an opportunity to cover prac-
were called, in the am p duing their terhainments two or three evenings a The fir;t of these letters is mainly tically all of the outdoor activities.4
summer vacation. week. Enough abilit was discovered of a "get-acquainted' type. It in- Rifle, fencing, hockey, archery, rid-t
Ito form a camp troduces the idea of the intramural ing, golf, and soccer will be includedt
The Knigh '.s Te:nlplar (I legatlon among the (emlployes toman ugsfaoangrromntha!itircahiharmtpe's
was touring the camp at the time of orchestra, and dances were given each system and urges each manager to in the pictures which are to be is-
the fire, and Mr. Peter C. .Sweeney of evening in which both the tourists gt the women in her house enthused sued next week.
Detroit, publicity man for the com and employees toolk part. hiking andabout the games. One paragraph of
mandery, went to several ueberistrsyeback riding were the main this letter, referring to the question PARIS, Oct: 21. - Jail sentences
anid ia sod a puresm of OVr 0n hun- s-ports (unjoye at the camp. of raising interest in competition, ranging from one to six months were
drd dollars for the destitute stu- I "I would recommend this to any col- sums up the general theme: "Our imposed on 27 Communists found
dents whom he discovered to be from loge woman as an enjoyablle way to plan to help you work this out is to guilty of various charges growing1
his own state. spend a summer vacation" stated Miss send you personal letters every week out of the 24-hour strike in Paris,
Notwithstand'ng their misfortune, Van Ozenbruggen. "There are 600 which may have helpful suggestions, Oct. 12-13.
the summer vac'an mmproved profi- piaces to be filled, but only the first interesting items, or useful criticism
able, according to Miss Van Oen- ! 6.0)0 applications are considered. The We want each house to come out anl BENTON HARBOR, Oct. 21.-A Un-
bruggen. "Although we lid to work sort of people who come through the do its very best to raise the standards; ited States land patent, signed on
hard nme hours a dlay th'e spirit at camps are e'ntirly dIiffereit from both of the university athletics and parchment paper by President Martin
the camp was such that we did not those you meet during the regular its own teams. Van Baren on May 1, 1839, hasbeen
-- - - - f_1111iin the register of deeds office iin
mind it." Employees were college college year. It is, indeed, a valuable -Iniadh rgiti r d2d-00,-1
students, not only from the states, experience1,, In aldon to the existing $2,500,- l oSt. Joseph.
but from all over the world. One C snbsidy, Austratia will allocate a
of the dishwashers was a young Ger- . grant of $1,250,000 to each estate for LANSING, Oct. 21.- A suggestion
mof th dishwshers wa an younger- n is Rounds TO the building and improvement of that the state be relieved of the burd-
man boy who had been an officer ill od." no aigdlnun tt ead
the (erman army during the late ; Close raextenonthtofngdneie nsquade sbtoverw or
war. For a bootblack the camp boast- .. OC cLi~ifiL- -tocute a md yGvro
w1a. Vritolak tic. t ama wo- Patronize Daily Adivertisers.-Adv. Groesbeck today.

Wyvern society will meet at 7 o'-
clock tonight at the Delta Gamnia sor-
ority house.
Miss Jean Hamilton, lean of women,
will entertain the sorority chaperons
at an informal tea tomorrow after-I
noon at her home 923 Olivia street.
Other guests are from among the
alumnae and patronesses.
All sophomore women interested in
trying out for the business staff of
the Michiganensian are to report at
the Press building from 2 to 3 o'clock
this afternoon. Women who can type
are especially needed.
Practice in interclass hockey will
be held for seniors and juniors at 4
o'clock, and for sophomores at 5 o'-
clock this afternoon on Palmer field.

hop. The sale is being held for the
benefit of the W\omeni's League, a3
1 linicihoch's, the company supplying
the articles, is allowing live per cent
of the profit on all goods sold to the
Masques will hold a rehearsal of
act 2 of their play at 4 o'clock Thurs-
(lay in University Hall.
Piano and vocal selections will be
given from 12 to 12 :30 o'clock today
in the reading rooms of Newberry
hall (luring the weekly restful period
which is offered by the Y. W. C. A.
to University women.
Any women who have qlpestions as
to the number of their honor points in
the W. A. A. or method of earning
them should consult Louise Roberts,
'26, between 3 and 4 o'clock today,
at the W. A. A. desk in Barbour gym-
World fellowship committee of the
Y. W. C. A. will meet at 4 o'clock to-
I day at Newberry hall.

The leadership commission
Mortarboard will hold a sale of Y. W. C. A. will meet at 3
women's apparel today at the Lantern today at Newberry hall.

at the

son will be held next Tuesday. They
teams will be chosen after this prac-
tice by Miss Cumming, and Missa
Campbell, of the physical education
department, and the managers of the
t/'1rni , OA C.It

vj So many women of each class have played "divine music." The "head First rounds in the interclass ten-
turned out for the interclass hockey manis tournament have now been coim-
practices that it has been decided to pleted and several of the second round
tot - T' f.

have more than just one team for
each class. Second teams will be or-
ganized, therefore, and these will
have a tournament of their own in
which they will compete among them-
selves: In the case of the sophomores,!
such a large number of women, all
having considerable skill in hockey
playing, have come out for that dport,
that even a third team will be neces-
sary. This last, however, will be con-
sidered as equal to the second team.
All women before they may make a
team, are expected to pass a hockey
test. The requirements for this test
will be found posted in Barbour gym-
nasium. Also training rules have
been decided upon as a means to
keep the members of the teams in
good condition physically. These
rules are the same as those found on
the Daily Standard of Living cards is-
sued by the physical education de-
Under the auspices of the Under-
graduate Campaign Fund committee
an Overflow dance will be given from
8:30 to 12 o'clock Saturday, Nov. 14,
the day of the Ohio State game, at
Barbour gymnasium.
The fact that there exists such keen
rivalry between the two schools will
bring a great number of visitors to
the city and amusement for the eve-
ning will be at a premium as the
regular dance floors will be full to
the point of overflowing. This dance
will be open to people from either
A good orchestra will play all eve-
ning and refreshments will be placed
on sale. The affair is under the di-
rection of Marion Wells, '27, and pub-
licity is in charge of Dorothy Baird,
'28. The proceeds of the dance will
be tur'ned over to the Women's League
by the Undergraduate Campaign Fund
committee. A list of the patrons and
patronesses will be announced soon
Sue Haskins, '26. will be sent to the
Illinois game as a delegate from
Martha Cook Dormitory. Chances
were sold at $.15 each to all the resi-
dents and the drawing for the lucky
number was made Wednesday noon.
The lucky number was 26.
Discussion groups for freshmen.
and upperclassmen will meet at 4 o'-
clock today at Newberry hall, under
the direction of the leadership com-


III (i(iLl G6vflrEvL u matches have been played. 1)ue to I

" tSO1the continued bad weather the date
for the completion of this round has
~~~ jbeen extended to Monday.
Four women were selected by Early next week, as soon as the
Athena literary society Tuesday eve-I interclass second round is completed,
ning to -be placed on probation with the schedule for the intramural
the 22 others selected last week. tournament will be posted and that i
These women are: Josephine Garst, contest will start immediately there-
'26, Vivian La Jeunesse, '28, Nina after. The tennis matches, as well
Neville, '27, and Elanora Hawn, '26. as all other tournaments of the fall
The period of probation will last outdoor season, must be brought to
three weeks and if the aspirants pass a close by the middle of November.
through it successfully they will be ---
admitted as regular members of the For every article for sale, there is
society. a buyer. Reach him thru Classifieds.
'llffflltflf 1 [flf0 1 11 f1 1 111111 1'sif i ill lillllllflisl llftffll t11111ftflffffflfllflo
Latest Approved Styles _
Are Shown in T:ese 1Iigh fly Approved Fall m'odts.
w Wesch Htat Shop
t 206 East Liberty Phone 3848
r, lila iliilllll l~ l li llllililliillillili


ac ar3#d

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Our fresh supply of peanut brittle will satisfy that sweet


tooth. We always have a select assortment of chocola
Try the following!
Bon Bons ...........................a.....60c
.Milk Chocolates ............................ 65c


Bitter Sweets ..............................60c lb.
Peneuchie .................................90c lb.
Nuts and Fruits ............................$1.00 lb.
Special of Home-made Candies every Friday
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715 N. University Place
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Created Exclusively for
Jacobson 's



- 11

This. pen never




°_ ---- --- - ---M--- 1



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: _._ . _
. E

'~cuts classes"
unless ,you do


THE prof, say, has given you
a tip that the next lecture is
going to be pretty warm. You
go to it determined to get
everything down in good clear
ink . . . just in case no
miracle should happen and
the mid-term exams should
come off as scheduled. But
your pen is feeling sort of
blotto that day.
It sputters . . . it balks.
w - You shake it down on
your neighbor's trou. It then
begins to leave large blobs of
ink all over the page. You
give it up and ask your
neighbor hurriedly for a
pencil 4 . he is cold.
After all, one can't blame
him. Trou are trou.
But pens are not just pens.
There is a pen that doesn't
cut classes unless you do. It
doesn't balk or clog or blot.
It doesn't leak. It doesn't,
with reasonably humane
treatment, get out of order in
any way. That's
the Swan Eternal.

There's an unusual reasori
why no other fountain pen
equals the Swan in perform-
ance. The Swan is made by
craf tsmen, working with a
careful pride in handicraft
that has almost disappeared
from modern industry-likes
Florentine goldsmiths, say.
Why not test Swan per-
formance for yourself? Go
to any of the university stores
and write with a Swan. Com-
pare it with other pens. s
Ask any dealer to show you
the fine oversized Swan Pen
illustrated. Because this par-
ticular Swan Pen is so excep-
tionally fine, it carries the spe-
cial name of Swan "Eternal."
With reasonable care it will
never wear out. You will find
it to be a finer pen than you
have ever owned before. .Its
price is $7. A still larger
size is $9; a smaller size $5.
Take your own choice as to
color and style of point,
Mabie Todd & Co., expert
pen makers. since 1843.




Let The Daily sell it for you
the C a ssified columnus.--Adv.


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Our experience justifies us in
saying we can marcel your hair
in the style most becoming to
you. You will appreciate the
hair cut and special shampoo
we give. Evening appointments.
Edith French

There Is Only One Place to Buy
Full Fashioned Silk Stockings
With the guaranteed Stop-Run feature-and that's
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$1.85 and $2.50

Piquant Fur Jacquette
Caacul in a glowing shade of brown is just
a!,out as smart as it can be, in jaquette coat trimmed
with luxurious fur collar. It's a swagger model for
campus and sports wear. Priced at $75, payment
for which may be arranged on easy terms.

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Perfect in Performance



I El



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