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October 18, 1925 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-10-18

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[YPIRIN p P pg Freshman Gains Education By
OF lhII CVYSTEPrize Winning Chemical Essay
Miss Jane Summers, '20, a 15-year publisher of the Birmingham News!
old freshman woman, entered the uni- is chairman.I
Have Set Fourteen Points as Limit versity this fall on a four year schol- The six scholarships, tof which Miss
for any Wonmn to Carry I arship from the American Chemical Summers holds one, were establish-
at One Time society, for a prize winning chemistry ed through gifts of Mr. and Mrs.
essay. Francis P. Garvan of New York in
t Miss Summers was one of only six henor of their daughter Patricia.
ORGANIZED IN 1923 high school student contestants in the Thousands of high school students all
United States to win national recog- over the United States turn in essays
To develop as many leaders as pos- nition. Her essay was on "Tie Rela- every year on one of six subjects
sible is the purpose of extra curricu- tion of Chemistry to the Develop- which are given out by the national
lar activities and to recognize this ment of the Iron and Steel Industry." organization. These are submitted to;
and contained 3,500 words. She had the state officers, who select the best
leadership is the purpose of the Honor her choice of entering any univer- thesis in each of the subjects and
Point system at Michigan. sity in the United States and said in turn submit them to the national
In 1923, the Women's League at that she chose Michigan because of headquarters. The judges in the final
Michigan organized the Honor Point its wonderful chemistry department. sifting are some of the most promi-
system with the apjp oval of the Com- !Her room, board and tuition are paid nent writers of the day, consisting of
mittee on Student Affairs and admin- and she is given $500.00 a year for such persons as Secretary Herbert
istration was placed in the hands of expenses in addition to the scholar- Hoover of the department of con-
a student committee, the Council of ship. merce, and Mary Roberts Rinehart,
the Women's League, and the dean of rhe national prize winning essay the well known novelist.
thWome n'sLeguheandy edea24- n-ffirst won state honors when its writ- Miss Summers came here to school
der n. During tf year 1924-2 , er was presented with first prize for from Birmingham, Alabama, having
der the direction of Jeanne Briggs, the subject covered, by the state com- ! graduated from high school there last
'25, the Point system file was devel- mittee of the American Chemical year. She is the daughter of Mr. and
of indiviual econsistscards of ch society, of which Victor H. Hanson, Mrs. Porter Summers of Birmingham.
activity and reference to the indi-
vidual files will show at a glancerBlack Quill To.
whether or not a certain woman. is I1FIHVVHIS M E piibtQul
available for activity work. s Start Activities
The present chart for points setslI
forth the activities in twenty-seven ! I W i1 flUIM E BlacQuill, one of thnewestcam-
groups and the points given for each ._._
ii d d tha tin, t pus societies was encouraged in its

Pan-Hellenic 'associatio)nhell its

Masques will hold a rehearsal of;

Miss McCormick will see all those!
wishing to take work in advanced
All women who are selling riding
tickets for the Women's League are,
asked to hand in their reports Tues-!
day morning. Elizabeth Blackwood,I
'26, chairman of the undergraduate
campaign committee will be in the)
Women's League office on the second
floor of Barbour gymnasium from 8
to 12 o'clock Tuesday morning and
all tickets should be turned in at
that time.


Sell Typewriting
Paper For League
Under the auspices of the under-
graduate campaign committee, type-
writing paper, a heavy quality bond,
is being sold at the candy booth: The
paper comes in five pound packages
and sells for $1. Ann Seeley, '26, is
in charge of the distribution which
will cover all the dormitories and
some major houses.
Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv.

annual luncheon at the launted Tav- act II at 4 o'clock Monday in Univer-
ern yesterday at 1:30 o'clock. This sity Hall.
is the first year that the luncheonE
has been held at a tea room, hereto- There will be a meeting for all jun-
fore the affair has been at one of ior women interested in writing lyrics
the sorority houses. The luncheon for the Junior Girls' play at 5 o'-
was a progressive affair, half of each clock Monday in Barbour gymnasium.
table moving at the completion of
each course, thus making the dele-wa
gates form a better acquaintance- League orchestra at 4:30 o'clock to-
ship. gmorrow in Barbour gymnasium.
Elizabeth Parrott, '26, president of
Pan-Hellenic, announced the follow-
ing committee chairmen for the Pen- Riding classes formerly meeting on
Iellenic ball which is to be held on Monday and Friday at 4 o'clock, will
Nov. 27: decoration, 'Elizabeth Mc-' now meet at the same time on Tues-
Dowell, '26; refreshments, Katharine day and Friday. Women are asked to
Ferguson, '26; publicity, Helen Ram- report at the fair grounds on Tues-
say, '26; programs, Elizabeth' Tomip- lay, where the classes will be held.
kins, '26; chaperones, Virginia Spain,
'2G; tickets, Isgbelie Slosson, '26. and Katherine Pierce, '26, is treas-
Jean Kyer, '27, is ,general chairman urer.

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subidv1isona epena uponL e LimeI lFI'
activity requires, the nature of the
work and the responsibility of the,
position in that activity. The pur-
pose of the system, as stated on the
chart is, "the distribution of thet
honors and duties of college life in
order to promote efficiency and group
consciousness among a larger number
of University women." No woman
will be allowed to assume more than(
fourteen points at any one time and
each woman, as a matter of personal
honor, is expected to limit the number,
of points carried according to the'
scholarship requirements of the Uni-
sity. Each student must have for the
'first semester a number of honor'
points equal to the numbeV of hours
carried with no absolute failures.
The latest task of the Point com-
mittee has been to gather reports of
the systems used in other colleges
and universities and suggestions of-
fered by these will be considered by
the committee.- of this year of whichl
Katherine Booth, '26, is chairman.
Thirteen women are enrolled in the'
law school for the current year. Of
these, two are seniors, seven are sec-,
ond year laws and four are just be-
ginning their course. Th-is marks an
increase of two over last year's fig-
ures and is one of the largest enroll-l
ments of women laws that the law
school has experienced.
Want a roomr Read Page Seven
and use the Classified columns.-Adv .

It has been discovered by the W.

A. A. that many graduate women who women and the women on University
are interested in athletics, have not publications. Its fundamental aim is
gone out for them because they felt to encourage the women on campus
that they were prohibited from doing who are interested writing and de-
so. However, according to Mary sirous of having their manuscripts
White, '28, publicity manager of the criticized in a round table discussion.
W. A. A., graduates are fully as wel-? So that the society may work to
come to participate in athletics as thebest advantsgeit has limited its
any other class. They may join in membership to 25. Members are ac-
whatever sport is most attractive to cepted into the society after the ac-
them and need only sign on a poster ceptance of a nanuscript which is to
on the bulletin board of Barbour be submitted to a committee of stu-
gymnasium signifying their interest. dents and faculty for approbation.
Rights and privileges held by other All University women with the ex-
classmen will be extended to these ception of first ;semester freshmen
graduates, and they may enter into may try out by submitting a manu-
competion of every sort. In fact, script.
if enough turn out they will have All women desiring to become
their own organized teams which will ( members of the Black Quill literary
play the other class teams and join society must file their manuscripts
in the tournaments. They will play in the Black Quill box in Barbour
as a fifth class. Canoeing, rifle prac- gymnasium by noon of next Friday.
tice, hiking, hockey, basketball,ten- A wide range is allowed in the type
nis, archery, and riding are open to of manuscripts submitted. Short
them. stories, essays, poems, any form of
One feature which some of the literary writing will be accepted. A
graduates have questioned is their re- committee, composed of members of
lation to the W. A. A. The board the society and instructors, will act
announces that it will be glad to have as judges.
them join the association, and they Notices will be sent out to those
may have all opportunities to earn whose manuscripts are accepted and
W. A. A. honor points. Graduates on Wednesday, Nov. 4, the new mem-
will be rewarded for the points they hers will be initiated at the regular
earn, just as the women of the other meeting of the Black Quill.
classes are.
Foreign women, too, may have the teams which, like those of the grad-
chance: to form themselves into a uates, will compete with other
more compact group by organizing classes.

formation last. year by the dean of

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i n all the styles from a plain to a boyish
If you owe for
The Michigan Daily
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The rate increases fifty cents
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are featuring the best

Malted Milks and Choco-
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r 1s

Says Sally to Sue
New York.

_ :k

Dearest Sue:
That liitl

e spell of cold weath


The woman of advanced ideas
In dress expressive of charac-
ter and personality consults
Consulti g
222 ,.Yckels Arcade 4882


Nothing Finer


end sent me scurrying about in
new fur. I didn't want the ne
to find me without a warm covat.

her last vcck-
search of a
w cold wave

Than the Orange Blossom


is made. The Solitaire is set
with a fine single stone and there
is a jeweled ring to match. We
have them in various combina-


I looked

at furs in some of the small shops
before I went to the big stores.

301 South Main



X11111111111111IIl llillllillllll11II1illIIlI11III11111111111111111 01111I !ttIial111111!|i11111111H ll IlIlI IIIII 11 I I MII~ lIlIIIII11
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It was -fortunate that I did that,
or I never would have seen
many coats because when we
once reached Wanamaker's we
sta )ed there.
The newly completed Wan-
amaker building is being inaug-
urated during October. People
were crowding there yesterday
to see the launching of its ter-
centenary celebration commem-
orating the founding of New
York by the Dutch royal col-
onists with an historical exposi-
tion of the "then and now"
variety. The exposition shows
the evolution of the Dutch vil-
lage to the city of New York.
tation is in the
-form of murals
built around the
;rotunda of the
old building. Willy Pagany did the work
for most of the exhibits.


Stunning Gowns
Festive Hours

Music that's gay and lilting,
night lights that sparkle and gleam,
beautiful women superbly gowned,
their delicate pastels and vivid hues
contrasting sharply with the con-
ventional black and white of mas-
culine escorts. Autumn's festive
Correctly formal evening appar-
el such as will grace the evening's
festivities may be found in assort-
ment at Hutzel's.


These centenary features were so very
interesting that I quite forgot about a fur coat
until late in the afternoon. We hurried to
the Wanamaker Fur Salon to see the furs
It didn't take me long to choose a coat,
Sue. I was sure that I wanted a raccoon fur'
it's so smart looking and so warm, too, and I
found one adorable coat that I liked immedi-
ately. It's a tomboy style!
You'll never be sorry, Sue,' if you buy a

. . A Ilti



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