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October 15, 1925 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-10-15

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Association Unable to Get D~efinite
Answer Front Smith and PIucliot
Regaring Appearance
For the, present, the tenth numtber
of the regular -lecture course of the
Oratorical association will remain
open, Prof. Thomas C. Truebloodj
chairman of the course, announced
yesterday. Hopes are held that either
Gov. Alfred E. Smith of New York, or
Gov. Gifford Pinchot of Pennsylvania,
can; be secured to conclude the lecture
Both governors have been extended}
invitations to accept the open date onj
the program, but were unable to "name
a date for their appearance, here. The
executives informed Professor True-
blood that they could not definitely
fix a._date, at the, present time. How-
ever, they expressed° their appercia-
tion of the invitation and said that
they would probably be able to! fix a
date -for their appearance in Ann Ar-
bor if- they, were to- be approached ini
January or February.
Professor Trueblood was pleased
,with the answers received and he
3 :feels that either one 'or the other of'
the executives will accept the openI
dte when approached in January.
Should Governor Pinehot accept the
number for early April, an effort will
be made to have Governor Sridth ap-'
pear as. a special feature under the
auspices of the association. The New
York executive has informed Profes-
sor Trueblood that the Legislature will
in all probabiliay, take his entire at-
tention in early April.
Doctor Wishes To
Weigh Brains COf
All Congressmen



Italy May Duplicate U. S. World Flig ht American Indians Had Origin In Far
- East, Canadian Scientist Believes
(' I Further linguistic eveidece to fis, vocabulary and grammaticaly
_____________________ pove that the American Indian had! structre are similar, then probably
":>>:; :;;:r his origin in Asia, particularly China, his theory is right. For similarity i
'.4 ~these three traits couldn't be a co-
~~:~~*- .~*. ~. ...~ as eendisldsd b Dr Edardincidence.Ile evidently does not e-
.... , : ~.:Sapir, Canadian antropologist, now 1 eoi i ieryt~talIda
:. . " :, of the University of Chicago.hoeiteteoyhIatllndn
Dr. Sapir states that he has found l gae alacomnoiihw
}s ,... "'.., . c "'-" :}" :, ,- % } . ia similarity in the languaes of thle Cpr
.., j : .."adene group" of North America and
" 4 v ..,.the languages of the early Cl nese, n ie r td
____z;: ,,n:ro:::.":"rs_ :;<;::. being in the same language ctegory.i Y
S'~~~ The same peculiarities of phonetics, _____
* ~~Y.7Z.7 1 vocabulary and grammatical struc- I ' s gtin fteprbblte
". .. .::. "".: : .:::° ure are what Dr. Sapir cliam to be
f r., present. of obtaining a larger supply of water
h~/" J";};i!::. N;di;",",i: . , M. Hirsch ootkns of tha o- from resent sources will be une-
."".;":.,,,,; : : ~... . ;;.ance.....language>;: d epartment dciar2s tknby engineers summnoned from;
< g .;,t..,:cr .::; .;;hat this view of the origin of, the Chlicago by the city, it was announced
.,. ..v...,.r}_"::;:; .:. UT,, ''<'.;>r:':: American Inian is not a newh one, yhe city wter department yester-
but hitherto has not been satisfac- dlay.
torily proven. Drughts uring the summer
It has been fairly wel seled by mcnh threaten to create seiousl
091 . linguistic evidence that the Amen- shoviaes at times, and plans will bej
S:; :.:.... can bears sonc relation to the I'~shi, deeloped to secure a reserve of
manu, and either had his oriin in water capable of insuring a supply at'
.. . ;;... N : that part of the continent or wNas all scasi50l5 Maury and Gordon, con-
;;::.,. there at some time. So with the siigegnes vi eemn
proper evidence, it is quite logical to ~he Ldzi' additional water can be o-
+ "' assume that he cae from Asia," Mir. taned by the drilling of more wells 1
., _a r:.} .}.:: <.4 'otkifssatd on the Steere farm, the source of the
"' "'- 6"' = °'yL "S ifDr. Sapir is right when hie city's present supply, or if it will be,
l - - -says that the pecuiarities~of phonet- necessary to find a new source. It
cesc dePinedo, accompanied by M. Camijanelli in a small hydroplane, is }heparing o complete his jump
{ wcossthe Pacific, having reached Mbnila. Pinedo (right), Campanelli and their lane are shown.
-- ]'.TA1i~lil~'Nailing Laundry
ITWOADI I ONAL ' Frog, Ciken arcd Steak Dnners Is such a nuisance. It causes you lots of trouble and makes
STOP STRIEET'S _ = lots of work for the family. Why not let us do it for you?
State street from Huron south to the Served at One trial will demonstrate the quality of our work.
city limits, and Miller avenue, west BOU V L'EVAX i)INN
from Main to the city limits, are now=4
through streets, it was announced by I2 Two blocks from city baus line on Jackson Road, 2T11.
I the police department yesterday. The- from noon till midnight. M O E (LA 1 TN 1ID R Y
erection of stop street signs at the in-
tersection-of all streets crossing these I Special attettion given to parties. Phone 6534. . 204 N. IIAIN. J)IA1 316
thoroughfares has been completed, and I=11111tI11nI1111111Il 1111111111l it 111I 1~111IIIIII
jStudents are warned that this new or-
' 1dinance will be strictly enforced. ,I

has b(cn ugsdb s om,-c , Ie obii'h;
that if Vuhe wells o (.. 3teer frmi
m)ove ilIid(I([1atte , h'm t Wa i r ti k te
-Huron river :"eused nfl r iltcration.'
There are now 356 broadcasting- sta-
tions operating outside the Unioted
States, as compared with 566 station,-
listed by thec radio- division of the
Bureau of Navigation, in the United
States and possessions.
IBRUSSELLS, Oct. 15.-Thie Belgian
mission who will discuss a big loan
with New York bankrers, will leavo
for New York Friday.


Irving Warmohts,D S'C


A17N nvriyAe hn 11

I Q_ S ESrgyn
We f :'rSi> one or two men to Sell
the 1 Sf- Tee itpe- a genu ie brinir
bihon i anew prinicipile. ('onveniit
for all ct tdoor sack Fh;iN e, Spada; or
v'I! ,,; nniot fly 'k olind IYou. Retanils
;a' ~ I.OX) withlrriaisonIo profit for
seller. This offer is sincere. Wi1&,-
AFYP,Tc i~ rawy



In compliance with a recent councilj
Dr. Arthur McDonald of Washing- resolution 6}-minutte parallel parkingzFI S NATIONAL/ T .~
ton, 'D. C., author of "Man and Ab- signs are being erected in the business1 L, _ L"
normal Man," is soon to present to? districts, and warning signals near all u ,ID183
Congress his petition which will ask schools and hospitals of the city.
all the senators and representatives~ Police regulations are still being en-
whether they are willing to have their I forced with energy, resulting in the llilII;!1111iIl[11J111II !IIII IIlI IngI[II;I'III 1111! 11111111H,,I1
,brains weighed and the results reseal- arrest of a number of student drivers
ed to the people of. the United States, [every day, according to Chief of Police
Having convinced himself that lie Tlbomis O'Brien. "There are more ; Savings Department
can develop a system to weigh the' violations of traffic laws among the
brains of living persons, Dr. McDon- students every year," he said. "More 'P u t D ia tn n
aldk wishes first to try it on -the 4,000 !than 60 per cent of all arrests made D p tm n
inmates of the government hospital for for disregarding traffic ordinances are,
the insane and then on the members student drivers. Since the University 1I~~IIIIII!IIIIIIIIlIIEiIIIIIIIIIIl!alIE11[1l11l9lIIIIIlII lIIIl,,l~l
of Congress. He believes that by i opened e h'ave arrested more than
weighing the head he can finid a. sys- } 200 students for offenses of this kind,
tern to weigh the brains of at living "taking in 140 in one evening." Most ,,Mcia
pesn fteofne oss ftevoainOds ainlBn nProf. Walter B. Pillsbury of the' of the ordinance relating to parking
psychology department brands the at night, and drivers are notified that
whole idea. as "silly." "In my opinion: every effort is being made to entorce
there is no relation between inteilig- this law. ______________________
ence. and brata weight," Professor
Pillsbury stated. "It may be possi- A
ble to get an accurate average, butt!TJIA
for individuals no system will work.". BEST ?R CE
AMoscow scientist claims to have For f<Ins sdCltig
discovered a "hunger center" in 'the 1 Phone 4310) 115 W. Washington..
-brain, which controls the appetite. ' BENJTA IN!



C r o vwei -Coal--Ck
Scranton, Pocahontas, Kentucky
and West Virginia Coal
Solvay and Gas Coke
This business has been growing ever since it was established.



Snug warmth, full,
protection, in com-
paratively light':
weight underwear!
Health Underwear'
with its unique two- ,
layer fabric, is just
about the finest'
thing we've seen in
You'll enjoy wearing it.
We enjoy, offering it.
F~or Men, Wonmen andi Childtren
.E. Wuerth -Co.
iFashion iPairk Clothiers
Next to Wuerth Theater.




We believe it pays to do business in a friendly way.
think so too, let's get together.

If you


Programs and Invitations
-Order engraved invitations and programs
2 for the house parties and dances.2
=Our knowledge of what is most approved
by smart usage and social convention is ata
= your call. =
Th, e Mayer-Schairer Co.'
. Phone 4515112 South 1Maui St.
iui~tt~f~u tt n rt a t~t mt ttr rrr~rnia sirEa~a iaf Ei~ru tn r 1


Cornwell -- Coa1 -- Coke


Phones 4551 and 4552

Office, Conwell Block

There is no b3ctCr time tha n now to
get that winter overcoat made up
from' the best of material, with
tailoring work unequalled.




Refinement Is the Essence
of Good Taste
And only one of the many features
of the Service and Quality we offer you.


"Et'erytliing in Tailoring"

619 William



"famed for
freshr c ss"


( ~lidiilt~~H 9 1l111tlli Ef~ii~~t1OlID 4t !1 tt l 1Wh y Sl~1!196t 11I I I1111~ #I~1i'
M] souldhave
- _a
ftwl ddt orstnigan rsie ihyu
- n t eahes
Yo>atepcroncpe/fntslcue n
- theses.
usfuOsUon s ou live.a
- 17 Nckels rcade




B3on Bons ... .. .. .. .. .. . .. . ..60c

Try these Candies fresh from the Kitchen to You!


Af 1<0
%O Z.


Milk Chocolates ... .. .. .65c :Lb.



Sweets . . . . . . ".". . . . . .60C Lb.

P ene uchie .. .. . .. ... .. . ... ... 90c Lb.

Nuts anid

Fruits . m.... ,.. ,. $1,00 Lb.

All outr popular l3rogue Models
j on display atI

Special of Home-made Candies every Friday
50c per Peckage.

and Saturday.


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