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May 14, 1925 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-05-14

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TH-URSDAY. MAY 14, 1 20

Publication in the Bulletin to constuctive notice t. all members of
the University. Copy received b) the Asslttet to tb. P"'dent until
8:30 p. m. (11:30 a. tn. Saturday"
Volume IS THURSD)AY, MAY 1, 192 Number 16
Members of the Admninistratve :Board, College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts:;
There will be a meeting of the Administrative Board Thursday, May 14,
at 4:10, in Dean Efniger's office. W. H. Humphreys.
Freshman Pageant:
There will be a complete rehearsal of the Freshman Pageant, Friday
May 15, at 5:00, at Palmer Field.
Joan Haminlton, Ieaiof Women.
Freshman Pageant:
There will be a complete rehearsal of the Freshman Pageant, Thursday'
May 14, at 4:00, in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall.
r ~Jean Hamailton, Dean of Womlen.
P'ublc Address, Order of the Coif:
The annual Law School address, under the auspices of the Coif, will be
delivered Friday, May 15, at 4:15 P. M., in Room~ C, Law Building, by Mr.
George Packard of the Chicago Bar, member of the firm of Brown, Packard,
Peckhiam land Barnes.
The subject is: "sonmc Prejudices and impressions of an American
Lawyer in.London." Mr. Packard will discuss sone aspects of English court
procedure as, compared with American procedure.
The address Is open to the University public.
Henry M. Bates, Dea.
Englisha 101 (last semester students):
Students of Eifnlish 101 who left with me copies of Historical Outlines
of English Phonology and Morphology may receive their books back in
Roora 2209 Angell Hlal. The temporary copies of the book may be ex-
changed at Wahr's bookstore for the complete edition.
Samuel Moore.
There will be a meeting of the Comnmittee of the Four Year Course in
Physical Education, Thursday ,May 14, at the Office of the School of Educa-
tion (Tappan Hall, 4:15 P. M. Changes in Curriculum. A full attendance
is required. A. S. Whitney.
1TolticlScience29, Journal Club:
There will be a regular meeting of the Journal Club today at 3, Room
406 Library J. S. Reeves.
A. S. C. E.:
The fhal meeting of the year of the Student Chapter of American So-
ciety of Civil Enginers will be at the Union, Thursday night. May 14, at
7:15. it is imperative that all new Jnior members be present as well as
senior members, so that the election of next year's "officers and all other
business may be completed successfully.
Howard A. Sheridan.
Students mIntr"#.led in I. . C. A. Work:
Mr. Robert Vernon, Field Secretary for the Young Men's Christian As-
sociation College, Chicago,, Ilinois, may be interviewed at Lane Hall on
Thursday afternoon or evening, May 14th, by any students interested in
Y. M. C. A. work. Men interested in work with boys are especially urged
to take advantage of this opportunity. George H. Baer.
Students' Recital:
The folowing program will b otfered Thursday evening at 8:00 o'clock
in the School of Music Auditorium by advanced students of the University
School of Music:
Mazuirka 'p. 24 (Chopin), Prelude, Op. 28 (Chopin) John St. Peter;
Concerto,,D minor (Wienawaki) Gertrude Friederich; Will o' the wisp
(Jensen) Catherine Buhrer; Modnacht and Die Beiden Grenadier (Schu-
mann) Willard Spanagel; Prelude and Fugue in D minor (Bach), La
Cathedral enigloutie (Debussy) Jack Conklin;, Where'er you walk, from
"Sciele" ;(Handel)' Serenade (Tosti) Ruth Brooks; Thle Wren (Lehman),
The Answer (Terry) Lottie Hutzel; Golliwog's Cake Walk (Debussy) Opal
Accompaniments by Anna Broene and Pauline Kaiser.
Charles A. Sink, Secretary.
To Seniors hInterested In Secretarial or Social Sevice Positions:
The Vocational Director of the Detroit Business University will be in
Roonm 2, Univrsity Hall on Friday, May 1th, from 10:00 A. M. to 12 noon,
and from 1:30 to 5:00 P. M. H-e wishes to interview those interested in sec-
retarial orsocial service positions in Detroit.
J. A. Bursey.
Vacation Work:
Mr. H. B. Outwater, District Manager for the Pure Silk Hosiery Mills,
Inc., of Chicago, will be in Room 2 University flal from 3:30 to 11:30 A. M.,
and from 2:00 to 5:00 P. M., Thursday May 14th, for the purpose of inter-
~'iewing students (men and women) who are seeking employment for sum-
mier vacation. J. A. Bursey.
~'The Passing of the Tird Floor Back":
'Tonight at 8 o'clock in University Hlal the final program in the Play Pro-
ductiou series will be given. Jerome K. Jerome's threeact drama "The

Passing of The Third Floor Back" will be presented. Admission will be0
charged. It.1). T. 1iollister.
Alpha Nu;
There will be a very important brief meeting in the society room tonight
at 7:30. Nominations. Norman Johnmison.

Gun and Blade Club:Ma S c e dB k R
There will be a special meeting of the (iro and Blade Club in "ilooiii
308 Michigan Union at 7:30 Thursday evening. May 14. Important business___________________
will be. transacted. H.i. I MArthur.
Craftsmlen: Ifan
Thl,: installhation of officers wvill be hll in th Masonic Temple Friday
evening. May 15, 1 925, at 7: 001. Al. inlsteadI of Saturday. Mlay 16th. The St.
Andrews Hi3.h land D~egree Team of Zion Lodge No. 1. of Detroit as guestsme
of Fraternity Lodge No. 262 of 1ths city will confer the Third Degree ' > ?suc rr .
Saturday evening. May 16, 1,925, at the ?Masonic Temple. :Master Mlasons ,:s " ;the

'egister Summer
Rooming Houses
Request that all those having horn ,
nily suites. or apartments to let for'
summer, register these at the Sumn-
.r session offices was issued yester-
', in order to meet the demand for
ch lodgings which will comec when
summer term opens.
Bertha Beck, in the Summer session
ices in University hall, will receive'
;istrations. Individual student rooms
11 not be registered.
okio, May 13.-The Japanese charge
Moscow messaged to Tokio that the
riot. has declined to permit the pro-
sed flight of two airplanes through'


a UL £Ai aIJ , * V .VU AUV
cleaning and pressing
will have a smile on
f ace.


Quick Service

Good Work

are in vitedl to attend.

At. jiuri It.'t'uneiir, Presidenat.

Notices to appear in this columni must
herlrni~nrthebox t nthv.e Doly fie
prve f nr nithe 11, at he I "Aiy of4c
o'ciock preceeding the day of issue.
9:00.5 :00--3r. Gilmiore interv-iews all
senior men interested in a large nia-
tional and international business, in
room 205, Tappan hall.
9:30.11 :30-I1. B. Outwater of the
Pure Silk Hosiery Mills, Inc., meets
studenits interested in summer
work, in room 2, University hail.
1 :30-5 :34) -TIternationial cxliib't'on
of modern paintings from the Car-
negie institute of Pittsburgh, in Al-
unini Memorial hall.
2:00-3 :00) - Juniors wislhin to ap-
ply for admission to Honors course
in English consult Prof. 0. J.
Campbell in room 2212. Angell hall.
2:00.5 :00-11, B. Outwater of tihe Pure
Silk Hosiery Mills, Inc., meets stu-
dents interested in summer work,
in room 2, University hall.
2:00-6:00-Exhibit and sale of Fire-
side industries for Berea college,
Berea, Ky., at 1710 Cambridge road.
3:011-Thxeta Signma meets lit the Press
34-Political Scienice 292, Journal
fclub, mects in room 406, Library.
4:45--Kappa Phi meets at Wesley hall.
5:00-Wonien's League picnic pazrty
leaves Barbour gymnasium.
7:040.-Weekly assemly in English 3,
.1public speaking for engineers, is
lHeld An rom 348, west Engineering
7:15-Student chapter of Amaerican So.
11'&ity of Civil Engineers meets at the
17:30-forestry club meets in room
214, Natural Science buildinb.
7 :30-Alpha: nu meets in the society
room in Angell hall.
7 :30-Gun andi Blade club meets ini
jroom 308, Unioni
7:30--Chistiam Science society meets
fin Lane hall.
7;:30--Blue Key club meets at the
7:30.0:30 -- International exhiibition
sof, modern paintings from the Car-
negie institute of Pittsburgh, in Al-
umini Memorial hall..
S:00-Advanced students of the Vfi-
versity School of Music present. re-
cital in the School of Music audi-
8:0)Q-"The Passing of the 'third Floor
Back," is presented in University'

thle Chemistry amlphitheater.
Paris, May 13.-Two notes written!
jb M.Briand, the foreign minister,
I n aving to do with the require-;
ments for German disarmament be-
fore Cologne is evacuated, anld the
other dealing with Germany's offer
of a securtiy pact, were unanimously
approved by the French cabinet to-
The disarmament note is a corn-1
promlise between the French and
British views and may be made the
text of the commiunication the Allies
council of ambassadors will send to
Germany. If Germany complies with
the terms there is a probability thatI
the evacuation of the territory would
take place within a few months.

j will


'i l

4 ose


328 South

Main St.


[ -X

' r To
Scotland ...........
Charles F. Choate (above), noted; nld
Boston lawyer, is considered likely to ' nlad. ''........
succeed James M. Beck as solicitor- Fac
general of the United Mtates.I Holland ............. U
I Gerimany .............
A 0 1 E Holland ............. :
Clei-eland .............
Second seine:ter freshmnen Buiffalo ..............
fwhose marks for the first Mackinac is............
semester were of "C" grade or Soo ...................
better are eligible to try out for jHioughiton.............
positions onl the lower Business Duluth. .......
SIStaff of the 1926 Michiganen- (iiicago .......... .



Girls' Discardcdw Dresses
Coats and Shoes
Cash Prices Paid
Telephone 6616
,120 Fourth Ave.

NEW TLEPH NE SSTEMApplications should be made
NEWT[, [ SSTEM in person at the Press building
any afternoon this week between(!
2 and 3 o'clock.
Numerous expressions of approval I~M IILS r
for he n~v ial hon sysem lOW n Business Manager.
u ei An Ar o ha eb e reevd!by the Michigan Bell Telephone corn-I
painy, according to J. J. Kelly, manager :;ttti1tl11ttltlltlltl!11l~
of thle local branch.-
Among the first conmmendlations to CO
come in was that of the Chamber of Ci ERZ, SILVER,
Comlmerce, which was reportedNIK LP A NG E
through the secretary, P. P. Wood- =
bridge. done in our sop
Manager Kelly called special atten- .-
tion to the fact that the fire depart- a r ron ad!1
ment nlumb~er "4111" is for fire alarms Hooned.
onily, and that persons desiring to con-,=
sult the department on business mat.-= Safety RazorI
ters should use the other number giver. -glades Sharpened
in the directory, "3883."
Spring Events SPL O

4 aaavu v " . s " " . " " " . " " . " .

Any Lipne, Ship, Cruise, TLour'
1st, end Cabini or 3rd Class
Onmly Authorized
Licensed and Bonded Under
State Laws
601 East Huron St. 1)Ml 6412,

No matter what time of the day or night you drop
in, you will find our Barbecue Sandwiches are
always fresh.
r z The Barbecue Inn
440 South; State Phone 4481
dl/I.J/,/ "1/,, "1 ."I". ^°'./ °"Id,/dI" ,.r"e ...%r"./,I.. 1r'.J/do~/ "~/.,,

Mfay 15-16-Fathers' week end.
f'ay 15-16-Miunesota vs. Michigan--
M1ay 20-Senior Banquet and Senior
flay 20, 2-1, 22, 23-May Festival.
May 122-Senior Ball.

AI Phone 5881i ~

IFRID)AY May 22-Last day for payment of di-
10:00-5 :00-VNocational director of the. ploila fees.
S Detroit Business university inter- 11Iiay 23-Outdoor Interscholastic
1views seniors interested in secretar- track meet.
ial or social service positions, in May 27-Japanese All-Stars vs. Mich-
roomi 2, University hall. igan-baseball.
1:30.4:00 - International exiition May 2S, 2J-Interscholastic Tennis
of modern paintings from the Car- tournanment.
negie institute of Pittsburgh, in Al- May 2f)-Examinations begin.
umuni Memorial hall. , lay, 2-ANisconsin vs. Michigan
3:30-All- camipus outdoor track meet track meet.
at Ferry fiefi. May .39-Iowa vs. Michigan-base-
J1U---George Pic(kard of the Chicago; ball.
bar delivers the annual Law school " May 30-Wisconsin vs. Michigan-
address in room C, Law building, tennis.
7 :(?{?-.-Craftsmnm's installation of oftic- Jamne 10, 11--Alumni meet in Detroit.
ers is held in the Masonic Temple. Juine 12-Ohio State vs. Michigan-
8:00-Prof. Herbert Freundlichi of the baseball.
IKaiser Wilhelm institute in Berlin' June 12-Alumni Reunion Day.
speaks on "The State of Aggregation June 12-Senior Class Day.
Don't forget that in adldition to ordinary supplies we carry special
sup~plies for engineers anid architects.

'S :v

For 10 Days-

1~i, Y~1.I'11I././1.I..J.I./~~'e-e-o p..

25 c/o





i. '. ' '1. . /l, I I ', . Plw ''r % ° ' '111. /1, J, %.





Fourth of Three-Day
Special Sal-es
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 114,915,16
We will put on Sale 1,000) Suits of
Athletic Union Underwear

Spanish Socmety: 1,1111 S. UNIVERSITY
Tile conversation class of the Spanish Club will meet tonight in Room
201 of the library.. Lucy Doriboorajian. I --
- - S
.. - { -
.a - w.
wr- - .-
~Jj)~~I~I "~M, Plants and Flowers
SPickles or Olives, Grape Juice or Ginger Ale, Sweet Wafers. I for your garden and porches
V. -

Regular Dollar

Value " e s" s"" s" "


Regular Dollar Fifty Value .... .$1.10
Not less than three Garments to any one Customer.
Nowv is your Chance to Stock up for the Summer

No Goods Charged No Refunds

No Exchanges

Twenty-five Per Cent Discount
on all Summer Beach Robes

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