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February 18, 1925 - Image 15

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-02-18

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1," 1 ) N'




hoterl, Arthur ai ltle.Si:
ire.- ,;nt ative.
A rtiold ttSrifJvir
:302 Sol lh;fate

t r c~tleraf Ic rices mr~~aeit po ible
;ior all to have FRESh BIVINF.
122 1. Libeorty. Phone 1630

. E 3 X :< c .
a iift

PT{ONE 8C6 T1:" f
For TypewriterRearn
(All nai{]) 4] Y y
hSundstrand] and lcint:iable Addnhi ..
.Ann Arbor Tfypewriter EY(ciae
JHiFINED IMILE agoA An aArbore rtna o
lady desire; lady cornanion to UV Sall m
England, Ifollaund, iFray ce,,eIc. 1th:, 1(:I;'US( and I1
"June and J1uly. ntre epne
leo-i th'an $500. V% cite ox ' Es y
' MAiclhigan Daily, for in;r it . ''_"w. n d f pa i i irr<

ofe~ ) ~ tlifnC5 for
'; , 5filf. it i r aicl ifl-
VP LANo S140-1
d erwood porn ales. Lj.
rxnvood, Ftoya 1, ]enting-
ri'co 1,V inei it Ina ci ies.
lntore by h-I irg Eron)

LOST ___ 'ITTr TO' anrrr nanr'rn Intramuralftems ' Professor Relates
ILOST-Circular mosiatc pin with dove ' FL U NLI UIULI.oresfr .iProgram j
!designl and filigree border. Libor- !rin n jIIU (Continued from Pag-e Six)___
read Poe52~M 71Fr-jl U~ UG V IfJPI' Sigma Delta; kappa Nu v5.'Beta P 1LJYugo h o~ ' e
est Ave. ___ Theta Pi. 8~:30, Phi Leta Delta vs. "f.LJ.ougofteorsy -
__ ~Sigma Alpha MuF; Alpha Chi Rho vs paIIIIWIII outlinted hem i'I'Itho membiers!t
LOST---A piinch ladlln. -ronfl 1 BOlthAlai(son, Wi.,,Feb. 1 7.--Athlet icdi-,SgiaCii;Ph;igaKapfv.I'la ithe Womanl's 4,1:11) a t thel v meec~ting
recte :oa i trop ~ m or (ot ge l ittle will Meet 1the Wis - >.,tgma Phi; Nit Sigmla Nit V5.iAlphea yesterdlay lbhe Irograi oL theo nationial
. C"oopler. IRewvard.t,
--c__________ onf: usitudlent: body for the first, time Keappa I Lambda. 91:15, Phi Lambda forestry ('onlereite eenl ir el (iti
IC 5'l"_ *ra tern it y pin. In it ialIs . A. a t antas ieetin' to be held at. the Kappa vs. ]1ui IDenta, Epsilon' ;'h'i Chii Chica go.
S. on ha ck. Call :158:1, aslk foa'yrn AmyheeWetsdyiihteveyvs. Alphla Rho Clii. !Professor Young pointed out tle
Rewar.~iiifer exfC(~yngt.Eey- -- rowing short age of t inile f ill til
_______effort__is___ing iiade to have the en-
FOR PFN tie ca r p s res nt o w leone he The fratern it y volley ball totirna- state of NMw liifan Land offered public
FOR HE')'Ire carp o r to An thowecoe.hemeat. will start next wee=k. Ent ries Iforestry as the only solnttionto i lie
11ei tLiL ca rvi 5will he receivedl until Friday noon pr'oblem. , . icigfatin(=needs , ,t0
FOR I: INT-1+tu ruibed i e~l t'arn-heat el. Idihli an(i-anegitahis work t1 Fo dayfromtnhose fraternities whichh1ave acr'es of state lore{St s and n fow liaronly,'
lonce withI
live' roa~m apa mint i 'i st. foor'not entirldI'yind wish to do so. 4,50(,00OOacres." lltcf. Young showed
pata toed ing f; loot ball c(Snidflticla ;t ,.hait. "the demand anld consin lt
- wren"e-St._ t I he medalsn Aor the iinners ihe 01eiof ool is going up(11 insteadol r ga in),
- a tin c"M10,11(iiieed lie Jeg in tin g of' wint er h easfrtewnesih
tt( )M S 1'0R H RENTl--- ron sit] gle * .all -cam Pits wvrestlIing tournament are !down"' by enuumerat ini t he It [0(111(15
roln fo- iva t se t r tc, in I s:jWa m enB }lie w ill m {ee I i ni versit .v or mnally «at the ... . i ral office. The 'w inners 110whic h he its rar noi.(' l c t o1 ti e d e
N.lo 'da. fl' el a;icean muget. 1 l i n edals by calling at frj hwool filbre.
N. Iigals. ehIhN' xv~uiisii nh. A'iL his ~t~~i~rivedi fromt state forests, acerdIin", to
Ni NEl )OLLIA ILSsecuares fifteei ito -C( &Tr ' I . ilai lit, presidecii of the 'of. Younig, woulld be thle perti en t ;
Ia r, very larg e.fbeant ifill, [toni 110001. Ailit ii :ssor iation, vill refl e tenit 1ar onJj,r location of 0other indust ri s tenar t lie
Suitlaleofor two or three. II as as*j ''l(,Iy' ----f p rtn z p pforest s and I. colseq ien t icrea sei
largehay indo, alo tw wirdowv, , _ __ -_- --Depa tmen pap r a xall wealthl. The soil(01dtio
oan side. Nicely fuariheul, .sam ! rai ?ec ie I of the lumberjack toio, would lie in-
-iet ) ctvo tr wa ',nr(inil 1 With thle tbought in mind of further- Dr'oveid and:a stable poptilIation est :tb-'
peas. Also ao roont. a t- watit edl fr % . II ' iiC quest.s! in,- the cooperative spirit, and telling, lishedr.
a (dandy ftrow uit e. I? Thiompson. ----!-the camuts of its activities, the build * I "The great est. hen efit that the sta te
- C x~r(alhls for' tea chers are coaing in gs and grouns (epartment Saini- ould Iceeive from liblic' forests
e'rl ths ea SAhebueaE1' d(ay nooni issued the fi rst number of its W(I 1(1 be lie nioney inicottiteWi l I'
-- " thsyart.ielrauo p new depart mental publication, "Thie should be $10100,00O e oachli r,"
FOR ALE-A iec ol'sold wlnu poatmet S .\ ir Ma ga 'd ameonUniversity of' li(chigan) B and G News,''," to ~o~srYiig
"tin oo nt nc I 7, i g ert try, Ilia'; received 25 demnandls an eight-pa1ge, 1 hree-columnn-wide pai-
ice box for $'L0. All newA. 1 21; t re it
Ave nue, . eaIving the ciit s.fntite hefirst, of the ont)01)11 butre- per. P. C. Pardon, suiperintendient of fEutr
______,_Future,_Spani s
-~ports (liffienlt y in placing applicants, t he olepart ment is namned as edit or;
MtISUELLtA i OU9 !(late to thel(ninberh iof photograp~hs and E-H. .1.etcalf, managing editor. ITe'ache rsfo M eet I
a n:l recOiilitenfl tions iiot yet filed. Copies were (distribuited yesterday toa
;NE .110I4 liEEI( (all~s .are likely to increase tf'om now '1the 650 in the cdepartment, and to it eapnrei e (bt' v l
Membrs f Ea Ie r iti e, Sroi ic oritt ii t ierthe ticetig 01' thicho(o0l1- c-qatin u tmber of faculty-men. netTust vnna.svn0-
Clubs hwho have not. hearlNl' . John toast ets' e('Ill)here ini April, an and mdi- Edit oi'ia Is. general news of interest. clock 1 in room 30emeningitiarit .slven '
Campbell's thirilling lectlurec(on datecs for positIions will do well to to thle buildings and ground~s staff, and iL ilyfo orei
3tA N place all necessaryy material in ti l ersoil notes (listrtibuted tinder the Nrma
May hear him any nighit thris week(office at once. eight department heads; carpenter rve.Tx:bo o n
ty ina king an a ppoinl iept, he is a., Loca lion hIlankts to show where I i 1101op ) pitt shop, electric shop1, plumib-ue( nRSalih vlie ilb x
VOCATION EXPERT! applilcanitiay be found at. va riouis ing, groundos, ~Janit ors, power ptlant , and;-
And ha~s been lecturing and giving hlours of the iday arte imlortait to ltiir' r icioldinte sue ' W OIS 0gSI
phrenological examinations at the the e fliciccy of t he burleau and mtustIR NGW I OT,0S
universities and colleges (}tiring the Ito' tilled oasti this week or next. Rollie, Feb. 17,-The Italo-Amneri- GRA1,1UaT11 AND) r:<i-TE ,FD I
last forty years. (See hip pic'tures - -------- can association gave a farewell recep- Chiropodis t VUrtUApedis
in the IDecember nttmb ler oft Tti.)'e ot Berlinl, Felt. 17,- 1(1 facilitate Amei- i 1ionlStunday inl honor )Iof (Giacoiiroe 107NaUivrat vePhn 25
nell Graphic ) canl tourtist travel to Germany, the for- Martino, newly appoint ed ambassador ___________Unver___ity __Ave _______e_2652_
Advice on chain (t c i'ld llin g, li- ' ign oliwe a nnoun ceid a visa good for to thle United St ates.
al improvement, choice of' vocation,. six inoths will 1.' given for $, -'--'------ ---- an mriae..
lAddress :301 N. St ate ti, pione The internlationatl polo matcli be-,Q~~~ 1h~~- A
i 1363-R1. office houlrs, 1t0 a. in. Ifo 1 p. I Weed thle 1Lnitedl States and Great!L '(ILI~ VLI I
mn.; 2 p. mi. ,to 5 p. aii. I Britain will bie hiel in Jutne. A

,trained for (lie purpose of familiar-
iltig the future teachers with the sm*[j-
j11ci. The class has a small enrollment
to give every advantage to the stu-
dcents. Tfhe general aim of the instrite-
tor is to refresh the subject in thle
indos of the pupils.
Vii)aterrn iy House
Robbed Of $100
lIor e thn $100 in cash was takon
front lie lelta. Tau T lpsilon hou se,
;14 N. i aga hls St., by an unidentified
roan soltiiile after 2:30 Monday
moa tn ine;. The thief midoe his depart -
ure'o withbout htaving been discovered
aiidi left hoi) (lute that officers could
work upon. HeI took only actual cur*-
le ncy, di sreg~ariding checks, bill folds,
jewelry, anol](othier articles of value.
Men in 1the house state that the in-
1ttt(1o't'was evidently familiar with,
(hseo' laeo as he con fined his opterations
eintir'oly to the second floor.
Don't delay--Pay your Subscription
Write Your Name ivith,
It Will Last Forever
ount~ai Pe In
"TheI k ta MadeWthe
Fountin en s Ible

s if ilesireti.


,,RpjY'OUR Newv Way ''atclSti
t ;Wiches. flee. you ever a I c", it cc;1'f
Made to your order foi.' W iiti i-gaoh
anot St. Patrick Parties.
210 Sobt t. in SLf:
Watch Saturday Even iog I'
Edtcator Shoes. I ailg' ooi e' ,
7/5.t No. 2 797, Fox 'Piof
Fa "CAN'TP I-OP 1SAR", \ N V{ 1rI
's (RODiJEa~"IV Ol(tuR' F:V'c
No. 2c>0}3, Vm'a 1
IT ~is 11I'.AL 'It O I
IT is 1110I'". 1
110U MULsT EL'A1, 'O If, f ' -I--
Opp. ?Thug.Arch ri-
-t They are del Ic buS. Arf t l~f ;

0.1). MOR-&I Ifh
a 17' icels~l' Aninile
E 'l'lieT: s"HIfor t&. S.tl iry St ore.
Phione 1718t.
1'\I 1' tS'l'l NC' 'r. IMEOGRI.APIIINGx
pi~tl Ir"a:: deslvcone lby experi-
("it c d (il °r, lto -. ,.at giyetirate ra tes.
1'7 Nicliels' Arcade
!';: lrl tll ' t lt:7{) P one 1718h
V ' ~Vi '51(5spI en tIhIin achines.
I :"; n. esfor rent or for sale.
"t<'D. I Tudents to see ouir type-
ci.' rri': ;i;. Good machines for
taI-or rest '.S A. Moran, 711 N.
(' wir c'sity Ave., Room 2.
n, U~1 S. A. NT El) 1f1rpar't tilfl
!r ~. 1I11 V1 caso]Barber Shiop.
3rdl Floor :Main St.


The kiddies. will meet you at the door!
'IOh, joy -- it's WRiILEY'S!. Yes, joy and
benefit, for this lvig' -la~sting, inexpensive
Tweet hlips tet , aptte and digestions
Children love it and &llU the time they're
getting the good it G ues themn.
Docdors and dei -,s say that cheewing
um cleans the teeth andA aids tooth
nutrition. Also, tha~t it 17e11-a digestion..

I' ' iP y
# ~Ca;


.. .
',' "
., +,.
. ,
y . l
.;' ' ;;
a ti; < Yt'

: :


riting ease.
hec Wahl Pen was designed for
ining ease and legibility. It is a
erfected, modemn writing instrument
hich will aid you in acquiring a
ractical hand, a readable -expression
fyou~r thoughts.
.All. metal construction--gold or
[ver for permanence and service-
bility---gives light weight, fine bal-
nce, increased ink capacity, strength
resist wear and abuse. And brings
Ie designer opportunity to produce
pen~ matching the beauty of a hand-
omely cased watch.
Prices in gold filled or silver
iodels $5 to $10.
Made in the U. S. A. by
anad1ian Faflvry: THE WAHL COMPANY, Ltd., Toronto
MTlanufafturers of the Wahal Eversharp and the Wahl
All1-Metal Fountain Pen
FEversharp is made in designs
matching lWahl Pen

$ ?'?
, ",, ,
: t s:>
4 v: . :"; :..
r ..vW: { .. 1' ..
..;,;;r'' ;
:. ,:
;. . i
' ' ': J.

'Just as the hairbrush

now keep their hair smooth,
lustrous, always in place

Today, as never before, college
men* have smooth, well-kept hair.
A few years ago the hair was a
nuisance to almost everyone, for
it was usually the least attractive
part of the appearance '- always
unkempt and unsightly an hour
after being combed.
There was no way, then, to keep
it from being so. Old-fashioned
pomades only matted it and made
it g?'easy. Water evaporated quickly
and left it drier and more unruly
than ever.
Today everyone can have
smooth, neatly combed hair
Now Stacomb - a delicate, invis-.
ible cream for keeping the hair in
place - has changed all that.
It isxesponsible for the amazingly
improved appearance of men's hair.
And it has made possible for every
woman, however "difficult" her
hair, the new smooth effect so much
in vogue.
In clubs and fraternities, at the
theatre or the game, today you can

seldom find even one case of un-
kempt hair.
People who know that the hair
can ruin the whole appearance--
people who are careful about the
way they look - have given Sta-
comb an important place on their
chiffonier or dressing table.
No matter how dry and straggly
your hair may be - no matter how
uncontrollable after being washed
-- Stacomb will keep it always
in place, smooth, lustrous, natural.
A touch of it in the morning when
you comb your hair - and all day
long your hair will be just as you
want it., for Stacomb will keep it
smoothly in place until you go to
bed at night.
You can get Stacomb in conven-x
ient jars and tubes, at all drug and
department stores. Non-staining
and non-greasy. Use it tomorrow
morning - and look your best all

in benefit
So we s

else at 5 vnses to much
and pleaure.


!ter eve meafl!

ot ltj ,. , 5 iis;

W- ~r W - V- -
I Standard Laboratories, Inc., Dept. E02
r 113 W.l18th St., New York City
STS Please send me,, free of charge, a
®lyg ;generous sample tube of Stacomb.
Olffer: Address.......... ............... .




"dkpiloqlf h~r litfn r" htr;Ci4ncflI~7 Avffdmus

£~ -~ d~ I

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