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May 22, 1925 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-05-22

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PRIDAY, MAY 22, 1925




ft ftWft°I

WH R ETeace Is State Of
Mind Says D'Arcis:
Victors in the interclass baseball'
games played yesterday were the

sophxmore and junior teams. The
sophomores defeated the freshmen by,
a score of 33 to 6. The line-ups were
as follows:
Sophomore Freshman
" Kyer P M. Robinson'
Sturos LF Parker:
Marston RF Groff
Field CF Rutherfbrd
Finsterwald SS Child
Boater C Beaumont
Allshouse iB Appelt
Foster 2B Armbruster
Gally 31B Tuttle
Substitutions: Cramer for Field,
Sherman for Marston, Unsworth for
g Tuttle. The outstanding players
were Kyer with 5 runs and 3 hits,
Finsterwald with 4 runs, 3 hits, Dos-
ter with- 4 runs, 2 hits, Foster with l
! 4 runs, 4 hits, Child with 2 runs, 2
The juniors ran up a score of 10 to
6 against their senior opponents. The
jie-upi were as follows:
Senior Junior
f Boorman P Barlow
Sherer C Donaldson
Verdelin 1B Lawless
z McKay 2B Eastcott
Adams 3B Ogborn
SS Clark!
Dixon RF Haskins
Ohlmacher LF Burke
CF ,Roberts
Notable playing in this game was
shown by Boorman with 2 runs and
4 hits, Sherer with 1 run, 4 hits, Og-
> born with 1 run, 1. hit, Barlow with
2 run 2 hits, Haskins with 1 run 3
r hits.f.
} Social Service
Leads All Other

FOYvette Steps Out!
Free lance work in the journalistic
field for women has an attraction Details! That is the password of
even in its requirements. Writing the world of fashions as decreed by 1
ability is a prime necessity, calling Paris debutantes who have discov-
into play all the imaginative power ered that minute s details literally
which enables a writer to see the in- make or break the entire costume.
teresting side of events and to record Your ensemble may be lovely withc
them in an interesting manner, while all the feminine charm of pale;shadesa
still adhering to facts. Women who of hand work and a touch of soft,
have an active curiosity concerning fluffy fur but fashion artists of today
happenings and know which slant of will not credit the model who fails to
the event will prove interesting to give the final touch to the outfit by
certain reading publics are undeni- a single piece of jewelry to match
ably fitted for free lance work. some part of the color scheme.
There is a wide field for material Striking in its very simplicity was
in such work since it depends upon an afternoon gown worn by an at-I
the capabilities of the worker. Any tractive brunette at a recent tea
happening that is of interest can beJ dance. At the first glance, one began1
developed into a good story by a to admire the beauty of the orchid
writer who understands her work. crepe and upon further analysis, one
There is a fascination in selecting couldn't help but wonder just what'
good stories and in finding something made that gown appear so different.
of real interest in an event which It was the one single jewel worn on
seems everyday to the casual obser- the little finger of the left hand. A
ver. One writer, who got six differ- tea-ring, as exclusive jewelers have
ent stories from one window display named it, made of one large amethest
felt modestly proud of her success set in a tiny twisted band of gold!
until she heard a lecturer say he It reflected the pale orchid of the
had found 18 stories from one source.-
Women who have the ability to use more regular practice will be held
a camera ,to produce interesting pic- from 4 to 6 o'clock on Tuesday. The
tares with their stories are even new cinder track at Palmer Field is
more assured of success in their nearing completion and is a 100 yard
work as free lance writers. Illustra- straight-away and is wide enough for
tions are usually of great value in hurdles and dashes.
accounts of events and make any
journalistic work more productive.
Alert minds, accompanied with the
ability to write well and a knowledge
of markets is all that is needed for r d 1
success in free lance work. Stories:
of this nature have proved especially D ,
acceptable to trade journals and!
special journals. Free lance work is 1P r
splendid training for young writers
who have intentions of writing fic-
tion. M anicui
Holds Track Meet Stationery
For All ClassesBR
All-campus track-Meet will be held
at 4 o'clock on next Wednesday at 200204 E.
Palmer Field. This is the first meet

Ann Arbor Women !club. At this meeting, which is to
I , be the last of the year, reports on the
A t t en d National past year's work will be read. Mrs.
e tnN Tj IiCE 'IA. E. White, Mrs. G. Lewis, and Mrs.
Zonta Conven onL. E. Tingley are in charge of the
I affair.
Local delegates to the national
convention of the Zonta clubs muist be played off by tonorrowngtIIntramural baseball games have
held May 15 and 16 at the Hotel If the weather permits playing, the been scheduled for 10 o'clock tomor-
Secor, Toledo, Ohio, report the decis- third rounds not completed by that, row in Palmer field. Delta Delta
ion of the convention to make the time will be forfeited by the one who Delta will Oppose the Outlaw team
Zonta movement international with is unable to play. Courts are open I Helen Rutherford, '28, acting as um-
clubs in foreign countries organized all day Fridays and Saturdays. pire. Adelaide Sherer, '25, has been
I chosen to umpire the game of Kappa
.s separate entities but all affiliated Delta vs. Alpha Chi Omega. The win-
with the national confederation of Jean Hamilton, dean of women, will ners from these games will enter the
Zonta clubs. entertain the newly elected board of semi-finals
The Zonta club may be termed the the Women's League and the senior
"Woman' Rotary" according to Mrs. representatives and out going officers Members of the Freshman Girls'
Tessie Stoddard who was among the f the League at supper on Monday, Glee club will meet at 4'30 o'clock
Ann Arbor representatives to the at her home, 923 Olvia street. Monday afternoon at Barbour gym-
nasium to attend a picnic at the Fire-
convention. Votional guidance Election of officers of the D. A. R. place.
for girls seems to be the work to ;will take place at the annual May-
which most Zonta clubs in the coun- luncheon to be held at 12 o'clock, Patronize Pally Advertisers - it
try have turned their efforts accord- today at the Washtenaw Country pays.-Adv.
ing to the reports which were pre-
sented at the convention. Mrs. God-
dard stated the local club would em-
(Continued on Page Seven)



Y. W. Department
"There is no question about social
service being the most popular de-
partment In the Y. W. C. A.," stated
Miss Mary Ross, secretary of the
student branch, in an interview yes-
"It must be due to the tendency of
the popular spirit of today to show
itself among the University women
as well as in the big cities," she con-
According ot Esther Anderson, '25,
who has been chairman of the social
service committee for the past year,I
many more women sign up for this
'kind of work than can be used, and!
certainly more than in any other de-
This year they have been actively'
conected with work both in the hos-
pital and outside. In the hospital,
the work covers two fields, teaching
and occupational therapy. About 30
women worked at the former, some
having classes in the school on the
top floor of the South branch of the
University hospital, and others tu-
toring individually.
Miss Marion L. Clark, of the Uni-
versity hospital staff, conducted a
class in occupational therapy to
which about 18 women attended.
These women in turn taught hand
work, weaving, basketry, etc., in the
Outside the hospital the committee
had charge of the Christmas work-
shop which opened at Newberry hall
about 6 weeks prior to Christmas va-
cation, and in which they dressed ap-
proximately 175 dolls and made 30 or

That America understands peace
better than any other nation in the
world is the claim of Mime. Clara'
Guthrie lYArcis, president of the
World Union of Women for Interna-
tional Concord, and delegate from
Switzerland to the recent convention
of the International Coincil of Wo-
men at Washington. Mme. D'Arcy
also claims that peace is not a mat-
ter of treaties and diplomatic rela-
tions or negotiations, but a state of
mind, and mentally we are still at
Mmne. D'Arcy was born in New.
Orleans, La., but has spent most of
her life in Switzerland. She is a
speaker and writer and one of the'
most distinguished women in public
work in Switzerland.
Literary Society
Holds Elections:
Election of officers for next year
was held at the meeting of the Black
Quill society Wednesday evening.
Those elected to fill offices for next
year are: Helen Whipple '26, presi-
dent; lelen Edwards '27, secretary;
Genevieve Hall '26, treasurer.
40 scrap hooks for the hospital chil-
Cooperating with the Community
Fund of Ann Arbor, the family wel-
fare committee of the social service
department helped get the sororities.
dormitories, and league houses to en-
tertain children at a Christmas party.(
Anna Arnold, '27, is chairman of
the social service committee for next{

ion Gifts

y Ivory
re Cases

The third round games in tennis
dress and at the same time gave a
deliberate contrast to the light
shades-for light shades are negative
in character unless set off by a bit
of the darker tone which will result
in harmony throughout the entire
A tea ring is an essential in the
silver jewel chest which adorns the
dressing table of every college girl
who enjoys the social life of her set
in school.


N EWEST for summer
wear are cool frocks of
voile in pastel shades. Vari-
trimmed with tucks, ruffles,
our charming styles are
trimmed with tucks, ruffles,
laces and hand drawn work.
$10.50 to $25.00.

Kod aks




of this kind and has been originated
to popularize track and field activi-
ties with women. Although it will be
conducted under the auspices of W.
A. A., no honor points will be given
and W. A. A. regulations will not be
used. The events are as follows: 50
yard dash, 65 yard hurdle, running
broad jump, running high jump, and"
discus and javelin throwing. The I
restriction on participation will limit
the entries to only four events for
each woman and only two running
events may be entered. Such com-
binations as two running, one field,
and one jump, or two jumps and two
fields may be made, however. One
Nu Bonel
Mahe to Measure
, Mad' Q




Meet Your Friends
at the
Fountain Room
where the crowds go

E '





5 .

t t





Now transforms the growing
bob into Most becoming coif-
fures. Buy one now before
they are gone.
Expert Marcelling
Stoddard Hair Shop
707 N. Univ. 21212




Light LuAches - Hot Drinks - Cold Sodas
and those wonderful
The Betsy Ross Shop

Chic Sport Fro<
Dainty Silk Mo<
smart Business M
Afternoon Styl
Workmanship is
always the fines

Included in this sale are
attractive dresses-fashioned
for the warm summer days
-Distinctive in design-
Delicate in detail.

Phone 4882 for Appointment



_. 1


4 f f

I it

l Ii




And Now We Find Ushered
in the Vogue for
Close hats of white felt-
Dainty hats of white silk-
Practical hats of white straw-


Flowers Are Appropriate
for Every Occasion
No matter what the occasion may be, flowers are appropriate. And they
lend that looked-for atmosphere which is so necessary to any successful
We do fraternity and sorority party decorating at very reasonable prices.
Ann Arbor Floral Co.



i . .. _. ;,





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