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October 11, 1925 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-10-11

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" ''



41 1)



f i r


SL11CLOBPICK St ate Purpose Of
Freshman Spread!
WAIOMEN__SI N iS bERgSformlte d ell forth
j_________ym Te ai point to b
Cr~iz~iITIonlh HoI 'dfi-rs,.t heei g ' tssed, acc(ording to Mary White, '28,
At ~ho1 0 MuicI Wlic:ter manaoer for the spread, is!
'I'nes: -,ht of at lug a,quainted. Many ideas I
4(r being 1150( to make this possible.
Anmon'; c'hr feat ures specialty dlanc-
TWENTY E GdT C OSEN' jog and stunts will be interspersed I,
; iJfh thie regular dancing.
The University Gxirls' Glee club has ' ' he spre'ad committee, in their!
announcedl the following list of wvo 'rA' ' ji 1 <; nFridlay, decided that 1-al-
men as those who h.ave been taken! lov, 001 atmiosphiere would be most
into the membership of the club fol-! appropriateUfand one that would best
lowing the recent tryouts, add to the informality of the occa-c
Marion B~auschard, '28, Susan Storke, Sion. Decorations are therefore tak-
'28, Georgiana Peet, '26, Norda Beut- ing this trend. Refreshments are al-3
Icr, '27, Anna Cope, '28, Alice Fortier, so to Ibe of a Iiallowe'en nature, the
'27, Rhea Miller, '26, Barbain Allan, com-ittee having (deterined to make
'26, Rena Pavitt, '28, Elizabeth Cady, I lic' s read moxre like a real spread. 7
'27, Lucille Gale, '26, Odena Olson,c
'26, Gertrude Foster, '28, Barbara
Tack, '28, Marjorie Chavenelle, '28,1 OMNIfAlHO09
Margaret Pollock, '26, Josephine Mitts,1 M PA POG M
'28, Dorothy M. Long, '28, Ruth Gleiss']
Gracene, '28, Loleta Parker, '28, Louise
Humnphreys, '27, Miriam Mitchell, '28, P lans are already being made forc
Delma Loyer, '28, Margaret Hostrup, the annual Women's League and inter-,
'27. The nlames which have' been! church Christmas bazaar to be held
placedi on the reserve list of the club Fidiay and Saturday, Dec. 4 and 5 in
a,.- as follows: Ellen Groff, '28, Em- Hrorgmaiu.I oncin
malou Rea, '27, Aurel Fowler, '28,
Margaret Cole,' '28, Marion Vanunyl, with the bazaar this year there willl
'28, Jessie Nixon, '27, Marion Thomson.,1 be the Sophomore Circus, put on by
'26, Jean Greenshields, '28, FlorenceI the sophomore women, in Waterman
Widman, '28, Priscilla Kellogg, '28, 'gynmnasium. The tea room will bet
Bertha Lewis, '28, Edna Hill, '27, IdaI conducted by Collegiate Sorosis, and
hamp, '27, Celeste McCann, '28. tea, lunch and dinner will be served
The first regular meeting of the 0on both (lays.l
club willd be held at 4:30 o'clock Tues- ! The chairman of the bazaar this
(lay,° October 13, on the third floor of1 year is Lillian Wetzel, '26, and the
the University School of Music. assistant chairman is Catherine Kel-!

Invitations have been sent to the
women on the campus from otherl
countries for an informal party from
5 to 7 o'clock Tuesday at Newberry
hall. Members of the world fellow-
ship committee of the Y. W. C. A.'
under thei leaidership of Sarita Davis,
'27, will act as hostesses.
The house committee of the assoc-
iation, headed by Margaret Seaman,;
'27, met Friday at the Kappa Alpha(
Theta house, and planned the re-dec-1
oration of the Y. W. C. A. rooms in
Newberry hall which will be com-
pleted in time for the party. Ruth
Lehman, '26, and Virginia Sands, '27,
are in charge of collecting new rugs,
Margaret Lawler, '26, Frances An-
dreae, '28, and Ruth Lehman, '26 are
in chrarge of repainting the furniture.
They plan to paint it black with
stencilled flowers. Jean McKaig, '28,
and Margaret Seaman, '27, will re-
cover the davenport. In addition
plans have been made for new cur-
tains and new creton pillowpi. Ac-
cording to Miss Seaman, the rooms
will be ready for Tuesday's party.
Among the special guests invited
are Dean Jean Hamilton, Miss Grace
Richards, assistant Dean of Women,
Dr. Clara Sargent Shepherd, Mrs. Elcy'
McCausey, who is in Ann Arbor dur-
ing a furlough from Y. W. C. A. work
in Shanghai, China, and Dr. Chu, from
the Women's Hospital in Detroit.
Women who will act as hostesses
Are as follows: Helen Roszel, '26,
Mary Beeman, '26, Made lyn Leland,
'26, Soong May Yong, '26, Yi Fang
Wu, grad., Maria Lanzar, grad., Mar-
ion Gough, '26, Henrietta IHauser, '26,1
Vera Chang, '26, Josephine Norton,
'28, Maurine W~tts, '26, and Mar-
garet Lord, '27.
Announcement has been made at i

ISpecial Tennis LECECNy BooljTH
Class Is Offere(I'
Thdixi lual mn~timt i. In te Iio. INLLOP IIUO.I
be given at a special cla-e; which w ill -
be held at 8o'clock, jAlonlays aind ; ealx, 'ornce of the AvWekns
rWednesdays in Palmer fid. TPhis LD'a,;u candy booth in in n er sity hall
icourse is open to women of all (lass-
r es. A poster for sighing for 1the (lai sxiibmaotn rownchgef
is placedJ in the corridor of larbanr ,x a icim W.elles.% '2S, I :rentiy a;poiut-'
gymlnasiuml. l (-c u ofi cithis branch o}' the:

-° cftIIIC.
I dues.


Int ramural managers
their line ups in to i
1Iflodgson at 4 o'elock ox
Parbour gymnasium.

All junior women are eligible to en--


The ned of su(.oh a class is sh-own IL cacIe wNNol"K. ?liss Wtelles has chosen::'1
t y the fact that 110i) women selected '\j ;a c- '9 to assist her.
tennis as [heir required worl in Xflly1o,'ei\ed frmth 'duily salei
physical edlucation aild rmany others o f cra ad will hie turned over to the;
were shifted to somec other ,0ort un-!. 1 ri-gradivite Campaign commi-ittee.
der pr'otest. o be adrdedl to the fund for the new!
Fi s o n s i ie c a s t n i ca i mii , A u r i g t o o urnam ents m ust 1)e played offl b y I 'rri . ! . w ho w as chailn <1uau of1'
'Ih,rsday night and second rounds ctm(- d ooth last; year, sevens hunl-1
)y Oct. 22., The total enrol]lment thi: , -1i ar.s was ( leared ol ot of t won- t
year' Is 96 ill ( onlparisoll to thIl'.u1 (Bdlarwic V
of last year. r. -eived ''tom (candy sgale.- I hroighooutI
- HI. year.
Senir So ietyAny wonoi 'who ar~ewilling to) help
in 1tho selling of c andy, are reqfuestedl
I an Activite to c«1ll-Mary Buorn~s, '29, at Helen
INe« w eryrerAdene(-.
Plans for the year's activities wore ix
made at the moot ing of Senior so-a
ciety held recently at I felonl Newberry
residence. The first event of t he y-earI
will be a tea to he given Oct. 15~ at.
1Helen Newberry residence in honor }11w light t-ilid t s
of the three new social directoris oft
the womnen's dlormitories. A r( e ro- 101'l('1 cr iowded hour
sentative of each of the women ':5or-. it1;:.h ot-l m F' iyI ir
ganizations will he present at the tea
to meet the new directors.
It 'Bwas decided to have a stall at.
the Women's Leag ue Bazaar at xvi job
silk stockings will be sold. Senior I
society plans to )ob'fel itself ats a, hoard<'
of supjervisors for ilhe womol n oil- PT1l~-~~f
pus who ar~e not in or -anized h)t :t A.. 7i1I5U/iL
01' dormitories. Till y are to sendt toys
to the childrenl's w lrd of t he I n iVe'
s ity hospital every mom h [foran 11d- 222 viciols Arcwade P hone 4>82
(litional work.
T e e w l be a r g l r m e at, of the U niversity CGirls' C lea club }at : I ;1

for the scenic contest of the JuniorI All upperclass women playing on
(hris' play. Thiis contest offers a the i ns ramural hockey tuams must
chance for thos ,e withI artistic abilityi have lheart andl lung examinations at
to comilla'? e iin makinig sets for the! the If(etlth service at 3 o'clock any
p~lay. \,VolInme who rare interested are day..
aslked to c all Irene [bold, '27, <at 7117,
immedliately and she will give them Ij Rehear'sals for Masques' p~ay are
all needed information. scheduledl at the following times: Act
-- 11, at 4 o'clock on Monday in Univer-
KappaT Phi will hold its first suppler ' sity 1-tall; act I, scenes 6, 7, 8, at 4
Imiect'ng at 5:3:E1 on Tuesday. The, o'clock on Tuesday, also in University
c:ounciil repor't will he given I. All me, m- Hall.
hiers are expecetedlto)attend ai4 t p-
their'first semester dues of $3 at that Patronize Daily .Advertisers.-Adv.


' den, '26. MrIs. W. B. Henderson of
'u~beYS eededVT Ann Arbor has charge of the church-
I es which are to take part in the ba-
F:or Clash Circus; zaatr. The committee chairmans, ap-
l' Lipointed by Lillian Wetzel, are as fol-
lows: Decorations, Janet Branden-
All sophomore women who wish to burg, '26; articles, Ruth Hirschman,
take part in the tunmbling act for l'27; posters, Laura Craft, '27; mark-
the Sophomore Circus, to be given! ing articles, Thora Hoyt, '26; placing
the first part of December, are urged articles, Eleanor Musseim an, '26;
to attend a meeting at 5 o'clock Tues- I stunts. Pauline Bridgman, '27; door
day, Oct. 13, in Barbour gymnasium. 1 schedule, Margaret Seaman, '27; sell-
No particular ability is required; iens, Katharinie Peirce, '26; janitor
an interest in stunts is all that is! service, Ruth Hull, '26. There will be
necessary. All sorts of tumblers and - several other committee chairmen ap-
acrobats are wanted. pointed later.

the Alph

as Gamma Delta house of the

Tonight 8:20
208thi Time
greatest .


N ights, 50c to $2.5i0
Pop M'atinee Wed.
59e to $1.5,0
Saturday Mat.
50c to $2.00


Success of All1





Imarriage of Miss Margaret Cramer,' o'clock Tuiesday, Oct. 1,",oil the t bird}
'25 to Laurence Teal, '29, Dent, on floor of the ['Iiversit y 1Scho.)l of XIis.- f
Sept. 27, 1925. ic.
i ~The opportunity for dancing scveral _
hours on Wednesday night has beenE
popularly accepted by many students
who seek recreation on the dance floor.
Dancing on Wednesday night is from
_ ~Also dancing everyY
I ~Friday, 9 :00-1 :00
= Saturday, 9:00-12:00
Wrought Iron
Most ServiceableA
Bridge Lamps!

Its the mode of tire noment
and we ar capable of bob-
bing or marcel ling rYours III
the most accepted and pop
uliav fashion.
340 South State St.
i ~ Dal 8878 !


Says Sally to Sue
New York.
Dc Zrcst Suc:
We7e Went to the New Amsterdam last
to',gli to sec "Sunonj with .MarilynAM-
le'i, Jack 1'iclford's wife, in the leading
1'07e. It's just as cheerful as the name
~ifns! Besides her there are other
sf<<rsr n t---the adorable little Mary Hay,
Richard Barthel mess' wife,
and her dan-
cinig partner,
K Web b-and
many more.
- The music
s was awfully
."-'' ~, .. f atchy, es-
~ / pecialytwo
of the numbers, called "Dao You Love
K-/c?" and "W~ho Stole My Heart
.sway?~' You'll be wild about* them!
1 A'Thril ztn had perfectly divine costumes!
A/11 her eveninzg gorpns glittered with
rlihlesioizcs and she wore a rhinestone
headband in the last act. But what's a
shiow 7ithout k-zn audience? Evening
gonsedewith stage costumes in bril-
lineand gorgeousness. White gowns
an-d evening coats of silver-that's quite
the thing! Ever Sone wore pearl strands,
alld genecrally several of therm.
And, oh Sue, this I must not forget!
Could you guess who was in that audi-.
ence? Going out of the theatre, we ran
right into someone from Ann Arbor-,a
butter from Mack's. She is buying new
things for the college girls, and went to
see the Dillingharn shova to get the
latest hints.
Luck pa for pou. dear, and let me hear
cil out the new things you'll be wearing

230,000 Have Alreadly Seen It,




s i




To make the reading nook in your
study-bedroom more convenienit andl
cozy for .studlying, or to brighlten
a corner in the living room, a
bridge lamp is just thre thing!
Wroughrt iron lanrps withr fankcy
standard and decorated parchmen Jt
shade are priced $3.95.





Te 6G ueep 9

A lovely Satin Frock, which
you can wear underneath your
coat during the game and
which will be just right for
the tea, has a perky high col-
lar and longy seeves.



sad;', of All
Foldinr rableIs
No need to rent bridge tables
when this moderate price en-
ables every house to own as
many -s Awanted. A special
price for thkis week is $2.8.5.
Not an ordinary foldinmg tall(,,
hut a well made table built of
hard woodl. Covered wxith t ough,
-waterproof leatherette oven gen-
uine fibre hoard top. Inistanrtly
o )ened and rigid whlen setnup.

$25 up




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