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May 27, 1925 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-05-27

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a AU Mptilh

TO AARO TROPHY AT Announce Senior Dean Kraus Names
Play Patronesses Summer Courses Of
ASEBAL FINALS THOAYfor SnirPl'Interest To Women! JUNIOS is BAE L
Patronesses frteSno ly
have been announce as follows;
Intramural baseball finals will be Mrs. Alfred 11. Lloyd, Mrs. John R "Teaching of Special Subjects"is Victors in the intercass basbal
played off at 4 o'clock today in Effinger, Mrs. Wilber H. -Humphreys, the newest addition to the courses of games played yesterday were the
Palmer field between the Kappa Dean Jean Iiamilton, Mrs. Amy Ho- interest to women in the summer cur-! sopnomores and freshmen. Thi
Delta team and that of Alpha Epsilon bart, Miss Grace Richards, and Dr. riculum. It deals with the methods leaves the juniors and sophomores
Margaret Bell. used in the teaching of special sub- tied for first place in the tournament
Iota. All University women are in- This play, "Aria da Capo" by Edna jects. The Universit High School and an additional game will be nec-
vited to attend. The winner of this St. Vincent Millay will be given at e y to play off the tie. The stand
game will be awarded the silver in- 8:45 o'clock on June 11 in the Union for laboratory use in connection wit ings are as follows:
tramural baseball trophy. This was ball room immediately following the the course, according to Professor ;W L Pet.
won last year by the Betsy Barbour senior breakfast. Admission for the dward Kraus, dean of the summer Junior.................2 1 .666

;Society Honors
Jessie Bonstelle
Sigma Delta Phi, national dramatic
and oratorical society, entertained at -- - --
tea yesterday afternoon at the Kappa Members of the Honor council will
Kappa Gamma house. Miss Jessie meet at 4:15 o'clock today at New-
Bonstelle was the guest of honor and berry hall. All women now in the
during the afternoon was ti Honor council houses and planning
duingtheaftrnon ws iititedto return next year are urged to at-
into the society as an honorary mem- tend.
Miss Bonstelle is a leading figure Theta Sigma will meet at 3 o'clock
in Detroit dramatics, owning and di 'today at the Press building. Dues
recting her own stock company. She will be payable, and officers will be
has made many good plays possible elected for next year.
for her Detroit audiences, and thei
new Bonstelle theatre is considered I Members of the board of directors
one of the most beautiful and excel- of Masques dramatic society will hold
lent in the city. Miss Bonstelle, her meeting at 4 o'clock today in Sarah
h- Caswell Angell hall.
self is a very good actress and takes Cg
great interest in University dramatic Members of the point honor system
activities, committee will meet at 4 o'clock to-
Mrs. John Effinger, Mrs. W. R. day at Barbour gymnasium.
Humphreys, and Mrs. A. D. Moore
patronesses of the society were also Mary V. Ives, '23, and David Hunt-
guests at the tea. ing of Grand Rapids were married

Ilunting is a member of Beta Theta
Women interested in writing a man-
uscript for the Junior Girls' play and
who did not attend the meeting Mon-
day are requested to call Irene Field,
7117, before Friday. All manuscripts
must be sent to Irene Field, 140. Col-
lingwood avenue, Detroit, before
Aug. 28.
Sophomore women interested in
writing musical scores for next year's
Junior Girls play will meet at 4 o'-
s clock today at Barbour gymnasium.
Members of the Y. W. C. A. cabinet
t xxrilt tnnt of d- 1 M 'ln l f ri a




team and will be awarded permanent- Ubrakfast will Ue si.,u and no0adui
ly to the team which wins it for tional charge will be made for the
three successive years. play. There will be a special sale to-
;The line-ups for today's game will day, the tickets being on sale at the
be as follows: candy booth in University hall from
Kappa Delta Alpha Epsilon Iota 9 until 4 o'clock. June eight is the
l\1cNally P Hiss final date on which tickets may be
E. gbon CBageI obtained, and at this time all houses.
E. SgSorn B agley o must turn in their unsold tickets.
Waldo SS Bcshgetoon In addition to those named yester-
A. Ogborn 1B Mueller asnalso yser -g
DeWitt 2B Worcester day, Thyra Sheffield is also serving
on the_ program committee.
N. Clarke 3B Block
"Russell RF Kendrick
Liebermann CF Hunter To Finish Season
Cole LF-° McClure W
Withz Track Meet
Thirteen women were initiated into
Mortarboard, senior honorary society, Outdoor track work for women will
at the initiation held recently. Ofri- culminate in the all-campus track
cers for next year were elected as fol- meet which will start at 4:15 o'clockl
lows: President, Eunice Rose;; Vice- today in Palmer field. Unlike the in-
President, Dorothy Cline; Secretary, door track meet this event is not res-
Lilian Wetzel; Treasurer, Ann See- tricted to underclassmen. It is the
ley; Historian, Helen Ramsay. first all-campus outdoor track meet
for women to be held at the Univer-
READ THE CLASSIFIIED ADS sity. More than 35 women have;

session. Sophomore .............. 2 1 .666,
Library methods, which is not giv- Senior .................. 1 2 .333I
en during the regular school year, Freshman............... 1 2 .3331
will also be offered this summer. Out' The sophomores defeated the sen-
of the usual enrollment of 100 stud- iors by a score of 17 to 4. The line-
cnts in this course the majority are ups were as follows:
women. Students who receive credit Sophoiiore Senior
in the library methods course are Kyer P Boorman
qualified for positions in the Univer- Doster C Sherer}
sity library. Finsterwald SS Adams
"The assistants now working in the Allshouse 1B Verdelin]
library are, for the most part, re- Johnson 2B McKay
cruited from people from this, class," Foster 3B Olilmacher
said Dean Kraus. "The course is Sturos RF Dixon
very practical and has been popular' Felske LF King
with women students ever since it Field CF Morris
was introduced." ' Substitution; Marston for Sturos.!
Public health workers will be in-' Good work on the sophomore team'
terested in the courses in hygiene was shown by Kyer, 4 times at bat, 4
and public health which will be giv- hits, 3 runs; and Doster, 4 times atf
en. The essentials of effective school bat, 4 hits, 4 runs; on the senior team
health service and the best methods by Verdelin, 3 times at bat, 3 hits,
of teaching health habits to children and Adams, 3 times at bat, 3 hits.
will be emphasized. In the junior-freshman game the
Dean Kraus explained that because: first year women won by a score of
of the greater number of graduates 12 to 9. The line-ups were:
taking summer work many more ad- Freshman Junior
vanced courses are offered in the Robinson P Barlow
summer session than in the regular Beaumont C McArthur
school year. Child SS Huff
Appelt 1B Lawless
Subscriber now for The Summer Johnson 23 Eastcott
kchigan Daly.-Ado. Groff 3B Clarke


will meet at 4:1 oc loc to Lay aL
Newberry hall.
Pi Lambda Theta will hold its last
meeting of the year at 7:30 o'clock
tonight at the Delta Zeta house, 816
Hill street.

- Announcement has been made of
the engagement of Alice Wuerfel, '27,
to Thomas Pryor, '26, at an informal
dinner at the Delta Delta Delta house.
d Pryor is a member of Delta Kappa
-I Rho.
a - -A

{ _.

Francis RF Burke ]
Unsworthl LF HaskinsI
Rutherford CF Good
Substitution: Armbruster for John-
son. Excellent playing was evident
on the freshman team particularly
on the part of Beaumont 3 times at
bat, 3 hits, 2 runs, and Appelt 3'
times at bat 3 hits, 2 runs. Barlow
with 3 times at bat, 3 hits, and Mc-
Arthur with 3 times at bat, 3 hits and'
2 runs, were the junior stars.

Monday evening at St. Andrew's Ep
iscopal church. Mrs. Hunting is a
member of Collegiate Sorosis and Mr


Michigan DaIly.-Adv.

signed up.

Subscriber now for The
3lichigan Daliy.-Adv.



Unusual Values in Spring and Summer Millinery
206 East Liberty Phone 3848
This European Tour for Girls
Under the direction of Mr.
Frank C. Clark takes in all the
important sights of the Old
World and does so very well.
Representative and Traveling Chaperone
1148 Washtenaw Phone 3597
r. 1I013 333 Isleslmis.. m SI.. W ilr II*** * IC I** h" ura. ii...uauaru uarrrarsI SI 1151134333


A complete line of
everything that deals
with photography is
carried in stock.
We also have on sale
pictures of the major
campus and athletic
events which have
occurred during the

"There is a tonic effect
on mental attitude and char-
acter in the consciousness of
being well groomed."
v I
Consulting Costumer
222 NIckeIs Arcade I
1hone 4882



Sale of Coats
Stunning new coats that for-
merly were marked from
$35.00 to $125.00 are going
in this clearance 'at astonish-
ingly low prices-$19.50 to




1 f


_ t y




Fr Sale by
719 N. University A ve.,



Film Developing

PhOn 4514


I"N .
1 w!
a1! !
N- w
1 f-
j NftV A
N ..e
The Problem of
2Graduation Gifts .
Is more easily solved here than anywhere else.
You will find the things that "get by" big with 1
college women with a minimum of effort on your
Lovely Lingerie
S Sheer Silk Hosicry5
Tempting Toilet Articles -W
- Dainty Handkerchiefs
} = Fragrant Perfumes
j r And a variety, of other suggestions

Special Selling of
Silk Lingerie
Wholesale Prices
Dainty Silk Lingerie-the prcttiest of underthings for gift
giving or for the Trousseau of the Summer Bride! And this
is an unusual opportunity to select the finest of ingerie at
wholesale prices.
A special buying event has brought to us a sample line of
beautiful silk underwear and thus we are able to offer these
garments to our customers at prices less thna we would ordi-
narily pay for them ourselves.
Pussy Willom Taffeta Canton Crepe
Crepe de Chine Radium
These lovely pieces of lingerie are found in-
. -.
all pastel shades i both tailored modes and
elaborately trimmed ones and include:o
o'uns Chemise
Bloomers n
nail ayfo he oreles

Afternoon Dresses
That one would distinguish along
the boulevard or the avenue. Attract-
ive, yes, and styled right. Just the
epoch in design that has been charac-
. . .. ..A1.



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