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May 10, 1925 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-05-10

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SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1925






Dame Fashion Moves From Spring To Dictate
Summer Modes; brevity In Ski.rts'Will Stay

head or vice versa. Hats are small as --------

i the spring node,--small even tiny,
the idea being to get a sleek fittedl
lfect. Tiny bows and jeweled: pins

of interest, while the instructor gives
an art and history lecture on the way.
!When asked if such an education
rman Colleges doesn't develop the aesthetic faculties

Women In Gel


By Katherne Fitch
There should be a wider cooperation'
between the so-called scientists who
predict, or rather prognosticate the
future state of the weather and the
artists and designers who dictate fu-,
ture styles. Much could be accom-
plished, certainly, if the creators of
the gown knew with some degree of,
sureness the prevailing temperature
for the ensuing season but this is not
to be. The thermometer varies so
considerably from the faithful reports
of "our weather man" that the whole
;idea seems futile anyway. Still it
would be a highly practical innova-
tion,--the real millenium in fashion.
Until. then, however---
For summer, whether the season
prove to be a continuation of winter at
a slightly higher temperature, or a
veritable inferno with the thermo-
meter at 99, the fashion mentors have
provided the costume. Your spring
wardrobe has ben selected and now
there is another dress problem for
you to solve. Protest that you are
weary of eternal thoughts of style but
be honest and admit that you do en-
joy it.
Summer frocks, summer wrapa,
summer costumes, are a replica of
those for spring but they are differ-
ent,-lighter, softer, finer,-oh, much
more fascinating. One may rave poet-
ically on the delights of springtime
but there is something about summer
more deeply artistic and it lends it-
self wholly to dress. The line is
somewhat the same, and the fabrics
only vary slightly,-the difference is

ed such remarkable popularity a few all others. They are worn in almost.
seasons back. any color, preferably in exactly theI
Evening slippers have adopted an, same tone as the gown. rlosiery
other innovation. A short time ago matches in all cases except whenI
the gold and silver metal shoe stood white slippers are worn. White stock-
alone for correct evening foot-gear. ings are not worn even with an all
Leather of the same silver and gold white outfit. Beige or sunburn tonesI
coloring vied with the netal for su- are worn with white shoes. Reason
premacy during the winter months unknown.
and now the satin pump supercedes Slippers and hats,-from toe to

prevail for ornaments where orna-
ments are used at all. Many hats
are absolutely plain. Silk and felti
prevail for. fabric although hair ma- In German and Hungarian colleges, however ,the school girl has morel
terials are held over from last sea- a student's social life is never con-1freedom, as it is perfectly proper for
son and are still considered correct. nected with his school life, according her to meet men, but only in her own I
The helmet-shaped cut felt for early to Tlasseltine Bourland, '26. who was a home, and through the introduction of
summer is the most popular model but student at Romerei college, Dresden, her relatives. But while she is at,
hot weather will see straws with and the Sacre Coeur school in Buda- school, she has no contact with men
brims of moderate dimensions for pest before coming to Michigan. "In at all."
comfort and protection are really first Hungary especially," said Miss Bour- 'Most of the girls of the betterj
considerations. Colors match; con- land, "a girl is not considered ready classes are educated in small private
trast is taboo. Contrasting scarfs are for social life until she has completed colleges, according to Miss Bourland.
permissable but the vogue of the en- her education. She sees no men Only those girls who intend to enterI
semble bespeaks matched colors in all whatever while in school, because she the professions attend the universities.
details of costume. is considered a child still, but as soon In society, one rarely meets a woman
The summer ensemble, like the as she steps out in society she is re- 4 who is a graduate of a university.
spring ensemble prevails in the new garded as a woman. In Germany, The cultured women are products of

Royalty In Italy Acclaim Madeline Keltie


wardrobe. They are made of anything
and everything from handkerchief I

linen to heavy kasha. The dress is
usually of soft light material and the
straight coat of heavier weave. They
are cut on straight lines with a single
fastening or, perhaps, no fastening at,
all. The coat with the flare has not
attained any great popularity since its
introduction in the spring mode butj
it is still making a persistent attemptl
for recognition. It is as difficult to
supercede the silhouette as it is to es-
tablish the popularity of the natural j
waist line. There are differences, dis-
tinctly summery. Many coats are,
sleeveless; some ensembles are en-
tirely plainted; all are light. Fur
trimmings are good as always. Sum-
mer furs are light, the short fur being
more popular for trimming this sea-
son. Collars and cuffs are the rulel
although the collarless coat with the'
wide band of fur around the bottoml
is still good.
Evening dresses and wraps are the
real exhibits of the summer fashion.
Here is a real difference.--less of the
bizarre, more of the decorative, or-
namented simplicity. They may be
white or pale toned or of any of the
brighter fruit colors. There is little
black, contrary to the mode of late
seasons. Materials are of soft chiffon
or satin,-much satin. Beads are used
in exceedingly novel ways in an at-
tempt to continue their popularity.
There are beaded girdles and beaded
hems, usually in some attractive de-
sign of conventionalized flowers.
Colored bands of beads shading from
dark shades to pale tones are popular
and fascinating. The embroidered'
frock holds place with beads in thel
For wraps the ensemble effects
holds sway. Coats are better than
capes. Colors match as a rule, at
least all vivid contrast is avoided.
Fur is supreme and light soft silks
trail after.

the small private colleges, where they
One summer tendency for which we get a very thorough liberal education.
may be forever thankful is the one Romerei college, the school Miss Bour-
which discountenances the mad pas--I land attended in Dresden, had 40 stu-
sion for jewelry so evident this winter dents among whom fourteen nations
and carried well over into the spring. were represented. They were mostly
No more ropes of imitation pearls, no 'Europeans, representing nearly all
bands of sparkling stones, imitations nations except France, while there
of imitation diamonds, no more of the was also a Siamese student. Miss
plainly false jewels. Fervently we Bourland was the only American
may thank the goddess of the mode there.
for that. All jewelry is restrained in "It was especially interesting to
size and bulk. Head-dresses even for note that girls from nations who had
evening wear are for the elderly mat- fought against each other during the
ron only this summer. No more be- war were often the best of friends,"
sparkled heads. said Miss Bourland. They had en-
A te u- d stirely different manne'rs, ideas, tradi-I
still prevail and the tendency to "let tions and backgrounds, but they got
it grow" shows a marked decrease as along beautifully under the same cul-
warm weather comes on. For those ture. Small European schools com-
rm weher eom ton Fo gr'thoet posed of foreign students are the best'
of us who belong to the great great training schools for understanding be-!
majority who do not effect straight; tween the nations and international
glossy hair becomingly the permit for peaenIth in sn.a
curly hair this summer comes as a peace, I think.
rIn D~resden, which is an art center,
kind of relief. Many of us have worn I rsewihi natcne,
kindof elif. anyof s hve ornthe girls are taken to all the operas I
curls during the seasons past but iths and coneerts and to the picture gal-
was with the knowledge that we were anescongrts a ep ointsa-
a little backward by choice or neces- leries. Long hikes are made to points
sity. The fluffy, irritatingly puffy
mass of hair is absolutely taboo as l
it should be always, but except for
that provision the rule permits the ; Dishes an
style that becomes you. Just wjiy the
dictates of fashion denounce curls
during the winter months and permits Are still being sold for less a
the waves during the summer when this week been supplemented
nature alone can keep them in the ti ekbe upeetd
hair, is another puzzle. We have just most outstanding are some 1
time to rejoice at the permission be- beautiful imported China as go
fore the swimming season straightens
the locks again. Everything priced IOW.
Frocks, coats, ensembles, wraps,-
all are short. Have them short and
then shorten them a few inches more.
There is always a kind of value in
I moderation and the rule holds # in
dress, no doubt, but be moderate on 209-2 11EastI
the side of shortness this time. Whenh 7
skirts are long we like them long, Phone 7213
even ankle length, but when the mode
is for shortness, have them short.


at the expense of the intellectual,
Miss Bourland said, "On the contrary
the European woman is more inter-
ested in intellectual subjects than the
average woman at American .univer-
sities. Their intellectual .and social
life is stressed; they are aware of the
political and social life around them,
not only while at school, but later
when they are out in society. Dancing
and other such social amusements are
secondary to intellectual conversation,
which is a real art in Europe. Their
education has been so versatile that
they can speak intelligently on al-
most any subject."
Another interesting point brought
out by Miss Bourland, is that in Hun-
gary it is the height of bad manners
for a young man to ask a young wom-
an for a. "date." Social etiquette de-
mands that the girl extend the invi-
tation to the man, with her mother's
permission. If a young man wishes to
continue the acquaintance of a girl
he has just met, the furthest he can go
in expressing a desire to see her again
is to ask her whether she likes the
opera or the theatre. These questions
are supposed to be hints to the girl
that he desires her to invite him to at-
tend any of these places with her.
The girl's mother, of course accom-
paines them when they go anywhere.
At no time does a young woman dine
out with a man unless her mother is
with her. The cost of the dinner is
split between them.
Athletics play a minor part in both
German and Hungarian schools. At
Romerei college the favorite sports
were tennis, horseback-riding, swim-
ing and hiking, but there are no or-
ganized events, as in the American
schools and intercollegiate sports are
unheard of.

Consider shoes and note the distinc-
tion between the season's foot-gear.::
As usual there are sport oxfords, com-"
fortable and a trifle clumsy, perhaps,
but rather attractive with bizarrei
decorations of various highly orna-
mented kid. It is the style of the ox-
ford that is, of necessity, clumsy,- -:
heavy, broad, square, its only grace in:
its appropriate comfort. Attempts to
vary. the rule of the sport shoe meet .
with little success. The summer {-.
model may be of white buck-skin or
brown leather with moderate Cuban
heels. The heelless slipper is relegat-
ed to its only proper setting, the ten-
nis court. Such is the shoe of pure
practical value only.
Of course, a shoe is always practical
but it need not be solely so. Slippers,
are today a work of art, to be so
'studied and so considered. You may 1Itended. Contracts have been offered
follow the dictates of good sense and del elher by other European operas, but
the advertisers and "fit your feet' but By Central Press. she may reject all of them in favor of
there are such a variety that Cinder- Rome, May 9-An American girl, dt
ella can wear. Nothing is better than taine United States is the bid to appear in the United States.
the perfectly plain pump for daytime . . . The singer recently appeared in the
wear but there is much difference in wsoperatic sensation in Italy. news in connection with an incident
plainness. You may have them o She is Madeline Keltie of Boston. at 1onte Carlo, where she was staying
patent-leather, or of antelope, black, She was acclaimed when she made at the time with her mother. She
biown, beige or champaign. The shoe her debut as "Tosca" at the Costanzi complained that she was being annoy-
'with' the one wide strap over the in- opera house in Rome. In the distill- ed by the attentions of a rich British-
'step which has been modish so long, guished audience which heard her on er, one Arthur St. John, and Clifford
is out. Newer and smarter are two this occasion were the th ree princess Harmon, an American attacked St.
narrow straps, buckled or sewed. ! daughters of the king / and queen, John, who later denied that lie was
Champaign shoes and stockings fre members of the cabinet 'and diplo- forcing his attention upon Miss Keltie.
worn with everything summery, white, mati( corps ,and society leaders. . He received severe injuries in the
beige or pastel. You may have them Miss Keltie is now much in demand, !fight with Harmon and was confined to
in cool sandal designs, which enjoy- and her repertoire is being rapidly ex- bed for some days.


at this store. Our stocks have
with several new items. The
00 pieces. "The Eaton," a
ood looking as Haviland & Co.

,; : ,
' r Y*..i. .

Washington St.
Free Delivery

.r..rr, ,r,.r.. . rr..rr,. .. , .. .,r. .v,. . .r , . ,

r wr
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'. _ _

~~1 -4
Makes a House More Pleasant
When warmer weather arrives it makes life so much pleasanter if there is
a summer living room furnished with cool, comfortable pieces! The porch
or sun parlor or a cozy nook on the lawn may be utilized for your summer
living room! Wicker pieces give it the proper setting for many a pleasant
summer hour.
A long reed davenport, $60

J t .,
.s '
. fr'' F ti, b .
M e
" .



for Dancers


For ball-room or stage -- whether
your feet quicken to jazz or a sym-

phony, it's Gotham Go
Silk Stockings you want.

Id Stripe

me= -s -
w _
_ ae-
- w -
_ _ a
_ mer
1_ :se -
a! w
w- -
a a It's Done Right At The Trojan -
Iw - - -
- -
When you send yu laundry
tthe Trojan to be done up
you are well assured that it 2.
c - will be laundered right, anda
= = wllx come back( to you in justa =
- -aspefc shape as it would if~
=yuhdsnithome. It'sa
you h-ruhwen o oc
- - - a
- -
_ w
thewhe onew
- a a
a - .
- The Trojan Laundy
a - -
a 514 East. William St.


All the enchantment of pure
silk, and wear, wear, wear, no mat-
ter how much you whirl, glide or
No run that starts above the
Gold Stripe can pass it.

' 4

A comfortable settee, $30
Comfortable arm chairs, $20

Easy Rockers of Reed, $24
Round reed table, $9.50

Silk Stockings thatt Wear

Convenient reed desk, $22
Third Floor


100-Regular weight, lisle tops and feet.......$1.85


No. 504-Same in sheer..................... ..-. 1.85

{I i :.5



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