at Peking and each leads its own
separate life as if it were a separate
every morning except try, with the Tuchun replacing,
Published eecomrnunetetryna
during the University year by the Board in a king. The country is continually
Control of Student Publications. - torn with small, civil wars among
Members of Western Conference Editorial these petty rulers,-springing from
Association. -1.-------- -
//I l/ lJ l I/ ///1 il U l tM A'fI',//I /f 1l~
TheAsocatd res i eclsiel -e their personal ambitions and political
he A ssociated P ress is exclusively eTe f r o ntsa getst o ryhi n T hemD ail
titled to the use for republication of all news concepts. But at the bottom of it
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise all, most of them
credited in this paper and the local news pub- this morning about truth being
cedised theein.this andvthehl cenary. stranger than fiction and all that sort The Uversity of arvard has fos
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, The revenues of the central gov- of thing, aroused our more or less ered such vivid contemporary authors
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate erment have their sources through-
of astge seraln.d basshrdAssistant emosh s sI deeply buried mirth. We would like as, say, John Dos Passos, Wiiliam
maser General. byout the nation and even in foreign to meet the boy who originated thatRs tnr,;P -
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail, countries. As long as these sources I Rose Bent and Rohu t Hi ycr;, 1)
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- are not stopped and there is no inter- wis rack and tell him what a amn ton can turn to Booth TarkingtOn,
nard Street. of transfer of the revenues fool he is. F. Scott Fitzgerald, Donald OGlen
Phones: Editorial, 4925; business, 21214. ruption Anyone who believes that truth is ott tgeals, od Ogden
____________________________in Peking, the national funds will,. . Stewart; and( the t'fiversity of _2.ilz-
m Peing th naionl fndswi1 stranger than fiction, either has'a
EDITORIAL STAFFaccumulate there. But let them be -n
T stopped for a short time, and the warped idea of truth, or hasn't read i Harvard, again, has cont rihuted to
Telephone 4925 treasury will be emty.very much fiction, of the more pop- the theatre such figures as Eugene
MANAGING EDITOR The trouble with this weakling of ular class. Now just to make our O'Neil, Robert Edmond Jones, Colin
GEORGE W. DAVIS the East, is that the principal reve- point, read the story which The Daily Campbell Clenment. and PhilIp baray.
Et. h nuEs , n reh Pekintheyparee- gives to prove their point. About the We ourselves can boast on the one
EditorialBoard.. Norman R. Thal nues never reach Peking, they are
Chairman, ora o 0etS asid foreigner who bought the Zoo in hand of W. A. P. Jo]hn with his atr
City Editor............ Robert S. Mansfield held near their sources by the1foegrwh buhtheZo ihadfW.AP.olzwth zr
News Editorr . . .... ....Manning HlousewOrt lColumbus, Ohio. The unique part ofdyEnsdpmdnh
Women's Editor............Helen S. Ramsay Tuchuns, Field Marshals, and Tu-Chqday Evenn Post diploma, and on the
Sports Editor.................Joseph Kruger the story as we see it is that anyone other, of the luaint prejudices of the
Telegraph Editor.........William Walthour pans. It is easier and safer than to
Music and Drama......Robert B. Henderson forward the funds to Peking and even a foreigner in Columbus would temperamental Theophile, cook antd
Night Editors . want to buy a Zoo, even if he thought patriot. David Gyn, tIo, spent
Smith IITT. Cady Leonard C. Hall trust to luck and political expediency watcouygaiZoo, e
Wmillard . Crosby Thomas . Kykka to get some of the money back he could get it for 1,500 dollars something like a year in Ann Arbor
Robert T. DeVore W. Calvin Patterson We wouldn't buy the Bronx Zoo for before he fled to Ltansing i' he
rrAssistaits hillito In recent years, the central gov- fifty cents, for any other reason than plague.
Irwin Olian irederick H. S ernment would have been destitute if
Assistants Pratt it had not been for the fact that be- pure investment. But anyway read In the theatre, of course, there is3
Philip C. Brooks Marie Reed cause of frgn administration ofPhliPohwthe wn i f
FPuthosntaifreg that story and then read this:IPhls oaithe walh f
L. FarnumruthtnRosenthal Needles, Ariz., Oct. 10 (Not by velvet hair and ingenue manne< isms.
Buckingham Abraham Satovsky certain revenues, there are,- from
Edgar Carter Wilton A. Simpson A. P.) Miss Povah, nevertheless, eloped from
Iugene 11. Gutekunst Janet Sinclair time to time surpluses which get to J
James T. Herald Courtland C. Smith Peking despite the Tuchuns. For this Joseph Zilch, an Italian, had been college with a Detroitgentleman
Russell T. Hitt James A. Sprowl in Needles but forty-eight hours and whom she promtly and peremptorily
Elizabeth S. Kennedy Henry Thurnau reason, the Peking government offi- Needes bu t fot-yh ho ad whomse promtl an:
Marin Kuik avidC. Vkes cials continue to have some degree needed a little pocket money. So he divorced. But to return:
Walter H.Mack Chandler J. Whipple called on Mayor John Johnson, the There must be some reason they,
Stanton Meyer Kenneth Wickware of interest in the foreign administra-caldo MyrJhn onste Teemutesmeeso te,
IleeytMor IThoCass A. Winere to Sme foreign admfor in ayor of Needles and showed him an why every respective Eastern univer-
l 1erbert Moss Thomas .C. Winter Lion. Some foreigners and foreign]'old map hc es proved, that st a xe ut sbilatya
Margaret Parker Marguerite Zilszke governments believe that this set of p, which he said sity can excel qte as brilliantly as
cStanford N. Phelps irnmetsmestfa setohis grandfather had owned and oper- an artistic incubatr as it cal t law
-tnodN Phelpsce aksitfasbe oated the whole town of Needles many and military lac ics and embialmuing.
BUSINESS STAFF apply a plan of foreign financing toayego d t feeas aryh-nwmsimryth ee years agzzthre
China and carry it through under the ears ago, and that he was the right- Now soue theo 'cam ago thre
Telephone 21214I
odsse ofmilitaristic provinces, we ftpoet. did -ow up on the ec- , t ; a g roun
BIE Buttquestionis, can China ever After a half hour conference with that was pregnant with a tremendous
BUSINESS MANAGER But the usinsanCnavr
BYRON W. PARKER the Mayor, Zilch who spoke only very creative potentiality. There was
.F carry inhrunrermspwi s little and very poor English, had con- printed in the student pibii('<tons
Adlvertising.........-----;.T.-D.--lsted, Jr. abrn udrhr epti ii vinced the mayor, and sold him the works that skand <,s anl honor ant a
Advertiin.......... rankR . ent, Jr.tar. system? Past events rather go to Town hall and the county jail for a credit to the university. Tihey x-
Advetisng............Win. L. Mullin
irclaton..................H L. Newman prove to the contrary. Militarism is million dollars each. pressed young and vivid lioinS of
PIblic a ion..............Rudolph Bostelman holding China from making any ad-
Accounts.................. Paul W. Arnold Mayor Johnson said he thought it view, entusas and spntaneous.
Assistants swas a bargain. After the conference Some of the contributions were even
Ingred M. Alving Frank E. M er To quote the New York Times, Zilch stated that he still owned the wonderful and fearul all of hm,
W. Carl Annable;Jr. Juobesrt Prentiss "National unification is a crying need streets, which he refused to sell, and at least, conoted ferment and an
John H. Bobrink Win. C. Pusch for China, and in theory every Tuchun oreethe ic eedtoteritbnd anc o xlosi tent.
George P. Bugbee Franklin J. Rauner ordered the policemen and other loIt- abundance of e plosive talent.
Elden V. Butzbach Thomas iSnderland and militarist advocates it. But if I
fames R. DePuy Win. H. Wearne ongesudrteufaeiislr- erers off them immediately.f It is significant, thiere fore, that
Myra Finsterwaid Eugene Weinberg one gets under the surface it is learn- * * * every single one of these writers were
Oscar A. Jose, Jr. Wil. J. Weinman ed that each big militarist believes in Now that is pure fiction. And we gradually and urelently breed oft
a united China only if he is to head hereby challenge the A. P., The Daily the official publications by one pre-
the government, and unless he can and anybody except William Ran- tense or another. The administration
head a united government he prefers
-UNDAY, OCTOBER_ 11,_1925_ tohadate or nh erI dolph Hearst to produce any truth was fearful of such activity, and it
UNDAYCB1_ Whether an international confer- that is as strange. Mr. Hearst is is always fatal to quarrel with such
Wheheran teratinalconer-eliminated from the contest on the authority. The effect of their pro-
NgtEditor-SMITH H. CADY, JR. ence can manage to surmount these imiae rmtecnetoh uhoiy h tct0 h rlIo
Night obstacles andatc s grounds of professionalism in this gram, of course, is only too obvious.
patch up something field. I In place of colorful vigorous talent,
THREE SALOONS-WIDE OPEN that will permit progress to act * * *you need only waste your money on
When the proposal was made re- unhampered depends wholly on the the pale aesthetic soup served to you
h outlook and the motivating forces by FOOTBALL
wently that Chicago secede rom theiNOTE-Inasmuch as this de- today as ichigan s liter;ry art. To
State of Illinois and set up the State which this conference is approached. partnent goes to press before the carry the point even one top further,
of Chicago, somebody started some- __________
thing. Chicagos entdylstatedf he-outcome of the game is decided, it is interesting to note that simply
thing. Chicago went little farther "Northwestern Fears Carlyle"- we are forced to write two com- by mentioning this group, however
than talking about the plan, but the Chicago Tribune headline. Oh, well, ments on football. This is, of subtly, one actually riskI s expul-
little hamlet of West Homestead, Pa., the white men have feared the In- course done in the best journal- sign.
near Pittsburgh, thought Chicago's dians for a long time, but that hasn't istie departments, but they usually
suggestion a ,good one, and has pro- affected the outcome much. don't run them both. We are
ceeded to do more with it than the _however, forced to do so, by sun-
wildest eyedcouncilman in the see- which it would not be
nd city ever dreamed of doing. WHAT CAN BE DONE I eat to divulge here. Namely
Evidently the people of West Home- I One of the greatest tragedies of the m t diug ere hamey
Ithat 'we want to be sure that me
stead do not like the eighteenth American educational system is to be pertinent comment on yesterday's
amendment and the chief of police 3e n
found in the number of "unwanted" battle appear in this department.
has decided that the will of the pop-
by J. G. Rider Pen Co.,
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We offer what is probably the great-
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Edward J. Tholens
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Wednesday, October 14
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GET OUR PRICES and compare quality of goods on
any article you may need, and you will he convinced there
is no need to go farther.
ulace is mere important than the
federal constitution and national and
state prohibition laws, for under
strict police supervision there areI
being operated three saloons, operat-
ing in all the glory of pre-Volsteadian
days. And he excuses his actions by
saying, "If I did not permit the
saloons to run, my borough would
be cluttered with blind tigers and
stills would be as plentiful as cats. j
And it likely also would mean the
murder of some of my policemen."
And that the town fathers have the
courage of their convictions is indi-
cated by the fact, that they recently
arrested a prohibition administratorf
for seizing a carload of beer and spill-
ing a part of it on an unpaved street,
thereby violating a town health
The actions of these people in West
Homestead seem ridiculous, out-
rageous. But are they really so ex-
ceptional? Aren't there hundreds,
thousands, of places in this country
where, rather than risk the lives of
the men whose duty it is to preserve
law and order, and perhaps for a
financial consideration, saloons and
bootleggers are running wide open
under more or less "strict police su-
Because it is a small town in the
mining section of Pennsylvania, and'
because its officials are brave enough
to admit that they are neither enforc-
ing, nor attempting to enforce, the
prohibition laws, West homestead
will probably find herself the center
of enforcement attention for some,
time to come; but after all, isn't a
licensed saloon less detrimental than
a "blind tiger" which is contributing
to the support of police officials?
China is suffering from an attack
of super-militarism. She has reached
the point where military power, in-
stead of strengthening, is ruining
her. She is the weakling among
giants and will corntinuep to be until
students who "go to college" each
year. These students, and they are
numbered by the thousands, are "un-
wanted" because they are "unfitted"
to take full advantage of the oppor-
tunities which surround them in a
collegiate world.
The problem of the college and uni-
versity is, to a large extent, one off
selecting students. However, care
must be exercised, both in the admis-
sion of students and in the "weeding
out" of undesirables. There is danger
in making too difficult the entrance
requirements,-many who are worthy
might be excluded.
At least two conditions make re-
quirements imposed at entrance, at
best, rather hazardous: the absence
of a common standard with which to
measure students from widely scat-
tered areas; and the fact that some
reach a high degree of development
early in life, while to others it comes
In its "weeding out" policy, the
college must also use care, for it is
oftentimes difficult to isolate real
ability. Dean Herbert E. Hawkes of'
Columbis college recognized this fact
recently when he said: "Laziness,
temporary enthusiasms and social di-
versions often conceal ability from
any but the keenest observer, while
ambition, reliability, patience and
adaptability are frequently mistaken
for it. Essential as these latter
qualities are for the highest success,
they are not the same as native
ability and must not be confused with
"The problem of the college is to
devise some means of isolating the
various human qualities, to call them
by their right names, and to provide
the kind of stimulus best adapted to
develop each."
An examination of the college rec-
ord is not an infallible method ofR
determining a student's worth, for
conditions beyond his control may
seriously affect this record. Among
thes art- lack of ,'i n - vnnnr
It is, of course, the first aim and
desire of any sport or team tode
velop the best kind of sportsmanship
and the desire to win should not be
foremost in the minds of the players
and spectators. But it is unquestion-
ably true that there is a certain glow
of success which surrounds a team
f which has come out of the fray vic-
torious.- The Michigan team has now
won two games, and it is safe to say
that they won them because they de-
served to. Because they always act-
ed like true sportsmen and because
they practiced sufficiently to enable
them to be victorious. Indiana on the
other hand is to be consoled for their.
defeat, but is more to be congratulat-
ed because of the stirring fight which
they put up, etc, etc, etc. liine F Ames
LOSE And again to return:
Michigan's Varsity was defeated
Years ago there was a student by
yesterday but not beaten. The play- the name of Saldo Fellows. It was
ers showed more sportsmanship than in the clays when Band Pounces and
could be expected from any other Spotlight Yaudevilies paclked Hill
losing team and fought hard to the auditoriuni to the doors; and of the
bitter end. Indiana proved victorious entire group of eomedians none was
in point of score but not in sports- more hilarious than he. Such over-
manship. Let's all rally around the whelming success naturally led him
Yostmen as well as the Wolverines to the Keith circuit after graduation;
and show them that we are behind Iand in two years he was driving a
milk wagon in Pittsburgh . . . He is
them win or lose. inow selling real-estate in Detroit.
*IE*CS!happy with a wife and many children.
LiMERICKS Chas Sikes may be roiling in Italy
'VI( trying to capture La Scala and event-'
A frat house called Pie some- ually the Metropolitan - which at
thing Moo best can only come after a dozen=
One night had a collective stew years; 'Aax Ewing may be laboring
The Dean heard t'was so under the tyranny of Silotti to revo-
lutionize the pianoforte --in another
And put them on Pro .another decade; M~ary Trite may still
So now they're collectively blue. be playingdae-oMarTsuinaevery-
1be playing walk- on parts in every-
thing from "Hamlet" to "Desire
"ENGAGED"Udnder the Elms;" all these and more
We have been asked on all sides - Tomi Adams, Delbert Clark and
to join Prof. 0. J. ;Campbell in adver- I Tom Dewey -- may still be hammer-
tising a local production entitled ing at the doos of so-called ideals.
"Engaged" which Mimes is present- Many of them, like Fellows, have al-
ing in their own theatre, presumably I ready fallen back.
to show that is not going to waste. But there is one - the most highly
One of our most intimate friends advertised student in college dramat-
has a small part in it, and so we have ics during the last dozen years - who
will retire at thirty-five on an inde-
condescended to make mention of it pendent income because he has mast-
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