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October 10, 1925 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-10-10

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nrn'rlza Y. W. Publicity
STATE FEUE~n~N Committee To Meet I
IMemnbers of the publicity committee
OIF 11R OIBS 10 [IRE of the Unive sty Y W. C. A. will meet
for the first time this year at 4 o'clock
IMonday at Ne werry hall.I
,League, WlfIne's 'liib, and A. A. U*. According to Norma Case, '27, chair -I
IV.C nherto nvext o vetin man of the commrittee, they will for-1
HerePlet Faar ulae tem pansforthe year, which
include p)ulicity for each of the de-
WLEAGUE SHARES EXPENSE partmens of the cabinet that require
Women it, fixng the bulletin board in front
Womenof the State Federation of of Newberry Iral, and poster making.
In order to keel) their work ar-
Women's clbs. are to be invited to raiizi, the commrit tee wil] meet
hiold their 1926 convention inl Aniiever~y PM<oday afternoon.
4NArbor next fall, according to deciions
made by the board of directors of MIE UNIVESITY CREIT
the W4omen's League, the Women's
cll, and the American Association
of Univyersi ty Women, organizations 1 1 SR LG
of Ann Arbor. FR CiD PYHLG
"As a result of the board of diree---
trsmeeting of the Women's League
hel~d last Saturday at which the prop- Fedwr ntecus fSca
osition was enthusiastically approved, Psychology of Young Childhood is
it was decided to present the decision given at the Merrill Palmer school to
to the Women's club at their meeting the w~omen enrolled in the class. This
held Tuesday afternoon," stated Miss is the first time that work at the nur-
Jean H-amilton, dean of women. Mrs.
Barbara Dewey, president of the Wo- sery school has been given credit in
men's club, presented the matter to this University.
the members who actedl upon the Under the direction of Dr. Ilelen
mnotion favorably. Mrs. Dewey will Woolcy, psychologist and assistant!
extend the invitation at the state director of the Merrill Palmer school!
meeting of the Federation to be held in Detroit, the lpractical work ,of
next week in Benton Harbor. teaching the childrenl health habits
Crrl~o Women's League", stated Miss and ineendence is carried on.
Hamilton, "his been ever since its Each ;tud(nt works at the school
organization a member of the State for four hour:, a week. Duties in-
.'ederation of Women's clubs. The lude eaching the children, who
Federation has presented us with two range from three to ive years ofl
scholarship funds on which the Wo- age, table manners, proper methods of
men's League is asked to report every cleanliness, behavior at play, and
year. Because the annual meetings care or their possessions. Besides
have been held in the middle of the this the class meets every Tuesday at
aaweek Jt hasp raroly been possible to S o'clock to discuss problems that
send undergraduate delegates." arise in the work.,
"For some time it has been felt that The list of students who have en-
iheewere many interests in a state rolled up to dlate is as follows: Mir-
launivemsity which women of that state lam Koffler, Marjorie Miller, Caroline
Sshould know more about. Many have Wooster, Marian Thomson, Helen Stair,
their ideas from older alumni who Margaret Adele Eaton, Leona Weni-
i,know about a very different Michigan ger, and Maize Vanderbeck.
th41an modern Michigan. Therefore, it Miss Winifred Harley, who was at
, Fhas been in the minds of the Women's the Merrill Palmer school in Detroit
!o'League that it would be very helpful previously, is now director of the Ann!
1to co-operate with the women of the Arbor branch. Miss Norah Clancy,1
state if they were to hold one of the assistant to Miss Harley, is a grad-
state federation meetings here. The uate of Ohio Stat University. Tle I
xWomen's League felt they could con- staff is completed by Mrs. Eleanor
.tribute to the progress very decidedly Beach, graduate of Cornell in Home
and as a league they would 'be able (Economics and dietician for the
to assist in all the arrangements and( school.
their part of the hospitality by pay- ThV nursery school committee of
ing for their share of the guests, this the Faculty Women's club is planning
money to come from the regular fin-I three pulic talks to be given on the
ances of the Women's League." campus, describing the possibilities
The plan offered provides that the of the importance of the nursery
eWomen's League pay for one third of school in the University for the 1
the expenses. The Women's club will growth and development of little chi-
be the one to head the movement,1 dren. The subjects will include the
assisted by the Women's League, and( newer knowledge of the psychological 1
the American Association of Univer- f sociological, and physiological aspects 1I
sity Women. of the preschool period.
- The first of these talks will be giv-
Rehearsal for the first act of Mas- erbyMsEdaWidrctroj
dues pay,"Cradle Song," will be held the Merrill Palmer school of Detroit,
at 10 o'clock this morning at Sarah whio will speak on "Nursery Schools
SCaswell Angell hall, and the second' In Connection With Universities" at
tact will be readh at 4 o'clock Monday r) o'clock, Wednesday, Oct. 14, at the
'at Sarah Caswell Angell hall. University High School auditorium.
The nursery school occupies the
hor every article for sale, there is Faculty Women's club house on South
'a buyer. Reach him thru Classifieds.I Ingalls street.
'. ....... .r."F o.rrAws _1. e.6.fd:.3"2dd~J/

i --- 'en, will entertain the presidents ofj Anuonceent is made of th mar-
HiJSOCILg[ CAE ER A c eyT a s o sororities at breakfast at 9 o'clock Wg fLc ibr 2,adD.Wl
W in Honor Points'Sunday at her home, 923 Olivia ae- hiam Andrus, on Oct. 3, at the home of
OFW M NSm u --I inn Arbor. Andrus is a graduate of
Jdiinlpatc eid l le There wil be a meeting o Mr- Johnrs I olkns university and a mm-
To further a b:etter spirit of friend-' follows: Fr1rnI0:45 to 11:15 o'clock, Pan4 l1ellenlic Itersorority associa- at the Collegiate Sorosis, 1501 Wash- Miss H uer is a graduate of the Uni--
liness and unity of all women oin earn- from 2:45 to 3:15 o'clock ont Monday, Ition wil holdl its annualil lunctheoni at teaw avenue. v ersity of Michigan and a member of
pus, the Women's League has planned I Tuesday, Wednesday andl ThIurday,! 1:30 o'clock Saturday, Oct. 17, a the I Beta Phi sorority.
a novel and definite social program and after X1 :45 o'clock on Mond1ay and Hlaunted tavern. The membership committee of the l
for the year, according to Kiatherinre! Wednesday. Class teams will lbe coos-_-._ University Y. W. C. A. will meet at ,t The Daily §ei it'for you thru
Keldar '27, chairman of the social I e rm h lcieadaaei
committee of thee from themel'tiveandgacdemic Any intramural hockey team miss- 4ocokMna tNwer al h lsiidclms=ev
comitee f he omn'sLegue Iarchery classes. For making a class ing pratice last week maty practice , o'clock Moday at Newbery hall. the Clssfd olumns.-A(VV/ /".'
nw oM iKearsfuter isttoe tat a team 35 athletic hoo i ont5 are g iv- this morning from 9 Jto 12 o'clock at
ou ne coteae syste s onebuedt enn tie W. A. A. An il (r c l r ; ar, nr ie
otithplcofteoeuelatarchery meet will be hld (earlyIt I '
year which gave each girl the whole Noeul --t ° eni Ieehml101 MssJa hamlti,(la t vm
repnsbliyfr nafar.'h silembf o a vrari I chmpon- Miss _eanHamiton,_deanof____________ N ewHmL a ny
responsbility or an afair.shi . The high scorers _from_____all______class-____
system provides for a committee of theillfworkVrsidonem thelan
nin whc il1edvddit rusbeing made for intercollegiate tole- R~~drbato h crdWheretewokis dnewithout teuse
of three, each three having charge ofd i66butv l itcre Tanger
a party and rotating the groups so igraphic archerylseetsreachuteamoany
thatno hreewor on orethanoneshooting at a specified trime andi Ox-Ijochm al. Weeyu cots
that o thre wor on mre thn onewillreceivea personalcae and where
party together. I changing scores. stdnacre
The first party is to be given Oct. Archery one of thesiest sorts I t T k .ISstdn bundles are a specialty.
30, with Josephine Clarke, '2G, acting!to learn, accordinrg to Elizabet h Cammp-fINo
as chairman of the conmmrittce and IA 40
e r c eUnolo41ryilsin't 'Katherine Ferguson, '28, and Nornma X)iilL'1101mddSOyiisg-
Snell, '27, assisting lher. ing Iul)f(,',]-lte meet blut skill must I
Nov. 11 has been set as the second; be developed by constant practice M n
date, Esther Tuttle, '27, in charge during the time that remains befoe ITHn'ARBORreaHuM E 632 tbDyIL°
with Katherine Johnson, '27, and Mar-!the meet. (yers3.xpsue t wel-i IAIEY
ian Huston, '26. formed circles hereabouts to One Trial of Our {York Will 'Be Convictt
On Nov. 25 a third party will be Each committee is exected1 to sub1 grasp the hearty sanction of
1held, conducted by Dorothy Curie, '27, mt (hefiuite plans for their partien- Parker Duofoldcraftsmanship 1 _________________________________________________________________________
I chairman, Mary Van Duersen, '28, and E ar party at a meetinrg to be held at among the older students.
'Mary White, '28.j 3 o'clock N ednesday, Oct. 14 in 1am- Those who know its 25-year DRUGS tRD9
De.11 will terminate the present hour gymnasium. ( pitnsize nkrpah veer-
Dec.s with Katherine Johnson, '27 , pinsansizeIkCaa ity adve et '
pasdepend on itin overwhelming ItI
chairman in charge with Kath-aine Little investment--big returnms, Thie majorities everywhere, but
1Ferguson, '28, aid Norma Snell, '27. Daily Classifieds. -Adv. nowhere more than in the II T , v~ m n I a Ni


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ed hair
lfair hop
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for Evenin

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Half the fun of tihe game is in seelflJ so ruany lhapp~y
excited young men and women-" looking so wel1 in their sport-
like garb. Fashion heads the game qJuite a nmucil as the




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The woo1 stocking season is at hand.
G oodyear's display of the finest w oolso k n s t be f u d i c d s so m y
patterns, such delightful colorings, so.
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well spent just browsing around to see2
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The patterns go clear to the toes.
Checks and close plaids with blue, tan
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ously combined with cream, dark blue,
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Browns, blues, tans, combine with each.''
Ajttra~ctive, almost alluring .... .... $4.O0
Plaids and two inch size diamond pat-
terns, of blue, or green,' or cream. Har-
monious shades join the scheme to make
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football captain.

a Stunning 'Iopcoat

You want to be smart, but oh, you want to be warm, too!
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- And a Smart H at, O
Here are some unusually clever Hats, the kind your friends
will notice. When they search for you in the stands, they'll
find you by your Hat.I


Smart Satin Hats

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Gorgeous Flower Trims.




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