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February 18, 1925 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-02-18

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DlI Tankmen Hold 2 L MCHGA
FOR PURDUE TILVI In spite of the fact that Micigan's~ TO START TODA~ __________DEEAT NAVYTEAMI
sw m m ng t anos dut l__ on in uRA IER~N TY B_________1
Coach MIaher 's Mlcii i1op~c to hevcnge lby two points in their dual mfeet last sn tU o iI pis Oto n rgnletyls o ( ovrnsLa
SIeet ieBYSaturday, Coach Mann has not slack- ( Citer Gridiron Tn-r ; fraternities the fraternity basketball Vcore{adN
7uielrniakers ceedthe aceat whch icehas ben ig,,Seaonrace has narrowed cown to twelve Defeatsat
t_ :"'-' 'I tams which represent the twelve lea- _______
driving the tanksters since he took 1 gues. The winners of the leagues are
ovrteatronas follows: League 1, Pi Kappa Al- MEN RI HG A
the men were all put through at phria ; League 2, Phi Sigma Delta, Lea- i(ir
Michigan's Varsity biasketball :;ua least one endurance test to start the! Winter football practice of the Mich- g ue 3, Alpha Sigma, Phi; League 4, Michigan defeated the Navy in anl 1ti
rettutncd to Ann Arbor yesterday (session, followed by one or two time ian Varsity was formally openedI Delta Chi; League 5, Alpha Tau Om- intercollegiate telegraph bowling
morning following its 32-13 defet at trials ini their accustomed distances. last night when more than 150 candi- rga vs. Delta Tau Delta; League , match held last Friday according to ;s(
th had'fOi tt tClmu hSwe~dwsoinal lne dates for the 1925 squad met withi Delta Sigma. Phi, League 7, Phi Sig- reports receivedi from C. A. Moore, of I, of
as au rest neriodl before the squad tapesI Coaches Yost, Weiman, and Blott at ma kappa; Lague 8, Phi Kappa; Lea- Yale, secretary of the intercollegiate ;t
Monday night. It wats the second doe-on Indiaa in their third and final Con- the Union. Plans for the winter sche- gue 9, Nu Sigma Nu; League 10, Phi league. In the other two matches, io
feat of the week-end for the Wolver-j feirence dulal meet F~eruiary 28, before duleof, training were discussed by ;Lambd(a Kappa; League 11, Beta Theta, Yale defeated Illinois and Syracuse ;c
ines. Indiana having won a close game; the big' affair at Iowa March 13, how- the coaches and elgibility as a pre- 1 P: League 12, Delta Kappa Epsilon. (defeated Rensaller Polytechnic Insti- Inr
in the field house Saturday night. As ever,. in. keeping with Coach Mann's requisite for football stardom was IrThese twelve teams have been group- tte. h
a result of the two defeats Michigan policy. the fresnen will akce on thne stressed by the mentors in their in- erd into four leagues of three teams 1 u p, of ichigan, who is the res- j t
is eleatd t th lwerhal o th 1Varsity in an informal svimming meet formal, talks to the squad. each, as follows: League 1, Delta nhihsoemn ntecapI
is elgaedtoth loerhaf f heSaturday afternoon at the Y. M. C. Actutpl practice will start this after-! Kappa Lpsilon, winner of Alpha Tan utIhia vghoe mo n o the campus,'
Conference standings. '_hda vrg f10frteatr
Determined to stage a comeback A. pool, and the M. A. C. meet will be I noon when thre men will report at the 'Omega, vs. Delta Tan Delta, Pi Kap- I noon. Mesner has the hihest aver- 1 .1
FrdyngtweIhePru qa ed on the following Saturday. field house. Equipment will be issued; pa Alpha. League 2, Delta Chi, Al- iaewt tsoeo 0,Lcetidd
visits the field _house the team wentI" Michigan's win over Wisconsin to the squad at this afternoon's meet- pha Sigma Phi, Phi kappa. League ag with a sorletof24,ad lackey'thirdn
through a light workout yesterday 1 came as a surprise, the Badger swim- ing and a short workout will be held.1 3, Beta Theta Pi, Phi Sigma Delta,r averaged 170) The Mlaize and Blue ; o
afternoonj and wvill gt a stiff drill to-liners entering the meet with the odds In the future three practices wilbeih LmdaKpa.Laue4 N i- la rolled 1018, which was the high- C
nigh . Tmorow ateroon he i all in their favor. Only an unexpect-' held every week on Monday, Wednes- ma Nu, Phi Sigma Kappa, Delta Sig-, est game total of the year.
workbptt before the 'Boilermaker game el wil by Captain Kerr in the back d cay and Friday. A tackling dlummy? ma Phi. The league standing follows--
will be held. The Purdue team took 4.troke, and Sedman's second place in has been rigged up in the northwest 1on Lot
a one point victory away from Mich- the plunge giving the Wolverines aI corner of the field house for the pra- ( 1NTERCLASS 1;ASKFTI.HA1,I, icigan.................. 6 0I
iaataayletowesaoadworking margin. The team again ap- tice sessions. ThIe following gaimes in class bas-+ Yale ...............4 2
on their' home floor the Mbaize and I peared well balanced, placing men in The drills will be in direct charge ofj etal are scheduled for ThursdayI Syracuse.................. 4 2
Blue will hiave a good chance to get I every race, the (iving being the onlyI Coaches Weiiuan andli Tlott and the1! ngh: 7 :45-Senior Laws vs. Senior Illinois...................33
revenge. .event in which Michigan did not rate! early sessions will be occupied al- l its, Soph Lits - s. Soph Eng. Lower . ...................1.
Following g the Indiana gamne which! second place or better. Ims nieywt drill i fundamren- l ents v.unior Litu. Frosh LisvrN5 ...........0 3
wntote ooirin1wlt30 Wisconsin startedl off the meet in I tas. I Frosh Laws; 8:30-Junior Meics vs. 1epaiiw.........03
seconds of play Saturday night the championship form copping the relay; - Senior Medics; School of Education vs. !
squd enttoColmbs dtemind1event in fast time of 1:18 2-5, better-' Rangoon, Burma, Feb. 17,-The Senior Eng; Upper Dens vs. Junior I The. League wishes to remind all
to rpea aneary sesonvicorying the old Conference record by four-, higher court has dismissed the appeal Eug; Soph Pharmics ve. Actuarial. ;women on the campils that ,acobsou s.
ove th Buckeyes. Ohio State hrow- fifths of a second. Michigan fought of the three Buddhist priests and one -i store offers five per cent discount on
evrseelt a~ h aedo nback however, and at the end of tlie i layman who, last November, were IDPNET EGEalgosprhsdtee hscrr
Michigan on the Ohio floor that Mich- j meet, the score stood 33-31 in favor of setecd o:asulig and seriouslyi Wednesday night at 7, Delta Upsilon ;tesy is being done for the benefit ofj
igan hadl on the Buckeyes in the field the olveines. injuring Prof. and Mirs. Paul Gleason, 'vs. Theta Cli; rau Epsilon Phi vs.; the new League building . Women
house and with M2iner leading the By defeating the strong Badger team American missionaries attached to Alpha Tan Omega; Phi Mu Delta v3, i should ask for the discount whrenri
way the Scarlet basketeers ran wild Michigan stamped herself as one of the Judson College here. (Continued on Page Seven) I making their purchase.
with the visitors. Miner got a grandl strongest contenders for ConferenceI
total of seven field goals, while Cun- honors. With Captainu Kerr and H-al-
ningham, the center, managed to slip stedl in the backstroke; Samson,
fivethrugh he oop TheBuceyeGow, Dunnakin, and* Johnson in the
pair were making goals from all cor- srns WitnhaMeznr n
tiers of the flooir and at the same time~ Mayer in the breaststroke; Siednian
the great Michigan pair, 1Taggerty and improving in the plunge ; Dunnakin, I
bhry eehrl vrgvnteSmo n ono nte20 n all and the former had a. lone goal with Papength and Ste rrett in the! Supplies for E v r Branch of port
to his credit at the end of the game,! fancy dive Michigan presents one of 1______________________________________
Line, a likely looking player who! the nicest balanced teams that has I
showed a great deal of promise at the been seen in Conference competition I_
Ibeginning of the season only to falter in recent years. 7 11NorthNeto
when the Conference schedule started Beln e. 17,-utv AofUrcd Theatre
has been seeing action in the last two Beln e.1,IGsa dl
U~niversity Ave. Acd ~
gamnes and will probably be given a Bauer, former imperial chancellory.fru0
regular job from now on. If Line fills has been expelled from the Socialist 0
the bill. Michigan will have five reg- party, due to his alleged connection
ular players to count~on, whereas the with the Barmat financial scandal.
season so far has not developed any
regular five. Haggerty, Chambers,A -:*
D~oyle and Chierry have played in prac-
p osition has begp a prize for conten- -nT PA Y
tiron between='Reason, ITlutzel, Gregory, ,
Kuenzel, and Line. Line has been f
showing decided imlprovement lately
1and is a help in eradicating one of c i a r b g et h n c ps a la d t en e
Of weight. Hec is fairly tall and] rangy - " chranged lot
and with more experience will prob- ~ lcs
-ably devlecl) into a first, class guard. -- 2
Ludlington, Feb.,1 6.--Stone 25 fet -
below the surface of Lake ilichiganuI-
has been carried away lby the ice.
fl , rUI(KN O''ISCE
S All Narsity track candidates i~ :-
I are to report at 7 o'clock to- ni hjttha fed h u e ii
I bility will be discussedl, and it is1_
ressential Owht every Varsit y can-
(dilate be present. FArtLL
STV +AtC:;,' ,(. _ Coach. . I
HB low Bugle Blow!%1

,Deeh Farrell To Hold Trials
For Illinois Relays Saturday
Ligm; i~ractich ms b mu giv en the! Both these men are putting the shot
'arsity tracksters in lprep~aration for la-round 42 feet and are showing con-
lic final trials for the Illinois relays 1 tint improvement.
tUrbana, on February 28. These trials' Due to the cramped condition of the
yili be held at the field house on Sat- ' field house, baseball and basketball
tday afternoon andl it is at that time taking ull a great deal of the -room, the
hat: Coach 1{ arrell wvill make his final hurdlers are not able to run amny full
lcisiomis as to who shall miake the
rzlnd as oo length races. however, thy are lprac-
Coach Viarre fil laisx to take a larget ticing form at present and will have
quad with iandh hod1ope, ample practice in preparation for. the
f caint uring first p~lace against, such I meet.
eamis as Illinois, Chicago and~ others ( Michigan banks largely onl the dash-
>f equal merit. Individual stars are es, the pole vault, broad jump, and the
,un ted on to roll u13 the r eatest t half mile for her p~oints as Steve .bas
lumber of ooinits for tIe Wolverines I men who canl cope with the best of
iavo several, excellent pecrformners in themi in these events.
heir event's.I Of course the relays will Play a. large
The weights ini which Michigan wvas I lhart in winning the meet and the
vocfully weak last year have been i Maize and Blue aggregation will have
trcnmthened this season with the ad-j a strong two mile team, 'two of tme
ition of MVunz, of last year~s fresh- t quartet being from 'last year's' ekani-
in team, and Heath. a varsity man pionship team. The mile and four mile
f two years ago, who placed in the relays will also be of ex ellentr cal-
onferemice chanipion shins that year. I ibre.
,Llarjco LnC

A4lexander Shoes
in new spring
models are nolp
ready for your
State Street, Ober Calkins
The Mliddle Room )viz Greenwood and Killore





(but when I want tsok-
He blew at it like a bugle: He puiffed
'.at it with might and main. He shouted
\unprintable words. And theri _ha
>changed to Blackstone:
Now he gets a free-drawing cigar-t,_.
.always. He gets even-burning, firm-~
ash cigars--always. Lie gets extremelI~
mild Havana filler-always: He gets
tecleanest-made of fine : igars .,

Whit in E nglish tw ills
and basket weaves--broad
cloth oxford cloth and
flannel--new stripe s ini ,ox-
ford cloth and mafdr'as
$3.00 $3.50 $4.50
The Mtans Shop

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There are bigger cigars; if size
what you seek. But at Blackstoii1
prices it is impossible to make a largr
cigar of such choice tobaccos: flack=
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It was even finer io years ago: 1t is
at its very finest in this year of 12

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611 Church St.

WAXt~t CSBNir;








t .





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