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May 14, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-05-14

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- ~-~-

Published every morning ecept Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The ,A'sociated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republicationi of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Enter~ed at the postoflice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Offices: Anna Arbor Press Building, May-
tard Street.
Telephone 492;
Editor............ ... John G. Garl~nghouse
News Editor.,.......... Robert G. Ramsay
City Edit............ Manning Houseworth
Night Editors
George W. Davis FHarold A. Moore
Thomas P. Henry Predk. K. Sparrow, Jr.
Kenneth C. Feller Norman R. Thal
J-%dwin C. Mack
Sports Editor......,. William 11. Stoneman
Sunday Editcr.......... Robert S. Mansfield
Women's Editor .............Verena Moran
Telegraph Editor...William J. Walthour
Gertrude Bailey Marion Meyer
Louise Barley. Helen Morrow
Marion Barlow Carl E. Ohilmacher
Leslie S. Bennetts Irwin A. Olian
Smith 11. Cady, Jr. W. Calvin Patterson
Stanley C. Crighton Margaret Parker
Willard 11. Crosby Stanford N. Phelps
Valentine L. Davies Helen S. Ramsay
Robert T. DeVore Marie Reed
Marguerite D~utton L. Noble Robinson
Paul A. Elliott Simon F. Rosenbaum
skuneva Ewing 'Ruth Rosenthal
ames W. lernrnbcrg Frederick H. Shillito
Katherine Ditch Wilton A. Simpson
Joseph 0. Gartner Janet Sinclair
Leonard Hall D~avid C. Vokes
Elizabeth. S. Kennedy Lilias K. Wagner
'Thomas V. Koykka Marion Walker
Mariod Kuhik Chandler Whipple
Elizabeth ILiebermann
Telephone 21214
Advertising ....................T;. L. Dunne
Advertising.....................R. C. Winter
Advertising................."H. A. Marks
,Advcrtisiu ................ B. WV. Parker
Accounts.. ".... "...... ......H. M. Rockwell
Circ'1laticm I.................... John Conlin
IPublicat ion..................... R. D. Martin
r. W. Anold K. E. Mast
W. F. Ardrrssi . FE: Mosher
I. M. Alving 11. I,. Newmann
W. C. Bauer TI. P. Olmstead
Irving Blernian R. AT. Prentiss
Rudolph 1lostenan W. C. Pusch
George P. Blughee F. . Rauner
B. Caplan . D. Ryan
.1. F. Clark WT. E. Sandbergr
7. C. Con sroe F. K. Schoenfeld
F.R. Dentz R. A. Sorge
George C. Johnson A. S. Simons
0. A. Jose, Jr. M. M." Smith
K. K. Klein I. J. Wineman
W.1 Al Itullins
THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1925
Night Editor-SMITH Ii. CAD'S., JR.

George Paish has made such a state-
ment. If such be the case canicel-I
lation by this nation is the only remn-
edy. But what the present adijnis
tration insists upon, what the press of;
the nation has rightly clangored for (d1';4S Wh'S
is some sort of settlement on a-i isi- JIEJE TOI)AY
ness basis. Franc'e has colntinal ly
evaded the question of a(definite ude- A o c a u po h al
cision. So long as she does so there ulti4 pr fwd3~sag n
will~ ~sietakintiscutr. itm'ig~ Thiur'sday's onig htpaper would
w e hoietalkit this1country be put out in a novel way, so as to
shnh age tl Uited tate a erimit the whole staff to attend the
whenhe all th UnietlStaes I publication banquet Wednesday nlight.
"Shylock." If such were true seven;
year wold ot ave laped it outThe schemie (a brain-child of R. Gay-
the exctionof ri inglordymeaifroay ,president of The Daily
theexatin o a inle ayn('t fomPurity League) was to have all the
France. We repeat that. total or par-
I copy on the dIesk by four o'clock, and
tial cancellation may prove t) be the.
onl fesile oluio ofthedieina, #have the night editor and his assist-
onlythifealuin ofco hen diaemna ants write heads until, six. Then they
hut his an oly cme wen Fanc were all to tear hack after the ban-
admits that there is a debft; to settle. !que an finish it up.
When this day is at hand the discus- We readt Gaylord's lucid description
sion will end.
of the plan, and found it good. We said
If the Senior sings had been started to ourself that it was a good thing
a few weeks earlier, the Choral Union to have the -copy in early once in a
might have uncovered some valuable fwhile, and that there was no reason
material. why it should not be in early every

I______________________ _______________________________________


Seniors! Order your
Personal Cards Now

Ationyrnous communications will be
disregarded. The names of communi-

(lay. We also noted mentally, with
soni ccheer, that we would not have
to write a column on that day.

r ants wil.however, be regarded as But yesterday at luncheon, we were{
confidential unman reauest I ;nrondto the phone and Editor
4IT , III I13i Grarlinghouse announced himself. He
To the Editor:I asked :us how we were. He then ask-
Now that the plans for Iho fnew Ice1 us if we had a good time in the
stadium are puiblic pirop~erty I feel it morning.. He knew we had, because
no less than a dluty to register my uii_ he had seen us. Then hie cleared his
worthy opinion in r egard to them. throat and asked us if wve "would
Though' I despair that those of us who mm eymc etigotaclm
oppose enlarging the intercollegiatte this afternoon."
athletic plant will be able to acconip- , t, seems that he wantedl to go to
fish much in the face of studlent and te banquet too, andl that the only way
alumni sentiment, yet I wish to make he could do it would be etc., etc.
onc public attempt at least to helps*
avert what many considler a grave Well, it just happened that we had
mistake. Two considerations impel me a columnm that one of the competitors
to (10 this. First, the selfish one, that. j ha~d written, still lying in our drawer;
I will feel no pangs of self- reproach so we said. rather reluctantly, that we
in case the stadium is applroved, no 0 supposed, as a great favor to him, we
remorse b~ecause I did not try to tyre- could get it out. It would be a lot
vent it. Second, that I am confident01' extr'a work, we said, but we would
that there are a majority of the fac- do ,it for John. Hle thanked us.
ulty and a large number of the mo~re
intelligent, alumni who, though silent fiWe blew in at the office at about
are oppose(d to a larger stadium I qjuarter to four, intending to get the
am even given hope that, mainy stu- column out of our drawer, edit it,
dents are of like mind by the fact write an introduction, and dumrp it
that thc afimative in the recent f ac- on the desk by four sharp.
ulty-student debate on the modific't But it *wasn't there.
tion of our athletic system was c lear'- **#
ly the more p~opular side with the Now that wve have the column to
audience. outrself though, there are one or two
What will a, larger stadium mean?; little things that we intend to say.
It Will mean greater Roman holidays+ One of them is about the Mother's DayI
than we now have, which will in- celebration that took place here and
#evitably react upon the students so as there all day Sunday. There was
to produce greater interest in football. 'something maternal going on all the
,t'he players themselves will. Ie forced time, so we made a day of it.
into an even more rigorons ,trma ining***
than they now are subject ed~ to. We( We started off with the service at
have spring football now; we will the Presbyterian church, and a dis-
have. winter {football soon. These men m tal thing- it was. Whenever there
will think and act football the- year was nothing doing ,the organ would
round. Oh yes, they will "get by" in play sonie airs designated here anti
their work in one way or another;I there on the Program as "Old Home
they have to. B~ut they will not deC- I Melodies." All the other itemis on the
velop any real breadth of mind. Physi- program were somehow linked up with
cal exhaustion is not. conducive to M'other. Thus, for instance:
careful intellectual analysis. Solo (Mother's Quiet Hour)
But after all the players are but a "In the Secert of His Presence"
drop in the bucket of university life. hym1-n 4)5 (Mother's Bible)
What of the rest ? Thley will talk 1"flow Firm a Foundation"
football at every meal for two months I Scripture Lesson
instead of at every other meal. They Solo
will spend more afternoons watching( "The Old Mother" ............ Grieg
football practice than they now (10. Dr. Dieterle
Thev will follow tIhe team to IfoIreign , * '*


ToNI(aITI: The Ann Arbor Play-
miaker's preset Iwo One-Aet Plays In
the Wrmksbop at S :15 olok.
TONIxHT: "Thew Passing of the
Th'irdIFloor Bak" by Jerome 1K.
Jeromie Int University 11bailt 8&o'c(loc.
TONIGHT: The Students' Recitl in
the School ofI Mi' at S o'clock.
Frank Wedekind's startling "Erd-
geist" from his famous, infamous
"Lulmu" cycle- one of the half dozen
plays, incidentally, recommened in
the ill-fated article lpulishel some
months ago on the Faculty Women's
Club-was presented in New York
City at the Forty-ninth Street theatre
this Monday evening under the title.
"The Loves of Luu." The translation
was by Samuel A. Elliot, Jr., director
of dramatics at Smith College, and
the production was directed lby I1ine
Haupt with Margot Kelly, Paul I)ou-I
cet, and Mr. Haupt in the leading
The introduction of this pla y into
America is of te greatest. signifi-
cance, for if the performance devel-
ops into a poular suc(cess it will on-
q uest ionable bring in its wake a flood
of similarly daring undisguised
dramas. It will mein an era in
the theatre of sensual frankness ap-
proaching. even equalling, the liza-
betha n and estoration coedies-
both periods, by the way, of unsur-
p~assed (dramiatic creation.
As Professor Watr pointed out in
his article on the modern (Germn
stage, recently published on tne Mu-
sic' antd Draa paIge of The 1Daily,
Wedeindl 'struck out his own pat h in
uitter~ indifference to contempora ry
theory a ndl pract ice. H e was aroused
against the moral; antd convetons of
the bourgeoisie. Ile aimed to reveal
truths . .. . and he became aieciless
and cynical critic of the life about.
himt. . .. Hiis scen s are grotesque.
ecstatic, lyiric. H is people ae hart of
the g?ea I menageriePoli fe as he
cal led it ; in them nat ume's fiines ae
slumibering, ieady at, any provocat ion
to bur st, forth into annihiIilat ing flme.
"They are Ilike element a forces,
supler-men andl women, orn out of
their place itnul time, like theirCire-
ator and doomed to be misunderstood
and scorned by t.heir contemporaries
Wedekind is as he has been calle,
'a tragic moralist in an immoral
world.' "
The New York reviews of the play
ai'e particula rly inteesting, especial-
ly Stark Young's cit icism in Thew New
York Times. "It was a gala evening'''
he says, 'for the ironical fates that
preside over stage fortunes. . .. Stu-
dents of the modern tleaie may be
interestedl to observe in this play of
Aledekind's a foierunning of many of
lie characteristics of later writing;
there are many preictions of the ex-
pressionistic drama in particular and
many instances of the psychological
subtleties and shadings that are found
more completely employed in later
"About this play andI its perfo'm-
ance last night it would be only too
easy to be funny; those who long to
be amutsed may go there and lagh, it
would be more woiti while to point out
that thte play is technically around a
theme of the struggle between various
wills, and the sex a ttact ins per-
sonified in woman. '['le attractions
and r~plsions of sex according to the
courage, strength, humor, business,

I a
( y


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to I

The French debt has been the sub-
ject of endless discussion in which
the participants have been prone to
take extremle stands. On the one side
are those who denounce France In
hitter terms for failure to meet her
obligations to this country, 'failing
utterly to consider the French view-
point which undoubtedy Jhas some jus-
tification. At the opposite extreme,
persoTmn;, like Professor Hobbs char-
act-rie fthe united States as thej
"Shylock of the Nations.",
Neither stand is accepted by The
Daily. Extremes of opinion, we be-
lieve, are seldom justified. In answer'
to those who display an unreasoningI




failure to understand the feeling fields even oftener than at. pmesent, r'Ie sezinon was one of these ser-
which ia'tuates their policy we can leaving Thursday or Friday and're- $(a. t iat starts off '"In the hurry
only ptint. to the facts that for decades turning Monday if' their' Ford(s hold 1 wid fiistle of this materialistic age,
this heroic people has been literally up. Literary students will, if posii- 00.3s age -of commercialism, we are apt
terrorized by the German menace. To ble, do even less week-end work dm-i'- to scoff at everything sentimental,"
them self'-preservation is a real con- ing the fall. ,, i en various baser sorts of affection
siderat ion and must remain so until A more subtle influence will he the I were; damned with faint p~raise:
they see an impotent Germany. So it 'elevation of the foot ball star to a Friendship (e.g. David and Jonathan);
is tta t they spend hinge sums onI higher pinnacle than hie now oc'cupies. I'Bother Love; Love of man for wo-
ai'mament in a vain belief that Obvious, spectacular achievemient will; man ; but the best of all is Mother

such will insure security. So it b~e even more womshipped than at. Love. originality and cotrtiol of mecn living
is that irega rdless of high tax rates present. The greatest fault of unil-" Ver'y shortly, you may be sure ,we in a hiidebound society aeu h
they have been unable to commence versity life today according to all fell to reading about the Box Supper erratic and head-long story that
p~aymment of their debts as have other competent observers its externality, to be given for the lucky lucky Pres- Wedekind has written.I
nat ions ..suchr as England. will be heightened. And yet the friends bytemians Wednesday evening at six "In taste, in a sense of humor, in
Eqgually easy to refute is the argu- of the stadium say it will not affect I (clock.' From that we skipped over urbanity anti finish) and .proportion the
irtient that the vacillating ploicy of thme the intellectual life of the University. to the accounit of the Trip to Jerusa- play conies a long way short, Many
French government concerning finan- I might add to the list of iindic't- hem" Contest, which was won by Miss PeCple' will want to shoot somehbodly
ci11 obliga:tions amid her insistence on ments the, inci'eased debaucher'y whaich CGook's See Do Done class. The Busy! for permitting su~ch a piece to be seen
citorranoms ililtary preparations is the comes with each) increment of young Bees got second money, with thme Boy a t all. On the side of po~sitive virtues
best one, in view of the broader inter-; and foolish alumni at thme gaines, the! Scouts and Blue Jays following in the it is ob~viou~s that Wedekintl exhibits
ests of futumre world peace; and that evil influence of placing university order namred, thme Go-Getters also ran. iii this drama a lpowerfuml and energiz-
this c'ounitriy is too exacting when athletics on a par' with professional * *jing gift, a view of life that is pas-1
aftem' sevenm years of uncertainty it basebl~al for every Tiom, Dic'k, and j In the after~noonm we went to hear sioliate, iuncivilizedt and vehement,1
<7~k for a tdefinite settlement. France ITarry to witness amnd bet oni, amid so\Mr. Cues>t. The house was lammied. ando shot thmrough with strange non-I
at prsnosluIsiga dl ats na asan Mr'. uest. was a master of the larinci- forgetable suir prises an d subtlety amid
in ('01151 ructitug huge armaments as a; How (I th ese siiptzor't 'i' of thle tl e of comic relief. At the end of alm~ost diabo)01ical insight, itesr the
maeans of sec'unit r.(h'anted that the projetct meet these a grnmeits? By say- each of his touching poents lie would darker and more ertic ob8sm siotf
m'cemil('elcions give her cause for 'Ing thlimt thei increased r'eceip~ts will t .ay sonmething that would jiust set out* natures."
it+ i'fblCrl l'1Olse will gi nothing in ' nak~e possible mm greatem' intramumral1 the whole house (pi'actically the Ills Ononohiulisfm-Ci-
the' Ibug rain except cotntinued poverty. ; pr'ogramn! I aim I emptell to uts" that whole louse) howling. "Life is just nitta ; lie is safe whether it, become
Geran.y withi her steadily increas-' colloqluial but. highly expressive temumin a tup of tea," said Mr. Guest. "Won't a success or a failure. Neveirtheless,
ig bir'thirate in the futumre will be a -hutnk! Itf thle xce-'mreceip~t. nowf you make it sweet fbi' mme ?"' h added. 11 this umuchi is certain: the tendencies
powerful friend, amid an increasingly received from football gamrei; were dle - * of tihe Amierican stage foi' the next dle-
!enmihj le ritiy. France by Tier ploicy; voted to emnlarging the mt ramnrral It miparedl, in time course of his (adei lie balanced jmn the rec~eption New
iskepn alive those hatreds which programr instead of e apantding the ine- address, that mnos't of his gener'alize- Yor'k gives this weird and terriblei
arc lumundl to brmn Germany dowmn tercollegiate plant, andl hiring, ;as tions ,a bout Life and Mothers and animd truu umsepiece.
tivout her at some (distant time. She Professor Rkeed so aptly paut it, "ogre ;Kids wer'e mmade only after long and***
caitmiot hope to compete with Germany coach for every maim onl the football pa instalmhing observation of his own 111IE ANA' ARBOR I1, I'lIIA ERS
in preparnmg for warm' many years team,'' the fuimds would be .amlle. A life, and of Mlrs. Guest, amid of a per- l'hie Annt Arbor Playniakers will
hecnce. It would he much wiser for, second argumment is that, the st adiutm son called Buddy, whom w e imagine prsniw n-c plays ini t heir
her to attemnpt to* erase the age-long, will secur'e for the l'nivem'sit r .r ore' to be his son. From the general tenor Playshop at 716G Spring Street, on
rivalm'y by a coneilliatory policy while alrumni suppor't. To which the obviors. of his observations, we deduced that1 Thursday, Friday, and Saturday eve-;
she temporarily has the uipper hand. answer is, the support of those alumani lie has a good nmornmal wife amid a good rings of this week. The first play is!
T.lhe question of the French debt to 'who cannmot appr'eciate thle harmiful normal boy..............."Whole-hear'tedly to Clotho," by Paul


lhhhI~lhh~hhhhI~~hlI~hhhlh~h~h~hh!I~hhhhII il1 l ~lIaflIII I 1111 1 i i[l liai [1251 ll I I I III il hIf 11 l hh IhhlhhII h1
Today Today ,
Th rough Through o'
Saturday f Saturday,
--Presents- M
11at1 Roachi 1
"I lOL D MVY 3AI",
loe atg Added Attractions 11143
An Established Big-Time Act

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