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May 10, 1925 - Image 15

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-05-10

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SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1925




j ant icer sergeant husb~andl find them-
selves the Doke and IDuchess of Dan-I
zig, with a suite in the royal palace.
The dluchess with lack of polish and
ber (devil-may-care characteristic is
thei d(esimir of thli.'nob~ilit y 81n(1 thwre-
in a indler of the picture is taken up
with amulsinig episodes. Although she
fi nally avert,,s; artial [ r1 iff betweenf
the lEnaprss and Npooleon L11(1 the
1101 V(close;, before ;lbe gets into any

otI f tl kir (-> di o ad news
'lire' 1~a ?a in itu re ''Air Mail''
S**"/**' ¢ f4;.the wieelk, is ba sed oin the a ir mail
'~'~: ~. -** -.- ilanes whic'h 8ar pionleei'ing the way
in comniercial aviation, makiri sche-
";;::" .::(IleI tiiue over vast distances. The
film opens with Russ Kane-Warner
r: ;Baxter--obtaining a position in the
. : ::;" ' ' air mail serviece by virtue of a bor-
,: roe arllel] Kane is a miem-
~'~: hr o a band of crooal. "nd his real
a ":: .% purpose in becoming a pilot is to rol)
. ~I the miails, lint when hie sees a fellow
. ..< .. ;::">:::.;::.-::.. ,^ ,pilot give his life to the service. he
z begins to waver and when he falls in
?7r I ; ^^° {1o :e a little later he dlecides to fol-
l iow the straight and nary ow. An air
battlie between Kane and( the crooks
1.provides some excitement and law and
.., i . States the United, Ste tes imnails finally tri-
" ": " ::':' J -: ... ;unipi. Bifllie Dove, Douglas Fair-
Par m o~ntChares e Rche~ a cen f~ Webanks Jr. and IIlary Brian are seen
P ramp x '.Pi ct ur e Mad a me, $ans,,+Gen e !i h uprig s.Tecmd
billed is "Rarin' Romeo" featuring
Alice Terry and. Conway Tearle in the screen program. "An Intimate WValter fliers. A feature act is found
the leading roles, twill be p)resen ted Revue" seen on the :statge is a singing.I in Al Strauss and his Michiganders
C i~during the latter part of the week and dancing$ novelty. xx 110 will play Sunday afternoon and
PI~ feI~ he story eeif begins inhsmlNey Eng-
sm'll New v---- eving Th(1orchetraliw ellhreeownn
landl town and(1 travels from there to 'j, ig.rheolwraswllkoVi
__________________the painted desert of Arizona. ThleI(Gloria Sxviisou's latest produict ionin IIthis vi(cinit y particularly, and~
theme seemngly upholds the o1(d say- ''Madiainm Sanis CGee" will be sena give a piogl'an of popuilai' 8111 co0-
Thrl11p;teisI ing that a woman admires thle mant the Arcade theatre for- t.hie first four letriat e selection,
The picturization of "ThfeGose who takes her by storm2 and main days of the t;ec k. 'The picture, filmed
Hlangs High," tihe. popular stage play 1 strength. At any rate we are shown ; i France 'With the cooper'ation of 'I'he 11,ei'f Ii
by' Lewis Beach, which opens at the ;hlow three men gamble for a girl,, tiheFine Arts Ministry ol tie F{renich 'hai les Ray in "])ynanisite Smith",si har o u ffu o h stensl o tigo oenet erdcste onr tpaiga h ''et.truhWd
days, is a decided vindlication of the gold nuggets withvaiu twists and tihe time of Napoleon withI all the h1is- ; nesday, is an1 inoffensive youth who'
supposedly gay and careless flappers tuvims ofT plot to add to, the inter'est. tonec settings mnd many of the articles ;Writes h~oop reviews and covers high-
and collegiate shieks and should bec Alice Terry is a lovely heroine, Con- of (ress and jewelr'y of Nap)oleon a ndl brow lectures and(l musicals for a San'
seen by all those who view with way Tfear'le the dominiate main of tlche s(o tlae;otlelaaiu~ rnic ppr hncmsatm
alarm thle manners and morals of the 1 desert. Wallace Beery, Huntley Gor- coinnaiiy (1uriog I he p rodu(;tion. The when thle editor, being 4iardl pressed
younger generation. The Inglis chitl- don, Zazn Pitts and Allen Forrest are story is of a vivacious little laundress; for men, sends him out to cover a
I . ~~~~~~~in Paris who numbered anlionsg herrodusni-e.Iogthsew
lref, around whom the story centers,, ao
area tpicl exmpl ofthe kin ~ .ias. ASenett omey, Breaking c:ustoineis Napoieo7i. then a mere cor- lie plays up to the dive keeper's wife,
boys and girls found in American the Ice" and small reels will coml1etce p oral, andi numerous handsome army and seeing the storm gathering lie
families, thoughtless amid inconsider- mlen,'011e Of whom falls ini love with. flees so (effectively that he lands in
ate, intent on the even tenor of their her a1(nd arr'ies her. The French rev-j Alaska. Still pursued by the villain,
pleasure loving ways. However when olution occurs about this time and i he stops runniing and gets heroic.
misfortune threatens the family they E eyhn I after the wvar is o:-er the laundress Bessie Love plays the persecuted wife
turnt with all the energy always ex-!E ey hn
pendIed so selfishly to hell) their par-
cuts. James Cruse of "Covered Wa- E e tia
gol" fame, mixes humor and pathos
in i picture realistic in characters Electrical service, installa,-
andi plot. The cast, apparently chos-
en for suitability rather than estab- tions, and supplies of all r.
fished name, is exceptional. Myrtle sorts.(' z
Stedmnan is seen iln the role of the sac--
rificing mother. The younger roles r t vvw.Si""
are -played by newcomers in film E ntdomj1 ,,
who are deserving of mention--Con- rn stfBother
stanice Bennett' Fsthser Ralston, Wit- EL CT I5S O
Barn Otis, Jr., ani dwNard Piel. f-am
Haniilton in "f-looked"', kinograin)s and: Phnt76'" .
a new Aesop fable cartoon will be!
shown also. 10 .Fut Ave.
"The Great Divide," adapted froum
the. stage play of the same namve. with

"of tile slugger-Wallace Beery-ana 1 a im "h ulhc" llri
"IJacquelaine Logan, the girl who waits I Wisler, '27, will speatk 'on11"flow 'I
for the harried hero. 1 Look at' My Religion".
1 During the latter part of the week IC1 1J1 L teS
'fie Fire Patrol" with an all starI The Unitarian ('hinreli
ca8st inlcludhing Anna Q. Nilsson. Madge; Professor A. l~ustac Haydon, of the
Bellamy, Hel en .Jerome E~ldy. 8nd1(1 _---niersty-f-Cicao,_ilspek.o
.Johnny H arron will be featured. The Ii'F i-'irsg: cmm:1 tahi 'ireb 'The ,loy of Lipug' at 4:30 o'clock
picture gains its namte from the use( rth~e Mother's hcrs a V~ servi (' xvill befth tuden(- bts uion x-illI meet at the
of a coast lire patrol wic ~h formis iheldl'at 10:45 o c(loc~k. Ti' Uie rsity 1 ch~ for- an out door meeting.
i1one of the High sp)ots in th(e film. The j
c'entral thenme has to (10 with tile love gir'ls' glee club xxill[fi-nish sie cial
m iusc. "Religion aml( the Ar'tist ic ( hitreli of (Irist-isiples
of txwo sisters fo r' oiie m an, and his ISense " is thie subject for the 'ei'iioii. - 'The M oth er'hood of M ary" will betmp r y in a ui o f r th o e l ts
.- um gl ive < rv ak ' oplic f hespecial Mother's l) a)
which makes him forg~et for the mom11- the meeting of the high school fell- scivice. Tile young peop~le will miet.
cr his le dfor ld olr. T e o' eratioil at 4 o'clock. Air. 0. L. Quirk., at 6 o'clock for a social hour andl
tte.abinlodsea captain whlo snh mdCrsia nevrxiib
t he (dirctor' of'thle Ypsilanti players11lnhad rita nevo l w
has nourished vengeanlce in his heart '
will sneak at thi('fireside chiat folloxi'- ;held after ward.
for a life time, finally finds his enemy igtesuetstpro Te1c~n
aind eff'ectively chokes him to death,1lgti'suetsmpro'Tieiaa
is a. strong character. Besides thisIsnd (hervio'e will fIeature ianiot herm".u U\ I ead ]the WXant Ads
pit('uie sriew
little incident there is a. fight which
shoxws txwo men tall doxt:1n a steep'
flight of steps andl through broken
bannisters to the floor below, over-j
turned furniture, upset lamlps an~d
'a d n w rel wilc m lt t epr-rate h~avoc inm general. A comledy-'
gram. F iiesD~ay

Lincoln MacVeagh-The Dial Press
anno11unces for m'ilmediate p)ublicationi
"New Wr'itinlgs b~y William Ii azlitt.",
collected by P. P. I-owe. The 1)00k
jwill conttain thirty-three pieces ne-
printed for the first time. A largeI
part of this new mlatem'ial wvas dlis-
covered in the Libr'ary (of Yale Ifni-!
versity in a file of the ''Atlas" news- I
paper, which proved far more corn-
?lplete thanm that illtime British Museum.
"Undem' The I3lack Flag" by D)on C'.
jSeitz, is the stor y of Piracy wvbich
tile author describes as "the second~
oldest profession in tile xworld.'
Among the famous figures inm the
story are: Thomas Pound. Captain
Mission, Thonmas Tew, I-lep iy Every.
Samuel Burgess, William Kidd, Jos-
eobil Bradish, N\athaniel North, Johln
aBowen, Thomas fHoward, Thomas !
White, John Halsey, Johni Evans, ,ome
thirty in all who form the history of:
I 11iracy.

TIretat Dad to
o n e o f o u r , t a s i n r

I l

Across fromt the D). T. R. (depot.


We 'be bttn se, Ping
the best for yearn"





Supplies for Everyv

Branch of Sport

711 North
University Ave.

George Moe

Next to
Artade Theatre

When you eat one of our
Barbecue Sandwiches you
get only, the purest and-
best of food.
The 'arvecue Innl
440 South State Phone 4481
Silffl atilfti~ fllllllll1.l1lllitlliflIIII!I1lililtl~ l~

TheTime is Here

There is no need to go out of town to pay' more for
your auto needs when you can get the' same thing
here- And the feature of that is that Bill 'sells for,
lass. Our reason for saying this is shown in our

For the

well dressed young man to consider the straw hiat
SITAr't styles inl





P riced f rony

$3.00 to $6.00,




just a FeW of the 'Prices
4 ulOerieCrsU..........R.I RS.. ..... $39
4 Full Oversize Cords.................. ........ ............... $13.95.
4 Full Oversize Cords................. ............... ...... $154.95
42 Full Oversize Cords ......................... ...$59
2 ulOvrie od................ ..........$23.59'
5 Full Oversize Cords.................. ...... ................ $24.50






Proper Cleaning will double
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Another, 31jP vixg tO.A RealQuality Tirer
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Oversize Cords, 30x3 2 .... ....................................................... ........ $8.95


$1.00 Down holds any Tire until you are ready for it. Get it now, fore tires are
going up. Remember, all our tires are. guaranteed.


Here A4re A Few' More Bargains

Luggage Carriers
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If you don't get one at this
price, don't blame us.
Cut out for Fords
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Water' Pumps for' Fords
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Fit all Cars
per pair, $6.95



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A famous picture-making trio-your Kodak, Kodak
phomio-inishing service.
Our - finishing just radiates quality. Every print is
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Film andl our
the result of



Brming us your filmms.
Fill up with Kodak Fim, tihe genuine ini the yellow box.

1 % 1~t'A ThY I





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