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October 15, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-10-15

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Tfl 171 , )TM~P 512

Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. .Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.b al
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Chairman, Editorial Board... Norman R. Thal
"City Editor.......... Robert S. Mansfield
News Editor...........Manning Housewrth
Women's Editor...........Helen S. Ramsay
Sports Editor................Joseph Kruger
Telegraph Editor.........William Wathour
Music and Drama......Robert B. Henderson
Night Editors
Smhh ITH Cady Leonard C. Hall
-Willa~d l. Crosby Thomas V. Koykka
Robert T. DeVore W. Calvin Patterson
Assistant City Editors
Irwin Olians FredericksCr. Shillito
Gertrude E. Bailey Margaret Parker
Louis R. Markus Stanford N. Phelps
'arles B aehymer Evelyn Pratt
Philip C. Brooks Marie Reed
L. Farnum Simon Rosenbaum
Buckingham Ruth Rosenthal
Edgar Carter Abraham Satovsky
Eugene :f. Gutekunt Wilton A. Simpson
Douglas Doubleday Janet Sinclair
Mary lDunigan Courtland C. Smith
]aes T. Herald James A. Sprowl
Russell T. Hitt Sanley Steinko
Eiaeth S. ~ennedy Clarissa Tapson
lMarion Kubk eenry Thurnau
ll Walter i. Mak iavid C. Vokes
rouis R.Markus Chandler J. Whippl
Ellis Merry Kneth AWickwaren
Stanton Meyer Cassam A. Wilson Wne
elen Morrow Thomas C. nter
herbert Moss Marguerite Zszke
Telephone 21214
Advertising...............J....... J. Finn
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Advertising..........."Frank R. Dentz, Jr.
Advertising....-............Wi. L. Mullin
.Circulation ... ........ ..... .... L. Newman
Publication..............Rudolph Bostelman
Accounts........... ..Paul W. Arnold
Ingred M. Alving S. ,. Pardee
(eorge I. Annablte, Jr. Loleta G. Parker
WV. arl B3aur Julius C. Pliskow
John H. obrink Robert Prentiss
haden W. Butzbach Win. C. Pusch
W. J ('x Franklin J. Rauner
Marion A. Daniel Joseph Ryan
~aes R. DePuy Margaret Smith
mlagaret L. Funk Ruth A. Sorge
Stan Gilbert Thomas Sunderland
T. Kenneth Haven Win. H. Wearne
J. E. Little Eugene Weinberg
}rank . (osher Wm. J. Weinman
F- A -Nor lquist
Night Editor-LEONARD C, HALL
The Supreme court has handed
down a decision demanding respect
from the Federal agents as well as
from the citizen for the Constitution.
Recently a man was arrested in a
narcotic raid in Brooklyn and found
to have a bottle of cocaine on his per-
son. After taking him to' jail, the
agents proceeded to search his house
without taking the trouble to secure
a° warrant andnfound a can of the
drug. The man was sentenced to
prison under the Harrison anti-nar-
cotic law, but the Supreme court has
set him free because the fourth
amepdment holds that a "man's house
is his castle."
The protection afforded by the
amendment, according to the court,
extends to those convicted as well as
to those who are innocent. The
amendment states that except when
an arrest is made on the premises,
there is no sanction of any court that
will permit a search to be made of
a private dwelling without a warrant.
And the man mentioned aboe was
arrested many blocks from his home.

In recent years there has been a
great laxity in seeing that the firstl
ten amendments granting certain
rights 'to individuals have been car-
ried out. The feverish desire to force
prohibition onto a people not yet will-,
ing to accept it has lead to the use of
a greats many methods that have
aroused the ire of those involved. Un-
warranted seaiich of dwellings has
become a common matter in carrying!
out the dry law. Possibly this action
of the Supreme court means that the
Bill of Rights is going to be carriedf
out as our forefathers wished. Per-
haps the citizen may rest more easily
in his "castle."
We note that Indiana's colors areF

States to show these foreign-born r
persons just how badly it wishes to
Americanize them by freeing them of OAS
old world fears. Such an organization
is bound to stir up trouble, even as it 1LST
did years ago. Life for the immi- IAND
grant will be a continual strife ifIFOUND
he must live in constant fear of some- I
thing he cannot get at. A spirit of e y know the
nervous unrest will pervade these name of the Opera. that
unret wll ervae tesesome comment on the e title e should be
newcomers. Only trouble can result
from allowing such an organization forthcoming. It ought to be a loud
to exist. The government should im- show, for instance and well rounded.
meditly take gstepst chck ie- Perhaps a few people will rap it, too,
mediately take steps to check it be- u o ayfri ilb atig
fore it assumes its old pootos but not many for it will be a rattling
r ssmssdproportions.good show. And so on.
I * * * .
"Eskimo Flappers Smoke, Too"- We hereby offer an almost unbe-
Detroit Free Press headline. That's lievably large reward for anyone who
their only means of attracting atten- can explain just what goes on at the
tion, for they are compelled by cli- Union. It seems someone appointed
matic conditions to wear all their someone else and then they both got
clothes the year around. together and appointed a lot more
and so someone else again got all
WHERE, OH WHERE jworked up about it. It seems the
The wearing of the Freshman pot, constitution of the Union is vitally
which is a tradition at the University, involved.
has been noticeably unobserved this Our guess is that the constitution
year. The first year men seem to is so long that nobody ever bothered
consider themselves above such sub- to read it before. It was probably
jugation; they evidently feel they are done by some member of the publicity
too good to be branded as freshmen. committee anyway. Of course we
The pot is the insignia of the en- don't know, but we are basing our
tering class. It is the only means guess on those placards which seem
whereby the yearlings are able to omnipresent in the building and
know their, classmates. The head- which contain short excerpts from
gear is not a thing of which to be above-mentioned constitution.
ashamed. It should mean to the All of which proves how futile
freshman what a flag or coat of arms constitutions are. Or what do you
means to a country. think it proves?
And above all, the wearing of the * * *
pot is a tradition here. Incoming Prof. Hobbs is now going to start
students should feel honored to be radio stations in Greenland, to warn
able to wear the pot marking them Europe of impending storms. Nowj
as crusaders in college life. It is the there is something of the real old
traditional cap of the freshmen of fashioned altruism. We wonder, how-
the University. ever, how Europe has gotten along all
If the University spirit has not these years without being warned of
gripped them yet, if they feel that the storms, and just what they could do
pot is merely to make them feel in- about it if they were warned. We
significant, they should realize that further wonder why no one ever
spirit in their class will be aroused thought of having a station in Green-
if everyone wore his pot. And spirit land before, or maybe they did, but
is necessary if the class of '29 holds just didn't bother.
any hopes for a successful career. "At certain intervals air waves
Hazing at the University, except in
extreme cases, has become a thing of rush out from all sides of Greenland
the past, but the yearling should not with hurricane velocity." We bet we.
take advantage of the fact. Why be could guess just when these certain
afraid of the little grey caps? times are.
___ ___ ___ _ ** *
It's really remarkable how far from
}Minor sports at Michigan have erhtsegogisgtatim.
shown a marked development. Boxing earth these geologists get at times.
is a striking example. s
It seems that Benny 1{riedmwan
was elected a member of the
J'p committee. Apparently

1; 1 A




TONIGHT: Tle New York Syni-
phiony orchestra in Hill auditorium
at 8 o'clock.
A review, by Frederic Ziv.
Engaged, that "tremendously amus-




ing burlesque," was presented for the
second successful time with all the'
skill and ability expected in a student
production. It was, to say the ex-
pected, extremely "engaging."
Burlesque is difficult, and burlesque
upon a burlesque, which is really
effected when feminine roles are all
in the hands of men, is unquestion-
ably an accomplishment. The men
were mere men, or rather mere gen-
tlemen of the romantic seventies; but
the women were excellent, and stood
out in bold face against a background
of mere men, and shallow plot.
Mr. Cheviot Hill, gentleman, is
ably surrounded in his all too fre-
quent love affairs, by three charming
mistresses; and who, indeed, could
not make love with two thousand
pounds and three willing women;
Angus MacAllister does well with
less. But it is to the feminine parts
that most credit is due. Robert Hen-
derson's Belinda Treherne was a re-
markable portrayal of femininity in
its most clinging form, and was un-
doubtedly the outstanding achieve-
ment of the production. The remain-
ing roles are well done, but each one
shows distinct tendencies to mimic
the sterling portrayal of Belinda Tre-
herne. In fact, throughout the play,
and especially in the finest parts, the
directing by Robert Henderson shows
through to hide the minor weakness-
es of plot and ability .
Mimes has distinctly shown that it
can, if it will, keep the campus en-
tertained; and the campus in turn has
shown, by capacity houses, both
nights, that it is not only willing, but
earnestly ,desires, to have student
productions of the finer sort. En-



.. I



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gaged, then, besides being splendid
entertainment in itself, has uncovered
latent possibilities from which we
may expect results in the near future.
* * '
A review, by Robert Henderson.
We are all very much bound round
with legends. I4 remembr when
a buner ToA~noru.i U5 ni- -y-7 ~ lii-;tr.1-t-


FILS lil~l D1)JEEL ING ,



"That those who ride" may study
geography even as they ride, the State
of Ohio has inaugurated the plan of
marking all streams in the state,
especially those crossing main high-
ways. Lettered signs, sufficiently'
large to allow those who pass to read,
and small enough that they do not
mar the landscape, tell each stream's
This practice is one that the state
of Michigan, and others in this!
Union, might well adopt. Why shouldf
not the motoring public, and it is a
large one, have added an educationalf
touch to its cross-country rambles?
According to reports, -Col. William
Mitchell has temporarily refrained
from "airing" his opinions.

they are going to have;
this year.
* * *
* * *
On Again
Off Again

* *



(The Boston Evening Transcript)
From time to time comes effort to
force the public school teachers to
live within the bounds of the cities
that pay their salaries. Mayor Hy-
lan of New York once enlisted in such
endeavor. Now Edward M. Sullivan
of Dorchester, a member of the Bos-
ton school committee, has filed an
order with the body to compel the
non-resident teachers, said to number
1300, to live in the city or vacate their
places. Mr. Sullivan's order, what-
ever may happen to it, is likely to
cause no little discussion, and to
bring forth powerful argument in
favor of the continuance of the exist-;
ing order.
There is something to be said for
the position taken by the Dorchester
member of the school committee. The
demand that the teaching force as
well as other employees of the city
shall be residents within it, so con-
tributing to its revenues through the
payment of their taxes and in other
ways, is not without logic. But even

a ouces Eileanor a Duse played in Detroit two
years ago. Half of the house would
have told you that the performiance
was dull andleunintelligible, the act-
ress a shattered old woman with a
thing, stringy voice and a corded
TOR neck. But there was some subtle
aura cast about this pathetic figure,
POEM this very noble figure that instinctive-
ly brought the audience to its feet.
They were honoring a legend; they
were recognizing a tradition that was
almost holy.
IS MAN? . Yesterday afternoon Mr. Christian
included in his recital the Debussy
Andante from his String Quartette
and Strawinsky's "Ronde dles Prin-i
cesses." A major critic, of course,
will tell you that Debussy is a stencil
and a hollow mould, Strawinsky a
bawdy trickster and a maniac. But
there is something about all their
work, about the work of Honneger
and Satie - how the world is damn-
ing his Groupe des Six now that he is
dead!-which leaves me wide-eyed,
with a sunken spot somewhere be-
tween my larynx and lower dia-
I suppose such gullible hangovers.
are a complex-this blanket enthus-
iasm over modern music. But there is
something as intangibly pulsing as an
sas last seen unsteady dynamo about such works;
e evening of with the one it is an erotic, half
When last myriad mysticism-with the other aE
he wing col- pagan, ungodly and overwhelming
at, although rhythm. Rhythm and color and
since then. rhythm and rhythm.
Id when last Mr. Christian's program also in-
of his age cluded a stunning interpretation of
199 lbs. in the Bach Fantasia and Fugue in G
len standingminor. The Mendelssohn Capriccio,
e had those however, should never be played on
which were an organ-at least, not on Mr. Friez's
yes gray and Lulu. All the staccatto work becomes
n last seen muddy or worse, and the forte pass-
h they may age in the middle of the piece sounds
His name like tweny devils on a dry-drunk. In
ay also have any case, the entire composition loses
seeing him all the trivial froth that is it's gamin
the nearest beauty and degenerates to a mere
confused bubble.
is the new teach in neighboring cities? While
It was sung they may not equal in number the




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- - 511:30--1:30
- - -5:30Y-7:0

Special Parties b) Arrangecment

Phone 9646

205 S. State


This is the man who w
in Needles, Arizona on th
Thursday, Dec. 19, 1895.
seen he did not have on t
lar or the chauffuer's h
he may have put them on
He was twenty years o
seen, but little is known
since then. He weighed
his stocking feet, and wh
erect his hair brown. H
funny colored eyes,
sometimes green, sometim
sometimes brown. Whe
they were blue, although
have changed since then.
was Joe Zilch, but that m
been changed. Anyone
around kindly inform
secret service man.
* * *
"Builded In Majesty"i
Law club's fighting song.I

nTree Inn

i 4.'
L time
Write it-don't sing
The chances are that you'll do a better job with
a "Lifetime" pen. And you'll have the satisfac-
tion of knowing, when you write to her, that
you are working with the "niftiest" instrument
procurable. Of green, jade-green radite, a hand-
some and indestructible material, is the pen
you'll love to hold. Its nib is guaranteed for a
i Bme.But what is more important, it is an in-
allible nerformer. At better storns va mrmai'

reported to be red, black and blue.
Only the latter two are now necessary
to afford a complete description.


were it to be admitted that here is a I
"BREAK IT UP" position sound in theory, it is a con-
Are Italian communities in this dition and not a theory that confronts
country again going to fall prey to the community. Boston is a part of
the black-shirted , Fascisti? Merely what is, in effect, a greater city.
the name used to strike horror into Thousands who do business in the
the hearts of the Italian-American. city proper live elsewhere. As a prac-
And then the organization apparently tical proposition, is it wise to deny to
disappeared from this country due to city employees the same freedom inI
natural causes and the police. the choice of residence?
na . 4.1 .. ..«. + .. nrneil ~h ~ntir~n1- 4..1


at the smoker last night. The medics non-residents who hold positions here,
are hastening to write one for the I such Boston teachers may neverthe-
new hospital "Builded in Five Years." less constitute an element to be con-
* * * sidered. Certainly there is much
We wonder whether there are any crossing of city limits in the suburbs.
gypsy students in school who will be Where would be the advantage of
offended at the forthcoming Opera. If establishing such a rule in all tlies
so they will probably wander on. cities as that proposed in Boston?
* * * Yet if in theory it is right for Boston
What ,n* ,,,Ata -,.,, it is right for all these othe n

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