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October 15, 1925 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-10-15

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TURSDA'Y, -OCTOBER 15, x1925


4 I!L VA I N MW A! kt



Most Prominent Organization jA hns olg sY .

i osif?'ry Senimor

I - (wId y


Gloves Solel
Yea r



Final reports on the Mortarboard
qannual sale of imported gloves show
,;ales of 225 pa irs of dloves, making
:1 total receipt of approximately $1500
r about $175 of whichi will be clear
profit for the Weimen's League fund.
According to Margaret Effinger, '26,
chairmanl of the sale the largest sales
were made by the- facull,'y women
and women living in Ann Arbor. A
report of sales show that the number
of gloves ])ought Iby the sororities and
dormitories on campus was comnpara-
tively small. Miss IEfinger heads the
list: of sales by selling 115 pairs of
This year's sale of gloves shows n~
great increase over last year's sales,
almost double a number of pairs be-
ing sold. All the gloves. are specially,
imiported from Paris for this sale.
MVortarboard is expecting a second
shipment on or about the first of De-
cember, These gloves will be sold
the first of next semester, and in this
manner women who were unable to
purchase gloves during th~e recent
sale will have the opportunity of
doing so in the spring.
Tennis has been organized as anl
intramural comp~etitive sport this year
for the first time., Each organized
house has been asked to select two
of its lbest players for entrance in
the intramural tournament. The team
from one house will compete with
the team of another in single mnatches
and the winning teamxis will enter the'
second round as in othcr intramural
Interest in this new tournament is
shown by the fact that 16. houses and1
dormitories have made their entries
on the poster in Blarbour gymnasium. t
Any other hobuses which wish to be
represented, must make their entry
by Monday night. The~ first matches
will be played next week.
The houses already entered are as
follows: Betsy Barbour house, len
Newberry residence Adelia Cheever
h ouse, Pi Beta Phi, Kappa Kappa
Gamma, Alpha Xi D~elta, Zeta Tau Al-
pha, Alpha Phi, Alpha Gamnma D~elta,
Gamma Phi Beta, Alpha ('hi Omega,
Kappa Alpha Theta, .Delta Zeta, Sig-
ma Kappa, Alpha Omicron Pi, Alphaj
' psilon Iota.
Candy Bars From
Women's League
Candy bars from the Women's
League candy booth are lbeing distrib-
ulcol to the various houses on campus.

I omething novel in publications is
offered b~y Gingling college, Nanking,I
(Ihii whichr publishes a mnagazine,
halt f ot wish' is written in English
aend half in Chinese. "Either cover,
;ny b,- calledl the front, depending
oni yo;r lpoint of vi w,'' naively comi-
,eted rMlXi ,s3Ao I~ju, pa ,t Chinese stu-
d: nt editor of the raga-,zine and now
a :arbour scholar at the University
o f ichigan.1
MisAo Djn is taking advanced,
work in histoery. She chose an Amieri-
call college because ,she declared,
"China has rich resources in the field
of history, but we do not know the
method of handling these resources."
A national student council has proved
to be an active organization in China
according to MV.iss Ao Dju. "Each
time ,'n troub'e occurs in China,
wfI('h is often, the student councils
of the variou s colleges communicate
With each other and a resolution voic-
ing the opinlion of the college stu-
dents is published."
"At Gingling college, which is a
m ssIon college, a very close fellow-
ship exists b~etween the faculty and
studlents. All live in dormitories, the
faculty staying in one dormitory. The

fine Christian spirit shown by the'
teachers of the mission college gains I
the confidence of the girls who take'7
their problems to their faculty ad-1
Miss Ao Dju stated that the Y. W.<
C. A. was the oldest and most promi-
nent campus organization, and includ-
ed both students and faculty. She
had never heard the wordI, "sorority".1.
IThe gym courses at Gingling are f
similar to those of American colleges,j
baseball being only recently intro- !c
Regarding the University, of Michi-
gan Miss Ao Dju remarked, "I do not't
have any opinion yet-I have not headt
a chance. Although Gins ling col-1
lege is not co-educational, other col-!
leges located in Nanking, which is an!t

"I i ip e sit of ichig~and bluned xilPh
Activities have been piling up so the eni may ioredatheNinl Martha Cook womn will entertain Inidulnsrconnteiswl
heavily on the shoulders of some ofCamnps _un 11eadquarters in Room A,' at an informal d1inner Sat urday even-
the women tio i the (, :in-,s that several! Alumi Ilfemorial hall, by woan,, i \who jmn# in honor of Mrm. Marvin B. Ros-i be given in the special class which
of there have ex.pres-:sed a (lesiro for wi~ish to earn ext ra, money to assists enberry of M~adisoni, Wis. Guests willi will meet for the first time at 3 o'-
a lplace to s;pendl ai; est tii hall' Iiour 1 &'fand for the Women's Leaguel include Presideiit hEmeritus Harry II cock today at Palmer field.
dulring the day. The '1 1tNY'rsil y.X''\ V.bmi Thg. lese' pencils will bsl)-' Ilutehins and M~rs. Iiil ('bii'15 Dean!
C. A. has ,arraiaged tiora:I. ver o,ld.each ) l dflroml thle oflice at. 'wholesale hIenry M. B ate nad11Mrs. Bates; tFirst rounds in the class tennis
week, bieginning toi: y fromt 12:2o )to Brice n h 1ichi allows a good profit to J <udge M4arvin RIoseniberry, Miss ,Iean tourn menit must be played off by to-
1 o'clock, at iNewberry h1all whein slim- 1)0put;. tow.ard the fund. Htamilton, deain of womnen; Mrs. Fani-(night.
(tents mnay (come1) Ccd findi quiet. Individual womain" or groups may lIira Cracker, president of the state
This is not anl attemtt to siart. ain-i ordeor a gross, or any organized clubs i organization af the American Assoc- Mummers Dramatic society will
other activity, bit rathier thebo e gin- that have not already adlopted somic iation of University Womnen ; Prof. hold try outs from 3:30 to 5 o'clock
Icing of something that. Mlichigan lacks,1 way of1 earning extra, money for thel Edson R. Sunderland and Mrs. Sunid- this afternoon at Newberry auditor-
according t lite cabinetnmemibers of Building ti;ill find this an e asy and r erland; Prof. Arthur L. Cross, Dr. and Imcm.
the Y. W. C:. A. "'Everythiing is ac-; helpful wa\-y of doing so. Mirs. Dean W. Myers and MrS. Henry'
tivity andl rush.," stal ed Miss Ruth The womnen of other colleges and Carter Adams. o' SgaPi aioa"onrr
Demner, gTr e t ay (f heas m vermi(e> have rasedcon-sidlerable r.Rsnery omryo
sumial eCIcta-cf#li 5 s ,womenfUni ery ofeWiso- chemical society, will hold an import-
sfiion."There is never any inmquilsin this way andl the womn me n at the Uieriy faic nt etn-a 'lcktmro
for one to re'sitaliz e herself. Instead., ativhllchiigan can (d0 the sanme. order's is a l)ast president of the na- ngtmetn at7occkoorw
she is al w~ ay a trying to catch i ll)p ad i i m st. go in prom ptly as the pencils tional A m erican A ssociation of U n- 1 Ii s al l i e u . M n f t e i w ub a e e st o e n o e o A n atk te A la E ps l n I ta h u e
wolnen have asked for just this sort______________ Arbor as the speaker for the first
of thing, and we hope that now that!inmeeting of the Ann Arbor chapter; Tryouts for the League orchestra
it is a reality people wvil(drop in. Interest ShownI Saturday afternoon at Martha Cook! will be continued at 11 o'clock Sat-
''President Clarence Cookc Little in!1 L r 7i building. E urday. The place for the tryouts will
hsddeson. T \~~o Siei~" Injg Helt h Cards I____________be announced in Friday's Diy
Sundaty, Oct. ?, at lill iauit i~ia , x-; Senior So iey
pressed just what -y e nee,'-a few i nterest in adlopting a healthful o ey I Masques rehearsal for the entire
minutes of silence each (aO day.IIystnlrloliigsshw byE e ta s l'o v second act will be held at ,4 o'clock
Somietimes tlncr e will be a little mus- telre'unlro oefhohv ____ today in University Hall.
sic, somnetimnes a reacting, hut never; h ag nm~ fwmnwohv
a formal program. It will be a Ilhace taken advantage of the I). S. L. cards Members of the Senior society are' Announcement 'was made at the
one can (drop in and( rest. provided by the pihysical education holding a tea from 4 to 5 o'clock; Kappa Alpha Theta sorority of the
-- ______-j department, accordig to Miss Ruth todlay, at Helen Newberry residence: engagement of Catherine Brewer, 126,
nrA Tigge. of that department. TheseI in honor of the new social directors to W. ILewis Chatman, '21E.

educational center, have very success-
ful co-educational systems. It is my'
impression that in Chinese collegesj
men are broader than women and can
work on a larger scale. Of course,"
added Miss Ao Dju whose enunciation
of the English language was remark-
able, "I do not know yet about the
American men.'~

# C

Alany well chosen magazines have
been sulbscribed for by the Women's
League and placed in the League par-
lor of B~arbour gymnasium for the use
of all wonmen. The list includes:
"The Literary Digest", "National Geo-
graphic", "Vanity Fair", "Good Hlouse-
keeping" and "Life".
Plans for improvement of the Wo-
men's League parlor were partially
carriead out last summer and are now
leing completed. In addition to re-
pairing the furniture and recovering
the billows, new cushions for all the
chairs were made and bridge lanmps
of wrought iron placed conveniently
about the room. More pillows are to
be procuredl, novel in they are to be
of plain, bright colors instead of in
the more ordinary cretonnes gener-
ally used for such purposes.
Tile new house committee consists
of Kathryn Kyer, '28, chairman,
Esther Merrick, '28, Dorothy Baird,
'28, .Jean Greenshields, '28, and Mar-
garet Hlawkins, '28.
Athena As-pirants
P Laced On Three
Weeks Probation
Athena Literary society held-its an-
nual tryouts last Tuesday night, at
which time twenty-two women were
selected and placed on probation for
three weeks. During the period of
probation these women will appear
on regular programs; those meeting
the requirements will be taken into
the society. The following women
were chosen.
SDorothy HarAson, '29, Grace Edel-
man, '29, Polly Bridgman, '27, Violet
MecCredie, '27, Editlh Alvin, '26, Helen

_____I *II C (O il caords contain a record of the obser-' of the dormitories, hiss Alva Forn- ^
Ne eieswilb ae nt h I7o nvneo terlsfrreua elh crook, Martha Cook; Mrs. Louise P. M' ss Je- an Hamilton, dean of wom-
loca mrswil branchn oft the AeiaAsoa-p l , ftul living, concerning hours of sleep, Hastings, Helen Newberry; Miss1 en, twill meet with the Sophomore"
balanced diet, and exercse. Some Rb oe es ~ror circus committee at 7:30 oclock to-
ttii f niersty'Uomniavametigity Women at a meeting f One representativegadefo te e-IOn rprsenatvefrm ech ofmorowevnigenaBrburgyna
Saturday afternoon, at which Mrs., iil cnn f h e om I ~quiim'id physical edumcationi classes s senior honorary societies are to be m
Lois Matthews Rosenberry, of Mad- now serving al womn between the given for tie keeping of a D. S. L resent.
ison, Wis., former national president l hours of 3l o'clock and .- o'clock> Mon- card, tut the chief interest has been BUCH-AREST, Oct. 14.- Rumakian
of the association, will be the guest I dlays to Fridlays inclusive. The menu shown in their use in raising the stu- MOSCOW, Oct. 14.- The Russiami newspapers announce that M. Titules-
of honor. The meeting will be held I this wVeec consistekd of three kinds of,(dents own standard of living. Reformed church conclave closed its co, minister in London, has reached
at 2:30 o'clock in the parlors of Mar- i aindwAiches, custardl puffs, and a! Fromt the standpoint of the depart-I session with a petition to the goveru-I a tentative agreement with the British
tha Cook building, and Mrs. Rosen- special pot ato salad, umot, the obect is to carry over the meot asking that the clergy be ac- govennent for the funding of Ru-
berry will be the speaker of the after- Some new additions; have been; beneticial results of the physical eduI-; corded equal rights with other sectar- mania's debt of 26,000,000 pounds,
noon., madle to the decorations of the room. ' ( emion work into the daily life of the ian groups.I
All graduate students and local wo- 'hey are, a victrola, two pictumres b~y women even after they leave college. I- -- Let The Daily sell it for you trn
men who are eligible to branch nieni- IB a'i"an ote ouMo im:- Watch Page Seven for real vaues. the Classified columns.-Adv.
bership in the association are invited I tables. Also) the idea of having crc- I2,"nnouncenment of the engagement of - ________ - -- -- ---
to be present and be taken in as meac- Itonne cutaia adsaddilfvrlule1am,'6 l( le ing- was (liscardiiliiillin favorlliiIiii'amilitae Vainlyi111'26,ilend Elmer BI1U11ting- l1
bers, and all women who are eligible of (dainty white onies witeI gold col- er, '271, has been made. Miss Tandy
to associate membership are also in- .oael rufflinug. s a uember of Sigma Kappa sorority.,- New
vited. Old members of the association Reports ,how that the tea room is- ---- " I - "
will be expected to pay their dues to! a decided success,,tis yemar, accord- I Let The Daily sell it for you thinr" Felt Hats
the treasurer at this meeting. i ig to).Margare T lurd;, '2, the man-mi Ith Classified colmumn.---Adv. -_
Mrs. Rosenberry will be the guest I gr noentsr fisoxc ~ specially .
of Mrs. Dean W. Myers, 1917 Wash- laitm, h.d._k o a,.isoi ~1rie
tenaw avenue, vice-presidlent of tie I pfP ie wi"aie l o n h od W ~-'
local branch, during her stay in Ann A.ATaRom"Ter someo
ths'ttely' fsar edn r mArbor. Saturday noon she will be the teS theuad tstm' liiII from'
guest of honor at a tea given by Mrs. to tie locker rIooms,' andi another. just I
E. R. Sunderland, 1510 Cammbridge ) usd h e o la 35 50
road, president of the local branch,(h l ro t F rI I h md ftemoetnIt
eind in the evening there will be a dn odT y ul o'r
ner at Martha Cook building in her1 II IW'E 'IE
F honor. Her husband, Judge Marvin League Orchestra s and wre arecaccpable of bob- IV Idh~1
Rosenberry, a member of tie Supreme=
emit t ths diner, lso le Wome-n imte rsted in Mtic amc l bins or marce11mg yours in -1IA T S O=
urged to try out for the Lea guoM-]i I
cou' raofaWisonsin, w i rityof~e
clagaut ft~eUmvriy iestia'awxhich is being organized th motacpe an- 206 East Liberty Dial 3848 '
Michigan. under the (dir(et ion of CGwendolyn tems ~ tdadpp "lI1R~H1l1lli111g111111if11IHialltfltI11i~ii1111i1
- - ilson. I sistSaturi day tryouts wvere
Officers Chosen hl tiabu ynsu nlj ular fashion.
1or Rifle Cl ub lmay howeeiitercsted Wer'e l ,:
Iable to at tend the tryouts at t his date,!
Wonen'~l it has been decid(ed to continue theum
Officers for the Michigan Wom his Stra.Adfnt)~l(ei o ____
Rifle club were elected Mondlay at a IhsStra.Adfiiepaei o!
joint nmeeting of the three rifle class- y et decidedl n oilburg if possible they'T!- fl1/A ''A['I____
es. They are Miss Ethel McCoramick of ,xi ehl i i ynistim~I
the physical education departmnit, freBAnAtiUTYiFiidivs ndSai
president; Lucy Tuttle, '28, secretary; (ay's Daily txviill iate ihe final am I B A ''V S-O ______ ______
Margaret Cole, '28, treasurer. (r= gmreit
Time Michigan club is entering a Arhaslo h ocet' H30 South State St. ='
behl odyatronadapl)'team this year in the National Ril lie hel Mndyafemoeam la iu
association and also the National rifle I ieano1ce }-tofth mnuic
match. chsnvil ) ui'edT'dy I Dial 8878
The period of matches e rcends from
Nov. 7 to April 9, with from three to; marksmnI not 1(o1)dkiicult. 1n0 musicit
ten matches each week. Them'e will than two naoSitins are to be firedl in
be matches in the sitting, prone, once week.
kneeingand standing positions, but
in order to make the work of tie Watch Page Sevcn. for real valves.. ..- --
101-105 S. MAIN S --ANN ARBOR, MICH.--330 S. Sf§'iEav Yo aC mf R be
Yumay like to 'slip into a nice comfy robe
E1 T BELIEVE THAT A BANK GROWS for that quiet hour of studying just before you
i~ V AS IT SERVES ITS COMMUNITY. retire. .However, when you will appreciate one
1THE STEADY GROWTIH OF THIS q most is that zero hour when the clock says "get up"
BANK SINCE ITS FOUNDING EVIDENCES and bed never seems more alluring. You may choose
S THAT WE HAVE SERVED CURTP COMMU0L-tN from robes that are niot only warm as toast but
NITY WELL AND THAT PEOPLE HAVE Ij extremely good to look at in their soft tones..
CONFIDENCE IN OUR OFFICER~S AND Qu(,ilted robes of Silk, Eiderdown Bathrobes, Cor-
THEIR' POLICIES. YOU TOO WILL FIND]~ duroy Robes, and Flannel House Coats

It is the aim of thme committee to have Gerberding, '27,, Doris Hicks, '29, Mil-
a miniature candy stamud in every or- ldred Innis, '28, C'atherine Scott, '27,
ganized house. This means that somet Almaa Scheirich, Lucille Malir, '29,
'womuen in each house will need to1 Cecelia Lee Fine, '27, Marion Bradley,
have charge of time enterprise. H~ouses '29, Alice Underwood, '29, Mary Cas-I
w,,ho have not yet been called and who; tech, '27, Florence Widmaier, '28,
would be willing to undertake the; Mary MacDonald, '29, Cletes Fagan,
sale are asked to send their name in '29, Lucille Hittle, '29, Hilda Mary
to Florence Wertel 7717. 'There were! Evans, '29, Irma Sanzenbacker, ' 29,
about twenty-five houses carryingi and Elizabeth Wellmnan, '29.
candy last year, and it is hoped that All these women are required to be
at least twice that nmany will respond present next Tuesday evening at the
this year. regular meeting of Athemna.

I -.


/ "
'1 . };
' l .>-gin
a 5:
r r y
Y(. >1
p ~ fL
,l ' ,
+ r
;p ,
, --
u; ;,

Superio r quality, pelts of
Sealinc, Marmot, Oppos-
surn, NM'us:krat, Caracul,
Kid, Broadtail and Rac-


$150 to $450



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