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(Continued from Page One)
Ray Baer, who' replaced George
Babcock at* tackle at the end of the
first period also played brilliantly,
smashing his way through the Badger
line and stopping the backs before
they got started.
The entire Wolverine backfield of
Friedman, Gilbert, Gregory, and Mo-
Glenda gave a splendid exhibition both
on defense and offense. Molenda was
the most consistent ground gainer
for the Wolverines and he succeeded
in hitting the Badger line for short
gains whenever called upon.
Gilbert played ,a marvelous defen-
sive game when the Badgers threat-
ened with their passing attack. Fried-
man's sensational 90 yard run and his
clever handling of the team makes
him one of the outstanding players
of the contest. Dutch Stamman re-
placed Molenda early in the third per-
iod, was called u on repeatedly to
hit the line and he invaribaly respond-
Red with gains of five yards or more.
Linetli .
MiCligani Wisconsi
Oosterbaan .....L.E...Polaski (Capt.)
Edwards ........L.T......... Nelson
Lovette.........L.G.......... Larson
Brown (Capt.) .. ,C........... Wilson
Hawkins .......R.G.......... Sauger
G. Babcock .....RE......... Strauble
Flora .......... R.E.......... Burrus
Friedman.......Q.B.......... Crofoot
Gregory .... . ...L.B...... D. Harmon
Gilbert......... R.B...... L. Harmon
Molenda ........B..........Radke
Substitutions: Michigan, Baer for
Eabcock, Ilerrnstein for Gregory, S.
A~abcock for Gilbert,, Staniman for
Uolenda. Wisconsin: Wilke for Wil-
son, Cameron for Polaski, Blackman
Tor Burrus, Leitl for Nelson.
Touchdowns, Gregory, Friedman,
Ooosterbaan. Points after touchdown,
Friedman 3.
3rd 4th
Star Flanker
Gilbert added two more yards on a
line play. Gilbert punted to CrofootC
who was tackled on hisown 20 yard
line 1by taer and Oosterbaan. Ooster-
baan stopped McAndrews for no gain.!
Molenda threw D. Harmon for a two
yard loss. L. *larmon punted to'
Friedman who was downed on the 50
yard line.
Wisconsin took time out. Wisconsin
was penalized five yards for taking a!
third time out. Friedman shot a bul-1
let pass to Gregory who made a cleverj
catcl of the ball and then stepped
out of bounds on Wiscolsin's 20 yard
line, as he pivoted from a tackle. Gil-
bert failed to gain at the line. Frieu-
Inlan' made three yards around rigl-'
0o0)f erbaan caught Friedinan's pass
ust is he stepped over the goal line.
Frjed mana kicked the goal. Score,
Me:iTn 'anu21, , sconsIi I.
- lIerrnstein replaced C regory at half.
Gilbert kicked off to 1). Harmon who
retui'ned the ball to his own 40 yard
line. H armon was traveling at a fast'
pace down the side lines when tackled
and was knocked out by the force of
the tackle.
Crofoot caught L. Harmon's pass andM
stumbled on Michigan's 38 yard line, I
when in a clear field, Harnon's short
p~ass was grounded. L. Harmon's p~ass
was again blocked. L. Harmon's third
pass was blocked by Gilbert. Cam-
eron caught L. Haimon's pass and
brought the ball to Michigan's 10 yard
line. Time out for Michigan.
L. Harmon was stopped on the line
of scrimmage. L. Harmon made three
yards inside his own left end. D.
Harmon failed to gain on an at-
tempted end run. Gilbert blocked L.
Harmon's pass on Wisconsin's last
frantic effort to score. Michigan takes
ball on downs on her own eight yard
line. '
Friedman failed to gain through
tenter. Molenda failed to gain through
the line as the half ended. Michigan
was merely stalling for time. End off
'he .half;Score, Michigan 21,' Wiscon-
Molenda kicked off to McAndrewsl
who brought the ball to his own 28
yard line. D. Harnipn made ninel
yards on a wide end run around hisc
own right end. McAndrews was stop-I
pen for no gain. L. Harmon wast
stopped as he attempted to leap overj
the Michigan line. D. Harmon punt-I
ed to Friedman who was downed onk
his own 35 yard line.I
Herrnstein made two yards aroundl
his own right end. Polaski took
Promising B
Michigan's 36 yard line. Stamman
plunged through the center of the line
FINAL for five yards. 1
Stamman added another yard. Gil-
bert kicked to Crofoot who was tack
led out of bounds on his own 15 yard
Babcock went in for Gilbert. L.
Harmon kicked to Babcock. Wiscon- Chaimian of Wisconsin, Wins in Fast
sin was penalized 15 yards. Stamman j Time, Leading Ilornberrger aid
gained five yards through the line. T.Phree Madison Men
Stamman ,made four yards through
the line. Stamman made it first down WINNERS SET RECORD
ack on Wisconsin's 20 yard line. Stami
man twisted his way for four yards.
Stamman fumbled and. Wisconsin re- MADISON, Oct. 17.-Michigan's
I covered the ball on their own 15 yard Varsity cross country team went down
line. McAndrews failed to gain on a to defeat at the hands of the Wiscon-
ganonasin harriers, 33-22 hereyetra
wide end run. Michigan was offsideiyesterdary
on the play and was r4 nalized 5 r
yards. Brown and Edwards smeared The Wolverine runners were fav-
McAndrews on the next play. ored to win the race but allowed the,
D. Harmon went 15 yards inside Badger harriers to take a .conmiand-
of Michigan's right end. Brown ing lead and then were unable to over-'
blocked L. Harmon's pass over the take them.
line of scrimmage. Oosterbaan knock- Chapman finished first for Wiscon-
ed down the next pass. sin in 15:28 which is excellent time
The Michigan ends are playing a for the three mile course at this time
waiting game' as a defense for the of the year. Ted horuberger wa; tie
Wisconsin passes and it is proving first Wolverine to score taking second'
successful. Flora blocked L. Har- honors, Captain Kubly and] Elleson of
mon's next pass. Wisconsin finished in a tie for third
L. Harmon punted out of bounds place and Schutt of Wisconsin took
on Michigan's 45 yard line. Stam- fifth.
man made three yards through, the Captain Roy Callahan finished inI
line. Stamman broke through for sixth place followed by Briggs and!
first down, as the game ended. Reinke who took seventh and eightht
first down as the whistle blew. respectively. Gumbeck of Wisconsin7
Final score: Michigan, 21; Wiscon- came in ninth and Iskenderian of Mich-
sin 0. igan crossed the line in tenth place.
Baker, Jung and Hills of Michigan c
failed to place, only the first; five men
' RIMft from each school to finish counting in
the scoring.
Finishing in easy fashion, Monroe,
'29, won the see,(oi fresluinan cross
country run ofs nyesterday morn-
incoverili tilL' regular 2 7-10 miles
course in 15 minutes, 13 seconds, with-
ill 2G cconds of the course record.
Lamont, who finished third last week
wa.s SO ond, with Wirt in third place
and J f(ijies unisled fourth, the same
uo:-ato i, i i e liold in t lie first race.
'Tits next six m1(1 finish'd ini the fol-,
lowing order: M. I'. mith, fifth;
Crowley, sixth; *Watson, seventh;
l'Aldy, cight n; Simpson, ninth; Wins-
low, tenth.. The first ten men received
f ice 7 ftoC he grid -graph at Ilill audi-
I mi mi-A yt;'iy afterniooni, donated
y Pratt and lunn.
W Aerfel, who finished first last week
ini 15 mainautes, 27 seconds, did not c oin-
*pee th is niio ng. Coach Furnass
ran along with his charges and led
tlw field all the way, finishiing in 15
1m ium .> 7 iacoi Is, a few ards in ad-
vance of wiiiing freshman.
t'ro esso i. C'.- Carver, of the math-
enia .ics departeint, was starter and
judge of the race.
Nlon roe is;
it eel
I liniei in (Cross Country
Followved ljy Iattioit
Harmonkicked off to Molend, who
returned the ball to his own 45 yard
line. On the. very first play, Ben
Friedman stod back and hurled a
forward pass to Bruce Gregory, who
eaught the ball and ran 40 yards for
a touchdown.. Friedman kicked goal.
Score, Michigan 7, Wisconsin 0.
Michigan fans go wild.
Doyle Harmon kicked off to Ben
Friedman, who caught the ball on his
own 10 yard line, and ran through the
entire Badger team for another touch.
down, a most spectacular run. He
again kicked goaL Score, Michigan 14,
Wisconsin 0.
Captain Polaski elected to receive.
Michigan kicked to Polaski, who
brought the ball to his own 35 yard
Doyle Harmon made two yards on
the right side of the line.
Brown threw Doyle Harmon for a
three yard loss. Radke punted to Mich-
igan's 32 yard line. Molenda made a
yard through. center. Michigan wasj
penalized five yards for offside. Gil-
bert made three yards trying Wiscon-
sin's end. Gilbert punted to Wiscon-
sin's eighteen yard line, Tom Edwards
tackling L. Harmon as hi caught the
D. Harman made a yard. Radke
punted poorly to his own 43 yard
line. .Molenda twisted his way for
two yards. Ben Friedman's pass to.
Oosterbaan was intercept-d by the
Wisconsin right half bac ('n his own
15 yard line.
L. Harmon punted over Friedman's
head. The ball rolled. Friedman
picked up the ball and fumbled in at-
tempting to run it back. Wisconsin
lost an opportunity to score when one
of their players fumbled in trying to
pick up :the lo'ose ball. Michigan re-
cojered' the ball on their own 15
yard line. ~Glbert punted to Wiscon-
m's 40 yard line.
On the first play Tom Edwards
broke through and tackled D. Harmon
for a four yard loss. A forward pass
was dropped by Polaski. L. Harmon
punted out of bounds on Michigan's
18 yard line. Wisconsin called time'
out. L. Harmon is doing all the punt-
ing for Wisconsin. Gilbert was stop-
ped at the line of scrimmage. Tin11e
out for Straubel, who was hurt on the
play. Kasiska replaced Straubel.
Gregory failed to gain on an end run.
Gilbert punted to Wisconsin's 39 yard
line, Edwards tackling Crofoot and
knocking him out of bounds.I
Leo Harmon made three yards at-
tempting to circle the Michigan left
end. Crofoot was held at the line on a'
fake quarterback play. Crofoot caught
L. Harmon's pass and brought the ball'
to Michigan's 32 yard line. D. Har-
mon carried the ball out of bounds.'
Radke was stopped by Edwards on a
nrca, nlr (Ornfnnt lthrown. a hnr+ 1lot-
An innovation in th-e history of'
swimming at Michigan is likely to be
made this year, if the squad takes the
extended trip which Coach Mann is
attempting to arrange for the Christ-I
mas vacation period.
The primary motive for the vacation
schedule is to get the sorely needed
outside competition for the squad be-
fore the beginning of the Conference
season. In the past this has been
one of the chief detriments to Michi-I
gan's championship hopes.
No definite arrangements have yet
been completed as to the length of the
tour, nor as to the field where compe-
tition will be sought. The squad has
been working out regularly for the
past two weeks and will continue their
work at the Union pool until the close
of the Conference season.
Michigan uncorked the much prom-
ised passing attack early in the game
when on the first play a pass from
Friedman to Gregory resulted in a
Tom Edwards did some pretty of-
fensive line work during the first
half, breaking through the opposing
line time after time to spoil Wiscon-
sin plays.
The Badgers refused to be demoral-
ized by Michigan's whirlwind attack I
in the first quarter and continued tol
fight every step of the way during the'
first half.
Herrnstein, who has been nursing I
an injured leg all season, got his first
chance of the year when he went in1
for Gregory in the second quarter.
ichi ,-a's allotment of tickets for
the Illinois game at Urbana next Sat-
urday has been oversold, Harry Til-
lotson, business manager of the Ath-
letiq Association, announced just be-
fore his departure for the gama at
Madison today. This includes all the
student and alumni tickets.
The total numbei of seats alloted
to the Mitbigan section was 10,000,
which were divided evenly between
students and alumni. The entire Me-
morial stadium has been soldon t for
the Michigan game, reports from ili-
nois this, iniorning announced.
Friedman figured in the third touch-
down when he hurled a pretty pass
to Oosterbaan, who dashed 17 yards
f r tho score.
Benny Oosterhaan
Benny Oosterbaan played the whole
game at left end, making his position
impassible, and in the second quart-
er he caught a pass from Friedman
'for the third touchdown.
end. L. Harmon added four yards
L. Harmon4ame within one yard of
a first down. Leo Harmon punted tol
Friedman who was tackled as he
caught the ball on his own 17 yard
line. Cameron was hurt on the play.
He had replaced Polaski. Gilbert
punted to Crofoot who was downed
as he caught the ball on his own 37
yard line. End of the quarter; Score,
3ichigan 14, Wisconsin 0.
Louis Gilbert{
f Louis Gilbert played most of the
game at left half, ran well with the
ball, punted better, and was superb
on defense, especially when the Bad-
gers were in position to score.
L. Harmon made one yard around
his own left end. Friedman inter-
cepted L. Harin n's pass directly in
front of the goal posts and advanced
the ball four yards.
Harmon recovered Molenda's fumble
giving Wisconsin possession of the ball
on Michigan's eight yard line. Baer
stopped L. Harmon for no gain. Gil-
bert knocked down L. Harmon's pass.
On 0 a fake place kick formation, L.
fd te(i iC
---t.Cameron's place. Michigan took time !Harmon threw the ball over the goal
S ECN1) QUArE ,it for Flora who was injured on the line, the pass beii g grounded. Mich-i-
play. Friedman carried the ball 26 gan ball on the twenty yard line. End
yards around left end despite the fact of the quart(' Score, Michigan 21
defensive game. Ray Baer went in that his own interference blocked his Wiscosini U.
for George Babcock. Brown threw wajy. Bo olenda made three yards
Iharmon for a two yard loss. Mc- on a center thrust. Bo Molenda madei I 1OUlRTII QUARTE R.
Andiews threw a pass to I). Harmon three more on the same play. Gilbert panted to Crofoot who was
who was tackled as he cawght the ball Friedman's pass was intercepted by tackled on his own 40 yard line. Cro-
on Michigan's 47 yard line. D. Itfar- Leo Harmon who caught the ball after !foot was stopped on a fake quarter
mon made I bree yards off tackle. one of his teammates had blocked it. back sneak.
Blackman replaced1 Burrus. Bob BrownjIt is Wiscoisin's ball on her owu 5 I McAndrews was stopped by Ooster-
intercepted L. Harmon's 1ass on his yard line. Leo Harmon failed to' ain baan for no gain. Baer broke through
own 45 yard line. Ben FIriediman madeI thriu gil the line. Leo Hlarmon's for- and threw Crofoot for a 20 yard loss,
six yard(s iinside the Badger right end-' warnd pass was blocked. Leo liar- when the Badger quarter back at-
t .olenda made two yards through the moll's punt rolled out of bounds onI tempted a forward pass. L. Harmon
line. o ' Michigan's eight yard line.pilted out of bounds to Michigan's
Molenda made first down thli"gh I Friedman made four yards througb 45 yard line. Wisconsin called time.
the couter of the lin. Gregory made the line. Gilbert punted against a Stamman replaced Molenda at full
two yards1-round his own right eii- strong win to his own 30 yard line. back'. S'aman made three yards
Molenda went seven yards through a Edwards stopped D. Harmon for no , through center. Stamman added an-
big hole in. the center of the line.-I gain. Brown stopped L. Harmon foi' other yard. Friedman's pass fell in-
Molenda made it first down on Wis- 1no gain.. L. flarnon's pass to Long to the arms of McAndrews who
consin's 43 yard line, nine Michigan was inconplete, Long catching the 'all brought the ball to his own 42 yard
men' going into the line of scrim- ;afiter it hit the ground. Herrnstein line.
mage. Molenda bucked and rolled for) bloeked L. Harmon's pass and the ball Michigan blocked L. Harmon's pass.
three more yards. fell into J'olaski's arms. Wisconsin Flora knocked down L. Harmon's see-
Friedman made two yards, arounId has the ball on Michigan's 10 yard Ijand pass. Oosterbaan intercepted L.
his own left end. Po Molenda made line. On the next play D. [harmon Hlarmnon's next pass, giving the Wol-
two yards through the center of the fumbled. le recovered the ball but vernes the ball on Wiscon's 45 yard
line. Friedmnan threw a short pass was thrown for a 15 yard loss. line. Gregory made five yards through
to Molenda for a first down on Wis-f- L. Harmon's high pass was blocked the line, but Michigan was penalized
cousin's 29 yard line. Gregory went i by Herrnstein. McAndrews vas five yards for offside.
wide around his own left end and then stopped. Polaski caught L. Harmon's Staminan made three yards through
cut in for a three yard gain. Michi- pass and was tackled on Michigan's the line. Staiman added a yard on
gan was penalized 15 yards and Long five yard line, making it Michigan's a thrust through the right side of
replaced Blackman. Wilke replaced I1ball, first down. Molenda carried the I the line. Gilbert punted over the goal
Wilson. Molenda made three yards ball out of bounds. line.
through the line. A pass by Fried- Gilbert punted to Crofoot who was Babcock went in for Gilbert. L.
mail was blocked. Friedman's pass tackled on Michigan's 29 yard line. ; Harmon kicked to Babcock. Wiscon-
to Oosterbaan was intercepted by D. IL. Hiarmon went around Michigan's sin was penalized 15 yards. Stamman
Harmon who fell out of bounds on his right end for five yards. Polaski caught gained five yards through the line.
own 20 yard line. Crofoot's pass for a first down; Wis- McAndrews broke through for six
L. Harmon punted out of bounds oil comsin's ball on Michigan's 12 yard j yards. D. Harmon was stopped for
Michigan's 38 yard line. Gregory line. D. Harmon failed to gain no gain. McAndrews failed to make
made a yard around his own right end. through the line. first down. L. Harmon punted to
Req W 4ionsUD
c 11
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