C, 4r
ati .
Team Will Board Special Coaches at
10 o'clock; Students to Meet
at Union
Michigan's Varsity football team
will be given a send-off at the Michi-
gan Central depot tonight, when it
leaves for Madison to meet the Badg-
ers on Saturday afternoon. Led by
the Varsity band and directed by
members of the cheerleading squad,
the crowd will meet at 9:30 o'clock
at the Union, march down State street
and cheer the departing squad as it
leaves for its first out-of-town game.
The team will board its special
coaches at 10 o'clock tonight, the
coaches announced yesterday. The
parade of students, led by the band.
Members of the Varsity band
wvill meet in front of the Union
at 9:30 o'clock tonight to take
part in. the send-off of the foot-1
ball team for its game at Wis-
Wilfred Wilson, Director.
will arrive at the Michigan Central
tracks at that time. Cheerleaders will
be on hand to direct the yells for
members of the squad and the direc-
tor of the band will take charge of
The arrangements for the celebra-
tion were completed by the Student
council at its meeting last night at
at the Union. No pep meeting at Hill
auditorium has been held for the Wis-
consin game, as it was thought that
a send-off for the teami just as it
leaves for its first battle of the year
on a foreign field would be more ef-
ective. The students will follow te
band back up State street after the
conclusion of the cheering, as th'e
coaches requested that the members
of te team be allowed to go to bed
by 10:30 o'clock.
At its meeting last night, the coun-
cil also petitioned the athletic as-
sociation to send a cheerleader to all
out-of-town games, as it sends the
mnanager and other members of the
staff that accompany the team.
Badgers Expect
Capacity Crowd
MADISON, Oct. 14.-For the first
time since the new football stadium
was constructed at the University of
Wisconsin all seats have been sold
for a game.
More than 33,000 tickets have been
bought for the home-coming Michi-
gan game on Oct. 17. All except 2,500
were sold by mail and these have
been purchased since theye were put
on open sale a week ago. The largest
crowd at the Wisconsin stadium was
attracted to the Notre Dame game last
year, when 29,000 attended.
The governors of Michigan and Wis-
consin and the presidents of the two
state universities will attend the
game. Interest in the game is also
high because the game represents a
contest between George Little, new
Wisconsin coach, and his former
chief, "Hurry Up" Yost, Michigan
Dean At Columbia
Explains Failures
Dean Herbert E. Hawkes of Colum
bia university has recently compiled
a list of seven reasons why student
flunk. According to his statemen
they are: poor preparation, low intel
ligence, iack of funds, poor judgmen
in choice of extra curricular activi
ties, ill health, laziness, and fallin
in love.
DETROIT, Oct. 12.- Two death
from automobile crashes, two asphy
xiations and two other accident fa
talities placed the accident toll in De
troit over the week-end at six.
A PSir Robert Falconer, president
of the University of Toronto, haslo O E C N ER1 8
accepted an invitation to speak
at the University conyocation on
Washington's birthday, Feb. 22.
President Falconer was to give I E I S1teadsstthcovain
the address at the convocation _______
year, but this gathering was SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA IN IT WILL EQUAL "COTTON
called off on account of the death VARIED PROGRAM STOCKINGS"
of President Burton.
1 (Gy Maier and Palmer Christian are Posses Promising Cast and Book
D N C N I Soloists; Will Play Saint-Saens Will Attempt Longest Trip, 1
Sympiony, Liszt Concerto Makig 16 Presentations
Walter Damrosch, director of the "Tambourine" is the title of the
PARKNG1ROB EM'New York Symphony orchestra, con- 1926 Union Opera. The announcement I
Suggest Parking Tags, Assess Facuttyducting that group of distinguished of the name of the book, which wasr
Five Dollars, Also Discuss y musicians, with Guy Maer, pianist, selected last spring, Ewas made last
Revision of Catalogue and Palmer Christian, organist, as night by E. Mortimer Shuter, diretors
soloists, will open the forty-seventh of the University's most ambitious
NAME RADIO COMMIT TEE annual Choral Union concert series at dramatic effort. It will be the 20th
8 o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium annual Opera to be given by Mimes.
Recommendations for further limi- This occasion will mark the New Th book for this year's Opera was
tation of parking privileges on the York Symphony's first appearance in written by Walker Everett, '26, andt
campus were made by Joseph A. Burs- Ann Arbor for several years. Valentine Davies, '27. Dance music
ley, Dean of Students, in a report to This orchestra is conceded by crit- and lyrics, which total nearly 30,
a meeting of the deans yesterday ics and the public in general to stand were composed by Milton Peterson,1
morning, among the foremost orchestras in '25.
Present parking space has proven America, as it is certainly one of the "Tambourine" will be produced by
to be entirely inadequate to care for oldest organizations of its kind on a larger company than in any pre-
the large number of University em- this side of the Atlantic. Mr. Dam- vious year, more than 100 men com-i
ployes who own cars. Fifty cars may rosch became director at the age of prising the cast, choruses, the orches-
be parked in the space near s Umay nineteenl having received the baton tra and committees. "Cotton Stock-
sit alkl, 30ben the Ch emUistry- from his father, and h'as for forty ings," which scored such a tre-
building an theNaturalScience years since devoted his energies mendous hit in the East two years
building, 20 in the space back of the toward perfecting his orchestra, un- ago, had a company of 75. Twelve
old Physics building, and 12 near the!til it has achieved its present rank. -more men will be used in the chor-I
Sgymnasiums. d d Mr. Damrosch's breadth of experience uses this year, bringing the number
The committee, headed bys.Dean and his solicitude for the musical to 48 as compared to 36 in "Tickled
Bursley, which was appointed by the public as a whole have earned for his To Death" last year. The cast will
deans to solve the parking problem, organization the designation "pioneer number 11, the same as in the pro-
has suggested th parking priles of the best music in the United States." duction a year ago, as will the num-
in restricted University parking space The orchestra's personnel which, ! her of committeemen. The orchestra,
be limited to those officers and teach- having remained almost entirely in-: however, will be enlarged by eight
ers who hold a rank not lower than I tact thrdugh a long period of years, pieces, and is to have a personnel of
that of instructor. It was also sug- in the opinion of many critics, has 24.
gested that a permit fee of $5.00 be given it a unity in detail and grada- Mr. Shuter is more optimistic re-o
charged for parking in this space. I tion that is seldom found in younger garding thehsuccess of this year's
Thedrecommendations haveabeen ap- organizations. Opera than he has ever been in pre-
proved by the deans and. have been Two number,, of especial interest to vious years. "I am quite confident
referred to the Regents. Ann Arbor muusic patrons have been t ~hat 'Tamnbourne' will equal 'cotton
A report was also given by Regis- included on tonight's program. These Stockings' in every respect from the I
trar Ira M. Smith upon the proposed are Saint-Saens' Organ Symphony in standpoint of the audience," he said
revision of the general catalogue. It C major, in which the organ parts yesterday, "and I believe that is pre-a
is planned to make the catalogue will be played by Palmer Christian, dieting a remarkable show, consider
more usable by simplifying the cal- and the Concerto for piano and or- ing the triumph scored two years ago
endar, by making it more uniform, chestra in E flat by Liszt, with Guy when the Opera was heralded as onec
and by cutting out the descriptions Maier, of the University School of of the finest college productions ever I
of the courses. Miss Stella Brunt, Music piano department, at the piano. presented.
of the registrar's office will edit the The other numbers which will bom- The bookcis excellet," c inued
new catalogue under the direction of plete the program are: the Academic theo tme wil e
Registrar Smith. Festival Overture by Brahms; En- even more gorgeous, and the musical1
Announcement was made of ap- trance of the Knights of the Grail, numberssare bound to be certain hits.
pointments to the committee which from Act 1 of Wagners "Parsifal"; ar sd th taetterned, I
will have charge of radio broadcast- Dance of the Old Ladies, from the t-vouts to work with, particularly
ing from the University in the future. "Ventian Convent" by Casella; and th ses"
Dean Edward IH. Kraus, of the Sum- the Entrance of the Little Fauns, in'tmcoruse's.
mer sesion wil b clnir an, andfrom the ballet "Cydalise" by Pierne. I Tambourine" is a two-act musical1
mer session, will be chairman, and rmtealt"Cdis"yPen. comedy with a prologue. The scene
he will be assisted by Prof. W. D. The Organ Symphony by Saint- is laid in an imaginary Balkan. king-
Henderson, director of the Extension Saecys is an un.sual type of compo- is. aidin an i rasnat Bln. The
division, Wilfred B. Shaw, general sec- sition, using the organ and orchestra dlot duricenters eabout nenchanting
retary of the alumni association, Al- with the added effects made possible plotncens bou an nhantig
bert Lockwood of the School of Mu- by the former instrument. It is the r scheduled marriage to the king
sic, and Coach Fielding H. Yost, di- only composition of its kind, and is
ctr o necleit tltc.but rarely perform ed. of a neighboring country, runs away 1
rector of intercollegiate athletics.bu aeyprrmd and loins a gypsy -band. She fals in
Waldo M. Abbot. of the rhetoric de- The Liszt Concerto for piano and love with the captain of the king's i
partment will assist the committee orchestra has been described as an- guard who promises her every pro- i
in arranging programs. other unusual type of composition, tection. While the king continues
full of oddities and difficulties in in-Searching for the princess, an Ameri-
I terpretation. Its enthusiasm, how- searchin te ppess, anmen-
M en M ay Obtain ever, should afford ampe opportunity can adtres sappears, dmbitous
for Guy, Maier's vigorous expression.! for a titled husband. The develop-
Riding Ticketsi Mr. Maier has already performed ti ment of the plot is ingeniously car-
Mr. aierhasalredy erfome Tied out with the American woman
"1Concerto with both the Boston andrilouwthheA rca wmn
Cocro ihbthteiotna becoming hopelessly entangled in
Men who desire tickets for horse- ( Cleveland symphony orchestras. 1courtn affairs.
back riding may procure thea at the The title of the book is particula'ly
office of intramural athletics in Wat- CANTON, Oct. 14.-A Chinese gun- fitting in that the atmosphere of the
t erman gymnasium according to an an- boat _ stopped the British steamer production is almost completely
nouncement by the undergraduate Fatshan on a trip to Canton from dominated by the brilliant and color-
* campaign fund committee which has i Hong Kong, and searched all the bag- ful gypsy band. Several numbers f
been conducting the sale among the gage and stores aboard. feature the gypsies who dance with 1
women for the ;benefit of the Wo- tambourines in one of the principal
men's League building. The tickets PARIS, Oct. 14.-France's receipts settings of the show.
are, six for $5.00 and are good until from Germany under the Dawes plan .Musical numbers which are expect
January 1, at Mullison's riding stables. for the second year totalled 40,592,- ed to be unusual hits include "Ro-
They are transferable. 1052.44 gold marks. many Rose," "The Rendezvous," "The:
Cameo," and "If Any."
U1VIVERSITY WILL BROADCAST The Opera will open Monday even
TWO MONTHIL Y RADIO PROGRALS where the production will run for the
remainder of that week with a mati-
nee on Saturday afternoon. The show
Two programs will be broadcasted first to address the radio audience will go on the road, Dec. 17, with the
each month from the University from the University, will deliver a; first production Dec. 18 at the Audi-
athrh Wn bmessage of interest to the people of torium in Chicago, the largest theatre
I the state and alumni. Dr. Haynes in that city. From Chicago the fol-
s Jewett Radio and Phonograph com- will discuss the University hospital lowing itinerary, the most extensive
t pany at Pontiac. This annoincement, and Professor Reeves wlil deal with ever undertaken, will be followed:
- with tentative plans for the first pro- some problem of world politics. Coach Lansing, Grand Rapids, Saginaw,
t grain, to be given Oct. 27, was made Yost will speak on some phase of Flint, Detroit, Buffalo, New York,
public yesterday by Edward H. Kraus, athletics of general interest. It is ex- Philadelpia, Wash gton, Clevelan,
bdeaniof the Summer session, who is pected that music will be furnished!Cmcinnati, and Toledo. In Detroit
chairman of the committee in charge by the Varsity band and selections three performances will be given, at
of University broadcasting. given between the speeches. Orchestra Hall, while i New York
s Four dates, Oct. 27, Nov. 10, Nov. Hope was expressed that later in city the production will be staged in
24, and Dec. 8, were set for broad- the season numbers will be furnished the Metropolitan Opera house.
casting of University programs. From by such organizations as the Univer-
- 9 until 10 o'clock on these Tuesday sity glee club, the instrumental clubs, BERI4IN, Oct. 14.-Prince Philip of
night programs, diversified in char- and possibly by student soloists of -Hesse and his bride who was Princess!
acter, including numbers of interest marked ability. The faculty of the "Mafalda, second daughter of the Ital-
I to people of the State, alumni of the School of Music has agreed to co- ian sovereigns, slipped quietly into
I Vniar-,.n. ndt he-1 +ha nra nnhli. nnperate in arranging the programs. Berlin, unattended, and took the for-
May Preclude
Air Disasters
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 14.-An elab-
orate system for warning aircraft of
the development, character and the
movement of dangerous air disturb-
ances along the principal airways of
the country has been prepared by the
United States weather bureau.
This was disclosed today before the
Naval court inquiry into the Shenan-
doah disaster, by Dr. W. R. Greig, of
the bureau, who said a full report of
the plan had been submitted to the
Civil Aviation committee created
under the Department of Commerce
and that the bureau was hopeful that
it would be put into 'effect.
The plan contemplates establish-
ment of principal stations at 250 miles
intervals along the air way supple-
mented by a large number of second-_
ary stations to report local thunder
squalls and other disturbances.
Agreeing that the present system is
wholly inadequate to protect airships,
weather experts have told the court
that with a more elaborate system the I
Shenandoah could have been warned1
of the Ohio storm in ample time to 1
have escaped destruction.
Rear Admiral Sims Scores Exagger-
ated Conservative Policy of Navy;;
Praises Colonel Mitchell
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 14.-The root
of present troubles in the American
Navy was ascribed today by Rear Ad-f
niral William S. Sims, retired, its
war tinme commander "to lack of con-
fidence in its leaders."
Testifying before the President's
air board, the admiral declared that
Naval air developments were retardedl
by a policy "almost unbelievably
conservative" and that administration
of the whole Naval force was con-
ducted by "uneducated men".
Admiral Sims was the first of sev-
eral witnesses, among whom were
Rear Admiral Robert E. Coontz for
the last two years commander of the
United States fleet, Rear Admiral
George 0. Bloch, chief of the ord-
nance; Rear Admiral David W. Tay-'
lor, retired, and Captain William S.
Tye, assistant director of the Naval
war plans °division.
Opposes Mitchell Plan
Although opposing Colonel William
Mitchell's plan for a department of1
national defense as did all others tes-
tifying today, Admiral Sims asserted,
"Mitchell is a bully good fellow who
deserves a lot of praise" for. arousing
national interest in the aviation sit-
The admiral took frequent occasion
to express his opinion of those now
running the Navy particularly "the
Daniels cabinet and its friends", who.
he asserted, "are still in the saddle":
He also was asked by Senator Bing-
ham of Connecticut, a member of the
board, for his opinion of testimony
by Secretary Wilbur to the effect that
control of the air was impossible so
long as the enemy had only one plane
"I wonder who told him that?" he
replied. "If but one plane is left I
wouldn't worry very much. That re-
mark of the secretary, although he
does not suspect it does not mean
any thing at all."
He said present "low morale in the
Navy was due to the lack of confi-
dence in its leadership, criticized
ranking officers for failure to adopt
a definite air program, and held that
Naval management in general was un-
reasonable, unscientific, and unmili-
The Navy has been controlled for
many years, he asserted "by unedu-
cated men and untrained officers who
have been assigned to the most im-
portant positions."
Class Must Reelect President and
J-IHop Committeeman by
Order of Council
Two of the offices for which can-
didates were elected by the junior
class of th'e Law school yesterday
afternoon were declared vacant by
the Student council last night, fol-
lowing the presentation of evidence
that men had been nominated for thel
presidency and the J-Hop committee
by a student who was not qualified
to be present at a junior law, meeting.
Re-elections for these two positions
will be held at 4 o'clock this after-
noon/ in room B of the Law build-
ing, under the direction of the council.
Other Elections Stand
All Men Chosen By Architects Are
Found Ineligible; Medics and.
Pharmics are Pending
Stanford Phelps was elected presi-
dent of the junior literary class yes-
terday afternoon, Dorothy Malcomson
won the vice-presidency, Esther Tut-
tle was chosen secretary and Norman
Taylor carried off the position of
In the contest for places on the J-
Hop committee, the winners were
Victor Domhoff, David Reel, Ben
Friedman, Howell Russ mid Henry
Maentz. The largest attendance at a
junior election in years was recorded,
324 ballots being cast in the vote for
the presidency. A large field. of can-
didates entered the races for J-Hop
committee positions and the vice-
The elections of vice-president, sec- presidency.
retary and treasurer were confirmed Record Ballots Cas
by the council and will be allowed Phelps defeated William Warwic
to stand. Priscilla A. Reickert won Phepsidea y Wyla Want ic1
the vice-presidency when she defeated for the presidency by a count of 19C
Otto Haas, 48 votes to 40. Wayne to 126. The nomating ballot wa
Shawaker took the secretaryship from - -- - ----
Walter Kleinert, 48 to 39 and James1 ERE JNIORS WILL TOTE
O'Neill was unanimously selected
treasurer, there being no other nomi-
nations for the position. These three 11:00--Engineers in room 348 of
officers were approved in regard to the Engineering building.
scholastic standing by Dean Joseph 4:00--Education school in room
A. Bursley yesterday afternoon. 4 s hai
1094:,0- appan l i
4:014 wr-leto inro
Wisconsin Tickets
Offered Here For
Last Time Today
B of the Law building.
5:40--Dental school in lower
lecture hall, Dental build-
Tickets for the Wisconsin game at eliminated, due to
Madison Saturday had not been sold two candidates
out when the offices of the Athletic Margaret Seaman3
association closed last night. The primary ballot and
few remaining seats will be placed in the final to 163
on sale today and those not purchas- comson. Esther Tu
ed will be returned to Madison by Barrett for the Ate
Harry Tillotson, business manager of votes to 101. On]
the Athletic association, who leaves . nominated for,, tr
for the Wisconsin captial tonight. Taylor receiving U5
The Michigan section at the Illinois Walter Shaefer.
game as been practically exhaused. The votes on th
Tickets for this game were still on in which 13 candid
sale at noon yesterday, but it is were: Victor Don
doubtful if the supply would last Reel, 204; Ben Frie
through the, day. Students who wish Russ, 185; Henry \
to see the game at Champaign are Patterson, 118; Tho
advised to get their application to- Willard Crosby, 90
the fact that only
were nominated.
ran second on the
received 112 votes
for Dorothy Mal-
ttle defeated Mary
cretaryship by 179
y two men were
easurer. Norman
57 votes to 126 for
e J-Hop positions,
ates were entered,
nhoff, 244; David
dman,\498; Howell
Maentz, 182; Calvin
mas Omstead, 108;
; Theodore Horn-
day at the latest. berger, 58; Daniel Warner, 58; Jud-
son Merry, 52; George Heston; 33;
Union Will Post Charles Woolcott, 24.
,f 'Bursley Cheeks Records
List Of Vacant The newly elected officers and com-
mitteemen were all approved on the
score of eligibility due to scholastic
standing by Joseph A. Bursley, Dean
For the purpose of receiving the of students, who announced yesterday
names of all persons who will have afternoon that all students elected by
rooms to let during the week-end of I'the classes would have to be chbcked
the Navy, O. S. U. and Minnesota j on their scholastic record before the
games, a representative of the re- elections were officialy accepted.
ception committee of the Union, will In the junior class election of the
be at the booth in the main lobby architectural college, it was found
every afternoon from 4 until 5 o'clock that all five of the men who were
beginning today until Oct. 31. The chosen by their class were ineligible
lists of available rooms will be com- to hold office, due to their scholastic
piled by the committee for each game standing at the close of the last se-
and available at the Union for all mester. The question was considered
alumni and their friends. by the Student council at its meeting
last night and the council decided
that the men elected yesterday will
be given a chance to see Dean Burs-
I ley today Those whose grades war-
rant it, may be given special permis-
SPEC . O SRI 00 soe by the dean to carry on this
work. A new election will be arrang-
S I OL Ted by the council to fill the places
Representatives of the Michigan left vacant by those who are unable
Central railroad will be at the Union to obtain the necessary sanction from
to sell train tickets of Madison for the dean's office.
the last time today, and students who Other Elections Pending
are making the trip in the special Elections were also held iii the
tomorrow night are urged to procure junior classes of the Medical and
tickets at the Union before the sup- Pharmacy schools, neither of which
ply is exhausted. Tickets may be ob- were reported to the council in time
tained at the booth in the lobby today I to be approved by Dean Bursley yes
frog, 3 until 8 o'clock. i terday. Both elections will stan
A -otal of 443 tickets have already pending the decision of the dean's
been sold to students, with pullman office in regard to the pligibility of
reservations accompanying nearly all the men elected.
of these. At least 200 more are ex-I The results of the junior medical
pected to be sold today. The round election were: president, Gordon T.
trip fare is $13.60, with berths extra. Brown; vice-president, F. Minton,
Hartz; secretary, H. Mortimer Bishop;
treasurer, F. Bruce Fraelick. The
Expect Senator ajunior class of the Pharmacy school
Ralston To Dietelski; vic(-prcsidn mt, rold Crh-e;
I secretary, Robert Mitl cil; treasurer,
Arrange Student
Parade For Game
Students who are following the
team to Madison Saturday are asked
by the Chamber of Commerce to par-
ticipate in th'e parade arranged to
precede the game.
Citizens and students, either in cars
ir walking. will form in line back