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October 10, 1925 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-10-10

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference EditorialI
'i he Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news1
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.n--
Plios s: Edjt Q al, 4925; business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Chairman, Editorial Board.. \r;i R. Thai
City Editor...........RC>. ~ Mansfield
News Editor.. ,..... ,....Magiin g 11ouseworth
Women's Editor... ....... ,Y len S. Ramsay
Sports, Editor ..... . ......Joseph Kruger
Telegraph Eczt;q s... . ..William Walthour
Music and Drama...Robert B. Henderson
41ight Editors
Smith H. Cady Leonard C. Hall
Willard B. Crosby Thomas V. Koykka
Robert T. DeVore W. Calvin Patterson
Assistant City Editors
Irwin Olian Frederick H. Shillito
Gertrude E. Bailey Evelyn Pratt
Philip C._ Brooks Marie Reed
I,. F i#i~m ' Ruth Rosenthal
1Buckingham Abraham Satovsky
Edgar Carter Wilton A. Simpson
Eugene H. Gutekunst Janet Sinclair
James T. Herald Courtland C. Smith
Russell T. Ii i f Tames A. Sprowl
Elizabeth S.-'Kennedy Henry Thurnau
Marion Kubik David C. Vokes
Walter H. Mack Chandler J. Whipple
Stanton Meyer Kenneth Wickware
Helen Morrow Cassarn A. Wilson
Therbert Moss Thomas C. Winter
Margaret" Parker Marguerite Zilszke
Stanford N. Phelps
Telephone 21214
Advertising................ .. J. 3. Finn
Advertising....... .....T. D. Olmsted, Jr.
Adlvertising.......... Frank R. Dentz, Jr.
Advertising................Win. L. Mullin
Circulation,................ . H. L. Newman
Publication:. ..........Rudolph Bostelman
Accounts.................. Paul W. Arnold
Ingred M. Alving 'Frank E,. Mosher
George' 1. .Annable, Jr. Julius C. Pliskow
W.. Carl Bauer Robert Prentiss
john. H. Bobrink Win. C. Pusch
George P. Bugbee Franklin J. Rauner
Elden WV., Butzbach Thomas Sunderland
James R. DePuy Win. H. Wearne
Myra Finsterwald Eugene Weinberg
Oscar A. Jose, Jr. Win.J., Weinman

the man most capable of conducting' eeognztosa hysolib
conducted. TL
Men trained in college to realize/
that the franchise is a responsibilitySNR
that should not be disregardedl argi e
the men who will form tle iiuANle
of an intelligently voting community 1 aeb-nraig"T~ rz
Wefor the nation. The mmbers of die ehv enraig"h .rz
senior classes showed that they do jloollby Donald Ogden Stewat. if I
notappecite hei 1'~p~~siiht ~ever there was a book witten which
thismattr byther aten~lne ays little or nothing in the funniest
elecion thi wek; wethr ~ way possible it is this one. The ida
condition exists throughout the Uni- of 11e piece is that a young mnasslin-1t
versity will be shown by the at end- erts a Insane Asylum from hisIg
ance at the class elections that, are unc and has to eor ganize it an,
still to be held, put it on a paying basis.
., . The style is decidedly unique. Mr
MITCH1ELL REF~USE~S TQ TALJK ~c wart's des~ription of a football
Col. William Mitchell, the voluble! game would go something like this:(f
officer who has been electrifying i- 1p~ Snorp and Ferdie Hank a Ferry
vestigating committees for the past Field.
month with charges of the most siel Wllilses-ht ieS1r a
sational nature directed at the a- never seen a footall game, al~hough
ministration of America's air service, se had had mumps twice and
has refused to talk. Acting of,1th measles the same number of timesf
advice of his counsel, Representativeo and had her teeth Xrayed. 11r little
Reid of Illinois, the colonel refused boy rin Fedwhslataur
to testify before the naval court of was FHank which was a strange co-
inquiry investigating the destruction !iciene because Hlank was hi
of the Shenandoah. Father's last name too, had seen only
The legal right of the colonel to re- one game and that was in the movies
fuse to be questioned by a court landI the lady in front of him hada
which he had been expressed]y directed vegetable garden on her hat and so
to attend by an army odter, is a tech-i he had only been able to see a few
nical question on which authoritlei (sntches of the game between .onion.
seem to differ. But what advantae' So erdie who had met Effie at
Colonel Mitchell expects to gain by Eois the last season asked her to
remaining silent is ailpuzzle that d- go with him.
ties soluion. If silence was to be "All right" said Effie, who had an
his platform, the fiery colonel shouldorgnlwyfsaigtns," il
have adopted it at San Antonio, Te rgnlxa-fsyigtigs 1wl
as, before lie unleashed his scathing igor to bthe oreeat.au"aymr
ciiimof the conduct of America'sinOcoe10ha4:1AM.tnd
air efese.Hischages re oo eilan'd time Ferdie appeared at the house
kownas to be questionedl he has where Effie was staying and rang theI
brodast them at every opporunity bell. Mrs. C laup, the ladady, was
offered since his arrival at Wiashin- used to such practical :joking.
ton. His only hope of escapig the ~ Ms nr i? se ede
Punishment due to the man who critic "Yes," answered Mrs. (laup, All
cizes his superior officers is to proveSoedithndhrad.ay
that his charges were substantially i.pShede ned her ownth.stlasfro
correct. This task, which 5sem i doorush enered.wthinstens hours}
be" of mounuetal proportions, can te appeatred.dresediforthehocca-
never be accomplished by sile nce. E aperddesdfothoc-
As a result of his first refusal tolifoniuaoepecbthgsitwh
talk, Colonel Mitchell is himself the spat to match.
target of a collection of charges. The "My,' you look stunning" said ee-f
army wants to. courtmatial him, but (ie. "You remind mec of the last time
since this measure has been on te 1 saw Caruso."
Iprogram for weeks, it. carries no spe- "o o' enRbno aa
cial threat for the colonel. Thle navy so" replied Effie. "The man who dis-I
wants to hold him for contempt or covered how to live on five senses a
court, in which case the matter will I week.
be fought out in the cii courts of "That's nothing," said Ferdie. "ly
the District of Columbia. It looks brother swam Needles to Alberqueque
as if the whole affair is narrowingI in seven hours and ten minutes.
down to a decision by President Cool- "What did hie wear?" asked Effie,
idge as to which department shall be and in three hours they were sitting
given the first opportunity to (dis- in "L7.on the north stand, and the man
cipline the colonel.inext to Effie had just fallen (down
Navy officials, of course, declared thir~een rows, trying to catch a bag
that the refusal to testify was based of peanuts which the vender had
on inability to substantiate the thrown.
charges that have been made public- " like carrots better than bananasc
an attitude that the colonel could~ don't you" said Ferdie, seeing the
have forseen without much diffculty and parade up and (down the field,
It is the natural conclusion of those doing a horn pipe.
interested in the case,-when a ma lVE EONSTtPA
charged with any ~ype of crime has Js hnfo h nlo h il
absoutey io dfens, h reuse tothe thirty white clad runners appear-1
talk. Colonel Mitchell is facing ser- e ncsue ffne-albak
ous chaiges advanced by the army "Ths r h ares"si e'
and his only refuge is in words, every die," reththatr ioerwith backdir"s
one of which is directed topo dngis," hrHatchondnd wthachinone
his statements during the past monththit is Harry ac, pnpta.hi" neo
to be true. If Colonel Mitchell has a "Do youhkno Harry L auder""ask
defense that xil carry -weight in a "DoEfyo utowHarLustte d~erHarriers
court of justice, he should e p epa-hdEsied autrabbithandwrof tharer
ed to state it at every opportunity hadnsiea~dlya roubtndheedonf hard-
WHO' GO A LANKCREK I and knees keeping up a steady honk-
WHOS GT ABLAK ClE~if ing of horis. Suddenly the rabbitr
Unriversities are frequently charged saw a friend in the gallery, and ra
with neglecting to instruct students to greet him, the friend was Leo i
in frugality and businesslike mnet- Fli~ch, who had once lived in Mexico
ods. It is claimed that most men for a year, and so knew Efic Snorp
after graduating from a university' intimately. Leo was sitting righta
enter business with extremely care- near Effie and had been amusing .hin-s

less financial habits. self most of the morning by lpour'in u
Whether this is true or not, the thermos bottles of hot coffee and t en!
fault cannot justly be attributed to dlown the back of her dress. Effie had I
the universities. It is hardly within iiot noticed him, however,I
the power of university officials to in "Mere they come," cried Ferdie as
any way govern the accounts of stirt-th56arisrce uphesnd
dents, noi' is it for theme to attempt the i htcodan lkewr pusitI
impssile ask ofinsrucingstii-of the rabbit. And this was no idle
diens i u h u jctofth a d jest for the rabbit had left. the field
in ofpersonal fina uces. Such in and conmc to visit Leo Flitch, who hadp
struction should come either from benizeiofr, ei.A h
home, or through the self-solution ofabtadth lrir apoci~
tproblems as, they}rie.the stand Lo2o recognized them, andl
An instance of ' his sort of care less- su nyrmebrdtatleoe
ness that is usually pointed out fil the rabbit six shillings and so hastily
criticizing universities oni this score left for Mexico again.
is the increasing number of badl st~- r
dent accounts, as was indicated biy a DAWN
story in yesterdlay's Daily. More than Just then the game ended, and £i
90 per cent of time student account;~ Ferdie took Effie from the cheering s&
in a certain local hank go b~elow tell stands. As he left the field the gal- li
dollars each month, and 51 naei'cen,: le arouse like two mien, and a, ii;~

I .


\'eill be opened mnest 'iulrsday eves
WVithi u concer't 1' -IN V N
tion of Wa 11cr P ay ivisch. 'h t>1',,
grain will include the floigis'
Acadenmlie l'e'I ti at) ezt ir '. tI ye
I (.
Symphionly !o. 8 nCmnr
1. Adagio; Allegro 111od UIN
Poco adlagio.
2. Allegro mnoderato ; Macstmo;-
Palmler ('Ii -t ian, ()rgmjuist.






I ---- -


Th~~~4 A ',P oe21212


PIlntranie of thle o r, f tIii
(Grai, front "I ' - ant u.''A.t. I
(Arranged .........tr aiic-'

C, di
f aDu ThhII PM..
/k RE~~
hitp;iflooking FIT.
' U :t~ I'oukI-hats and do
ti.U.( ).N ci w11appreciate
, r: ' A(I'.ev- ce from odor
:;fl~ :u ''~-' manike manner in
he I . I ' L i latest shapes;
,1n NV:; ci I- in :all sizes. (fats
Se g~ .~ ~)o r c ao h
14, N uti1 rt ' s he 1 .
{ At eo ) I .I'fp :t~ jae S.

Cornwell - Cal - Coke
Scranton, Pocahontas, Kentucy
and West Virginia Coal
Solvay and Gas Coke
This buisiness has been growing ever since it wvas established.
We believe it pays to do business in a friendly way. If you
think so too, let's get together.
Cornwell -- coal Coke

Phones 4551 and 4552

Office, Cornwell Block



('otitermil int;'flai,.lafori " 'xWith
(iy Alailer, pianlist.....


Welcome, Indiana! After an
interval of 22 years Michigan
welcomes the opportunity to
again nae you on the gridiron.
This will be the fifth meeting on
the football field, though we have
mlet, ofteu n n '"ketball floor and
diamond, and it is to be hoped
that our schools may meet many
times" in the future.


Less than 32 per cent of the stu-
dents enrolled in the senior classes
of the University voted in their class
elections, statistics published by The
Daily on the front page this morning
indicate. One of the fundamental
duties of a state University is to turn
out good citizens to take their place
in the affairs of that state, yet this
is, the showing made by men and
women who have spent three years
at Michigan and who will be grad-
uated to take their places in this and
other states next June.
It is not possible for oxery man in
a class to know all the >'a dilates,
but iA the senior class, WIn-n who
are qualified to direct'i course
should be known to all their class-'
mates by reputation, at least. There
is no excuse for men and women? 'whof
are so well qualified to vote staying1
away from the polls. If the senior
class is not interested in selecting its
own officers, what class in the Uni-
versity should be? And when sucht
students, graduated from the Univer-
sity and taking their place in the
would, are faced with the problem of1
'voting i~telligently for the best in-t
terests of their state and nation, what1
intertest will they take in the pro- r
ceedngs? 1
On every side there are studentst
and organizations deploring the
grrowth of political machines on the r
Michigan campus. Flow can the so-c
called "machine" be eliminated wheni
the fav-i that very ? few organizedd
votes can: Fairy any election, iss
well known? N f one thousand seniors9
of the literary college had attended i
their class 'm!eeting on Wednesday,d
what effect. would an organized ma- o
chine controlling °0 votes have had?o
If the persons who flood the campusy
opinion columns of The Daily each
year with thnderous denunciationso
of student political activity would at-v
tend electiona and see to it that a ma-h
jority of, .their classmates attend, the t
need for' their orations would bev
passed. a
Next week the Juniors of the h
schools and colleges of the University '
will meet to elect their class officers v
and their J-H~op committeemen. The it
question of who shall lead his class 9

iance of the liI.e Old '.froi
froism ich he iltl (ii
.IM 114 NU M Y-1
sut)" 7d4151' St' fl.'1.1I.1u4 t
theatre, Il it, , :'-i,-toI bei in
'v ' I ' :-e I i -a',' : I,. p i,,
umal mo'(t ilt. 'b- i lt i -~l' 4' L:--
week i n I )el m'il cmnS no: - i i
enmin st'ight .. fasi \Ieii(t iv Pie U l(' 1
t he 200th Ile''ErT~tln-(xaell :(?Cti--fil.t~
t)orM'i iniation: 0151 h -iN VAl
stay at I Jo (h sw(A I St 'e'Iat x,,tii
at least unil ii e t Fr t 'l( , ' -- at
holida ys.
duction, ht. h i:1 ne- i'ei
to en 'pacity a lames- I (''tr' '01'111, 8,: '1
many people Ihave tra veled to I f ro>t
to see thle show- three or fourni'Inobee
11mey say that even v-live 1:'---
knowv vwhat is cinnii-' ti v y-go t , -
as big Inaughs as Ithe f t aton" '- t.
sawslthe 1118 \, and 1 11 UE') li.-
roar of Ihila rity wh ich eatn hcP 1,
omn (Grisweld :sIote (t-v i -1FI
proof ct their :;,at ielm i; 1ii
is the ftunniest ever ren -
Theatrical cri t vi ngrca f-hat th -
act ing is F inn' es.anylb 11' 8 Iev-
seen iinlDetroit, e and i- 00, -'
unlderstood, I"-eatl:--' tooi' s;,-o, -.. -,.
actetmes sall fit I lija phI--iN 3%
.Ietv-. andl thUe .. .' , : l; ' 'K- 1#~-
r~ oves :itae,'ii\(:I 8 - >t -
each XV:' l' or81' SInt- V .:
place erdi iNfot.i-I..-el(! , I TV -
nlaN lie hpli-haseK-I 'Sv:-eI-i: -ii'I
nam t~i C1c.
tiedw mtlegtheat liFs ;hi:
Playhou'sth1tMni, anti the t m Pt
day iva to l, 11 i ' t-i : ?;i-l l :irn it-
W at it m:-j' x\it it gn ,:1 ';: (ii
iro of Wn -i oiyg . [ e e- a m-/
t O )trayl(IVStr1: -l n'-P i
'Asst td;tni , i -Wc~:ilt I

Shoot the roll-
this 7 goes better than 11!
You can high hat the ritziest Brooksy boy in town
when it comes to shoes. Step in here and step out
in a Walk-Over Ko-leej style. Here's shoe quality,
with wear so long and style so fast you'll think
you're wearing seven league boots. The price--$7.
First pass is a 7. Shoot the roll, and see if it doesn't
beat any $11 shoe you ever wore for, style.

a _ ; rFf P t ,1 , I
- v,, -r. v p r ,:.iq
i ..
t :a. _ . e tf
" ; ' r
d : ' ,
_ __ ._ ... ._ ., ,_. ,;za
_ r,
rt1 i1. I t. w .- (
vry .,, . - ti
E °i ,

RES. V. S.

11 soumthMaui Sa.

PA.OT 14


w_. ... ,.... ._ .,._.. .._. _..___. .__ _.e ,_.___._..., .,x

_, I.. l LSi'. r
cIi,, I

'SA1t1)AY. OCT. 10. 192.

....d 313 S. STATE ST.
NJ--I': NO.A4


u j{ c ciiii,, 'ouc- Unusual

- - ' ' - - -Li Uit- a :eaav iisy

-I '.1
- -I.
1. -,

fi Z '

8 10 Ii zled a r-ec
l a-'.-live miittus,
a!~~up ---'-l1 ieof hn si-
a. - i-iN' . -)l10 tlmami
a dci- a'f.', in the
F': ~ ~ 'pc ''il itUUteBetsy
-~~ E wi-:.~1~agters
My :~i (i-Sptelninber

G~et a 'Week-end Frindship
7Package -for
A regular 85c package of
Wonderfully Delicious Chiocolates

Th~e Arbor Fountain hasseud
tle aga'irty for aL new and unm;usal
linle of blk ll 'leCulatesc s. ;:;a ;re
old-.-fash it ca .itnma;de sweets
,;itnilatr toi'lte esRosCni.
We 'wilIha ca slhipincumt of ee
flew cinittlh o'l hand in a i few
, l1<ys>. tlh for aimnouiicncit
Uand "give them ia. trial. 11e hope
to lierab le to se;ll these candies ait
the low lpr~ct.o f Gl6 0 er poun-d in

f, -the student depositors atitempi4t t
overdr'aw their accoumnts d(nr' m- la th
Stuch gross carelessness onl the pat
of students canniotl.le ovevlookje{I
When tis comndit ion is allowed to ex--
st, the negligent students will n<,-
urally get into badl financial habhits
which they will carry on with - them:
after graduation. Aind possibly thec
bankers that these studetlis xwililcen-
vounter after lea ving the IUniversitx:
wiii not he as lpat ient and forebear-
ig as thost that carried their under-I
;raduate accounts.

cheer' after cheer' for time happy c'ou-
ple. As they reached time gate tint'
reporters were upon fThem..
1":Flow did you do?" they all asks li
our young I{erdie.
I just happened to have taken
Astronomy, in kindergar-ten, and .so
I knew that perpetual mtion w.as
impossible, it was really quite sign-


:- -

:2 U'~-ti ;titri'''-e of 41%;{
-' -' -- OV ' (ilt'Pie-
- 4' l ~ ~ na';taxed
F'E-: -IiV 1 '' tairmy

rA M

Hot Soups
Pork anmd Beams
Toosvd ;17dccle
Salads, c tc.



pie, anyone could
swered modestly,

have tdone" lie amn-
as kissed Efle

tenderly on her third chin,
Then the crowd surigedl for-wrt,i
- and the two babes in tihe woods) were

Afford you the best Noonday Light Luncheoin l l8-.campu .


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