T PURsDAY, O8 1 o
... .
Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications. t
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and therlocal news pub-
lished therein.-t
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,f
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Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones:.Editorial, 4925; business, 21214.1
Telephone 4925
Chairman, Editorial Board... Norman R. ThalI
City Editor:............ Robert S. Mansfield
News Editor..........Manning Houseworth
Women's Editor...........Helen S. Ransay
Sports ~ditor..-..........Joseph Kruger
Telegraph Editor.-....William Walthourr
-Music and Drama......Robert B. Henderson.
Night Editors
Smith I. Cady Leonard C. Hall
Willard B. Crosby Thomas V. Koykka
Robert T. DeVore W. Calvin Patterson
Assistant City Editors
Irwin Olian Frederick H. Shillito
Gertrude E. Bailey Evelyn Pratt
PhilipuC. Brooks Marie Reed
L Farnum Ruth Rosenthal
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Edgar Carter, Wilton A. Simpson
Eugene H. Gutekunst Janet Sinclair
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Wale H.u Mack Chandler J. Whipple
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Herbert Moss Thomas C. Winter
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stanford N. Phelps
Telephone 21214
Advertising.......................J. J. Finn
Advertising............T. D. Olmsted, Jr.
Advertising .............Frank R. Dentz, Jr.
Advertising..................W . L. Mullin
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Ingred M. Alving Frank E. Mosher
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W. Carl Bauer Robert Prentiss
Jo H. Bobrink Win. C. Pusch
(eorge P: Bugee Franklin 4. aune
Eden W. Butzbach Thomas nderland
,.ames R. DePuy Win.Ii. Wearne
Myra Finsterwald Eugene Weinberg
Oscar A. Jose, Jr. Wi. J. Weinman
I. E. Little
" za
Night E ditor-LEONARD C. HALL
"Our people have had all the war,
all the taxation, and all the military
service that they want. And with
these and other words, equally as
pointed, the man who had the cour-
age to veto the soldiers' bonus told
the thousands of ex-soldiers assem-
bled at the American Legion conven-
tion that national solidification and
the gradual improvement of our
present armed forces are more im-
portant, and will accomplish , more.
than further military expansion.
"Peace and security are more like-
ly to result from mutual agreements
for a limitation of armaments than
by any attempt at competition in
squadrons and battalions." And fur-
ther "-we shall only be entering a
period of preparation for another con-
flict unless we can demobilize te
racial antagonisms, fears, hatreds,
and suspicions, and create an attitude
of toleration in the public mind of
the peoples of the earth. If our couu-
try is to have any position of leader-
ship, I trust it may be in that direc-
tion, and I believe that the place
where it should begin is at home"
President Coolidge has given the
couitry his views as to the best, per-
haps the only, way to achieve world
peace. He has expressed his disbelief
in excessive armaments, he has made
known his dissatisfaction with the
present feeling of international un-
rest that is apparently permeating
the country,-and he has branded
these things as obstacles in the patli
of prosperity and peace.
And who shall say that he is not
Impressive bodies the world over,
made up of the most respected of
diplomats and political observers, aro
agreed that military preparedness, to
the extent of the continual mainten-
ance of overwhelming armed forces,
cannot bring about the peaceful set-
tlement of international disputes.
"Might" has been discarded as a pos-
sible remedy,-the world now looks
to "right" to accomplish what
has given the nation his viewpoint,.
and, In the light of what he has ac-
complished heretofore, his sugges-
tions deserve the deepest considera-
A- campus election was held yester-
day afternoon; another will be held
this afternoon; more are scheduled
for every Wednesday and Thursday
for the next three weeis. The campus
politicians have e'nough material il
sight to insure a very interesting and,
perhaps, profitable fall.
Of all student activities, that of en-
gineering political machines is the
most frowned upon by those who look
to outside activities for some definite
good. Only too often have so-called
"machines" been organized to pro-
mote the candidacy of some man who
has not proven to be the best selec-
tion that the organization in question
could have made. Such candidates,
when engineered into office, promptly
lose interest after the competition of
the election is over and the organiza-
tion is left to suffer the leadership of
inefficient officers. That is the harm
wrought by the political machine,
which often is large enough to elect
men against the best judgment of
those most concerned.
It is not possible, nor would it, per-
haps, be beneficial, to abolish politics
on the campus of this University. Po-
litical activities can be curtailed, as
is the case in athletic organization,
publications, and the Student Chris-
tian association, but they can no more
be wiped out than national politics
could be wiped out of the government
of the United States.. They are able,
if handled correctly, to offer a valu-
able training in politics to those stu-
dents who intend, in after years, to
take an active part in governmental
work, either in active politics or civil
Whether student politics, as now
practiced on this campus, are ac-
complishing anything of real benefit,
depends entirely on the men engaged
in them and, more indirectly, upon
the fraternities who give these men
their backing-the nucleus of every
so-called "machine." The lack of in-
terest in campus elections on the pa.
of many students enables these or-
ganizations, with their few organized
votes, to become deciding factors,--a
situation, exactly duplicating on a
small scale, the present political sit-
uation in the United States. The men
who take an interest in these elec-
tions and actively take part in them
should realize the responsibility that
is their's-a good man, experience
in the work he is seeking to direct,
interested in the position he is try-
ing to obtain, in brief, a man who, if
elected will fill his position in the way
that it should be filled, deserves the
backing of any organization he can
get. Abuse of this duty by political
leaders has been the cause of dis-
agreeable experiences in the past.
For those who condemn such poli
tical activity and wish to abolish it,
only one course of procedure is open.
If all the students on this campus
took sufficient interest in politics to
attend elections and to vote intelli-
gently, the small "machine" minority
would be so insignificant that its ef--
fect would be negligible, and the
practice of organizing such cam-
paigns would die out. That is the
only remedy; until such a radical
change in the attitude of the campus
is made, the efforts of those wishing
to see the most experienced and effi-
cient men at the head of Michigan or-
ganizations should direct their ener-
gies to seeing that these men receive
the support of the "machines" regard-
less of fraternal or other affiliations.
Original letters of George Wash-
ington which were recently purchas-
ed by a New York rare-book dealer
revealed that the Father of His Coun-
try operated a distillery. Taking his-
torical facts into consideration, we
assume that he started out with the
manufacture of cherry wine.
Forty-nine automobiles stolen in
the 24 hour period following an order
to round up all known crooks is
taken by police to indicate that crim-
inals are leaving by the quickest
method.-Boston Transcript. Looks
as though the police were right for
d ! ! ! / I I ! 7I / ! / /! / / / 1 ! !! / f J / / / d! 1 /l / /// / / r Y
News, it appears, is very scarce
these days. The various correspon-
dents for outside newspapers, as well
as The Daily, are unanimous in de-
claring that thus far this is the dul-
lest season in years. Any one con-
mitting a murder or any sensational
act of similar nature will win the
undying gratitude of these diligent
So far as this department is con
cerned, we find practically the same
situation extant. All things that do
happen aren't funny, or if they are,
they are so funny that, to quote the
world'srchampion swearer (when his
heavy laden suitcase opened on the
main floor of the Grand Central sta
tion, emitting his entire wardrobe
toilet, and refreshment articles onto
said floor), "We 1cannot 'do this jus-
* * *
It is indeed sad, we feel, that such
a condition should exist, for we are
thus forced to rely upon pure whim
and fancy to supplyour humor, and
while we will not discuss its merits
here, it is obvious that this is not so
stimulating or so exasperating as it
might be were it more pertinent. In
other words, someone must do some-
They are not even building a build-
ing this year. There are no good
fires, murders, scandals. Civilization
is locally going to the dogs.
We have, at this late date, just read
Mr. Angell's letter on football in the
not too recent issue of the Alumnus.
His logic is above our heads, we must
admit. For instance, we fail to see
how the enlargement of a stadium
would mae the week-end trips longer,
or why football would be more dis-
cussed or taken more seriously if 75,-
000 people saw the game, instead of
It does not seem to us over con-
sistent to maintain that the interest
in any particular contest of this sort
is commensurate with the number of
people who witness it. For instance,
at Illinois, one man has done more to
arouse excitement along these lines
than the additional thousands who
witness his feats.
s* :
' "Now Here Is A Contrib!"
Dear Tobey:
Autumn's icy fingers clutch at the
throat of summer with a murderous
grasp, which, touched by the passion-
ate struggle of the waning season
changes still to a warm caress. The
corn is in shock, the apples are in
the bin, and my good cousin the
Deacon works daily with his boys get-.
ting up cord-wood from the colorful
wood lot on the east forty. All of
which is very touching and moves me
There was a young lad from Mis-
A gangling, grotesque goof, and
One night at the Union
He bounced on my bunion.
The pieces were shipped to Mil-
But tobey, my real purpose, in writ-
ing you today is to say that a Sopho-
more has been excluded from the
Union because, in spite of continual
and general admonition, and in the
face of repeated requests not to do it,
he did bring Lulu.
Bitterly yours,
The Deacon's Cousin.
* * *
Benard McFlaten, the eminent New
York poseur, is to meet Stanlias Na-
bisco in an eight round bare torso
contest this evening on the local A.
C. floor for the championship of the
world, including the Scandinavian.
Mr. McFlatten, while not heretofore
recognized as one of the more prom-
ising contenders for the title, has
competed at several bare torso ex--
hibits of note both at home and
abroad, and has gained a small but
select coterie of royal followers.
Mr. Nabisco, the present holder of
the belt, is a thoroughly experienced
bare torso contender,. having parti-
cipated in 243657568 contests during
the last 87 years, including his meet-
ing with Yak Qualitchjudnzjixski, the
tremendous Russian artist, in 1867. In
addition to this, Mr. Nabisco has giv-
en benefit exhibitions for several New
York magazines. It has been stated
on good authority that Mr. Nabisco
trains -exclusively on Honey and Al-
mond cream.
Following the bare torso bout, Mr.
McFlatten's youngest son, Raphael,
will lift 500 pound weights for the
rest of the evening.
Mi'. McFlatten also desires to an-
nounce that he is being sponsored in
the contest by Lionus Strongirt and
Earl Leidermanch.
Masques are to present Martine
Sierra's comedy of Spanish convenfl
life, "The Cradle Song," Tuesday and
Wednesday evenings, November 10
and 11, in Sarah Caswell Angell hil
under the direction of Amy Loomis.
The cast, which has been in rehearsal_
for some days, has been selected as
Sister Joanna of the Cross.
...... .Minerva M iller
Teresa........Marguerite Goodman
The Prioress ......Margaret Effinger
The Vicaress ........Lillian Bronson
The Mistress of Novices'.......
.Frances O'rien
Sister Marcella .....Phyllis Loughton
Sister Maria Jesus. .Margaret Geddes
Sister Sagrario..........Lois Porter
Sister Inez .............. Helen Vos
Sister Tornera ..Marguerite Hawkins
The Doctor.. . . Marguerite AinsworthI
Antonio ................ Laura Craft
The Poet ..........Geraldine Knight
Monitors ........Winifred Benedicte
.Marguerite Eirich
* * *
A review, by W. M. Lewis, Jr.
It was rather disappointing to wit-
ness a decidedd (ecline of jazz from
the high plane to which Paul White-
man has elevated it, simply to satisfy
the "low brow" element in the type
of audience which attends his con-
certs. The clownish antics on the
part of some members of the orches-
tra would, without a doubt, find favor
with an audience in a vaudeville the-
atre, but they are quite out of place
on the concert stage.
Mississippi, Ferdie Grofe's "tone
journey," opened the program and is
not excelled in modern scoring. Levee
folk tunes were a sound basis for
elaborate orchestral structure. T ej
best of the classical numbers, in con-
trast, adapted to dance rhythm was
Kreisler's "Caprice Viennois which
made a delightfully fascinating waltz,
while "Spain" with its banjo ac-
companiment and piano obligato was
a superb encore.
John Alden Carpenter has been far
morezsuccessful with tl ,Little EU
of Jazz" than hie was with the jaz
ballet "Krazy Kat."
A novel ,way of presenting the
members of the orchestra was en
ployed. Each musician was the celi
ter of a small ray of light on the
darkened stage and displayed his ci-
ent in a short number. Chester ha z
let, the saxophone virtuoso from the
Pacific coast, quite capably filled the
berth made vacant by Ross Gorman.
No Whiteman program would be
complete without the "Rhapsody in
Blue" and Pingatore's banjo solo,
"Linger Awhile." The interpretation
of the "Rhapsody," however, was
somewhat ragged. Having included
this number on every Whiteman pro
gram, it is quite evident its playing
becomes more or less mechanicai.l
Such a marvelous work deserve!
more conscientious execution than it
was given. There is no need to hurry
through it, especially since some of
the most beautiful passages have
been cut to shorten its presentation
Harry Uerrella, the soloist, won sev-
eral reserved encores, the best being
"Nola." In all, this program certain-
ly was not up to what one would ex-
pect from that incomparable maestro
of modern music, 111r. Paul Whiteman
-* *
A review, by Frederic W. Ziv.
Leon Errol has been droppinj
things for the amusement of N Ov
gthatMisfit Pen for a
The Pei of the Past--The Pen of the Present--The Pen of the Future
We will make you a good allowance.
The "F i ler Masterpen" made by J. G. Rider Pen Co.
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If there is such a thing as a "non-breakable" the "Mas-
terpen" is that pen and it holds a whole barrelful of ink
(230 drops). Fitted and serviced by Rider himself at
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We also Misake and Sell Hats equal
Lo the best.1 Big stock of latest shapes
always on hand in all sizes. Hats
shand to ft the lead free of charge.
aye a ldhtr or More at the
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Office, Cornwell Block
It doe''sn' t have
to get,.
warmed zup
York and the
nrovincc:c thoso. rni
Professor Cooley, lecturing
"might" has failed to do. Arbitra- heredity, declares that all squirrels
tion, security, and disarmament, an'i can distinguish a nut. Human beings
not - militaristic preparedness, is the have a little harder time doing it, but
twenty, years. And for the last two
months he' has dropped dishes, hay,
boxes, trousers, quips and Leon Er-
rol all over the glorious settings o'
"Louie the 14th." But rest assured
that none of his magnetism has been
dropped, nor any of the figures on nins
weekly dividend, God forbid. You
have seen Leon Errol do this sort ef
thing before, and you laughed; you
see him do it again, and still you
It is just after the armistice, every-
one wants to go home, except litl'o
Louie Ketchup, the army cook, anl
Billy Brent, who would like to go b1.
!hates to leave Collette, and so will
you at the end of the show. Wh\-
should Louie leave when all the girls
just adore him; mais non, he will
stay and pay his debts, maybe. And
in Alpine Switzerland, where tin-
steins are clicked like in dear old
Heidelberg, he meets royalty. What
- thirteen at the table; quick, an -
other man. There! Louie the 14th.
The settings are pompous, luxuri-
ous; the costumes, extravagant, mar-
velous; and Evelyn Law is graceful.
charming - le premiere danceuso.
Perhaps the most masterful setting-
are used in the Pagacnt in Celebra-
C fss .. ., z i
-Shine Rro
MOST things do-athletes,
motors, profs . . . other.
fountain pens. But not the
Swan. It begins to write the
instant you touch it to paper
and w.rites just as well then
as it does at the end of the
performance. No warming-
up process is necessary.
No doubt you've had pens
of a different disposition. You
had to shake them down to
get them warmed up and then
they overflowed on you.
Let them become memories.
There's no need to be an-
noyed by those, or by any
other of the usual fountain
pen faults.
It is a fact that the Swan
Pen is better and more care-
fully made than any other. It
is a fact that it doesn't clog,
doesn't blot and doesn't leak.
It doesn't, if you treat it with
ordinary fairness, get out of a
order in any way whatever.
The men who
make the Swan
Eternal Pens are craftsmen,
for pen-making is an art in
which machinery cannot take
the place of expert work by
hand. The full meaning of
that word explains the per-
fection of Swan performance.
Every part of the Swan shows
equal care and skill. Why
not test it for yourself ?
Go to any of the university
stores and write with a Swan.
Compare it with other pens.
Ask to see the fine oversized
Swan Pen illustrated. Be-
cause this particular Swan
Pen is so exceptionally fine,
it carries the special name of
Swan "Eternal." With rea-
sonable care it will never wear
out. You will find it to be a
finer pen than you have ever
owned before. Its price is
$7. A still larger size is $9;
a smaller size $5. Take your
own choice as to color and
style of point. Mabie Todd
& Co., expert pen makers
since 1843.
program of the day. -
President Coolidge may not be a
great statesman-his admirers have
never claimed that for him-but he is
.. practical man who has been unus-
ually successful in finding practical
solutions to bothersome problems of
state; he has a way of settling things
decisively, instead of allowing his
troubles to slide over into the realm
of the rext administration. He looks
at national and international prob -
lemus, not 'with the theorizing eyes of
'i m.nvnA sn h. inil- mt l , an xd tn
they get there just the same.
Many individuals think that
are "big-shots" because at some
or other they are referred to as
of high caliber.
Judging from the results of
"Varsity Barrel" enterprise, the
We Clo1n and Dye
all irils of Shoes
"Good Satisfcliaon."
I 1hiII~l~lI
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individual an apple keeps away is
the doctor.
"Tavern Owner Wings 3 Holdups
17 Times"-Chican o. Trihna T-Ta,,t-
Wlplr P p IV A T
.. . I